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Showing posts with label project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label project. Show all posts

Sunday, December 18, 2016

I really needed some thing to add some sparkle - glitz and flair to our Christmas decor, but obviously there's not a lot of time left before the big day. BUT there is time for a 15 minute wreath!I decide to make this delightfully obnoxious, sparkly wreath. I bought a ton of tinsel garland at a thrift shop and was not quite sure what to do with it and suddenly it hit me - it need to be a wreath and have a big ole plaid bow...because I love mixing things that do not normally go together...and ya know what...I more than LOVE it...and I may use this as next years Christmas theme.
Sparkle and plaid make a unique wreath for Christmas

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

It's Homecoming time here in Texas (well, I guess all across the U.S. for that matter). Homecoming in Texas is a little different than Homecoming where I grew up in California. We had a football game and a semi-formal dance...BUT, here there are mums - do you know what I am talking about? If not, I just really cannot explain it fully...just read "12 Things Non-Texans Need To Know About Homecoming Mums". Then there are parades and of course the football is TEXAS! Because I am trying to fit in here, we are going to the parade and I made these little pennants that sort of evoke a vintage feel to wave around like maniacs during the parade (because we will not be wearing mums and looking like maniacs, just kidding, I actually like the idea of mums).

Cheer on your team or decorate your party with pennants.

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Monday, March 7, 2016

I like to make my daughter a special t-shirt for every holiday. I have to fit them all in now, because she is almost "Over it." Last year, I made a painted striped bunny T-Shirt, and if I do say so myself thought it was pretty dang cute! This year, I wanted to do it again, but thought how can I make it different and even simpler for you to make one yourself. So, I pulled out some old watercolor originals of mine added it to my bunny template from my bunny banner and voila...its almost done for you!
504 main, bunny, t-shirt

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Thursday, January 7, 2016

We don't have snow here, even though my daughter wishes for it every night (chances are good it is not going to happen). It is cold but not that cold, but I thought with a few polar bear and Arctic inspired crafts we could create our own winter wonderland and appease her need for cold and snow.

Adorable polar bear Tote Bag

My daughter has been super excited to go see the movie Norm of the North. Of course polar bears and all those adorable arctic creatures have something to do with it.  I created -with close supervision and approval from my daughter - this CUTE tote bag inspired by Norm and I also entered it on the #NormOfTheNorthSweeps (Instagram Sweeps).

  • Polar Bear template (download it Bear 1 and Bear 2!)  
  • Blank white (or colored) tote bag. These are available at local craft stores and mass retail merchandisers.
      • Buy a colored tote instead of what to skip the dyeing.
      • This is also adorable on a sweatshirt! See photo below
  • Fabric Dye. I chose to dye my bags and used a Turquoise dye  - it seemed arctic and icy! 
  • 2 black 5/8" buttons 
  • White Sherpa fabric (I bought this at Michaels in the sewing area) 
  • White felt
  •  Black felt 
      • To cut costs or accumulating more supplies, white felt can be used in lieu of white sherpa fabric
  • Heat N Bond Ultra (Iron, ironing board, clean white cloth/towel for pressing).
  • You can try fabric glue, but I really LOVE this stuff Hot glue gun or fabric glue (for eyes)
  • Scissors

Make It
  • Dye your tote bag according to package directions (followed by washing an drying)
    • OR
  • If you are not dyeing the tote, wash and dry it before proceeding.

  • Press the tote to remove wrinkles.
  • Print out the templates Bear 1 and Bear 2.
    • Cut out shapes.

  • READ and USE package directions for applying Heat N Bond.
    • Apply heat and bond to the white sherpa fabric (make sure the face fits on the piece of fabric), the white felt, and black felt.

  • Once the Heat N Bond is applied, flip the fabric over. You will trace your templates onto the backing of the Heat N Bond.  

  • Cut 1 face in sherpa
  • Cut 1 snout in felt
  • Cut 2 ears and one nose in black.
  • NOTE: The sherpa will shed a bit around the cut edges.

  • Remove the backing from the nose and iron it onto the snout. Use a blank/clean cloth for pressing. Trim if necessary.

  • Remove the backing from the snout and iron it onto the face. Use a blank/clean cloth for pressing.
  • Remove the backing from the ears and iron it onto the ears on the face. Use a blank/clean cloth for pressing.

