Value System
Recent papers in Value System
Abstract This study examines the link between social structural variables (gender, race, education, age, rural childhood), individual social psychology (altruism, self-interest, traditionality, and openness to change), and beliefs about... more
... Retrieved September 5, 2008, 501 from source ... Listeriosis probe identifies multiple deficiencies. ... Retrieved April 21, 2009, from 508... more
This manuscript examines the evolution of internet value systems in the motion control industry. We believe the primary reason behind the inconsistent performance of that industry's adoption of the internet in the supply channel was... more
ABSTRACT." Over the past three decades, Arab society in Israel has been undergoing processes of transition. These processes are mani-fested by changes in the economy, education, the status of women, family structure, and by... more
This paper seeks to examine how the Shona traditional society conceptualised beauty; drawing from the meaning and content of the Shona proverb, suggesting that traditional society emphasised beauty as holistic to include such elements as... more
I am concerned with the manner in which an almost exclusive focus on the individual has been part of a more general process that increasingly marginalizes the most vulner
Psychology rarely examines the effects of economic systems on people's lives. In this target article, we set out to explore some of the costs of American corporate capitalism and its focus on self-interest, competition, hierarchical wage... more
The subject of study of my MSc thesis was a revival of vinyl replay (LP records) within the dynamics of music replay in 2007, including declining CD sales, the disappearance of compact cassettes, RIAA actions against file-sharers and the... more
Concerns about professionalism in medicine have made necessary the explicit teaching and learning of ethics, professionalism and personal development. The noble profession of medicine, taken up as a "calling" by those who are... more
This paper discusses the contribution and use of the value chain component within a prototype decision support system (DSS). Here we focus on the inclusion of Porter's value chain within the general design of the DSS for a purchasing... more
The unit-decade compatibility effect is interpreted to reflect processes of place value integration in two-digit number magnitude comparisons. The current study aimed at elucidating the influence of language properties on the... more
Families are social systems that both develop and carry on the value system and socialization process for its young members within the society in which they live. It is, therefore, not a coincidence that when the Nazis planned the total... more
This article describes a social psychological framework for understanding sexual stigma, and it reports data on sexual minority individuals' stigma-related experiences. The framework distinguishes between stigma's manifestations in... more
Health organizations have started to become more market-driven. Therefore, it is important for health organizations to analyse the competitive dynamics of their industrial structure. However, relevant theories and models have mainly been... more
The purpose of this paper is to review past and present housing policies in Ghana, particularly the 1993 National Shelter Strategy (Ghana, 1993, Policy Planning and Evaluation ºnit, Ministry of ¼orks and Housing, Accra), in the context of... more
In today's rapid global economic integration researchers have come to realize that cultural or national identity is often asserted by various groups, and this assertion is manifested in dif-ferent forms. Distinctive qualities of... more
Risk management has been established as a well defined procedure for handling risks due to natural, environmental or man made hazards, of which floods are representative. Risk management has been discussed in many previous papers giving... more
Drawing on recent literature on the environmental impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the Internet, this paper identifies three main types of effects: direct impacts of the production and use of ICTs on the... more
Autobiographical occasions are perceived as an apportunity to constitute an identity, to lay claim to one's own life, to the right to tell one's own story. Using high school class reunions as a case study, I argue that those social... more
This paper seeks to examine how the Shona traditional society conceptualised beauty; drawing from the meaning and content of the Shona proverb, suggesting that traditional society emphasised beauty as holistic to include such elements as... more
This conceptual paper examines the cultural influences that impact on international hotel groups based upon the premise that effective harnessing of cultural diversity should lead to success in the global marketplace. Pizam's "hierarchy... more
Risk management has been established as a well defined procedure for handling risks due to natural, environmental or man made hazards, of which floods are representative. Risk management has been discussed in many previous papers giving... more
This study explores the impacts of Chinese motorcycle emergence on local environment in Vietnam and existing motorcycle makers, particularly Honda. Grounded upon the framework of diamond of competitive advantage, the study finds that... more
There are various medium of communication like electronic media, print media, internet and mobile communications. Present study focuses on electronic media and its impact on society-changing value system in Pakistan. It also tries to... more
فى ظل الانتشار المستمر والمتزايد لاستخدام وسائل الإعلام الجديدة فى المجتمعات العربية وارتباط هذا الاستخدام بفئة الشباب تحديداً يثار تساؤل حول هل أثر هذا الاستخدام الكثيف لوسائل الإعلام الجديد من قبل الشباب على منظومة القيم الخاصة بهم؟ وهل... more
This article reports on an institutional study of academic integrity based on two different sources: reporting of incidents over a six-year period (2001-2006) and a campus-wide survey administered in 2008. Findings are that academic... more
This article outlines a general theory of meaning, The Semiotic Hierarchy, which distinguishes between four major levels in the organization of meaning: life, consciousness, sign function and language, where each of these, in this order,... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Most research into feedback has focused on communication from managers to nonmanagerial staff. To a lesser extent, it has more recently addressed upward and 360 degree appraisal systems. In contrast, the role of informal upward... more
When, after a schism in 1666 within the Russian Orthodox Church, a part of the congregation did not acknowledge the church’s innovation and, sticking to the “old faith”, also refused to recognise the new church hierarchy, the celebration... more
... Macon, GA: Mercer University. View all references; Shupe & Bromley, 198546. Shupe, A. and Bromley, D. 1985. ... Fallen angel. An introduction. In Therapeutic communities for the treatment of drug users , Edited by: Rawlings, B.... more
The aging of the workforce and the concurrent advent of the Millennials represent a major demographic and sociological phenomenon that can have dominant implications for organizations, as a whole. This presents a situation, where the... more
Families are social systems that both develop and carry on the value system and socialization process for its young members within the society in which they live. It is, therefore, not a coincidence that when the Nazis planned the total... more
The architecture of a software system is a high-level description of the major system components, their interconnections and their interactions. The main hypothesis underlying this paper is that architectural design plays the strategic... more
Purpose -Service-dominant (S-D) logic and service science provide a conceptual framework to describe evolutionary pathways that companies could follow by innovating in order to overcome and rethink traditional and non-productive ways of... more
In parallel with the increasing complexity and uncertainty of social, technological, economic, environmental, political and value systems (STEEPV), there is a need for a systemic approach in Foresight. Recognizing this need, the paper... more
The U.S. civilian space program is focused on planning for a new round of human missions to the Moon and, later, perhaps, to Mars. These plans are intended to realize a "vision" for exploration articulated by President George W. Bush. It... more