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An important text mining problem is to find, in a large collection of texts, documents related to specific topics and then discern further structure among the found texts. This problem is especially important for social sciences, where... more
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      SociologyEthnic StudiesMathematicsComputer Science
This paper provides an overview of the techniques available to the cyber-space researcher together with a consideration of the specific ethical issues that such research generates. It is acknowledged that these research methods are, at... more
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      NursingEthicsResearch DesignInformed Consent
Algorithmic profiling has become increasingly prevalent in many social fields and practices, including finance, marketing, law, cultural consumption and production, and social engagement. Although researchers have begun to investigate... more
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      SociologyAlgorithmsCommunicationNew Media
The objectives of the study were to show the basic differences between Distance, Blended and Online learning, and establish their common challenges from literature. Approximately 35 categories/sets of research results or findings from... more
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      Computer ScienceDistance EducationInternet StudiesMobile Learning
This paper examines the potential integration of Living Labs concepts of open and user driven innovation with Future Internet experimentally driven research approaches, in order to accelerate the user-driven development of Future Internet... more
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      Information RetrievalInternet researchResource sharingInternet of Things
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      The Social WebScholarly CommunicationKnowledge sharingInternet research
Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The... more
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      CampaigningCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
The first consumer book about search engines. (AltaVista was the forerunner of Google.) Winner of the "Distinguished Technical Communication Award," the highest award given by the Society for Technical Communication... more
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      Internet StudiesInternet researchInternet & SocietyThe Internet
Over the past two decades with the rise of digital media, newspapers across Western democracies have been increasingly adopting new forms of online participatory journalism. During this time, 'below the line' comment spaces have grown to... more
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      JournalismInternet StudiesDigital MediaDigital Journalism
El lunes 18, en el marco del día “Día mundial de Internet” –que en realidad corresponde al “Día mundial de las telecomunicaciones y la sociedad de la información”, que Naciones Unidas celebra cada 17 de mayo-, la Asociación Mexicana de... more
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      Internet StudiesInternet researchThe Internet
Mediante profundas y complejas remediaciones a través de su historia, la televisión, en principio una tecnología sin aparente destino, fue transformada hasta afirmarse como el principal medio de información y entretenimiento de las... more
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      Television StudiesInternet StudiesMedia EcologyInternet research
This study examines the behavior of influential political blogs (conservative and liberal) in reference to external viral content during March 2007 and June 2009. We analyze homophily and cross-ideological (heterophily) practices. We... more
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      Social NetworksInternet researchElections and Voting Behavior
En los últimos años, diversos estudios han comprobado que los medios sociales pueden motivar a los ciudadanos a participar en la vida pública. En el caso de México, la consolidación de este proceso pudo observarse en las elecciones... more
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      Social NetworksSocial SciencesInternet StudiesInternet research
Book Review (OA)
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      Media StudiesDigital MediaPolitical communicationSocial Media
Inclusão social, pois, pressupõe formação para a cidadania. Isto significa que as tecnologias de informação e comunicações devem ser aprendidas e utilizadas tendo em vista a realização pessoal de cada pessoa humana, mas também para a... more
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      Information TechnologyCommunity InformaticsCommunicationMedia Studies
Digital transformation changes the relationship between citizens and politics. The observation of this nexus is highly relevant for representative democracy. After the successful 2008 Obama campaign, a vast body of research that explores... more
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      CommunicationPolitical PartiesInternet StudiesDigital Media
Many advocates of deliberative democracy see in the Internet a new opportunity for the development of public spaces, public spheres, and places where deliberation can take place. An important element of the notion of the public sphere in... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesNew MediaPolitical Participation
Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for those spaces dedicated to politics, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. However, past net-based public sphere research has focused mostly on... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesPolitical Participation
The article argues that increasing computerization and Internetization of modern society has given rise to a new phenomenon i.e. Internet addiction. Internet-addiction as a concept has three different meanings. The article presents the... more
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      Internet research methodsInternet researchNext Generation Internet Research
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      Digital DivideInternet research
The Internet may be free, but service provider’s indispensable to access services are not, to the extent that while the complexity and burden of the sites increases, it is becoming more and more expensive to surf the net. Blocking access... more
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      CensorshipWeb 2.0Internet StudiesData Mining
Opracowanie stanowi przyczynek do charakterystyki infobrokeringu. W części pierwszej znajduje się krótki opis zawodu brokera informacji, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem jego cech definicyjnych i funkcji pośredniczenia. Część druga... more
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      Internet researchInformation BrokeringInformation brokerage
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      New MediaCensorshipPropagandaSocial Media
Americans are making extra money renting out a spare room, designing websites, selling products they design themselves at home, or even driving their own car. This 'on demand' or so-called 'gig economy' is creating exciting opportunities... more
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      SociologyEconomicsSocial Research Methods and MethodologyInternet research methods
Ethnography online as an ethnographic division is often critically treated because it allows researchers to investigate a culture without having face to face contact (Hine 2008:259). It is moreover sometimes seen as inferior to... more
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      Media StudiesEthnographyInternet researchEthnography of Communication
