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COMUNICHIAMO! Sembra facile... e cosa vuol dire? Come si fa? Perché? In quanti bisogna essere per farlo? Comunicare è raccontare, ricordare agli altri ciò che si pensa o si desidera, ciò che succede. Gli uomini hanno sempre voluto... more
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      History of the BookOrigins of Writing
Writing! Few human inventions are as pervasive and central to the modern world. Each and every day, we read thousands of words—whether in traditional formats like books, magazines, or newspapers, or on the increasingly common computers,... more
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      LiteracyLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsWriting Systems & Decipherment
Preistoria e Protostoria egeo e cipriota (Periploi 6) A.M. Jasink, L. Bombardieri (a cura di), AKROTHINIA. Contributi di giovani ricercatori italiani agli studi egei e ciprioti (Periploi 7) A.M. Jasink, G. Dionisio (a cura di), MUSINT 2.... more
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      Anatolian StudiesHittitologyAegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Late Bronze Age
Thе сomparison of Ukhtasar-Jеrmadzor petroglyphs with Еgyptian hiеroglyphs shоws morе than 30% similarity among thе signs usеd in both systеms. It is thеrеforе pоssiblе to assume that Еgyрtian hiеroglyphs and thе pеtroglyphs of Siunik... more
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      Ancient Egyptian IconographyAncient Egyptian HistoryPetroglyphsEgyptian Origin
En el horizonte de una investigación amplia acerca de las solidaridades entre las configuraciones de lenguaje (usos poéticos y formas de escritura incluidos) y las maneras de concebir lo real y habitar el mundo, se interrogará el legado... more
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      PaleographyChinese WritingEarly Chinese WritingOrigins of Writing
 Ո՞Վ ԷՐ ՄԵՍՐՈՊ ՄԱՇՏՈՑԸ  ՈՐՏԵՂԻ՞Ց ԵՆ ՄԵՍՐՈՊՅԱՆ ԱՅԲՈՒԲԵՆԻ ԳՐԱՆՇԱՆՆԵՐԸ  ՀԱՅՈՑ ՉՈՐՍ ԱՅԲՈՒԲԵՆՆԵՐԸ Համլետ Մարտիրոսյան Հնագույն քաղաքակրթությունների հետազոտման կենտրոն Նվիրում եմ իմ ծանոթ ու անծանոթ համախոհներին 1. ՆԵՐԱԾՈՒԹՅՈՒՆ Ասորեստանի,... more
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      Armenian StudiesArmenian CultureArmeniaOrigins of Writing
A discussion of the origins of Mesopotamian writing, from proto-cuneiform down through the development of the syllabary. In particular, the article presents an analysis of arguments presented by proto-cuneiform specialist Robert Englund... more
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      Writing Systems & DeciphermentMesopotamian ArchaeologyAncient Indo-European LanguagesWriting Systems (Languages And Linguistics)
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      Paleohispanic scripts & languagesPhoenician & Punic EpigraphyOrigins of Writing
This is the third chapter from this book posted on this website. It concerns the possibility that numbers, writing, and pictures are related to one another in the Western tradition. Writing and picturing are often associated, but... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryArchaeology
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The main aim of the present paper is to open a debate of the multiple features related to the origin of writing in Egypt. Although some questions arose in the past, overall referred to the original place where emerged the Egyptian... more
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      Predynastic and Early Dynastic EgyptAbydosHierakonpolisOrigins of Writing
Visual codes including three types of signs (logogram, phonograms and determinatives) are the earliest stage in the development of writing. Until recently, the oldest known visual code identified so far, the early precursor of the... more
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      Chalcolithic ArchaeologySymbologySymbolic Anthropology (Anthropology)Northwest Semitics
‘The Classic Maya Syllabary’ — these words have a deceptively unitary connotation, as if there was only one set of syllabic signs valid in all times and places. Yet Maya hieroglyphic writing was in use for almost two millennia (from ca.... more
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      Writing Systems & DeciphermentGrammatologyMaya EpigraphyMesoamerican Writing
This article examines a potential ‘throne–mat’ kenning in the Middle Formative period Olmec writing on the Cascajal Block, an incised serpentine slab dated to c. 900 bc. It is suggested that signs on the Cascajal Block are divorced from... more
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      ArchaeologyLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsWriting Systems & Decipherment
La Historia y la Arqueología académica sigue considerando que el inicio de la escritura se produjo en Sumer o Egipto a finales del IV milenio anterior a Jesucristo. Sin embargo, este debate continúa abierto hoy en día, y hay quien apoya... more
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      Semitic languagesHistory of Reading and WritingWritingSumerian
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      DivinationChinese WritingOrality and WritingOrigins of Writing
Mittelägyptisch gilt als die klassische Literatursprache. Während die Grammatik des Altägyptischen und Mittelägyptischen einander sehr ähneln, unterscheidet sich die des Neuägyptischen doch durchaus von diesen beiden. Außer dem... more
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      LanguagesEgyptologyLanguages and LinguisticsEgyptian Art and Archaeology
A book presenting a revolutionary discovery, the decoding of messages from the Paleolithic age. Here below is an excerpt, revealing a chapter of history of 20,000 years ago. The methods used to reach the description are explained in the... more
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      History of ArtPrehistoric ArtDecodingOrigins of Writing
The Turkic "kök" script was syllabic and not alphabetic. It borrowed nothing from other writing systems, but all writing systems of the world, especially the Indian Brahmi and Kharosti Indian scripts and the ancient Chinese writing,... more
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      IconographySymbolismAltaic LinguisticsRock Art
A review article that appeared in the journal Antiquity in 2010 (vol. 84).
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      Writing Systems & DeciphermentWriting systemsCuneiformDevelopment of Early Writing Systems
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      LiteracyEgyptian ArchaeologyOrigins of Writing
La genèse des écritures suscite beaucoup d'intérêt mais reste souvent mal comprise. Par les différentes contributions de cet ouvrage, plusieurs supports d'image en Egypte prédynastique sont examinés, avant de s'interroger sur le lien... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian languagePredynastic and Early Dynastic EgyptAncient Egyptian Iconography
Unlike China’s earliest readable texts, the late Shāng 商 (13th-11th c. BCE) ‘oracle bone inscrip­tions’, preserved mostly on water turtle plastrons and bovine shoulder blades (jiǎgǔwén 甲骨文), which were largely forgotten until their... more
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      SinologyEarly ChinaWriting systemsHistory of Writing Systems
Клинасто писмо или клинопис сматра се најстаријим системом писања на свету - настао је крајем 4. миленијума пре Христа у древној Месопотамији. Назив је добило према карактеристичном облику знакова, чији делови подсећају на клинове (лат.... more
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      SumerologyCuneiformDevelopment of Early Writing SystemsCUNEIFORM STUDIES
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      Shang Dynasty Bronzes and Oracle BonesOrigins of Writing
One theory sustains that the invention of writing is linguistically determined and limited to societies whose language is rich in monosyllabic morphemes (Daniels 1992, Boltz 2000). Its validity, however, depends on an assessment of the... more
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      Writing Systems & DeciphermentPhonological AwarenessAnatolian ArchaeologyHittite