Goal Oriented Personalisation with SCORM
Guillermo Power1, Hugh C Davis1, Alexandra I. Cristea2, Craig Stewart3 and Helen Ashman3
Learning Technologies Group, ECS, University Of Southampton, Southampton, UK
+44 (0)23 8059 8867, {gp2|hcd}@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, Eindhoven University of Technology,
P.O. 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands, +31-40-247 4350,
[email protected]
School of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Nottingham,
Nottingham, UK, +44 (0)115 846 6505, {cds|hla}@cs.nott.ac.uk
This paper presents an innovative approach to
personalize on-line content to the needs of individual
learners. We use a regular educational environment,
the BlackboardTM Learning Management System, with
a new approach: we add adaptivity and
personalization to it by means of authoring the goaloriented material in an Adaptive Hypermedia
authoring system, MOT, and delivering it in
Blackboard via a conversion to the SCORM
specification. This represents the first attempt to
connect Adaptive Hypermedia and Learning
Management Systems.
1. Introduction
This paper describes an approach to personalising
on-line materials to the needs of individual learners in
order to improve the suitability of the materials to the
users’ goals and current understanding so that the time
spent on the current task is more focussed. In this
introduction we explain the particular context in which
we are experimenting with this technology.
At the University of Southampton we teach a final
year undergraduate elective course on Hypertext and
Web Technology. One third of this unit, which covers
research issues in Hypertext, is carried out in the
summer term at the same time as the students are
finishing their major individual project. Inevitably they
tend to prioritise their project work and attendance at
lectures is poor. For the purposes of this unit we have
decided to accept the students’ behaviour and to
organise this piece of the unit so that the students may
carry out all the required work on line and at their
preferred time.
This part of the unit is therefore presented as a set of
on-line materials (papers from the Hypertext literature)
that the students are expected to access, along with
some commentaries by the lecturer (which will be the
basis of the voluntary lectures). The students are given
six questions (goals) which they are required to answer
in order to prepare for the examination. The
examination is held on computers which are on-line
and students are allowed access to the literature, their
notes and any other static materials available on the
Web. The questions will be variations of the questions
they have been asked to prepare, and the examination
is entirely concerned with testing student’s ability to
analyse, evaluate and synthesise and in no part
concerned with simple recall of facts.
The body of literature the students are given is far
too large for a single student to read properly in the
time available (about 50 papers in 4 weeks). This is
deliberate – the desired learning outcomes are that the
students learn to scan read and that they learn to work
together to conquer large learning problems. To this
end students are encouraged to use the student WIKI to
communicate what they have learned and to hold online or face-to-face meetings to discuss their
understanding. Some students participate in this
collaborative phase and others do not.
We decided to look at what tools we might provide
to help a student to read at the detail they choose and to
locate particular passages – what we call Goal
Oriented Personalisation. Students might skim read, or
read all the materials available. Since we were also
involved in a project on authoring adaptive materials
(ADAPT [2]) we decided to use this course as an
experiment in the application of our emerging
To this end we tagged the reading materials with
information that allows the system to produce a
personalised lesson which responds to one of a predefined set of goals. As this is a real course we did not
wish to experiment with untested delivery platforms.
Instead we wished to deliver through the usual
platforms – in our case we have an Intranet website and
BlackboardTM. The preferred solution was to deliver
the personalised lesson as a SCORM content package
that could be accessed via the Blackboard Learning
Resource iNterchange (LRN) viewer or via a third
party such as ADL’s SCORM [3] viewer.
Neither SCORM nor Blackboard offer the ability to
alter the presentation of content to the goals of a user.
Therefore we needed to arrange for a pre- personalised
SCORM content package (previously created by the
authoring system) to be available for each user.
For this purpose, we started with an Adaptive
Hypermedia Authoring system, MOT [11], which is
able to provide the adaptive specification for our
course. The material created in MOT is then
transformed into the SCORM specification.
The remainder of this paper describes the theory
and technology we used to solve this problem and
achieve these personalised lessons
2. Our Approach
We had two main requirements in terms of input
and output; firstly the user had to be provided with a
easy to use, intuitive interface to help him/her generate
and edit personalizable learning content. Secondly we
had to be able to display the SCORM output in a
widely available Virtual Learning Environment.
As there aren’t any standards for describing
personalized hypermedia learning material, there
wasn’t an obvious format for us to choose for our input
data, however, we required a tool that allowed a
teacher to edit and create an adaptive content easily. In
MOT we found a tool that fulfilled this criteria; MOT
provides the author with an easy to use web interface
that allows for the creation of adaptive learning
With MOT, the subject matter of the course to be
designed can be modeled by means of concept maps.
Based on these concept maps lessons can be
constructed. MOT provides the user with an intuitive
Web interface to edit both Concept Maps and Lessons.
Secondly our choice of Virtual Learning
Environment was clear from the start, the University of
Southampton uses the Blackboard Virtual Learning
Environment to distribute learning material to students.
