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As companies migrate from a centralized to a distributed computing environment, the administration and management of security policies, in particular authorization policies, is becoming an increasingly difficult task. This paper considers... more
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      Distributed SystemLanguage PolicyArchitectural DesignSecurity Policy
A key aspect of the COHERE project involves building an authoring system for documentation for safety-critical systems. Following a set of documentation integrity maxims, the project developed two generations of prototype interfaces... more
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      Interface DesignConsistencyAuthoring System
One of the difficulties in English teaching lies in the correct use of primary and secondary lexical accents. French learners of English encounter particular difficulties in perceiving the stressed syllables and more particularly in... more
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      English teachingEmpirical EvaluationAuthoring System
Authorization systems today are increasingly complex. They span domains of administration, rely on many different authentication sources, and manage permissions that can be as complex as the system itself. Worse still, while there are... more
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      Access ControlDistributed SystemLanguage PolicyPolicy Management
This research paper presents a framework and solution for improving the efficiency of the authorization processing of credit card transactions using multi-threading and shared-memory pool techniques. Through the use of both techniques, a... more
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      Shared memoryResearch PaperRandom access memoryReal Time
Abstract. This paper consists of an in-depth summary and analysis of the research and development state of the art for intelligent tutoring system (ITS) authoring systems. A seven-part categorization of two dozen authoring systems is... more
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      Research and DevelopmentKnowledge AcquisitionIntelligent Tutoring SystemAuthoring System
The main task in this paper is to present a performance analysis of a distribution network in the presence of two synchronous generators in parallel, with its speed and voltage regulators modeled with TACS-Transient Analysis of Control... more
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      Power SystemsDistributed SystemControl systemPerformance Analysis
Disadvantages faced by Hispanic children in the U.S., compared to non-Hispanic Whites, have been widely reported. Economic differences account for some of the gaps, but the social isolation of Hispanic families also serves as a barrier to... more
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      SociologyChild DevelopmentSocial CapitalEthnic minorities
In this paper we propose a set of guidelines for an adaptive authoring environment of adaptive educational hypermedia. This set consists of relevant and necessary functionalities of authoring systems (AS) for adaptive teaching and/or... more
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      Adaptive HypermediaLearning EnvironmentAuthoring SystemAdaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems
We briefly describe the authorization requirements, focusing on the framework of the DataGrid and DataTAG Projects and illustrate the architecture of a new service we have developed, the Virtual Organization Membership Service (VOMS), to... more
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      Grid ComputingVirtual OrganizationAuthoring System
In this paper we propose an infrastructure for a secure remote authentication, management and operation system for a distributed global wireless sensor network testbed. We base the design of the architecture on an existing... more
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      OPERATING SYSTEMWorkflow Management SystemsProduction and Operations ManagementAuthoring System
Pervasive computing leads to an increased integration between the real world and the computational world, and many applications in pervasive computing adapt to the user's context, such as the location of the user and relevant devices, the... more
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      Cognitive ScienceDistributed ComputingPervasive ComputingMobile and Pervasive Computing
Existing multimedia document models like HTML, MHEG, SMIL, and HyTime lack appropriate modeling primitives to fit the needs of next generation multimedia applications which bring up requirements like reusability of multimedia content in... more
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      Information SystemsCardiologySurgeryMultimedia
Nowadays, Grid has become a leading technology in distributed computing. Grid poses a seamless sharing of heterogeneous computational resources belonging to different domains and conducts efficient collaborations between Grid users. The... more
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      Distributed ComputingGrid ComputingInformation SecurityAccess Control
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      Instructional DesignVideo GameBlended LearningMixed Reality
The need for e-learning systems that support a diverse set of pedagogical requirements has been identified as an important issue in web-based education. Until now, significant R&D effort has been devoted aiming towards web-based... more
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      Learning DesignE Learning Management SystemLearning Management SystemLearning Activities
Exploiting lessons learned is a key knowledge management (KM) task. Currently, most lessons learned systems are passive, stand-alone systems. In contrast, practical KM solutions should be active, interjecting relevant information during... more
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      Knowledge ManagementDecision MakingLessons LearnedDelivery System
The TJ-II remote participation system (RPS) is focused on providing remote access to elements that depend exclusively on characteristics of the TJ-II environment: data acquisition, diagnostics control systems and TJ-II operation tracking.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSoftware MaintenanceControl systemMessage Oriented Middleware
The paper analyses business networks originating from three markets: Chinese, Russian, and West European. So far, little attention has been given to the fact that business networks in particular markets may be dissimilar because of... more
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      MarketingBusiness NetworksRussianInstitutions
In this paper, we describe how to automatically translate e-learning flow-oriented activity sequences into rule-based designs, such as those supported by the "de-facto" e-learning modeling standard: the IMS Learning Design specification.... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyIMS Learning Design SpecificationEducational design
The <e-Aula> platform is a new experimental e-learning environment that adheres closely to IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. e-learning standards in order to facilitate their applicability in different learning scenarios. <e-Aula> is... more
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    • Authoring System
A three layer e-learning course development model has been defined based on a conceptual model of learning content object. It starts by decomposing the learning content into small chunks which are initially placed in a hierarchic... more
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      Course DevelopmentRaw materialsLearning ObjectConceptual Model
Information has never been as accessible. But the increase of the volume of information has been accompanied by a considerable increase of tools destined to help and assist the final user to find information. Different skills used in such... more
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      Knowledge ManagementCollective IntelligenceHypertext theoryCybertextuality
The main task in this paper is to present a performance analysis of a distribution network in the presence of two synchronous generators in parallel, with its speed and voltage regulators modeled with TACS -Transient Analysis of Control... more
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      Power SystemsDistributed SystemControl systemPerformance Analysis
