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In this paper, we present a multi-sensor fusion based monocular visual navigation system for a quadrotor with limited payload, power and computational resources. Our system is equipped with an inertial measurement unit (IMU), a sonar and... more
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      Motion estimationVisual navigationMonocular Camerainertial measurement unit(IMU)
Geographic information (also called geo-information, spatial information or geospatial information) plays an increasingly important role in our society. Location Based Services, applications for urban planning, disaster management systems... more
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      Urban PlanningAugmented RealityComputer Aided DesignDisaster Management
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      A Priori KnowledgeImage ClassificationLearning ModelMobile Robot
The Visual Semantic Web (ViSWeb) paradigm enhances human accessibility to the current Semantic Web technology by enabling the visualization of knowledge. Arguing against the claim that humans and machines need to look at different... more
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      System DynamicsKnowledge VisualizationSemantic WebKnowledge Representation
Abstract— In this paper, we present a controller for visual navigation, which utilizes a time-independent varying reference in the feedback,law. The navigation,framework,relies on a monocular camera, and the path is represented as a... more
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      RoboticsMobile RoboticsAutonomous RoboticsRobotics Navigation
In untraditional environments and unexpected situations, it is not always possible for a fixed-architecture robot to meet all the task requirements. Self-assembly enables free bodies to autonomously join together and complete a task that... more
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      LocalizationLyapunov Stability TheoryDockingVisual navigation
Visual processing is very important for robot navigation. It has been demonstrated that many complex operations, which deserve an intelligent behaviour, can be performed relying only on re exes to visual stimuli. In this framework the... more
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      Computer VisionOptical FlowNavigationRobot kinematics
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      Information FilteringRSSSimultaneous Localization and MappingData Association
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      Computer VisionA Priori KnowledgeMotion estimationVisual navigation
Figure 1: Fixation maps over an art work that contains separate panels, which, when viewed in the intended order, tell a coherent story. In this work a gaze direction technique is used to visually guide the viewer through the image. As... more
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      Computer ScienceImage ProcessingEye trackingGaze Direction
Navigation using visual aids has always been an important skill for any navigator. One of the most important visual aids on land and along the coast is landmark. Traditional cartography has developed many techniques in representing... more
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    • Visual navigation
Spatial databases contain feature classes that represent real world. Content of geographic database is mainly designed for GIS analysis. However, a spatial database for cartographic visualization should contain some more rules and... more
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      Geographic DatabaseKnowledge baseData ProcessingSpatial Database
where he is currently an assistant professor. In 1986, he was a research assistant at the Department of Computer Science of Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, where he was developing a system for the analysis of image data primarily aimed... more
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      Information SystemsVehicle DynamicsVisual ProcessingOptical Flow
This diploma thesis discusses the impact of authoring systems on multidimensional documents. A first part illustrates concepts on multidimensional documents and how to represent them. Another issue is navigation through n-dimensional... more
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      Authoring SystemMultimedia Authoring ToolVisual navigation
Narrative art tells a story, either as a moment in an ongoing story or as a sequence of events unfolding over time. In many works of art separate panels within the same frame are used to depict the sequence of events. Often, there is no... more
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      Image ProcessingEye trackingGaze DirectionHistory and Philosophy of Art Education
Mobile robot localization from large-scale appearance mosaics has been showing increasing promise as a low-cost, high-performance and infrastructure-free solution to vehicle guidance in man-made environments. The feasibility of this... more
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      Graph TheoryTopologyImage segmentationPath planning
This paper describes a system for structure-from-motion using vanishing points and three-dimensional lines extracted from omni-directional video sequences. To track lines, we use a novel dynamic programming approach to improve ambiguity... more
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      Image ProcessingDynamic programmingStructure from MotionNavigation
Figure 1: Fixation maps over an art work that contains separate panels, which, when viewed in the intended order, tell a coherent story. In this work a gaze direction technique is used to visually guide the viewer through the image. As... more
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      Computer ScienceImage ProcessingEye trackingGaze Direction
In order to be fully autonomous, a mobile robot must possess the skill of finding its location in a particular environment. In other words, while navigating, a mobile robot must be capable of finding its location in a map of the... more
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      Computer VisionMonte CarloMobile RobotMobile Agent
We introduce a method for autonomous robot navigation based on homographies computed between current image and images taken in a previous teaching phase with a monocular vision system. The features used to estimate the homography are... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringVisual SystemField RoboticsReal Time
The electrochemical characteristics of L605 alloy, with various surface finishes obtained after electrolytic polishing, were investigated. This Co-Cr alloy has a clinical history in dental and orthopaedic implants and more recently in... more
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      EngineeringMagnetic fieldHuman BodyCHEMICAL SCIENCES
The Visual Semantic Web (ViSWeb) is a new paradigm for enhancing the current Semantic Web technology. Based on Object-Process Methodology (OPM), which enables modeling of systems in a single graphic and textual model, ViSWeb provides for... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingPerceptionSemantics
In this paper we describe how a mobile robot controled only by visual information can retrieve a particular goal location in an open environment. Our model does not need a precise map nor to learn all the possible positions in the... more
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      Online LearningMobile RobotIndoor EnvironmentVisual navigation
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      Aerospace EngineeringControl systemNavigationMobile Robots
In this paper, we highlight the main research directions currently pursued by the investigators for the development of new tools to improve Web accessibility for users with visual disabilities. The overall principle is to create... more
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      Computer ScienceWeb AccessibilityKnowledge RepresentationVisual Impairment
A visual navigation system is described which uses texture mapped primitives to represent clusters of objects to maintain high and approximately constant frame rates. In cases where there are more unoccluded primitives inside the viewing... more
