Chinese Writing
Recent papers in Chinese Writing
Pendant toute sa vie, G. W. Leibniz chercha à créer une langue universelle pour éradiquer l'ambiguïté des langages naturels et permettre de résoudre toute sorte de controverses. Contemporain de l'arrivée des premières informations sur la... more
This Chinese Oracle Bone Scapula appear to be based on ancient asterisms.
Different approaches to estimating the number of Chinese characters result in wildly different estimates, from roughly 30,000 to well over 100,000.
The property of Chinese writing is interrelated to the property of its basic unit. The basic unit of Chinese writing system is not "character", but rather "grapheme". There are two types of graphemes in Chinese writing, semantic grapheme... more
Safety in China: term and connotations.
Short and very non-professional attempt of semantic and graphic analysis of Chinese characters related to the idea of safety and security.
Short and very non-professional attempt of semantic and graphic analysis of Chinese characters related to the idea of safety and security.
About Gao Xingjian's novel: "La montagna dell'anima"
Chinese language has almost one character per every word, therefore the memorization and the active use of the language for a speaker with a native Indo-European language background must be harder than for a Chinese person. Nonetheless,... more
The invention of the Ancient Chinese Writing System (henceforth ACWS) is a significant event in world history. In this paper I put forward a hypothesis on the co-evolution of the Old Chinese language and its writing system (ACWS). I argue... more
This paper firstly discusses the graph 【耳人又】appearing in Shi, Bin and Wu groups of oracle bone inscriptions; considering contextual evidence and graphic form, the author seeks to establish that the graph in question represents the word qǔ... more
In the 1950s and 1960s, the government of the People’s Republic of China undertook, in two stages, a carefully planned “simplification” of the logographic Chinese script. Drawing on a variety of historical precedents, over 2,000... more
This volume provides a broad introduction to Chinese linguistics, offering an accessible synthesis of the most relevant topics in the field. Despite the steady growth in interest in Chinese linguistics in recent years, this is one of very... more
In the more than 3,000 years since its invention, the Chinese script has been adapted many times to write languages other than Chinese, including Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, and Zhuang. "Sinography: The Borrowing and Adaptation of the... more
An examination of the reality of the Qin unification of writing. Judging from contemporary material, the whole idea of unifying writing and making it an orthographically consistent system was most likely not a Qin invention but a... more
A look at foreign elements in Dunhuang manuscripts from the 9th-10th centuries, including bookbinding format, paper, orthography and other issues. Dunhuang was a cosmopolitcan city on the Silk Road and a closer analysis of the manuscripts... more
En el horizonte de una investigación acerca de las solidaridades entre las artes del lenguaje (lengua, poética, escritura) y maneras de concebir lo real o habitar un mundo, el seminario interrogará el legado filosófico-literario de China... more
This study examines the variability of the Chinese script during the Warring States period. I take issue with the traditional linear model of the evolution of writing in China. According to this model, characters developed along a single... more
This paper is the first scholarly attempt to examine the history of Chinese cryptography and the role it played in building the intelligence network of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) from 1927 to 1949. Rather than investigating the... more
Dr. Catherine Farris is the author of this paper, originally in English, now presented in both English and Chinese. Maggie Li is the translator. Jennifer Ball is the person who facilitated the translation as well created this document... more
Cycle de conférences en ligne,
organisées dans le cadre de l'Institut des langues rares (Ilara) de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études-PSL
organisées dans le cadre de l'Institut des langues rares (Ilara) de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études-PSL
An annotated bibliography of academic studies related to the Chinese writing system and its history.
Na gruncie logograficznego systemu, jaki stanowi pismo chińskie, struktura znaku może wiązać się zarówno z fonetycznym, jak i semantycznym aspektem zapisywanego wyrazu. Niniejsza praca poświęcona jest historycznemu spojrzeniu na tego... more
Although the Shang dynasty sometimes seems archaic and alien from the point of view of later periods, there are important elements of Shang culture that persevered in recognizable forms, even after allowing for adaptation to new... more
From the perspective of prototype theory in cognitive science this article conducts a comparative study between prototypical determinatives in Egyptian and Chinese writing. A prototypical determinative stands for a prototypical member (or... more
Reading Warring States manuscripts we are confronted with a number of graphs that are not only structurally different from modern characters and the small seal forms of the Shuowen jiezi but show variation even among themselves. While... more
This article rethinks the history of Chinese script reforms and proposes a new genealogy for the Chinese Latin Alphabet (CLA), invented in 1931 by Chinese and Russian revolutionaries in the Soviet Union. Situating script reforms within a... more
A modern paradigm of Oriental-Occidental translatio is presented by ... Andrés Claro ... in his comprehensive study “Montage as East-West Poetic Configuration. Ezra Pound’s Translation of Chinese Images”. The critic demonstrates that Ezra... more
In questo breve elaborato ho cercato di dimostrare il ruolo ambivalente della scrittura cinese nella costruzione dell’unità nazionale. Essa infatti è stata sia il mezzo unificatore delle molte etnie presenti in Cina ma allo stesso tempo è... more
This paper compares variant characters in large-scale dictionaries from the pre-modern period with actual writing habits using a special subset of variants known as 'semantic compounds' (huiyi 會意) as a case study. The results show that... more
Traditional Chinese scholarship understood the principles of character formation according to the six scripts (liu shu 六書) model initially set forth in Eastern Han sources towards the end of the first century CE. Although initially these... more
Since Andrew West’s inaugural proposal of soon to be 10 years ago, there has been a journey towards encoding second stage simplifications in Unicode, for uses such as correctly representing the texts published during the short... more
""In the 1950s and 1960s, the government of the People’s Republic of China undertook, in two stages, a carefully planned “simplification” of the logographic Chinese script. Drawing on a variety of historical precedents, over 2,000... more
In this paper it is argued that the theories of writing introduced during the last fifty years are based on " ideological " definitions and typologies of writing systems. Indeed, both linguists and more recently neuroscientists showed a... more
FROGBEAR SEMINAR (“From the Ground Up”) “Graphic Variation, Modification and Replacement in Medieval Chinese Writing: Case Studies and Resources” August 17, 2021 This part of the seminar aims at providing various materials concerning the... more
The augmentation of consumers and the development of the sports industry directly depends on the correct and successful coinage and translation of the sports products brands from foreign languages into Modern Standard Mandarin (MSM) and... more
Article is consecrated to bicentennial of Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and in the same time to the 80th anniversary of so called “big terror” — the worst time in the history of Russian oriental studies.... more
This paper examines the emerging phenomenon of creating new Chinese characters on the internet with a case study of the artist Li Xiaoguai's work. First, it analyzes the aesthetics and sociopolitical significance of Li's new characters... more
Ligature and repetition notations in the Dunhuang manuscripts. How were they used and what they meant.
【摘要】 本文介紹了萊布尼茲對於中文字與《易經》卦象的表述。我認為萊布尼茲之所以選 擇中文作為通用表意文字的符碼,但因為它既不是組合詞也不是允許計算的腳本,所 以放棄了它。他與白晋往來的書信中對於二元算術與耶穌會建立的《易經》八卦的談 論使他恢復了對中文字的興趣。這些八卦以組合形式出現,因此有資格作為萊布尼茲 的通用表意文字的符碼。對於透過八卦建立通用表意文字,萊布尼茲既充滿希望卻也 同時躊躇不前。白晋改變了萊布尼茲對漢字的看法。萊布尼茲認為中文字其實具有更... more