In this paper, we present an ontology of educational theories their relation to learning design. This ontology takes into account learning design (LD) specifications such as OUNL-EML and IMS-LD at the conceptual level (1), semantic web... more
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      Computer ScienceLearning DesignSemantic WebArtificial Intelligence in Education
Abstract. Knowledge Societies also named Social Learning Networks (SLN) allow interaction and collaboration between individuals (instructors and students), who share their connections under a scheme of learning communities around common... more
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      Mobile LearningKnowledge SocietySocial learningLearning Style
This paper shows a development of an RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) user authorization (access control system) using wireless ZigBee communication network. The system is designed with the topology of one Master and multiple Slave... more
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      Access ControlWireless Sensor NetworksMicrocontrollersTouch Screen
The Extensible Problem-Specific Tutor (xPST) system was created to facilitate the creation of intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) on existing software and web-based interfaces. This research introduces xPST and describes an exploration of... more
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      Artificial Intelligence in EducationIntelligent Tutoring SystemAuthoring SystemLearning curve
University students increasingly use hypertext to write their assignments. To employ hypertext effectively, more information about the hypertext authoring process is needed. There are features of hypertext which are not reflected in... more
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      Cognitive ScienceInformation VisualizationStudent ExperienceProfitability
Intelligence in an ITS authoring system could rely on content-based engineering of instructional design (ID) knowledge, i.e. based on principles such as conceptualization, standardization and theory-awareness. An ontologybased... more
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      Computer ScienceOntologyInstructional DesignContent Analysis
This diploma thesis discusses the impact of authoring systems on multidimensional documents. A first part illustrates concepts on multidimensional documents and how to represent them. Another issue is navigation through n-dimensional... more
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      Authoring SystemMultimedia Authoring ToolVisual navigation
This paper contends that satisfaction with management above immediate supervision is a key component of overall job satisfaction. We demonstrate that early job satisfaction researchers regarded this construct as very important, and that... more
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      Organizational BehaviorPsychologyApplied PsychologyJob Satisfaction
Automatic speech recognition is used in a system to offer first-level, computer-based exercises in the Japanese language for beginning high school students. Implementing a preprototype version of the Subarashii system identified strengths... more
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      JapaneseAutomatic Speech RecognitionSpeech RecognitionLinguistics
This chapter describes some approaches that have been proposed for access and usage control in grid systems. The first part of the chapter addresses the security challenges in grid systems and describes the standard security... more
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      Grid ComputingService DesignAccess ControlMiddleware
Grid systems, which are composed of autonomous domains, are open and dynamic. In such systems, there are usually a large number of users, the users are changeable, and different domains have their own policies. The traditional access... more
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      Grid ComputingAccess ControlAccess Control ModelsAuthoring System
This paper presents ontology engineering at the conceptual level, based on case analysis where an author (a human or software agent), assisted by an ITS authoring system, needs to select an instructional strategy (method) in order to... more
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      Computer ScienceOntology DevelopmentOntology EngineeringInstructional Strategies
The IST project CUIDADO is the result of two years of concertation at the European level in the context of the CUIDAD Working Group (Esprit 28793). CUIDADO- led by Ircam, started in January 2000 and will end in December 2003- aims at... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation ManagementAuthoring SystemDatabase System
This paper describes novel concepts for the interactive composition of artistic real-time graphics, so-called live visuals. By establishing two fundamental techniques dealing with the structured media integration and the intrinsic design... more
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      Digital MediaInteractive MediaLive PerformanceDesign process
The Extensible Problem-Specific Tutor (xPST) system was created to facilitate the creation of intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) on existing software and web-based interfaces. This research introduces xPST and describes an exploration of... more
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      Artificial Intelligence in EducationIntelligent Tutoring SystemAuthoring SystemLearning curve
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      Knowledge Management in Software EngineeringTemporal ConstraintsAuthoring System
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden.
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      Competition LawLaw EnforcementEuropean CommissionAuthoring System
Grid systems, which are composed of autonomous domains, are open and dynamic. In such systems, there are usually a large number of users, the users are changeable, and different domains have their own policies. The traditional access... more
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      Grid ComputingAccess ControlAccess Control ModelsAuthoring System
This article presents a system that maps classroom lectures directly into web based education lessons. In the classroom, the lecturer writes on a wide, pen sensitive display. The system tracks all actions and makes it possible for the... more
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      Authoring SystemOnline handwriting RecognitionWeb Based Education
This paper presents a solution for conceptually modeling the training domain knowledge of computer-assisted instructional environments. Conceptual organization of the training domain knowledge, with learning stages phasing, can constitute... more
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      Cognitive StyleConceptual organizationAuthoring System
The main task in this paper is to present a performance analysis of a distribution network in the presence of two synchronous generators in parallel, with its speed and voltage regulators modeled with TACS-Transient Analysis of Control... more
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      Distributed SystemControl systemPerformance AnalysisTransient analysis
The construction of interactive tools for current computing environments relies upon a generic set of characteristics that include an architecture for interaction, a programming methodology based on the object oriented paradigm, and... more
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      Rapid PrototypingObject Oriented Analysis and DesignToolsAuthoring System
This paper presents an innovative approach to personalize on-line content to the needs of individual learners. We use a regular educational environment, the Blackboard TM Learning Management System, with a new approach: we add adaptivity... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducational Technology
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      Adaptive HypermediaIntelligent Tutoring SystemAdaptive SystemAuthoring System
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      Software EngineeringXMLKnowledge Management in Software EngineeringData Integration
The main task in this paper is to present a performance analysis of a distribution network in the presence of two synchronous generators in parallel, with its speed and voltage regulators modeled with TACS -Transient Analysis of Control... more
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      Power SystemsDistributed SystemControl systemPerformance Analysis