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This book recalibrates literature’s political role for the 21st century by excavating the deep history of storytelling as a civic agency. From Aristotle to Arendt and from the novella to the video story, short narrative forms hence become... more
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      James JoyceProverbsStorytellingLiterary Theory
Vernetzung ist zur leitenden Metapher unserer Zeit avanciert. Die Beschreibung der Welt kommt ohne sie nicht mehr aus. Seit die Rede von Netzen und Netzwerken überall selbstverständlich geworden ist, scheint sie ihren metaphorischen... more
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      Paul RicoeurJacques DerridaHans BlumenbergPhilosophie
Table of Contents
Introductory Remarks
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      Hellenistic PhilosophyThomas JeffersonFriedrich NietzscheVergil
The exegesis of Otto and Blumenberg elucidates how Blumenberg sees in affectivity - particularly anxiety - how the subject’s instinctual failure and its accidental mythical rationalization are modes of coping with the 'absolutism of... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyPhenomenologyReligious ExperienceHans Blumenberg
El presente artículo trabaja la teoría de Marquard y su comprensión del ser humano como Homo Compensator, que permite superar los problemas que enfrenta la modernidad subsumida en el dilema de la gnosis que, ante la falta de un sentido... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of AnthropologyHans BlumenbergOdo Marquard
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      Hans BlumenbergPolitical Myths
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      AestheticsRhetoricHans BlumenbergNicholas of Cusa
Στο Ναυάγιο με θεατή, το πρώτο έργο του μεγάλου γερμανού φιλοσόφου Hans Blumenberg που μεταφράζεται στα ελληνικά από τις εκδόσεις Αντίποδες και του οποίου την μετάφραση και το επίμετρο επιμελείται ο Θοδωρής Δρίτσας, ο αναγνώστης θα... more
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      PhilosophyHans Blumenberg
Collection of essays on truth in the public sphere. Halsall's paper is on Hans Blumenberg's discussion of light as a metaphor for truth considered in relation to Merleau-Ponty's accounts of Cezanne.
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      AestheticsTruthCivil Society and the Public SphereHans Blumenberg
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      MetaphorGeorg SimmelHans Blumenberg
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      Continental PhilosophySynoptic GospelsHans BlumenbergJohann Sebastian Bach
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      Martin HeideggerGiorgio AgambenHans BlumenbergNicole Loraux
Cet article est issu d'une communication faite au Colloque des cycles supérieurs de l'Association des étudiantes et étudiants en philosophie de l'Université de Montréal: La Nature en philosophie (28 et 29 mars 2018). Cette présentation... more
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      HermeneuticsHans BlumenbergPhilosophy as a way of lifePierre Hadot
This paper explores the philosophies of myth of Walter Benjamin and Hans Blumenberg. It defends the thesis that both approaches to myth, despite their differences, bring the longer, more ambiguous, legacy of the history of the human... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyWalter BenjaminHans BlumenbergPhilosophy of Myth
Karl Löwith’s "Meaning in History" presents the emergence of modern philosophy of history as a secularization of medieval theology of history. His thesis holds that modern historical consciousness transposes into the immanent frame a... more
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      Philosophy of HistorySecularizationHans BlumenbergKarl Löwith
This paper identifies an integrated teaching strategy that was originally developed for engineers, the so-called ‘micro-insertion’ approach, as a practical and effective means to teach ethics at business schools. It is argued that... more
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      Business EthicsGender StudiesPhilosophical AnthropologyAristotle
Die Metapher des sozialen Bandes ist eine der Schlüsselfiguren der Soziologie seit deren Geburt im 19. Jahrhundert. Ihre Bedeutung für das Fach liegt gerade darin, dass sie sich nicht ohne weiteres an bestimmte Autoren oder einzelne... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesPolitical ScienceHistory of Social Sciences
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      PhilosophyConceptual MetaphorMetaphorHans Blumenberg
Myriam Revault d’Allones, Sommes-nous vraiment «Déthéologisés»? Carl Schmitt, Hans Blumenberg et la sécularisation des Temps Modernes, Les Etudes philosophiques, No. 1, Carl Schmitt (Janvier 2004), pp. 25-37. Translated Into Arabic By... more
