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Kyai Omyang Jimbe minangka arane sawijining keris kang ampuh lan akeh digoleki de-ning para kolektor/pandhemen barang antik, utawa barang kang ana tuah/kasiyate. Saliyane dipercaya duwe kagunan kang minulya kanggo nglancarake rejeki,... more
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      Javanese-Islamic MysticismOld JavaneseJavanese languageJavanese studies
Berbagai praktik mistik telah berkembang di kalangan masyarakat Jawa. Kemunculan praktik tersebut sebenarnya dapat dilacak dari konteks sejarah masuknya Islam ke Indonesia, dan Jawa pada khususnya. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamJavanese-Islamic MysticismJavanese studies
BLURB: Javanese shadow puppetry is a sophisticated dramatic form, often felt to be at the heart of Javanese culture, drawing on classic texts but with important contemporary resonance in fields like religion and politics. How to make... more
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      PhilologyComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreFolklore
Kumpulan Review Jurnal : 1. An orientation to be a good millennial Muslims: state and thepolitics of naming in islamizing Java 2. Islam dan Pembebasan: Elemen-elemen Teologis dalam Menciptakan Transformasi Sosial 3. Representasi Khilafah... more
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      Javanese-Islamic MysticismKhilafahIslamic social movementsModerate Muslim
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      Indonesian StudiesIndonesia (Area Studies)Javanese-Islamic Mysticism
This article is a preliminary exploration of suluk texts aiming at advancing P.J. Zoetmulder's ideas with respect to the Indic origins of some characters and doctrinal elements in Javanese mystical texts. It will identify possible... more
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      Tantric StudiesIslam in IndonesiaJavanese-Islamic MysticismShaiva Tantra
Bandit Saints of Java examines the phenomenon of saint veneration and local pilgrimage in Java and Madura.
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      Indonesian HistoryAnthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimageIndonesian Studies
When religious affairs in Indonesia (casually glossed as a country with the largest Muslim population) grab international attention that mostly comes down to Islam and attempts of further Islamisation of the Archipelago. However, local... more
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      Performing ArtsMagicCultural PoliticsIndonesia
Collected articles by Andrea Acri on Javanese Śaivism and Balinese Hinduism from 2006 to 2019, translated into Bahasa Indonesia.
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      HinduismTantric StudiesJavanese-Islamic MysticismShaivism
"The wound is the place where the light enters you." 1 -Rumi "…The movement to make fear the problem is also dangerous. What is needed is courage to resist the oppressive causes for unnecessary suffering 2 , and fearlessness in actions... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilologySocial TheoryNumber Theory
This volume aims to foster interaction between scholars in the subfields of Islamic and Buddhist studies by increasing understanding of the circulation and localization of religious texts, institutional models, and ritual practices across... more
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      Comparative ReligionSoutheast Asian StudiesBuddhist StudiesSouth Asian Studies
I am still on the first stretch of this nomadic exploration, but I think I can begin to answer the question that is guiding this exploration—'how can the Natural-Indigenous Worldview support our understandings of the potential for an... more
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsReligionAncient Egyptian Religion
This article aims to fill the gap in the study of Indonesian Sufi women, focusing those whose names are mentioned in the manuscripts of Shaṭṭārīyah genealogy (silsilah). One of those Sufi women discussed is Kangjeng Ratu Kadospaten, the... more
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      PhilologyIndonesian HistoryManuscript StudiesSufism
If you fail to act now, history will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people." (King 1959) "Future planners... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisPhilologyHistory
Modernity and a True Return to Nature 0. Point of Departure Question How are human-nature relations and the attainment of virtue through human-nature relations understood in the classical urban theory of Geddes and Mumford? How is... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilologyModern HistorySocial Theory
Beyond somewhat vague allusions to Sufi influence, a qualitative sense of early Javanese Islamic praxis remains sadly lacking among scholars. This article attempts to rectify that deficiency by re-assessing the importance of a Kubrawī... more
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      Indonesian HistoryChinese IslamIslamic StudiesSufism
Edited by Josef Meri The Routledge Handbook of Muslim-Jewish Relations invites readers to deepen their understanding of the historical, social, cultural, and political themes that impact modern-day perceptions of interfaith dialogue. The... more
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      Modern HistoryMusicMedia StudiesJewish Studies
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      Islamic StudiesIslam in the Southeast AsiaIslamic HistoryPolitical Islam
This paper examines the ways in which Geddesian Natural Mysticism was perverted by the Paternalist-Modernist conception of human-nature relations in terms of 'man's dominion over earth'.
