Public Health Ethics and Law
Recent papers in Public Health Ethics and Law
A Review of David Lemberg’s Ethical and Legal Issues in Healthcare
(1st Edition)
(1st Edition)
Pandangan masyarakat atas hukum yang beragam telah menimbulkan berbagai persepsi pula tentang hukum. Hukum dalam arti peraturan perundang-undangan yang dikenal oleh masyarakat sebagai undang-undang umumnya diberi pengertian sebagai... more
Epidemic outbreaks threaten jurisdictions beyond domestic boundaries and affect diverse societal interests. How to properly handle them therefore becomes an issue of interest for all stakeholders and individuals. To address this issue, a... more
La eutanasia y el suicidio asistido, tanto desde el punto de vista de la bioética como del Derecho, han generado un intenso debate no solo ya en el ámbito académico, sino también en la sociedad mundial en la que se produce. Un debate en... more
The specialty of family medicine is centered on lasting, caring relationships with patients and their families. Family physiciansintegrate the biological, clinical and behavioral sciences to provide continuing and comprehensive health... more
The author analyzes the implementation of the vaccination obligation by the medicinal entity in the context of the rights of the patient, recognizing it as accession to human rights. On the basis of the provisions of Polish and... more