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      ModernityPolitics of SecularismSecularisms and SecularitiesReligion and Modernity
Hans Blumenberg (1920-1996) é um dos maiores filósofos da segunda metade do século XX. Autor de uma obra gigantesca, o seu estilo sinuoso não parece conter nenhuma tese fundamental, ainda que se ramifique por entre temas tão diversos tais... more
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      Discourse AnalysisAnthropologyKantPhilosophical Anthropology
Auswahl – vgl. die Full text-Version Der erste Aufsatz, ,Die Neuzeit als Spiegelbild des antiken Christentums‘ setzt sich mit der Frage auseinander, ob das Christentum nicht einer zu Ende gehenden Periode der Geschichte angehört und... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyPatristicsFrench RevolutionAugustine
This text aims at providing bilingual (Latin-Polish) edition of Erasmus’ letter addressed to John Sixtin (Sixtinus), the Frisian student in England and his friend. The humanist described a dinner party at Oxford which became the learned... more
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricHistory of IdeasErasmus
In this paper (written in Dutch), I evaluated one of the most imporant debate in philosophy of history, namely the debate on secularization between Karl Löwith and Hans Blumenberg. By comparing Löwith's "Meaning in History" with the... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of HistoryHans BlumenbergKarl Löwith
Cette contribution va proposer de considérer que la « crise du sens » est interminable, et continue, et que c’est par sa mise en crise que le sens mute et se surpasse lui-même. Il va s’agir donc de savoir ce que l’on entend par le... more
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      Ernst CassirerFinitudeHans BlumenbergDavos
Light as a metaphor for truth is one of the images that most strikingly captures the impassable philosophical divide between Maimonides and Crescas. Hans Blumenberg chose light as a prime illustration of a philosophically inexhaustible... more
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      Philosophical TheologyBiblical TheologyJewish PhilosophyMedieval Jewish Philosophy
In 1929 Ernst Cassirer and Martin Heidegger participated in a momentous debate in davos, Switzerland, which is widely held to have marked an important division in twentieth-century European thought. Peter E. gordon's recent book,... more
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      Émmanuel LévinasMartin HeideggerHistorical TheoryHeidegger
This is the redacted version of the previously posted paper is the one that the author actually read at annual meeting of the Metaphysical Society of America, in March 2016 at Annapolis, Maryland.
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      Intellectual HistoryMythologyPhilosophyHans Blumenberg
In the present essay I would like to explore the different meanings of the emotion named Schadenfreude from a perspective integrating Plato’s and Aristotle’s moral philosophy with the analyses of phenomenological anthropologists such as... more
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      PhilosophyMax SchelerAristotleEnvy (Psychology)
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      Mythology And FolkloreAnthropology and PsychoanalysisErnst CassirerHans Blumenberg
Cartographies of Copyright is a cultural history of copyright that maps out various contradictions and tensions that give shape to the crisis of copyright and its relations to US music industries. More specifically, this work charts the... more
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      Cultural HistoryTechnologyNew MediaCopyright
Lezing op cultureel evenement 'Het On(ver)draaglijke ', Leuven, 20-10-2011. Als insteek, een voorbeeld van het onverdraaglijke. Neem nu het geval van de bejaarde vader die zich gedwongen ziet zich te verzoenen met de moordenaar van zijn... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyHans BlumenbergConsolation
Edited by Hannes Bajohr, Florian Fuchs, and Joe Paul Kroll. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2020. History, Metaphors, and Fables collects the central writings by Hans Blumenberg and covers topics such as on the philosophy of... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophical AnthropologyPolitical TheoryMetaphor
In dieser Arbeit soll untersucht werden, inwieweit und inwiefern die Erzählkunst für die Hermeneutik von Ricoeur und Gadamer eine Rolle spielt. Zudem sollen die daraus resultierenden Schlussfolgerungen betrachtet werden - gibt es... more
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      PhilosophyLiteratureHermeneuticsPaul Ricoeur
In this paper I discuss Hans Blumenberg's The Rigorism of Truth, a short polemic that criticizes Freud and Hannah Arendt for placing (what he considers) a misplaced faith in the liberatory potential of rational truth in moments of... more
