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Work has historically been an important basis of identity, but the sharp decline in the availability of stable attachments to jobs, organizations, or occupations jeopardizes paid work's capacity to sustain identity. If available work... more
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      Sociology of WorkIdentityActors
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      InstitutionsBurkina FasoRightsActors
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      PoliticsPowerActorsTheory of Discourse
Tanzania is currently undertaking a number of initiatives related to the development of national REDD+ governance structures. These initiatives, among others, include process to establish a national REDD+ Trust Fund (NRTF) and the... more
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      ForestryPower and LegitimacyEnvironmental SustainabilityInstitutions
This article contributes to the debate on liminality within International Relations (IR) theory by focusing on the actorness of the European Union (EU) and Hamas. The concept of liminality as a transitional process is applied to frame the... more
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      LiminalityEuropean UnionIdentityNon-state actors
L’histoire de la ville et de l’urbanisme algérois est souvent abordée comme une succession de productions « physiques » qui, par superposition ou extension, produisent la ville. Cette succession dans l’axe linéaire du temps nie certaines... more
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      IdeologyAlgeriaArchitecture and urbanismUrban Forms
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      Roman LawActors
El método de construcción del relato fílmico y el estilo cinematográfico de Mike Leigh: reflejo de una concepción ética y estética del mundo Mike Leighen zinemagintza-estiloa eta filmetako kontakizuna eraikitzeko metodoa: munduaren... more
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All of the above must be centered, 1.5 spacing with no enters between each line with the required information. The abstract must follow after one space, entered. The abstract must have no more than 250 words. New paragraphs must start on... more
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      Social SciencesResearch Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologySustainable Development
Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998. Pour communiquer avec les responsables d'Érudit : [email protected]... more
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      DanseClaire DenisActorsDance and Cinema
This paper examines challenges facing SMEs in emerging ICT adoption from diverse actors’ perspective using data driven thematic analysis approach -similar approach to grounded theory. This study deployed both unstructured and... more
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      SmesQualitativeICT adoptionActors
Despite many recognized shortcomings, Rational Choice Theory remains the dominant perspective on decision-making in the literature on African conflict, whether overtly acknowledged or not. Prospect Theory, originally derived from the... more
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      ConflictProspect TheoryActors
The diffusion of fashionable management concepts is an important research topic in management and organization studies. Researchers have pointed out that various actors such as consultants, conference organizers and the business media... more
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      DiffusionManagement ConceptsActorsCirculation
Decision-making about spatial projects is very complex. Decisions to develop the Rotterdam harbour are being taken in a network of local, regional, national, European and international actors, both public and private. These... more
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      Public AdministrationComplexityInteractionsActors
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a framework to analyse water politics and governance. The framework has been constructed from a social constructivist perspective. This theory places attention on the role of normative aspects... more
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      Social SciencesIdeologyQualitative ResearchWater History
En este artículo se analiza el circuito cárnico bovino del municipio Colón del estado Zulia (Venezuela). Se fundamenta en la aplicación de un sistema de valor, compuesto por conjunto de actividades requeridas para producir, comercializar... more
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      ActivitiesActorsValue System
Dieser Beitrag stellt den von Renate Mayntz und Fritz W. Scharpf entwickelten Akteurzentrierten Institutionalismus (AZI) vor. Er führt zunächst die wesentlichen theoretischen Elemente des Analyserahmens ein: Akteure, Akteurkonstellationen... more
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesNew InstitutionalismInstitutions (Political Science)Actors
Using imperative programming to process event streams, such as those generated by multi-touch devices and 3D cameras, has significant engineering drawbacks. Declarative approaches solve common problems but so far, they have not been able... more
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      Computer ScienceMultimodal InteractionGesture RecognitionComplex Event Processing
Resumen. El presente trabajo ofrece un análisis de las posibilidades de que se implemente con éxito un sistema de concesión del servicio de recolección y confinamiento de los residuos sólidos urbanos no peligrosos en Ciudad Juárez. La... more
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      PoliticsPrivatizationSolid wasteActors
Dopo Che ne sarà di noi (Giovanni Veronesi, 2004), istintivamente e senza prendermi troppo tempo per pensarci, ho subito indicato Elio Germano, classe 1980, come il miglior attore italiano non solo della sua generazione, la mia dopotutto... more
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      The BodyItalian CinemaCinemaActing
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a framework to analyse water politics and governance. The framework has been constructed from a social constructivist perspective. This theory places attention on the role of normative aspects... more
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      Social SciencesResearch Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyWater
Il 9 aprile Gian Maria Volontè, uno dei più grandi e più generosi attori italiani dell’epoca moderna, avrebbe compiuto ottanta anni. Se ne ando’ mentre nasceva la seconda repubblica. Negli ultimi anni guardava con amarezza più all’estero... more
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      CinemaVisual ArtsGian Maria Volontè (1933-1994)Actors
Colloque international co-organisé par Estelle GALBOIS et Marie-Hélène GARELLI (PLH-CRATA-GIS RETHA (Réseau Théâtre antique). Toulouse-automne 2023
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      ArchaeologyIconographyArchitecturePerformance Studies
The article focuses on the role of historical consciousness, which is related to the role of memory in the creation and the existence of individual consciousness. The fact of identity, evidence of the sanity of the individual is expressed... more
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      PolicyHistorical ConsciousnessIdentityMemory
Background: Evidence-informed policymaking has been promoted as a means of ensuring better outcomes. However, what counts as evidence in policymaking lies within a spectrum of expert knowledge and scientifically generated information.... more
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      EvidencePublic HealthNigeriaPolicymaking
In today’s world where celebrity endorsers have become an integral part of life and the numerous celebrities in the form of TV stars, movie stars and even social media stars, it has made it difficult for any marketer to properly find out... more
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Using imperative programming to process event streams, such as those generated by multi-touch devices and 3D cameras, has significant engineering drawbacks. Declarative approaches solve common problems but so far, they have not been able... more
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      Computer ScienceMultimodal InteractionGesture RecognitionComputer Software
Background: Evidence-informed policymaking has been promoted as a means of ensuring better outcomes. However, what counts as evidence in policymaking lies within a spectrum of expert knowledge and scientifically generated information.... more
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      Child healthEvidence Based MedicineEvidencePublic Health
, "The other seen by itself. Posthuman aesthetics in 'Rimini Protokoll's Uncanny Valley". Dr Macioszek Sabina (Poland), "Human-machines ecologies: theatre as a platform for creating specific relationships between humans and new... more
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