Given that the latest versions of it support SCORM it
was a clear choice that we should test out output using
3. Background to MOT
MOT [11] is a generic Adaptive Hypermedia
System web-authoring environment developed at the
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e),
constructed based on MyET [8], LAOS (Layered
WWW AHS Authoring Model with its corresponding
Algebraic Operators) [7] and LAG (Layers of Adaptive
Granulation Model) [4]. MOT implements LAOS by
supporting a domain model, in the form of a conceptual
hierarchical layer (of atomic and composite concepts,
built of a number of attributes), and a goal and
constraints model, in the form of a lesson layer,
dealing with alternative presentation of contents at
attribute level or above. This structure conforms to the
requirements of W3C towards the third generation
Web, called the Semantic Web[14]. MOT implements
LAG, by having an adaptation model with three
possible input levels for adaptation functionality. The
adaptation itself follows a three-layer granularity
structure, of direct adaptation techniques and rules, an
adaptation language and adaptation strategies.
For the purpose of this paper we concentrate on the
domain and lesson models. In the following, we give
more detail of the layers that we used in this example.
3.1 Concepts (Domain Layer) in MOT
The MOT Domain Layer contains one or more subconcepts, which are in turn concepts themselves. MOT
calls a collection of such constructs a conceptmap.
Each concept in a conceptmap is described by a
number of concept attributes; these hold pieces of
information about the concept they belong to. There
are several kinds of attributes, for example, a concept
can have a title, description, text, etc. Concept
attributes can be related to each other. Such relations
between concepts indicate that their attributes treat
similar topics
3.2 Lessons (Goal & Constraints Layer) in
The Goal & Constraint Layer in MOT is
represented by lessons. A lesson can contain sublessons, which are lessons in their own right. This
hierarchical structure of lessons is connected via AND
or OR connectors. A lesson contains, besides the sublesson holders, one or more concept attributes, which
are also AND- or OR-connected. The purpose of this
layer is to collect discrete pieces of information
(concept attributes) from multiple Domain Maps, and
to fit them together in a suitable manner for
presentation (order, importance, etc.) to the student.
Figure 1: Domain (Concepts) Layer Interface
3.3 MOT Implementation of a New Course
We choose MOT as our system to design adaptive
content because it is a powerful Adaptive Hypermedia
System design tool. MOT presents the user with a webbased interface that allows the author to design
adaptive content. The interface is divided into three
1. The Domain Layer Interface, which allows users to
design conceptmaps (see Figure 1 for a glimpse at
the Southampton course written in MOT).
2. The Goal & Constraints Layer Interface, which
allows users to design lessons (see Figure 2 for a
partially transformed Southampton course in the
MOT Goal & Constraints Layer).
Finally the Adaptation Model Interface, which
consists of an adaptation language, allowing the
user to define different adaptation strategies.
For the purposes of this paper we are ignoring this last
layer as we are defining our own separate adaptation
strategy, coupled to the conversion program.
3.4 The MOT Database
MOT stores its data in a MySQL database. This
database uses several pointers to represent the tree
structures, seen in the concept and lesson layers, on the
two dimensional relational database.
These pointers are unique identifiers within the
database that we have opted to employ as unique
identifiers within the SCORM manifest created by the
MOT to SCORM converter, as shown in Figure 3.
These pointers are unique identifiers within the
database that we have opted to employ as unique
identifiers within the SCORM manifest created by the
MOT to SCORM converter, as shown in Figure 3.
4. MOT-to-SCORM converter
Figure 2: Goal-Constraints (Lessons) Layer
We have developed a converter that will take a
MOT lesson such as the one described in the previous
section and generate a lesson in SCORM using the
lesson’s AND-OR connections and concept group
weights for its adaptation criteria. For the first version
of the converter we choose to ignore MOT’s powerful
adaptation layer, because this would have significantly
increased development difficulty. Therefore we have
developed an initial model to tailor content to learners’
differing goals and degree of interest; the adaptation
strategy is hard coded into the converter.
4.1 Adaptation Model
To facilitate the description of our adaptation model
we present a simplified way of looking at a MOT
lesson by removing the concept of sub-lessons.
The simplified lesson can be seen as a collection of
concepts, with the levels representing levels on the
concept tree. Each concept has a set of attributes, a
connector and a weight. In MOT each lesson concept
has a weight as well, but for our purposes this weight is
not needed, as each concept will form an entire
SCORM item.
When creating a lesson for a specific learner or
group of learners, we specify a cut-off weight. If the
weight is more than or equal to the cut-off and it is OR
connected, then the concept is suitable for that learner.
Note: all AND connected concepts will be classed as
suitable for that learner. Alternatively, if a concept has
a weight less than the cut-off and it is OR connected, it
will be classed as unsuitable for that learner.
4.2 Interface
To edit the hypermedia content the author is
expected to make use of the MOT editors for the
Concept Layer (see Figure 1) and Domain-Goal Layer
(see Figure 2) to create a lesson. Currently the MOTto-SCORM converter expects to find a lesson with the
entire set of standard MOT concept attributes (title,
keywords, pattern, text, explanation, conclusion,
exercise and introduction), although currently we
utilize only the title and the text attributes. The
converter prompts the user to select a lesson to be
converted and to input a cut-off value, and then it
converts this lesson to SCORM creating a manifest file
for it. Finally, the user is expected to create their own
IMS content package [9] with the manifest and all
resource files by simply creating a zip file of the
manifest and the resource files.
