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Aim(s): To explore and describe the needs of new graduate registered nurses in a rural and remote (R&R) setting within Australia. Background: Rural practice has distinctive challenges for nurses. Nurses make up the largest and most... more
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      MarketingClimate ChangeNutritionNatural Resources
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    • Rural
Background: Attitude about mental illness determines health seeking of the people. Success of National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) is dependent on attitude about mental illness of various stakeholders in the programme. Material &... more
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      ZoologyRuralRaptorBreeding Success
A utilização de lavoura e pastagens tem sido uma importante senão a principal alternativa de descarte do dejeto líquido de suínos. Porém, seu uso, muitas vezes, tem sido feito em quantidades superiores às exigências das culturas e com... more
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    • Rural
This study focuses on the various factors that encourage the practice of family planning for rural communities in Malaysia. Family planning program is a modern alternative for married couples in determining the desired number of children... more
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This paper aims to capture the importance of demographic dimension in thesustainable development process of the rural space. From a series ofstatistics data we realized an analysis of demographic indicators, which ithelped us to trace the... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyPopulation GeographyRegional Geography
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      Program EvaluationPsychologyRuralMental Health
Nurses and midwives represent the largest group of health professionals in the Australian health care system. In rural environments nurses and midwives make up a greater proportion of the health workforce than in urban settings, which... more
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Asthma is responsible for the highest proportion of emergency department attendance in Australia, and previous studies have identified that people with asthma delay seeking medical help during acute asthma episodes, which are associated... more
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The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the experiences from four major recipients of food aid (India, Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Zambia) in normal time and after a natural disaster and draw implications for the design of... more
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      BusinessEconomicsPolitical EconomyRural
Michaël Spanu est sociologue, docteur de l'Université de Lorraine et membre du comité éditorial de la revue Volume!. Pour Gonzaï, il revient sur un épisode marquant de son enfance, dans le monde d'avant, quand fêtes de village et... more
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      Festivals and musicRural
This article discusses gender relations and the sexual division of labor in the countryside, in dialogue with the social action "Marcha das Margaridas". Having as research subjects countryside women from the north of Minas Gerais State,... more
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      Rural SociologySocial MovementsEducationRural
A general criticism of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act is that it is primarily the result of an urban political agenda, and it may hurt rather than help the rural poor. Under the new welfare system, the rural poor that are most likely to be... more
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      SociologyRural SociologyRural
The relationship between the financial structure of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and their innovativeness remains unexplored in the microfinance literature. This paper represents an attempt to fill this void using a random sample of... more
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      EconomicsInnovation statisticsRuralRural Development
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability for women in Australia. Women living in rural areas are at greater risk of heart disease, because of limited access and availability of healthcare in rural areas.... more
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      NursingHealth PromotionHealth BehaviorRural
The report was prepared under the guidance of Marcelo Giugale (Sector Director) and Miria Pigato (Sector Manager, AFTP4). Judite Fernandes provided assistance with document preparation and editing.
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      EconomicsRuralEconomic GrowthSocial Capital
The purpose of this paper is to quantify the property value impacts of a change in environmental quality by using the hedonic price model. In particular, we focus on the impact of the presence of land…lls on nearby residential real estate... more
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      Real EstateRuralRegional EconomicsApplied Economics
Fatores prognósticos e preditivos dos tumores caninos definidos com auxílio da imuno-histoquímica Prognostic and predictive factors of caninetumours defined with immunohistochemistry's assistance Recebido para publicação 13.09.11 Aprovado... more
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    • Rural
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Objective:  The absence of an agreed definition of ‘rural’ limits the utility of existing research into a possible relationship between rurality of residence and mental health. The present study investigates the bipolar dimension... more
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      AccessibilityRuralMental HealthAustralia
Men's groups are increasingly being accepted as an important strategy in improving health and wellbeing, especially in Indigenous communities. However, it is hard to find systematic documentation and evaluation of such initiatives in the... more
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      Program EvaluationSocial ChangeHealth PromotionParticipatory Action Research
Small businesses are critical to improving economic development in rural areas of South Africa. However, rural entrepreneurs are still faced with challenges and problems which make the success of small businesses, especially in rural... more
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Active Landscape-Passive Building: A Design-Build Case Study is a design-research project sited in a vast agricultural landscape in Huron County, Ontario Canada. Early site investigations and fieldwork measured the wind patterns, crop... more
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Aceasta lucrare își propune să analizeze opțiunile comunităților rurale din Regiunea Nord-Est privind tranziția către o bioeconomie circulară în acord cu politicile de mediu ale UE. Sistemul liniar bazat pe colectarea în amestec a... more
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      RuralEnvironmental StudiesOrganic agricultureRural Development
(C. Costa), tratz@ (T. Rátz). 1 A French acronym derived from 'Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l'Économie Rurale', meaning 'Links between the rural economy and development actions'.