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental EngineeringPhilologyReligion
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      Islamic ArtIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)Javanese-Islamic MysticismArabic Manuscripts
This paper, part of a project on religious worldmaking at the court of Paku Buwana IV in Surakarta, focuses on a category of ideas about worldmaking that were ambient among the Javanese social elite. The quest, an agential, typically... more
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      PuppetryIndonesian StudiesIdeologySufism
This article was originally published in the Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Leiden), vol.130:259-88. It gives an overview of the various Javanese histories or babad written about Prince Diponegoro (1785-1855) and the Java... more
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      HistoryIndonesian HistoryIndonesiaJavanese-Islamic Mysticism
Slametan, referring to a broad communal prayer, feast, and food-offering to commemorate or celebrate critical live cycles, such as birth, marriage, and death, constitutes an essential ritual for Javanese Muslims. Despite growing... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslam in IndonesiaJavanese-Islamic MysticismIslamic Rituals
This was the paper which I read at the International Symposium on Javanese Studies and Manuscripts of Keraton Yogyakarta at the Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel on 5-6 March 2019. Entitled: '”Dia Yang Menyerah” – Zaman Inggris dalam Pandangan... more
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      HistoryAnthropologyHistorical SociologyLanguages and Linguistics
Introduction to the eponymous special issue in Indonesia and the Malay World 47 no 139.
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      SufismIslamic MysticismJavanese-Islamic MysticismJavanese studies
Moving from Barnesmoore's (2016) theorization of humans as beings with the potential for conscious (epistemological) evolution, this article argues that a revolution in the ideas by which ('world view' in which) we conceive of potential... more
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      Critical TheoryEnvironmental EngineeringMythology And FolkloreEvolutionary Biology
Through the ethnographic examples and a framework of the everyday life, "The Pilgrim's Divine Gift at the Shrine of the Sunan Pandanaran" shows the important role which the shrine of saint Sunan Pandanaran, located in Bayat, Central Java,... more
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      PilgrimageDevotional ShrinesJavanese-Islamic MysticismJavanese studies
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      AnthropologyHistorical AnthropologySocial AnthropologySoutheast Asian Studies
This article focuses on the idea of multiculturalism in Javanese mythical believing (Kejawen) communities within the paradigm of Qur'anic studies. The discussion of the research emphasizes the axiological shift of QS. Al-Kafirun (109) in... more
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      MulticulturalismMinority StudiesDiscourse of multiculturalismJavanese-Islamic Mysticism
This article presents the story of the Dutch Reformed theologian and missionary Dirk Bakker. He was involved in the establishment of the first Reformed educational institute in theology in Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia in 1906. Unlike other... more
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      Indonesian StudiesMissiology and Mission TheologyChurch HistoryReformed theology
Makalah ini dipresentasikan pada sesi peluncuran buku antologi "Living Qur'an: Teks, Praktik, Idealitas, dan Performasi Al-Qur'an" di Hotel New Saphir Yogyakarta pada tanggal 27 Februari 2020 yang diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Ilmu... more
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      MulticulturalismQur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesMinority Studies
An Ode to the Night in honor of the Solstice.
