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This paper illustrates the existing public transport policy framework at Federal, Regional, State, District and Council levels. It highlights specific policies which need to be taken into account at each level, as some remarkable... more
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      Public TransportTransport PlanningIntegration policyPublic transportation
India’s Northeastern states have presented a complex challenge to the Indian Union for over half a century, with continuous pushes for independence, autonomy and secession by a number of violent non-state actors and paramilitary groups.... more
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      EthnohistoryHumanitiesDevelopment StudiesPeace and Conflict Studies
Abstract The global policy discourse and the war on terror tend to ignore the wide variety of roles and agendas of non-state armed groups (NSAGs), viewing them primarily as threats to security, negative for peace and as important spoilers... more
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      DemocratizationStatebuildingParallel Governance StructuresCivil Society; Democratic Reform Process
This chapter surveys the new institutional economics, a rapidly growing literature combining economics, law, organization theory, political science, sociology and anthropology to understand social, political and commercial institutions.... more
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      Transaction CostsInstitutionsParallel Governance StructuresFirms
Öz: Bu makale, başlangıçta dinî bir grup olarak ortaya çıkan, ancak önce kamusal alanda örgütlenen ve zamanla siyasal alanda hegemonik bir güç haline gelen Gülenist cemaatin örgütsel yapıya dönüşümünü sosyolojik açıdan çözümlemeyi... more
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      CommunityReligious GroupsParallel Governance StructuresFeto
In 1991 Somaliland, a territory in the northwest of Somalia, declared its independence from the troubled south and, after rejecting international assistance, embarked on a project of creating a state on its own. For all pretences,... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsDemocratizationHumanitarian Intervention
The reconstruction of stable political order after violent conflict is a central concern of peacebuilding theory and practice. While much of the literature on this subject is based on cases where there has been state collapse or... more
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      Armed ConflictNortheast IndiaIndiaInsurgency
A suitable correlation can be made to represent the simulated distillation of heavy oils starting from thennoaravimetric measurements. This method is applicable to hydrocarbons having an initial boiling point equal or greater than... more
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      Public ManagementTransaction CostsPolitical ScienceService Quality
Transitions to democracy are most often considered the outcome of historical modernization processes. Socio-economic changes, such as increases in per capita GNP, education levels, urbanization and communication, have traditionally been... more
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      EngineeringEvolutionary BiologyPhysicsChemistry
Tanzania is currently undertaking a number of initiatives related to the development of national REDD+ governance structures. These initiatives, among others, include process to establish a national REDD+ Trust Fund (NRTF) and the... more
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      ForestryPower and LegitimacyEnvironmental SustainabilityInstitutions
Tous droits réservés © Études internationales, 2015 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez... more
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      European StudiesInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical Science
This paper presents a digital implementation of a new and simple control technique for single-phase Hybrid Active Power Filter (HAPF). The main control consists of an accurate estimation technique used to extract harmonic current... more
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      Harmonic AnalysisSignal ProcessingPower QualityAdaptive Filtering
This paper examines the state-building project in Kazakhstan since independence in 1991. It argues that both civic and ethno-nationalistic tendencies in state-building can be identified but that it is not any particular trajectory of... more
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      DemocratizationNationalismCentral Asian StudiesNational Identity
The appalling state in which a significant proportion of the world's population lives has reinvigorated interest in trusteeship as a way of responding to problems of international disorder and injustice. Trusteeship presupposes a... more
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      DemocratizationInternational Territorial administrationsStatebuildingUN Trusteeships
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      Latin American StudiesDemocratizationBoliviaStatebuilding
The reconstruction of stable political order after violent conflict is a central concern of peacebuilding theory and practice. While much of the literature on this subject is based on cases where there has been state collapse or... more
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      Political ScienceArmed ConflictNortheast IndiaIndia
Bu makale, başlangıçta dinî bir grup olarak ortaya çıkan, ancak önce kamusal alanda örgütlenen ve zamanla siyasal alanda hegemonik bir güç haline gelen Gülenist cemaatin örgütsel yapıya dönüşümünü sosyolojik açıdan çözümlemeyi... more
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      CommunityReligious GroupsParallel Governance StructuresFeto
Bu makale, başlangıçta dinî bir grup olarak ortaya çıkan, ancak önce kamusal alanda örgütlenen ve zamanla siyasal alanda hegemonik bir güç haline gelen Gülenist cemaatin örgütsel yapıya dönüşümünü sosyolojik açıdan çözümlemeyi... more
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      CommunityReligious GroupsParallel Governance StructuresFeto
Transitions to democracy are most often considered the outcome of historical modernization processes. Socio-economic changes, such as increases in per capita GNP, education levels, urbanization and communication, have traditionally been... more
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      EngineeringEvolutionary BiologyPhysicsChemistry
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      SovereigntyIsrael/PalestinePalestineWest Bank
This paper presents a digital implementation of a new and simple control technique for single-phase Hybrid Active Power Filter (HAPF). The main control consists of an accurate estimation technique used to extract harmonic current... more
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      Harmonic AnalysisSignal ProcessingPower QualityAdaptive Filtering
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      DemocratizationSecurity sector ReformEUStatebuilding