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The specialty of family medicine is centered on lasting, caring relationships with patients and their families. Family physiciansintegrate the biological, clinical and behavioral sciences to provide continuing and comprehensive health care. The scope of family medicine encompasses all ages, sexes, each organ system and every disease entity. Read more about the history, scope and definition of family medicine by reviewing the following resources. Public-health-family-medicine Family medicine is a three-dimensional specialty, incorporating (1) knowledge, (2) skill and (3) process. At the center of the process element is the patient-physician relationship with the patient viewed in the context of the family. It is the extent to which this relationship is valued, developed, nurtured and maintained that distinguishes family medicine from all other specialties. Family physicians integrate the biological, clinical and behavioral sciences to provide continuing and comprehensive health care. Family medicine encompasses all ages, sexes, each organ system and every disease entity. Family physicians also pay special attention to their patients' lives within the context of family and the community. Adolescent Medicine Geriatric Medicine Pain Medicine Sleep Medicine Sports Medicine Sexual Health Geriatric Medicine For more details, PS:
The Keio Journal of Medicine, 2004
The specialty of family medicine arose out of a combination of American public and professional concerns regarding fragmentation of health care and was intended to foster a type of physician with a scope of clinical competence that would allow the patient, not the disease, to be the focus. Family physicians serve as the patient's personal physician and provide entry to the health care system, provide comprehensive care, maintain continuing responsibility for the patient including necessary coordination of care and referral, and provide care appropriate to the patient's physical, emotional, and social needs in the context of family and community. The specialty is currently second only to internal medicine in size, and makes a significant contribution to patient care and medical education. As family medicine looks to the future, some of its challenges include continuing to attract medical students to the specialty, refine research themes, and gain further acceptance in academic medical centers. (Keio J Med 53 (2): 69-73, June 2004)
Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine: A Journal of Translational and Personalized Medicine, 2012
After a diminishing of its ranks following the post-World War II explosion of growth in medical discoveries, advanced medical technology, and the concomitant specialization of the physician workforce, family medicine is re-establishing itself as a leading medical specialty that has garnered growing interest among recent medical-school graduates. Family physicians provide care for patients of all ages, from newborns to the elderly. In addition to its wide scope of practice, family medicine is characterized by its emphasis on understanding of the whole person, its partnership approach with patients over many years, and its command of medical complexity. Family physicians are trained both to use community resources to assist individual patients in meeting medical or social needs and to identify and address community-wide needs. The specialty of family medicine is uniquely positioned to provide a leadership role in health-reform efforts that are accelerating across the country. Health care models
Canadian family physician Médecin de famille canadien, 2010
aW ofAgrg m% Agfp moW fAg/wAffg qfybm:7y mgdzcmg WZ info fAe 27^ cgMfwry. (PamMed 1992; 25:48-53) Ramoncita Maestas, MD Dr. MagJ&za, on o^Mfanf cZiM:coZf rq/g^or of fAg [/mverMfy of WayAmgfon, Zf coor(fmofor of fAg 6e-AovioroZ f cigncg cwrncwZwm o/W advifgrjor f gco/wfygar ref^gn^ of f&e Provi^g/icg Mg(f(coZ CgMkr Forney Pmcficg ^g^Wgncy in ggafffg. 7" 7997, f Ag rgcg;vg(7 o //g^v FocwZfy Ongnfafion Ayyor^f/rom rAg STFM Foundation.
The Annals of Family Medicine, 2004
BACKGROUND Recognizing fundamental fl aws in the fragmented US health care systems and the potential of an integrative, generalist approach, the leadership of 7 national family medicine organizations initiated the Future of Family Medicine (FFM) project in 2002. The goal of the project was to develop a strategy to transform and renew the discipline of family medicine to meet the needs of patients in a changing health care environment.
Thirty years have passed since family practice became a recognized specialty in 1969. The specialty remains grounded in providing comprehensive, continuous, compassionate care to patients in the context of the family and community. While these precepts are as constant as repeating waves on the ocean, the shifting sands of the beaches and remodeling of the shoreline remind us that changes occur over time. Our forebears in general practice and the founding leaders of the family practice movement understood the need for physicians who practice medicine with both science and care. These principles are more important than ever as we face the changing currents in the complex world of health care in this new century. Definitions: Family Physician, Family Practice, and Family Medicine Clear definitions can help us gain a clearer vision of the domain of family practice. 1,2 A family physician is the physician generalist who takes professional responsibility for the comprehensive care of unselected patients with undifferentiated problems, committed to the person regardless of age, gender, illness, organ system affected, or methods used. The American Academy of Family Physicians defines the family physician as:. .. a physician who is educated and trained in family practice-a broadly encompassing medical specialty. Family physicians possess unique attitudes, skills, and knowledge which qualify them to provide continuing and comprehensive medical care, health maintenance, and preventive services to each member of the family regardless of sex, age, or type of problem, be it biological, behavioral, or social. These specialists, because
Family Medicine
After 3 decades in private practice, I joined the faculty of a nearby residency program. Like most family medicine residencies, it follows a curriculum that my physician father would have recognized: heavy emphasis on inpatient medicine; short shrift to continuity care. Despite a changing marketplace, there is still a disconnect between how we train graduates (for full spectrum care) and where they end up (in ambulatory practices). Is our identity disappearing? I contend that the primary and indispensable duty of a residency program is to model professional values and prepare residents to live and work in sustainable communities. Though the scope of practice will vary, family physicians still pride themselves in putting the needs of their patients at its center.
Canadian family physician Médecin de famille canadien, 2014
A variety of individuals lent their efforts to the establishment of family medicine as an academic discipline. Many had careers outside general or family practice, yet because of their interests and active involvement, they helped forge the way toward a rational and comprehensive education for family physicians in this country. In this transcript, edited from interviews conducted in 1992, four contributors from other disciplines discuss their perspectives on the history of family medicine.
Family medicine, 2017
When the new field of family medicine research began a half century ago, multiple individuals and organizations emphasized that research was a key mission. Since the field's inception, there have been notable research successes for which family medicine organizations, researchers, and leaders-assisted by federal and state governments and private foundations-can take credit. Research is a requirement for family medicine residency programs but not individual residents, and multiple family medicine departments offer research training in various forms for learners at all levels, including research fellowships. Family physicians have developed practice-based research networks (PBRNs) to conduct investigations and generate new knowledge. The field of family medicine has seen the creation of new journals to support the publication of research relevant to practicing family physicians. Nonetheless, in spite of much growth and many successes, family physicians and their research have been...
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