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outlines the intention of his Avicenna and the Visionary Recital in a manner that provides a useful entry point into discussion of symbolic education. The goal of this text is to "…elucidate the structure and inner progression that make Avicenna's mystical recitals an organic and consistent whole… in which the thinker recaptures his spiritual autobiography in the form of symbols…" (Corbin 1960, p. xi) The question, then, is why an individual's spiritual biography is to be recaptured through symbols. What is the nature of a symbol, and what is it about this nature that allows us to comprehend the spiritual dimension of self? We should probably begin with the hermetic dictum-'as above, so below'. (Scott 1993) The same forms structure all levels of reality. Taking up the example of natural symbolism, the forms from which the order of nature emanates are the same forms that structure the evolution of psychology and of the soul. Natural symbols, then, contain the essence of the forms that structure all levels of being (at least when reality is not deprived of its intimacy with the Nothing-Infinite Eternal…). The flight of the bird rises from the same form as the ascension of the soul. In this sense we might argue that a land-based pedagogy is a symbolic pedagogy in that we learn from the land in of the way that it acts as a symbol for the Nothing-Infinite Eternal Forms that structure all levels of creation. The question of artificial symbols, distinguished from natural symbols in that form and symbol are mediated by historically produced subjectivity, is far more complicated.
Educational Theory, 1997
An allegory remains at the same level of evidence and of perception, whereas a symbol guarantees the correspondence between two universes belonging to different ontological levels: it is the means, and the only one, of penetrating into the invisible, into the world of mystery, into the esoteric dimension." EDUCATIONAL THEORY / Winter 1997 / Volume 47 / Number 1
Spirituality is the characteristic that distinguishes our species, the Homo Sapiens Sapiens, from any other creature. From the very beginning, humans have been able to conceptualise and create symbols for them to be able to construct meaning and give order to their cosmos. By so doing they were able to transcend everyday reality. It is argued that in our post-modern reality, which is marked by an individualistic and fragmented ethic, many have lost the ability to read symbols. This has considerably diminished access to the Spiritual and impoverished the quality of their Spirituality. It is suggested that the inclusion of symbol literacy in Religious Education programmes will not only serve as a means of teaching religious facts but above all it holds the potential of opening the doors of meaning, giving access to the Spiritual.
Oxford Review of Education
This article aims to introduce Ernst Cassirer, and his philosophy of symbolic form, to education studies, and, in doing so, to challenge the widespread but deeply flawed views of knowledge and so-called knowledge-based education that have shaped recent education policy in England. After sketching the current educational landscape, and then some of the main lines of flight in Cassirer's work, time is given to a comparison with Heidegger-a more familiar figure by far in Anglophone philosophy than Cassirer, and who contributed to the displacement of Cassirer-in order to illustrate more clearly Cassirer's original contribution, in particular to the relationship between knowledge and time. Cassirer's view of knowledge stands in marked and critical contrast to that which has shaped recent educational reform in England, as he sees knowledge as a productive and expressive matter, and repudiates what I call the 'building-blocks' picture of knowledge and the hierarchisation of subject areas.
The following is a different kind of review, if you will. Rather than being of a specific book or article, it is a review of typical school rhetoric by school bureaucrats. The rhetoric has to do with what could be called the fetish for symbolic learning at the expense of experiencing and learning from the world as a living human being in a social world. John Dewey noted such fetishism in his 1898 article " The Primary-education fetich [sic]. " Before commenting on the rhetoric, it is first necessary to identify the continued focus on the three R's at the elementary level factually. This focus does not exclude a differentiation at the middle and secondary levels, as the disciplines themselves (sciences, social studies, then the disciplines proper, such as biology, chemistry , geography, history, physics and mathematics), despite possessing a laboratory component and some active learning, are largely learned at the symbolic level in the modern school system.
For many years, those in the field of secondary public education, as well as other interested observers, have repeatedly heard how the math and science achievement of our youth has lagged behind the rest of the world. After experiencing this firsthand as a high school mathematics teacher, I have given this issue much thought. What I have considered is that perhaps educators are approaching this from the wrong direction and, therefore, the wrong philosophy. In the following paper, I propose to find a balance between teaching mathematical procedures and concepts and teaching, and living symbolically. If my inclinations are correct, this new approach could lead to a revolution in public secondary education.
Symbolic approach to education in ethics reinforces our needs for sense, imagination, feeling, spontaneity, language, intuition, and judgments. Symbolic reality expresses the core of humanity by means of the embodiment of infinitum in finite. Symbols are zipped files and our goal is to acquire the right program to unzip them properly. Hermeneutic articulation of symbols in Art, suggested by Gadamer, Cassirer and Ricoeur, were the basis of our research. Symbolic approach promotes a sensitive differentiation between Good and Bad, leads to the development of moral sensitiveness, self-identification and integrity/ Click here and insert your abstract text. © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of the Sakarya University.
This book chapter tells a story of several meaning-making projects situated within the pedagogical orbit of an elementary school art studio. These are recounted in order to discover analogies and equivalencies between the effort to construct an identity as an imaginatively produced text, and the effort to make meaning from materials and ideas. The assembly of a representative array of meanings from a stock of accessible materials and ideas create the baseline structures for an evolving identity framework. This is so fundamental an activity, even a child can do it. Moreover, all young learners must do this brand of work in response to the expectation that they gainfully figure themselves out in the context of society each and every time they attempt to (re)make meaning.
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