Pedagogical English Grammar
Recent papers in Pedagogical English Grammar
This paper reviews the intense debate that has been taking place in the past six decades concerning the value of traditional grammar instruction in the improvement of students’ writing abilities since the release of the Braddock Report... more
This Practical English Grammar book is designed for students of English Department University of State Islamic Sayid Rahmad Ali Tulungagung that contain grammar discussion with exercises. Grammar is learned gradually; grammar is not... more
Abstract The proposed model consists of four components: language input, guiding notes, matching visuals, and written output. Applying the proposed model, the students are provided with somebody of written or spoken information (i.e.... more
“Learning and fun go together” (G, Petty, 2004) ; shouldn’t it be the case with learning English grammar too? This question has been a point of ponder for many of us who are associated with teaching English as a second language. Like... more
This paper explores the relationship between grammar and style in composition. These two genres of rhetoric are often expected to be performed well by student writers, yet grammar and style are rarely taught together. In this paper, I... more
Adverbial Clause is a dependent clause that describes a verb or adjective.-An Adverbial Clause can tell about an action in terms of time, place, manner, condition, or reason Adverbial clauses begin with a subordinating conjunction... more
Experts in the field of applied linguistics and second language learning agree on the fact that second language acquisition is favored when students take an active role in their learning process. Evidence shows that they have to get... more
This study investigates the effect of training EFL student teachers to prepare lesson plans versus the effect of training them to study and analyze lesson plans prepared and delivered by their peers. The control group students were asked... more
This paper aims to contribute to the methodological toolbox of “pedagogy-driven corpus-based research” (Gabrielatos 2006), that is, research which is situated at the intersection of language description, pedagogical lexicogrammar, and... more
This guide presents and explains most of the "Elementary Rules of Usage" from The Elements of Style by Strunk and White. It also provides additional rules regarding the proper use of quotation marks, parentheses, and other matters.... more
Information about Noun and Four Basic Tenses in English Grammar
By the end of this module, you should be familiar with a number of key concepts. In terms of approaches to grammar teaching, you should be able to demonstrate awareness of three different perspectives: • A focus on forms (FOFS) • A focus... more
As articles in English can only purpose as determinatives of nouns/noun equivalents and are never used alone, some linguists maintain that they should not even be reflected an independent part of speech and never be treated as such but,... more
Christison, M.A., Christian, D., Duff, P., & Spada, N. (Eds.). (2015). Teaching and learning English grammar: Research findings and future directions. New York: Routledge. ABSTRACT An important contribution to the emerging body of... more
written in the style of Eighteenth-century Universal Grammar school
The study is aimed at describing the dominant grammatical errors made by English Education students at STKIP YDB in writing their thesis proposal. The objectives of the study were formulated as (1) to find out the most common grammatical... more
Semantics is rather difficult to define. Linguists and philosophers alike have for decades been trying to define its intricacies, characteristics and properties. Within the realm of language, semantics is a street called meaning, which... more
A grammar of English informed by the Scottish Universal Grammar movement of the Eighteenth Century
Grammar is, in the simplest expression, “the system of the arrangement of a language.” It may be interesting to note that people sometimes describe grammar as the "rules" of a language; but the matter of fact is that no language has... more
Three consciousness-raising tasks for teaching grammar in Omani EFL classroom, by Dr. Mohamed Ismail Abu_Rahmah, Professor of English Education at Suez Canal University, Egypt. This research paper was... more
This is a preliminary version. Its page numbers are different from those in the published book.
This LIA International Conference and Cultural Events 2015 proceeding elaborates how a freeware concordancer named AntConc facilitates teaching and learning of grammar to 21st century learners and it suggests some activities to encourage... more
Cette grammaire de 301 pages et de 153 153 mots (dixit Word) fut commandée par un éditeur pour le public des étudiants préparant le CAPES ou l’Agrégation, ainsi que les professeurs du secondaire. Il ne fut pas publié. Un autre éditeur... more
Abstract: a textbook used for a postgraduate (M.A.) course. It provides Syllabi for the Lectures, Examples and Exercises. It is the first part of the four volume (four semester) English Grammar course which consists of a) English... more
Since last semester, the specially designed session called "Triumphant Thursday" opened up a whole new chapter for my ESL classroom, and also brought forth some new challenges for me as a teacher. The exclusive session was primarily... more
This paper presents the alarming emerging situations of English language teaching at the senior secondary level of Hindi medium students in Rajasthan. State government schools continue to register negative growth in learning level... more
In this paper, I propose the Cognitive Linguistics (henceforth CL) approach to teaching English prepositions in, on and at to Indonesian learners of English and incorporate the approach into Input Processing instruction to enhance... more
In linguistics, Transformational –Generative Grammar (TGG) is the part of the theory of generative grammar, especially of natural native languages. Transformational Generative Grammar is also known as Transformational Grammar, which is a... more
This paper presents a qualitative study investigating 1) whether ESL teachers teaching English 5 in Swedish upper-secondary schools take an explicit or implicit grammar approach to grammar instruction in their lessons, and, 2) which... more
This paper investigates the frequency of the present perfect (PP) in 20 national varieties of English, many of which have so far rarely been studied from a corpus-linguistic point of view, with data from the 1.9 billion word GloWbE... more
ABSTRACT Urška Podmenik Teaching English Grammar in Slovene secondary-school EFL classrooms Many theoretical books have been and continue to be written on the topic of grammar teaching within the field of ESL. Each offering advice and... more
This is a teaching document related to my Rephrasing excercises. It gives a description of the main rephrasing patterns (paraphrastic relations) in English.
Каждый преподаватель английского языка, обучающий русскоговорящих студентов, знает, что основные грамматические трудности, с которыми приходится сталкиваться на занятии, связаны с усвоением артиклей, предлогов и грамматических форм... more
English personal and possessive pronouns - extract
Reading and writing are fundamental skills for language learners specifically in English as a foreign language context. They entail different sub-skills, one of which is grammar. The role of grammar in promoting the learners' reading... more