The Internet can serve as one of the most efficient means of teaching and learning English as well as doing academic research. It is the purpose of this paper to outline how the Internet , or “the global network of networks”, can achieve... more
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      Internet researchResearchEnglish Language LearningEnglish language teaching
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      CommunicationInternet research
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      BioinformaticsInformation RetrievalEducationDocumentation
Resumen. Octavio Islas4 Amaia Arribas5 El valor comunicación En la primera parte del texto, explicamos cómo fue concebida la teoría de los seis grados de separación, fundamental para comprender el desarrollo de las redes sociales.... more
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      Internet StudiesInternet researchInternet & SocietyInternet Communication
“Human behaviour and lifestyle continue to change at a rapid pace, increasing over the past few years fuelled by the introduction of digital media and new technologies which have become embedded in the western culture to the degree that... more
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      Social MovementsPsychologyInformation TechnologyTechnology
A Internet e os dispositivos móveis estão cada vez mais presentes em diferentes aspectos de nosso dia a dia. Sua popularização apresenta novos desafios para profissionais de saúde, pacientes e cuidadores, bem como cria novas... more
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      Internet StudiesInternet researchInternet & SocietyInclusão digital
Laboring in the new economy has recently drawn tremendous social, legal, and political debate. The changes created by platform facilitated labor are considered fundamental challenges to the future of work and are generating contestation... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyInternet research methodsGender EqualitySocial Media
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      Business IntelligenceInternet researchInformation SourcesInternet
Set in a context of ubiquitous digitality, this thesis proposes to examine and conceptualise what is put forward as ‘street smart technology’, a novel assemblage of smartphone based technologies and the street economy in Southeast Asia.... more
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      Internet StudiesInternet research methodsInternet GovernanceIndonesia
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      Discourse AnalysisInternet research methodsInternet researchVirtual Ethnography
This review presents the state-of-the-art research on IoT systems for optimized greenhouse environments. The data were analyzed using descriptive and statistical methods to infer relationships between the Internet of Things (IoT),... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringAgricultural EconomicsThe Internet of ThingsInternet research
RESUMO: Enquanto nova mídia, a internet vem atraindo cada vez mais o interesse de pesquisadores. Seja para buscar conhecer quem são e o que fazem os usuários da rede mundial de computadores, seja utilizando a Web como plataforma para... more
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      SociologyInternet research methodsInternet researchTechnology and Society
Resumen Los avances tecnológicos junto a la llegada e inclusión de Internet en nuestras vidas, han ocasionado nuevas formas de entender la comunicación interpersonal. La plataforma, tras alcanzar la posición de líder entre las... more
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      Internet StudiesInternet researchInternet & SocietyThe Internet
This article reviews and analyses factors impacting the evolution of the internet, the web, and social media channels, charting historic trends and highlight recent technological developments. The review comprised a deep search using... more
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      Information TechnologyTechnologyWeb 2.0Internet Studies
One force that drives online collaborative translation is digital culture. Nonetheless, whilst the phenomenon of digital culture is global, a particular type of digital culture is in fact local. In this presentation, I will examine online... more
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      Internet researchCollaborative TranslationCollaborative Activist TranslationOnline Translation
The Internet leads us from bulky novels to tiny tales, from long descriptive literature to micro literature. And Meme is part of the wonders of the internet. The word "meme" is derived from biologist Richard Dawkins' book The Selfish Gene... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial PsychologyCollective ActionSocial Media
This study was motivated by the fact that information is central to all forms of human activity. No matter the field; there is the need for exchange of information to ensure completion of task. Inefficiency will be the results, where... more
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      Internet StudiesSocial MediaInternet researchInternet & Society
Internet had become a necessity of today. Internet penetration rate is increasing with the mobile penetration. Availability , Affordability, Accessibility of Internet has been increased. There are policy impacts which led Internet... more
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      Internet researchInternet & SocietyThe Internet
Genealogia jako nauka pomocnicza historii, rozszerzyła swój zakres. Wynikiem badań genealogicznych nie są już tylko dane osobowe przodków, ale także wiedza o czasach i miejscu, w których żyli. W powszechnym rozumieniu genealogia Żydów... more
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      Jewish StudiesGenealogyResearch MethodologyMethodology
A pesquisa desenvolvida pelo Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa em Inovação da FGV DIREITO SP (CEPI) pretendeu contribuir para o debate brasileiro sobre reforma do Direito do Autor. Esse objetivo foi feito por meio de três frentes de trabalho:... more
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      Internet researchDireito AutoralInternet Direitos AutoraisDireitos Autorais
This paper is concerned with the social ills of bullying and cyberbullying that might lead to suicide especially when adolescents are involved. First, I explain the two concepts. It is noted that people with monoamine oxidase-A (MAOA)... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesNew MediaInternet Studies
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      Internet research methodsInternet researchThe InternetOnline Research Methods
ARTICLE in BUSINESS INFORMATION REVIEW 19(2):39-47 · JUNE 2002 Outlines the processes involved in competitive intelligence, and discusses what it is, how to do it and gives examples of what happens when companies fail to monitor their... more
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      Intelligence StudiesInternet research methodsCompetitive IntelligenceInternet research
The rise of digital technologies has the potential to open new directions in ethnography. Despite the ubiquity of these technologies, their infiltration into popular sociological research methods is still limited compared to the... more
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      Web 2.0Social NetworkingInternet researchVirtual Ethnography
Presentamos aquí el análisis y estadísticas más recientes de usuarios digitales, medios, redes sociales y uso de Internet en Ecuador incluyendo categorías de e-commerce, transacciones, mejores prácticas, tendencias y recomendaciones para... more
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      Social NetworksDigital MediaDigital JournalismSocial Media