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Diajukan untuk memenuhi ujian tengah semester Mata Kuliah Psikologi Industri Dosen Pengampu :Hamdan, SKM., MKM Disusun oleh: Ainunnaimah (CMR0170003) Semester VI Peminatan K3 PROGRAM STUDI S1 KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT SEKOLAH TINGGI ILMU KESEHATAN KUNINGAN 2020 PSIKOLOGI INDUSTRI
Setiap organisasi baik itu perusahaan, departemen, lembaga dan organisasi masyarakat harus memiliki struktur organisasi. Hal ini penting karena untuk menjalankan kegiatan operasionalnya sehari-hari dengan baik dan lancar, dengan mendaya-gunakan masing-masing fungsi, peran dan tanggung jawab individuindivdu, kelompok, unit kerja yang ada dalam organisasi tersebut.
Budaya berdasarkan Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (1991:149) didefinisikan dalam dua pandangan yaitu: pertama hasil kegiatan dan penciptaan batin (akal budi) manusia seperti kepercayaan, kesenian dan adat istiadat; kedua, menggunakan pendekatan ilmu antropologi yaitu keseluruhan pengetahuan manusia sebagai makhluk sosial yang digunakan untuk memahami lingkungan serta pengalamannya dan yang menjadi pedoman tingkah lakunya. Budaya Sekolah atau School Culture didefinisikan Stolp and Smith (1994:232):
Ikhtisar Pada tahun 1983, penggunaan kata Non Governmental Organization (NGO) mulai digantikan dengan istilah Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat/Lembaga Pengembangan Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM/LPSM). Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) cenderung mengadopsi profil yang menekankan karakter non-politik. Namun LSM tidak sepenuhnya bersifat non-politik, hal ini dapat dilihat bahwa LSM telah menjadi menjadi saluran absah bagi partisipasi sosial dan politik yang sebelumnya telah dibendung oleh pemerintah. LSM cenderung menyukai " aksi " dibandingkan " teori " yang merefleksikan nilai-nilai, yaitu konsep tentang masyarakat dan negara yang meliputi totalitas kehidupan sosial dan politik. LSM meningkatkan kapasitasnya untuk mengatur diri sendiri (self-management). Umumnya LSM menyelenggarakan program-program pembangunan berskala kecil di berbagai bidang. LSM telah menempati peran penengah dalam perancangan program, dalam mengidentifikasi dan memobilisasi kelompok-kelompok masyarakat yang membutuhkan serta menyalurkan dana untuk kelompok-kelompok tersebut. Dampak dari aktivitas-aktivitas LSM terhadap perimbangan kekuatan keseluruhan antara kelompok-kelompok sosial dan ekonomi dan pemerintah Indonesia serta beragam badan yang terkait dengannya, sangat krusial dalam menentukan signifikansi politik mereka. Dampak tersebut mungkin akan terlihat dalam jangka panjang dan secara tak langsung, namun bias juga sebaliknya. LSM memiliki dampak langsung terhadap negara melalui pengaruhnya terhadap proses pembentukan kebijakan pemerintah dan opini publik. Keberhasilan utama dari LSM-LSM Indonesia di tingkat makro adalah kemampuan mengangkat isu-isu yang lahir dari pengalaman lapangan ke tingkat politik nasional. LSM/LPSM juga telah melakukan aksi refleksi dan mengartikulasikan keprihatinan yang lebih umum terhadap ekologi, dengan persoalan-persoalan hak asasi dan demokratisasi. Pada tahun 1985 dikeluarkan UU Organisasi kemasyarakatan yang memungkinkan pemerintah untuk menindak keras organisasi-organisasi yang aktivitasnya dinilai mengancam stabilitas dan kesatuan nasional. Namun demikian, sejalan dengan masih kaburnya pola pertanggungjawaban, LSM/LPSM tetap memiliki keleluasaan untuk memperoleh simpati dan perlindungan dari dalam birokras, mengupayakan penataan adhoc bersama pejabat lokal dengan formalitas hokum seminim mungkin. Ada tiga jenis pendekatan umum yang dilakukan berbagai LSM dalam menjalin hubungan dengan pemerintah yaitu " Kerjasama Tingkat-Tinggi:
Originario del villaggio di Tramatza (presso Oristano), Filippo Mameli nasce intorno al 1280 da una famiglia protagonista di una formidabile ascesa sociale e politica, dai ranghi della servitù al vertice delle gerarchie del Giudicato di Arborea e di quelle ecclesiastiche. Nell’arco di quarant’anni diventa decretorum doctor, poi diacono e canonico arborense e sulcitano; assume quindi l’incarico di uditore e cappellano del legato pontificio Gentile da Montefiore dal 1308 al 1311, guadagnando i titoli di preposito e di arcidiacono in alcune chiese del Regno di Ungheria; infine, di nuovo in Sardegna, è rettore delle chiese di Santa Chiara e di Santa Lucia di Villa di Chiesa e di quella di Solanas. I dati raccolti permettono di inquadrare Mameli in un ampio contesto che spazia da una dimensione locale, legata alla Chiesa sarda e al Giudicato di