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      MythologySigmund FreudHans BlumenbergHannah Arendt
Lo studio tematico dei miti è tutt'ora uno dei campi più praticati dalla critica letteraria. Esso ha conosciuto particolare vigore nella comparatistica francese negli anni Settanta del Novecento, quando sono apparsi, per le edizioni... more
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      History of IdeasLiterary TheoryHans BlumenbergTheory of literature
L’articolo prende le mosse dagli studi di Hans Blumenberg sul mito, sulla sua genesi antropologica e sulla funzione ‘epocale’ di alcuni «miti fondamentali», per seguire la storia della ricezione del mito di Odisseo, comprenderne il... more
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      Hans BlumenbergMythUlyssesMetaphorology
In this book, Alison Ross engages in a detailed study of Walter Benjamin’s concept of the image, exploring the significant shifts in Benjamin’s approach to the topic over the course of his career. Using Kant’s treatment of the topic of... more
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      AestheticsWalter BenjaminJohann Wolfgang von GoetheImmanuel Kant
Eine Sammlung von drei Aufsätzen, die thematisch eng miteinander verbunden sind und eine kritische Analyse des Begriffs "Neuzeit" bieten. 1. Die Neuzeit als Spiegelbild des antiken Christentums (S.1-50) Spiegelbild, insofern... more
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      PatristicsAugustineTheory of HistoryModernism
This paper revolves around the question of how we can phenomenologically interpret the application of the mirror metaphor to intersubjectivity. To answer this question, we must first clarify the phenomenon of the mirror itself, and... more
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Die Misere der real existierenden Universität läßt sich in einem Satz zusammenfassen: Sie zwingt die Wissenschaftler, existentielle Risiken einzugehen, während sie verhindert, daß sie intellektuelle Risiken eingehen. Einerseits bedeutet... more
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      Bologna ProcessEvaluationPeer ReviewHans Blumenberg
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      Philosophical AnthropologyHans Blumenberg20th-century German philosophyPhenomenlogy
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      Sociology of ReligionPolitical PhilosophyMax Weber (Philosophy)Dostoevsky
Against the intellectual backdrop of mounting uncertainty concerning the secular nature of modernity, the present study reconstructs a philosophical debate in Germany, concerning the origins and legitimacy of the modern age as a secular... more
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      SecularizationPolitical TheologyCarl SchmittHans Blumenberg
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      Thomas S. KuhnHans Blumenberg
Número monográficoo de la Revista de Historiografía, editado por Antonio Gómez Ramos y Manuel Orozco. La obra del historiador y pensador Reinhart Koselleck (1920-2006) encuentra cada vez más resonancia, y desvela claves para interpretar... more
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      Reinhart KoselleckHans BlumenbergHistoria ConceptualBegriffsgeschichte
[Published in French - May 2017 - Presses du réel:] This book is an essay conceived as an intellectual portrait of the German writer, psychologist and art theorist Karl Philipp... more
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      AestheticsEnlightenmentGerman RomanticismAutobiography
Avec la question de l’altérité et de son événement dans la vie subjective comme toile de fond, chaque contributeur ouvre une voie d’approche pour redéfinir et surtout réinterpréter la frontière entre l’intériorité et l’extériorité, soit... more
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      EthicsContinental PhilosophyÉmmanuel LévinasMichel Henry
Durante toda su vida, Hans Blumenberg (1920-1996) mantuvo un interés prácticamente ininterrumpido por la astronomía. Primero en calidad de historiador de la ciencia moderna y miembro de la Academia de Ciencias y Literatura de Mainz, luego... more
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      Edmund HusserlMartin HeideggerHans BlumenbergStephen Hawking
Dieses Buch behandelt die Faszinationsgeschichte eines wissenschaftlichen (gleichwohl imaginären) Objekts im Zeitalter der Aufklärung: das des »Weltgebäudes«. Seit dem frühen 18. Jahrhundert erwächst aus unterschiedlichen Wissenskontexten... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory of ScienceLiterature And ScienceHans Blumenberg
في هذه الورقة، يبدأ الباحث بمحاولة تعريف الأسطورة وتوضيح معنى الكلمة في السياقين العربي والأوروبي، وبعدها يُناقِش آراء عددٍ من الفلاسفة والعلماء الذي تطرقوا لهذا الموضوع، محاولاً ترسيم الخطوط العريضة حول العلاقة الإشكالية بين الميثوس... more
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      MythologyGreek MythHans BlumenbergComparative mythology