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      Creative WritingReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionNew Religious Movements
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      Visual CultureIndonesian StudiesIslamic StudiesAnimals and Animality
Editorial: Indic-Islamic encounters in Javanese and Malay mystical literatures Andrea Acri & Verena Meyer Pages: 277-284 Becoming a Bhairava in 19th-century Java Andrea Acri Pages: 285-307 The power of the heart that blazes in... more
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      Javanese-Islamic MysticismClassical Malay LiteratureOld JavaneseJavanese mysticism
" Those machines whose output was so great that all men might be clothed; those new methods of agriculture and new agricultural implements, which promised crops so big that all men might be fed—the very instruments that were to give the... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilologyMythology And FolkloreSocial Theory
Sunan Kalijaga adalah salah satu dari walisanga (sembilan wali) yang menyebarkan agama islam di pulau Jawa. Gaya penyebaran islam Sunan Kalijaga berbeda dengan beberapa Sunan yang termasuk dalam walisanga. Sunan Kalijaga melakukan... more
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      LiteratureJavanese-Islamic MysticismJavanese languageJavanese studies
Selama ini penelitian tentang patok batas wilayah belum pernah dieksplorasi, padahal ini menyangkut masalah kedaulatan suatu negara/bangsa, penelitian yang sudah dilakukan selama ini adalah pembuatan purwarupa patok batas wilayah... more
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      Ancient HistoryCultural HistoryPolitical SociologyComputer Science
This paper analyses the awarding title to GKR Pembayun as GKR Mangkubumi, daughter of Sultan HB X of Yogyakarta Court, which indicates her promotion as Crown Princess; the next successor of Yogyakarta Court. Formerly, various... more
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      Indonesian StudiesGender and PoliticsJavanese-Islamic Mysticismlocal politics in Indonesia
Many researches concern with the dialectic between Islam and tradition of Java. One of them is Soebardi studying Serat Cabolek, a manuscript that illustrated the dialectic between Islam and Javanese tradition in 18/19 century. Through... more
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      Indonesian HistoryIslamic MysticismJavanese-Islamic MysticismIslamic History & Culture
Amongst Islamic reformers, Sufism (Islamic mysticism) has long constituted a contentious issue. While some see it as a unique opportunity to engage with a powerful spiritual tradition, one capable of reinvigorating the relationship... more
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      Indonesian StudiesIslamic StudiesSufismContemporary Sufism
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      Indonesian HistoryIslam in IndonesiaJavanese-Islamic Mysticism
The true philosophers, and they only, study and are eager to release the soul.
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      PhilosophySocial SciencesIndonesian StudiesIslamic Philosophy
Review of Christina Sunardi's STUNNING MALES AND POWERFUL FEMALES: GENDER AND TRADITION IN EAST JAVANESE DANCE. Published in Dance Research, Volume 35 Issue 2, Page 281-283, ISSN 0264-2875
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      Javanese-Islamic MysticismAsian Theatre and PerformanceTheatre, Performance Studies and ReligionSoutheast Asian Culture-Performing Arts
What personalities and processes need to be present for religious traditions to successfully establish new constituencies? In Aceh, for example, did recently arrived Arabs from Aden play key roles in the processes of "Islamisation?" While... more
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      New Religious MovementsHistorical AnthropologySoutheast Asian StudiesThai Studies
(Open access, see below.) The prominence of Hindu-Buddhist mythology, imagery, and religiosity in Islamic Java has puzzled observers. The shadow play with its Mahābhārata- and Rāmāyaṇa-derived subject matter is a prime example. Another... more
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      Comparative ReligionTheory of ReligionHistory of ReligionsIslamic Studies
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      HinduismSufismComparative MysticismIslam in the Southeast Asia
Can one be a true revolutionary without being as a vulgar revolutionary? Can one pursue revolutionary thought, behavior and conception of being-an idealism of 'what should be', which is to say 'what IS'-within the academy without being... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilologySocial ChangeSocial Movements
his is the first work available in any language to extensively document and critically discuss traditions of 'Alid piety and their modern contestations in the region. The concept of 'Alid piety allows for a reframing of our views on the... more
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      Indonesian StudiesIslamic Contemporary StudiesMalaysiaIndonesia
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      Javanese-Islamic MysticismHistory of architectureHistory of Art and archaeologyJavanese studies
Today the vast majority of Muslims in Southeast Asia identify themselves as ‘Sunnī’, and this appears to have been the case for most of the region’s recorded history. Nevertheless, academic discussions of the ‘Islamisation’ of the... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesIndonesian StudiesSoutheast AsiaMalaysia