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      MarketingTourism ManagementRuralRural Development
Um carcinoma de células escamosas foi removido do olho de uma vaca de 7 anos de idade que apresentava ptose da orelha esquerda, salivação e perda de peso progressiva. Devido ao mau prognóstico, a vaca foi submetida à eutanásia 9 meses... more
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    • Rural
Maintaining a healthy balance between human prosperity and environmental integrity is at the core of the principles of Ecological Sustainable Development. Resource-protection policies are frequently implemented so as to regulate the... more
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      SociologyRural SociologyRural
Purpose: Medicare Cost Reports (MCR), Internal Revenue Service Form 990s (IRS 990), and Audited Financial Statements (AFS) vary in their content, detail, purpose, timeliness, and certification. The purpose of this study was to compare... more
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Rural and urban households in developing countries face substantial idiosyncratic and common risk, resulting in high income variability. Households in risky environments have developed sophisticated (ex-ante) risk-management and (ex-post)... more
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      SociologyEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsManagerial Economics
This paper provides estimates of poverty and inequality across states as also for different subgroups of population for 2004-05 by using the old and new methods of the Planning Commission. The new method is critically evaluated with the... more
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      PovertyRuralUrban PovertySocial Groups
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      MarketingEconomicsDevelopment StudiesHuman Rights
The objective of this case study is to present the design and implementation of a commitment savings product for groups of tobacco farmers in Malawi. The product was successful in encouraging savings, increasing input purchases and yields... more
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      Political EconomyNutritionAccessibilityRural
Fr :Selon les données de l'ONU (1996), c'est juste après le passage au troisième millénaire que la ville impose sa suprématie démographique sur la planète : 47, 4% de personnes au monde étaient en effet des urbains en 2000 et ce... more
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      RuralEnvironmental StudiesUrban StudiesUrban And Regional Planning
Women farmers are underserved in agricultural education and technical assistance. Long held social constructions of farming women as 'farmwives' and in some cases 'the bookkeepers' rather than farmers or decision-makers influence the... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographySocial NetworksRural
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      RuralCoping StrategiesCommunity DevelopmentHealth Care
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      RuralLeadershipCompetitive advantageTourism
This paper extends recent work in the geography of childhood and youth studies by examining the ways in which rural youth voice their understandings of what it means to be a young person at this historic moment (the end of the twentieth... more
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      SociologyDevelopmental PsychologyHuman GeographyLiteracy
A E Housman’s 1896 assembly of sixty-three poems, A Shropshire Lad, over time, has delighted many readers and listeners. The enigmatic poem, "Into my heart an air that kills", has proved especially captivating; its theme of the poet’s... more
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      RuralPoetryEnglish languageVocabulary
This paper examines the "experiential tourism" concept as reported in the academic and practitioner literature. Examples of experiential tourism around the world are examined. Standards for the experiential tourism concept suggested by... more
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      Tourism StudiesServicesRuralStandards
Resumo Este trabalho discute a dicotomia urbano/rural e como foi tratada em seus vários momentos pelas ciências sociais, pela história e pela geografia, mostrando o desenvolvimento e as transformações dessa discussão.
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    • Rural
Ventajas y desventajas del desarrollo rural sostenible en ambientes de montaña Hildegardo Córdova Aguilar* Resumen El mundo rural y el urbano son los dos pilares que sostienen a una sociedad dentro de un territorio dado. Se viene... more
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    • Rural
T&F Proofs: Not For Distribution fanaticism" one year and praise its "great development of communal and provincial life" the very next, 2 this Heraclitean nature of a thinker's thoughts will be particularly relevant.
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      ViolenceMarxismGerman HistoryRural
Malnutrition is a major threat to the health of HIV infected individuals and is associated with increased risks of morbidity and mortality. We assessed the nutritional status of HIV-infected adolescents enrolled into HIV care program in... more
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      Public Health NutritionRuralUganda
RESUMO. Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender a relevância do livro didático do campo no cotidiano da Escola Municipal Santa Luzia. Foram propostos dois objetivos específicos: a) caracterizar o movimento de educação do campo; b)... more
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      Rural SociologyEducationRuralRural History
Desde mediados del siglo XX, paulatinamente, se han ido introduciendo novedades en el proceso de valoración, reconocimiento y ampliación del concepto de patrimonio cultural. En este proceso han intervenido decisivamente las disposiciones... more
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreCultural HistoryCultural Studies
That talk is never disinterested complicates the relationship between the environment and the claims people make about it. Talk about place, and one's self in it, is particularly complex when the environment poses risk or is otherwise... more
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      Real EstateBusiness EthicsEnvironmental EngineeringDiscourse Analysis
On April 14, 1993 the Minister of Health of the Province of Saskatchewan announced the closure of 52 of the 112 small hospitals using the criteria of: size, utilization for two consecutive years and distance to the nearest-neighbouring... more
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