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      American PoliticsPresidential ElectionsCampaignsCapaign Effects
The social media revolution has created a media world so different from the one we knew before that much of the media research done prior to 2005 is of historical value at best. Social media have changed how we keep friends and family... more
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      SociologyAmerican PoliticsMedia StudiesPolitical Science
Abstract This research is on the assessment of Polio Eradication Campaign Strategies in Zaria. It is obvious that poliovirus was once a major challenge of Nigeria. The help of House to house meeting played a significant role in... more
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesNGOs (Anthropology)UNICEF
Uma análise do padrão de comunicação política dos três principais candidatos à presidência do Brasil em 2010 Camilo Aggio 1 Resumo: A utilização da internet por partidos e candidatos em disputas eleitorais já deixaram, há muito, de se... more
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      American PoliticsPolitical PartiesTwitterElections