Organizational Symbolism
Recent papers in Organizational Symbolism
A aproximação entre cultura organizacional e cultura brasileira só pode ser entendida como um esforço sempre dinâmico e contínuo. Este livro é uma amostra das muitas possibilidades de aproximação, das inúmeras alternativas de diálogo,... more
This essay introduces the concept of symbol intensive organization, a new ideal type in organization studies. Approaching the new millennium, organizations become "magical kingdoms", where the "symbolic space" is filled with symbol... more
Comunicação apresentada nas IV Jornadas de História, Filosofia Hermética e Património Simbólico – Merkavah, Cabala e Mística Judaica
While early Stone Age archaeologists were mainly interested in dating and determining the geographical extent of the various typological cultures, several discoveries during the first half of the 20th century led to an increased focus on... more
Massoneria e qualificazioni iniziatiche (corretto) L'argomento che proponiamo in questo brevissimo studio è, apparentemente, tra i più classici e documentati della tradizione massonica, e non solo: le qualificazioni iniziatiche. Eppure,... more
If you fail to act now, history will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people." (King 1959) "Future planners... more
Je tiens à remercier chaleureusement Jean-Claude Penrad pour sa patience et sa confiance infinies, son écoute, ses conseils et son attention, son indulgence et ses concessions, sans lesquels la remise de ce travail n'aurait jamais eu... more
This article addresses the debate about the relative utility of accommodative federalism as a method of conflict management in multinational states. It challenges the 'substantivist' bias of existing literature by demonstrating that... more
Coletanea de artigos sobre Comportamento Organizacional escritos por Thomaz Wood, Jr. e Miguel P. Caldas, sozinhos ou em parceria. Download gratuito mediante citacao: Wood Jr., T., & Caldas, M. P. (2007). Comportamento organizacional: uma... more
Culture is defined as a whole of thoughts and ideas which support sthe rules and approaches to respond the demands and needs of various communities and human groups (Fikretoğlu, 1990:24). Organizations first took place as a human group in... more
Symbolic stars vs Strategic pillars; Polyhedra vs Helices; Logic vs Comprehension? Dynamic bonding patterns in n-tuple helices engendering n-fold rotating symbols Embedding the triple helix in a spherical octahedron Embedding the... more
Estudio que pone de relieve que el sistema de flotas entre la Península y América que Carlos V introdujo como reglamnto para el comercio y la comunicación con los territorios americanos no era solamente una medida de protección sino... more
Diverse philosophies constitute the theoretical ground of the study of the aesthetic side of organization. In fact, there is not a single unique philosophy behind the organizational research of the aesthetic dimension of organizational... more
Dietro le quinte': la ricerca qualitativa sulla dimensione estetica dell'organizzazione ANTONIO STRATI This is the final draft as submitted for publication. The final version was published in: L'ANALISI QUALITATIVA. TEORIE, METODI ED... more
Human beings have adopted tools, pets, technology, especially computer science and Deep Learning (DL) in Virtual Intelligent Assistants (VIA). Digital technical assistance systems that predict the future in culture, business and politics... more
This paper examines the dominant scenario of the communist manager's social role, using the metaphor of the theatre. Through an extensive retrospective study, mainly by means of a critical analysis of the press focusing on dominant... more
Handing over the Krakow SCOS2022 organizers Farewell drink See you next year! Overview of paper sessions 20 minutes/paper, 10 minutes presentation, 5 minutes for the discussant and 5 minutes for open discussion. The session chair... more
In this study, the relationship between the symbols in/within the organizations and the psychological empowerment is examined. Among the physical symbols that are used in the organizations are dresses and props, the design of physical... more
Biological organisation and psychic organisation are closely linked and subject to constant review in the scientific literature. The study of these phenomena sheds light on the nature of life and how it differs from inanimate matter. The... more
Gender is one of the most powerful of symbols; indeed, the very word 'gender' encapsulates all the symbols that a culture elaborates to account for biological difference. Therefore a symbolist approach is particularly able to grasp the... more
Gender is one of the most powerful of symbols; indeed, the very word 'gender' encapsulates all the symbols that a culture elaborates to account for biological difference. Therefore a symbolist approach is particularly able to grasp the... more
Imagining the Flag of Europe otherwise? Borromean challenge to comprehension of any trinity? Requisite curvature: reconciling the Triple Helix, the Triskelion and the Borromean condition Necessary cognitive twist: star symbols as bladed... more
outlines the intention of his Avicenna and the Visionary Recital in a manner that provides a useful entry point into discussion of symbolic education. The goal of this text is to "…elucidate the structure and inner progression that make... more
This paper examines the dominant scenario of the communist manager's social role, using the metaphor of the theatre. Through an extensive retrospective study, mainly by means of a critical analysis of the press focusing on dominant... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa kinerja perbankan syariáh dengan maksud menemukan perbedaan dan perbandingan kinerja keuangan perbankan syariah setelah dan sebelum go public dengan menggunakan metode RGEC (Risk Profile, Good... more
Symbols are habitually used by organizations to transform the meaning of their actions and intentions in ways that enable them to manage complex stakeholder relationships and achieve competitive advantage. However, applications of... more
This chapter discusses the issue of organizational symbolism, which is frequently encountered in business life, and its meaning in the tourism industry. Symbols are the most apparent and observable aspects of organizational life;... more
Diverse philosophies constitute the theoretical ground of the study of the aesthetic side of organization. In fact, there is not a single unique philosophy behind the organizational research of the aesthetic dimension of organizational... more
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit liegt darin, aufzuzeigen, dass Klassifikationen scheinbar grundlegender Bestand gesellschaftlicher Stabilität sind. Ausgehend von Durkheims und Mauss´ Studie "Über einige Formen von Klassifikation" soll hierbei im... more
Estudio que pone de relieve que el sistema de flotas entre la Península y América que Carlos V introdujo como reglamnto para el comercio y la comunicación con los territorios americanos no era solamente una medida de protección sino... more
This paper examines the dominant scenario of the communist manager's social role, using the metaphor of the theatre. Through an extensive retrospective study, mainly by means of a critical analysis of the press focusing on dominant... more
This paper examines the dominant scenario of the communist manager's social role, using the metaphor of the theatre. Through an extensive retrospective study, mainly by means of a critical analysis of the press focusing on dominant... more