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Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The... more
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      CampaigningCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
Twitter has become one of the most important online spaces for political communication practice and research. Through a hand-coded content analysis, this study compares how British and Dutch Parliamentary candidates used Twitter during... more
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      Comparative PoliticsCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
Children have been identified as particularly vulnerable to psychological and behavioral difficulties following disaster. Public child and family disaster communication is one public health tool that can be utilized to promote... more
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      CommunicationChild and adolescent mental healthMental HealthDisaster Studies
Newspaper campaigns embody newspapers’ most emphatic claims to speak for ‘the people’, and as such are generally regarded as populist. However, they can be oppositional, engaging in dissent of one sort or another, and often assume a... more
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Blogs rest at the cross‐section of politics, media, and discourse. This relatively new medium has injected itself into the spectacle that is campaigns; competing narratives seek to define candidates, lure voters, and wage a war over the... more
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      Political SociologyLawMusicAmerican Politics
In this chapter, we present a typology of the tweeting behaviour of candidates as a means of analysing the extent to which politicians are harnessing the potential of social media to actively interact with their constituents. Our... more
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      CampaigningMedia StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural Studies
Wahlkampfmanagement ist ein Handwerk, eine Kunst, und in den Vereinigten Staaten auch ein Beruf. In den vergangenen 30 Jahren hat sich dort die Profession der Political Consultants etabliert. Es gibt einen Berufsverband der... more
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      CampaigningPolitical CampaignsCampaign FinanceElections
Les méthodes quantitatives ont traditionnellement été privilégiées en marketing puisque plus fiables et « généralisables » à l’ensemble du marché. Toutefois, certaines questions relatives au comportement des consommateurs ont conduit à... more
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      Public HealthCampaigns
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      American PoliticsPresidential ElectionsCampaignsCapaign Effects
"Positioning, as a concept in academic literature, is most frequently associated with marketing studies. Positioning in a public relations sense is underexplored with only a relatively small amount of works relating to positioning in any... more
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      Public RelationsPositioning TheoryStrategyPositioning
ZUM BUCH: Wer betreibt heute noch Politik? Und was ist das? Ein Theaterstück für Bürger, die als hilflose Zuschauer das Geschehen auf der Bühne betrachten? Während auf der Vorderbühne politische Konflikte medial inszeniert werden und die... more
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      CampaigningProfessionalismPolitical CampaignsProfessional Ethics
Wahlkämpfe: Frankreich 2002 (Chirac, Jospin, Le Pen), Italien 2001 (Berlusconi), Spanien 2000 (Aznar, Gonzalez), Russland 1996 (Jelzin) Die These von der "Amerikanisierung" europäischer Wahlkämpfe ist populär. Aber eigentlich ist das,... more
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      CampaigningWestern EuropePolitical CampaignsItalian Politics
ZUM BUCH: Will Politik beraten sein? Ja, aber nicht immer, nicht überall und nicht durch jeden, der Politikberatung professionell oder als Wissenschaftler anbietet. In der Berliner Republik hat sich die Nachfrage nach Politikberatung... more
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      Business EthicsCampaigningEthicsApplied Ethics
The Safe and Well Online project is a five-year project supporting safe and healthy online behaviour for young people. The project has developed four social marketing campaigns to promote respect and civil discourse online, while also... more
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      Social MarketingMental HealthParticipatory DesignYoung People
Der Herausgeberband "Die Kampagnenmacher" zeigt an Hand von internationalen Best-Practice-Beispielen die Strategien und Instrumente erfolgreicher Kampagnen aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft auf. Das Buch gibt... more
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      CampaigningPolitical CampaignsPublic and Political CommunicationPolitical communication
Considering the efforts to resolve the widespread societal phenomenon of violence against women, awareness-raising and the role of the media comprise one of the key targets by the most important international agreements to combat it. The... more
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      Violence Against WomenPreventionSexual and Gender-Based ViolenceAudio Visual Media
This paper investigates more than 20 years of government led attempts to have Danish consumers curb their energy use. Looking at previously unexploited campaign material a number of results emerge, qualifying, the notion of Denmark as a... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental Education
"The role of key messages has assumed an almost common-sense status within public relations campaigns. This research examines award-winning campaigns to explore what assumptions and understandings underpin the use of key messages by... more
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      Public RelationsStrategic CommunicationPracticeCampaigns
On 13 August 1944 the German armies in Normandy were on the verge of being totally enveloped. This study has explored the role military intelligence played for Bradley’s vital decision to halt Third Army and keep it from closing the... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceMilitary IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)
A single chapter of a title in Oxford Handbooks Online for personal use. This chapter looks at visual art campaigns, especially in the context of arts-based re search with an interest in public engagement. Art campaigns happen at the... more
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      Contemporary ArtVisual ArtsArts-Based ResearchEcojustice
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      MarketingHealth CommunicationNarrativePersuasion (Psychology)
Successful legislative campaigns, especially those in rural areas, are not often reported in the literature. There are many lessons to be learned from these campaigns. This case example explores a significant legislative victory by an... more
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      RuralLegislativeMobile HomesCampaigns
California 1933: Clem Whitaker and Leone Baxter establish the first political campaign management consulting firm. / Kalifornien 1933: Clem Whitaker und Leone Baxter gründen die erste Firma für politisches Kampagnenmanagement. KEYWORDS... more
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      American PoliticsVisual propagandaCalifornia (American History)Political Parties
In the Weimar Republic, Germans for the first time experimented with direct democrarcy. But only two referendums made it to the polling stations. GERMAN: In Weimar experimentierten die Deutschen erstmals mit direkter Demokratie. Doch nur... more
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      German StudiesCampaigningGerman HistoryPolitical Campaigns
Die qualitative Evaluation von Regierungskommunikation und ihren politischen Kampagnen scheitert häufig nicht nur am knappen Budget der Häuser. Viele unterschiedliche Akteure spielen in die politische Effizienzmessung hinein. Die... more
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      Program EvaluationCampaigningPublic AdministrationEvaluation Research
The Routledge Handbook of Political Management is a comprehensive overview of the field of applied politics, encompassing political consulting, campaigns and elections, lobbying and advocacy, grass roots politics, fundraising, media and... more
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      CampaigningWestern EuropePolitical CampaignsPublic and Political Communication
Die Europawahl ist eigentlich ein demokratisches Weltereignis - und zugleich Prototyp einer Nebenwahl. Die Wahl spiegelt die Missverständnisse, Mythen und schiefen Wahrnehmungen der EU als politisches Konstrukt. Für die Wahlkampfplaner in... more
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      CampaigningPolitical CampaignsEuropean PoliticsEuropean Parliament
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      CampaigningUrban PoliticsPolitical CampaignsUrban Studies
"The 1840 U.S. presidential campaign may be seen as the mother of all modern election campaigns – in good and bad aspects alike. With its image-driven strategies of "Log Cabin" and "Tippecanoe" fame, media and event tactics, superficial... more
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      American HistoryCampaigningVisual propagandaMedia History
"Long before the arrival of radio, voices of Presidential candidates were carried into the living room by phonograph recordings. The U.S. presidential campaign of 1908 saw an impressive effort of both parties to use the young medium.... more
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      CampaigningMythologyAmerican PoliticsPresidency (American Politics)