Arborea, ad una internazionale connessa alla Sede apostolica. Un duplice piano indagabile quasi esclusivamente nei suoi aspetti politici ed economi co-patrimoniali, mentre rimangono in penombra quelli di carattere cultura le, che pure costituiscono il presupposto della carriera del Mameli, al quale in passato è stata anche attribuita la redazione della prima versione della Carta de Logu di Arborea. Se la cosa appare insostenibile su un piano pura mente cronologico, è plausibile che il giurista sardo abbia perlomeno avviato il processo di raccolta statutaria delle consuetudini arborensi. Filippo Mameli was born around 1280 in Tramatza, a village near Oristano. Its family had a formidable social and political rise, from the ranks of servitude to the top of the hierarchies of the Giudicato of Arborea and the ecclesiastical ones. In forty years, Mameli became a decretorum doctor, then a deacon and canon of Arborea and Sulcis; he then assumed the role of auditor and chaplain of the papal legate Gentile da Montefiore from 1308 to 1311, earning the titles of provost and archdeacon in some churches of the Kingdom of Hungary; finally, back in Sardinia, he is rector of the churches of Santa Chiara and Santa Lucia of Villa di Chiesa and Solanas. The data collected allow us to frame Mameli in a broad context that ranges from a local dimension, linked to the Sardinian Church and the Giudicato of Arborea, to an international one connected to the Apostolic See. A dual plan that can be investigated almost exclusively in its political and economic-patrimonial aspects, while those of a cultural nature remain in the shadows, which also constitute the basis of Mameli’s career, to whom in the past the drafting of the first version of the Carta de Logu of Arborea. If this appears unsustainable on a purely chronological level, it is plausible that the Sardinian jurist has at least started the process of statutory collection of Arborean customs.
Bulletin of the American Society of Overseas Research , 2024
Taking as a point of departure a foundation figurine of the 3rd-millennium Early Dynastic Lagashite ruler Ur-Nanše, housed in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, Greece, this article presents a revised understanding of the “Maison des Fruits” and Tell K at Tello/Ĝirsu. It is centered on the objects and their inscriptions unearthed in and associated with the Maison, includes relevant parallel structures and objects, and concludes with a discussion of the function of the Maison. It is suggested that this was a sacred building closely related to water and fish and leaves open the discussion regarding to whom this structure was dedicated.
Risk: combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm. [ISO 13849-1] Risk analysis: combination of the specification of the limits of the machine, hazard identification and risk estimation. [ISO 13849-1] Risk assessment: overall process comprising risk analysis and risk evaluation. [ISO 13849-1] Risk evaluation: judgement, on the basis of risk analysis, of whether risk reduction objectives have been achieved. [ISO 13849-1] Required performance level (PLr): performance level (PL) applied in order to achieve the required risk reduction for each safety function. [ISO 13849-1] Round robin test: In experimental methodology, a round robin test is an interlaboratory test (measurement, analysis or experiment) performed independently several times. This can involve multiple independent scientists performing the test with the use of the same method in different equipment or a variety of methods and equipment. In reality it is often a combination of the two, for example if a sample is analysed, or one (or more) of its properties is measured by different laboratories using different methods, or even just by different units of equipment of identical construction. [Wikipedia, retrieved 16.9.2015.] Safety function: function of a machine whose failure can result in an immediate increase in the risk(s). [IEC 62061] Safety integrity: probability of an E/E/PE safety-related system satisfactorily performing the specified safety functions under all the stated conditions within a stated period of time. [IEC 61508-4] Safety integrity level (SIL): discrete level (one out of a possible four) corresponding to a range of safety integrity values, where safety integrity level 4 has the highest level of safety integrity and safety integrity level 1 has the lowest. [IEC 61508-4] Pages 58 p. + app. 9 p. Name of the project Compsoft-Comparing best practices of safety related control system development Commissioned by
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