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      Computer ScienceLevel Of Detail (LOD)Distributed SystemsVirtual Reality
Spatial databases contain feature classes that represent real world. Content of geographic database is mainly designed for GIS analysis. However, a spatial database for cartographic visualization should contain some more rules and... more
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      Geographic DatabaseKnowledge baseData ProcessingSpatial Database
Narrative art tells a story, either as a moment in an ongoing story or as a sequence of events unfolding over time. In many works of art separate panels within the same frame are used to depict the sequence of events. Often, there is no... more
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      Image ProcessingEye trackingGaze DirectionHistory and Philosophy of Art Education
Resumo-Este trabalho apresenta resultados parciais do Projeto "Sistemas Virtuais de Ensino e Treinamento Baseados na Internet para Suporte à área da Saúde" (MCT/FINEP-Ação Transversal-Software, Edital 06/2004). Nesta perspectiva, busca-se... more
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      Medical EducationIntelligent Tutoring SystemTutoring SystemEducation and Training
This paper describes a generic approach to the design of a 3D virtual environment for visual navigation. The basic design principle is that users need to understand how an environment is organised and how they can utilise the knowledge to... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCognitive MapVirtual RealityComputer Software
In this paper, we present an approach for the design and control of both reflexive and purposive visual tasks. The approach is based on the bidimensional appearance of the objects in the environment and explicitly takes into account... more
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      EngineeringImage AnalysisMotion controlPath planning
We address the problem of comprehending cause and effect relationships between relatively independent behavior components of a single application. Our focus is on the paradigm of behavioral, scenario-based, programming, as captured by the... more
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      Information SystemsVisualizationAerodynamicsSynchronization
The use of a contrasting line for the visual navigation of autonomous mobile robots in a factory environment is developed. Minimum and maximum linewidths are determined analytically by considering sensor geometry, field of view, and error... more
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      Information SystemsMachine VisionPath planningNavigation
Computer vision is much more than a technique to sense and recover environmental information from an UAV. It should play a main role regarding UAVs' functionality because of the big amount of information that can be extracted, its... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer VisionImage ProcessingUnmanned Aircraft Systems
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      Machine LearningCt ScanThree DimensionalVisual Features
This chapter presents an introduction to current research devoted to the visual servoing problem of guiding differentially driven robots, more specifically, unicycle-like vehicles, taking into consideration limited field-of-view... more
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      Computer ScienceSimultaneous Localization and MappingVisual ServoingBoolean Satisfiability
Abstract. In this paper, we propose an autonomous precision landing method for an unmanned helicopter based on an on-board visual navigation system consisting of a single pan-tilting camera, off-the-shelf computer hardware and inertial... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceISERInertial Sensor
The paper describes a fuzzy perception based guidance of an autonomous ground vehicle. The technique proposed uses a visual servoing approach in which the control incorporates directly the visual feedback. The application involves guiding... more
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      Autonomous RoboticsEdge DetectionVisual ServoingMembership Function
This paper presents an algorithm that uses visual information to achieve the homing of an autonomous agent inside a previously visited environment. An image grabbed at the target position is compared with the currently perceived one to... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringElectrical And Electronic EngineeringRobot NavigationRelative Position
Visual processing is very important for robot naviga tion. In this framework the detection of corridors of free space along the robot trajectory is certainly a very important capability to safely navigate. Stereo vision and motion... more
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      Computer VisionOptical FlowNavigationRobot kinematics
For autonomous vehicles to achieve terrain navigation, obstacles must be discriminated from terrain before any path planning and obstacle avoidance activity is undertaken. In this paper, a novel approach to obstacle detection has been... more
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      Computer VisionPath planningOptical FlowMobile Robots
In this paper we address the problem of visual navigation of a mobile robot which simultaneously obtains metric localization and scene reconstruction using homographies. Initially, the robot is guided by a human and some scenes during the... more
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      RoboticsScene ReconstructionPath planningMotion estimation
Comprehensive data analysis has become indispensable in a variety of environments. Standard On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) systems, designed for satisfying the reporting needs of the business, tend to perform poorly or even fail... more
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      Data AnalysisMetadataModelingSystem Design
This paper presents an measure for image similarity based on local feature descriptions and geometric constraints. We show that on the basis of this similarity an appearance graph representation of the environment of a mobile robot can be... more
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      Computer VisionGraph RepresentationSemantic InformationMobile Robot
In this paper, we provide a progress report on the development of technology to support the non-visual navigation of complex HTML and XML structures.
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      Web AccessibilityVisually Impaired UsersVisual navigation
Resumo -Este trabalho apresenta resultados parciais do Projeto "Sistemas Virtuais de Ensino e Treinamento Baseados na Internet para Suporte à área da Saúde" (MCT/FINEP -Ação Transversal -Software, Edital 06/2004). Nesta perspectiva,... more
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      Medical EducationIntelligent Tutoring SystemTutoring SystemEducation and Training
Graphic and metric archaeological documentation is an activity that requires the capture of information from different sources, accurate processing and comprehensive analysis. If monitoring of the state of conservation is required, this... more
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—The current study seeks to advance in the direction of building a robust feature-based passive visual navigation system utilising unique characteristics of the features present in an image to obtain position of the aircraft. This is done... more
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      Computer VisionAutonomous RoboticsFeature ExtractionVisual navigation
This article presents a technique for modeling and calibrating a camera with integrated low-cost iner- tial sensors, three gyros and three accelerometers for full 3D sensing. Inertial sensors attached to a camera can provide valuable data... more
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      Vestibular SystemCamera CalibrationMathematical ModelInertial Navigation System
This article presents a technique for modeling and calibrating a camera with integrated low-cost inertial sensors, three gyros and three accelerometers for full 3D sensing. Inertial sensors attached to a camera can provide valuable data... more
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      Vestibular SystemCamera CalibrationMathematical ModelInertial Navigation System