To display the resulting adapted lesson we have
used Microsoft’s LRN viewer, Blackboard’s LRN
viewer and a third party SCORM viewer Plug-In for
Blackboard (see Figure 4).
4.3 MOT to SCORM Conversion
The MOT-to-SCORM converter takes one MOT
lesson and converts it to a single SCORM manifest in
an IMS Content Package according to the adaptation
rules. Each concept in the lesson is converted to be a
single item in the organization section of the manifest,
using the title of that concept and the sublesson Id as a
unique identifier. In our example each item has a
resource file associated with it. The name for the
resource file is entered in the text attribute of that
concept and then it is included in the IMS content
package for the course (see Figure 3)
To test the converter, we used the real world
example of recommended reading material for an
Advanced Hypermedia unit in a third year
undergraduate course as discussed in the Introduction
(see Figure 4). We recreated the original suggested
reading list in MOT using AND/OR connection
conditions and weights reflecting the material that was
considered necessary, as well as optional material, and
the degree of complexity of it.
There are two possible adaptations the software
carries out:
• Modify the title so that concepts pertaining to
sections unsuitable for that learner are preceded by
the word “OPTIONAL” (see Figure 4).
• Secondly, the ‘isvisible’ attribute for each item
that is not suitable for the learner is set to false
(see Figure 3).
4.4 Implementation Details
The MOT-to-SCORM converter was coded in Java.
During implementation we noticed how complex it is
to write code to extract information from the
hierarchical structures of the MOT database in both the
Domain and Goal-Constraints layers. Therefore we
have started developing a MOT Java API to facilitate
the development of future Java applications using the
MOT database.
5. Testing & Evaluation
Figure 3: MOT Concept to SCORM conversion
We have yet to conduct any quantitative evaluation
of this approach, but we have carried out testing to
ensure that the system provides sensible routes through
the material as intended.
As explained in the
introduction, our Hypertext and Web Technologies unit
posed the students with six questions they should be
able to answer upon completing the course.
We had a collection of around 50 papers from the
Hypertext literature plus the powerpoint lecture slides,
and using MOT we created routes through the
materials to respond to the different questions,
personalized to a user model, in which the user decided
the depth of reading they wish to undertake.
Students will be presented with these materials next
semester and they will be disseminated using the
SCORM Viewer building block in Blackboard.
interfacing many Educational Hypermedia (EH)
delivery systems. The ADAPT project [2] has initiated
research in this area. And represents the framework of
the research presented in this paper. In ADAPT we
have already used MOT as a generic authoring system,
had MOT Lessons automatically converted for use in
entirely unrelated delivery systems such as AHA! [12],
WHURLE [13], and now Blackboard.
7. Acknowledgments
This work is supported by the Minerva Socrates EU
project ADAPT (101144-CP-1-2002-NL-MINERVAMPP [1]).
8. References
Figure 4: Adapted course shown through
Blackboard's LRN viewer
6. Discussion & conclusions
In this paper we have discussed how to prepare a
personalised lesson for a static delivery system. Most
current Adaptive Educational Hypermedia systems
dynamically adapt the delivery of content to a learner’s
needs, be it their knowledge [4] or, more recently, to
their Learning Style [5]. However these truly adaptive
systems have currently progressed little beyond their
research prototypes.
The contribution of this work is to demonstrate how
existing materials can be pre-adapted (rather than
delivered adaptively) for use in existing commercial
learning environments such as Blackboard. We believe
this could provide a stepping stone towards the
introduction of personalised adaptive learning. As an
example of this we have discussed a real problem that
we solved with this new solution, the “Hypertext and
Web Technology” course at the University of
Southampton, and how goal oriented adaptation can be
achieved within an apparently static delivery
environment. The approach is similar to that taken by
the Dynamic Courseware Generator [10], produces
standard SCORM output, and differs from the
approach taken in [1] in that the SCORM is statically
generated, rather than dynamically adapted.
Finally, this paper describes yet another step
towards the long term goal of synergistically
[1] Abdullah, N.A., Bailey, C.P., and Davis, H.C,
“Augmenting SCORM Manifest with Adaptive Links”, In
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[2] ADAPT project,
[4] Brusilovsky, P. Adaptive hypermedia. User Modeling
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[5] Coffield, F., Learning Styles and Pedagody in post-16
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[8] Cristea, A., and Okamoto, T., MyEnglishTeacher – A
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[9] IMS Content Packaging Specification,
[10] Julita Vassileva. Dynamic Courseware Generation on
the WWW, Proceedings of the workshop "Adaptive Systems
and User Modeling on the World Wide Web", Sixth
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[11] MOT, http://adaptmot.sourceforge.net/
[12] Stach, N., Cristea, A. & De Bra, P. Authoring of
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[13] Stewart, C., Cristea, A., Moore, A., Brailsford, T. and
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2nd International Workshop on Authoring of Adaptive and
Adaptable Educational Hypermedia, at the AH’04,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
[14] W3C Semantic Web. http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/