  • Remove the backing from the polar bear face.
  • Place the (almost) completed face onto the tote bag, into position. Using the clean cloth, press the face onto the tote bag. (see photo above for approximate placement)
  • Use hot glue to apply the buttons/eyes onto the polar bear.

Look at that cute face!

We loved the tote bag so much we made a sweatshirt too!It is exactly the same process, you just put it on a sweatshirt!

Girl modeling a polar bear sweatshirt inspired by Norm of the North (504 Main)

Who can resist a polar bear???? There are a ton of fantastic polar bear and Arctic inspired crafts on on the Norm of the North Pinterest Board.

Want a chance to win a $500 gift card or one of 5 Norm of the North Swag Bags in the #NormoftheNorthSweeps...visit the rules and upload your creation to Instagram

This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre
disclosure: I was asked to participate in the #NormoftheNorth Instagram Sweeps by Megan Media. This craft was created by me for that contest. No blog post was required.
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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

I am seriously obsessed with tote bags. I always have been. I NEVER carried a backpack in school...I always had a tote bag. Now I use them for everything, and they are perfect for shopping, the library, toys or whatever you need toted somewhere!
Heat Trasnfer Horse tote bag made with the #Silhouette
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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Once upon a time I lived in a quirky beach town where I could do just about anything I wanted to my house. Now I live in a new HOA-governed community and  I cannot paint my door crazy colors or have lots of "treasures" hanging out  on my its a good thing I love wreaths...because that is one way I can always personalize my entrance. And I do love a gorgeous wreath!

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Thursday, September 3, 2015

I love to entertain and am always looking for ways to make the whole eating-drinking-mingling process easier. I will tell ya, that if my party numbers are small enough I will use "real" (as in not disposable) dishes, but when the party gets larger or has a lot of kiddos or is by the pool, I find these DIY Paper Food Trays come in super handy for serving snacks, chips, and other goodies!

Paper Food trays to DIY

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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

I spent many, many years planning fabulous weddings...and I gotta tell ya...I miss it (not the long hours...but everything else). Last year an amazing caterer I know asked me to make these rustic wood wedding signs for each of her couples. I love the idea and they are such an amazing wedding keepsake or unique part of the wedding decor.

Rustic weddings signs are great gifts or accessories to accent your wedding decor.
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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Mother's Day is HERE (basically). I know I have no gifts for anyone...and then as I was searching for something else, I found this floursack towel I made last year (or quite possibly the year before) with my daughters artwork...TA-DA! Magical, melt-your-heart cuteness for Mother's Day!

It is easy to create meaningful gifts with creativty and a few minutes

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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

I almost ignored Valentines...but we have received such a fun reaction to my daughters idea for "Just Ducky Valentine's" that I thought I'd share. And, yes, I realize Valentines Day is right around the corner...but seriously these are SO EASY and take hardly any time to put together. (be sure to check out my 2016 ducks including FREE PRINTABLES!)

Simple novelty rubber ducks, paper tags and a pen are just about all you need for some seriously cute valentines.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Pillows are the best way to dress up or change up a space!
If you are like me, I can never find exactly what I want...
but now I can make my own DIY Designer Pillows (and you can too)!
I recently had the opportunity to try the NEW Paint-a-Pillow kit,
and had so much fun making some new pillows for my home!
Create Your Own Designer Pillows (Paint-a-Pillow GVEAWAY)

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Monday, June 30, 2014

The last few months of my life have been insane,
and to add to that insanity I threw my daughter a birthday party right before we moved.
Last month I posted about the A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E
mini sugar cookie favor boxes I crafted...and finally (better late than never, right?)
I am showing you a simple but oh so pretty paper pinwheel centerpiece I made for the party as well. I used the same Chalkboard Paper Pack as I did for the favors...because it has to coordinate, right!?
Pretty Paper Pinwheels by 504 Main

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Monday, January 27, 2014

I have long had a fascination with pom poms.
I remember making them for my tennis shoes when I was younger and to wear in my hair. Recently I have been using them for packaging and crafts...and they are pure cuteness.
I especially am loving these miniature ones right now.
How to Make Miniature Pom Poms by 504 Main

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Friday, September 6, 2013

This Painted Fall Burlap banner was created as a sponsored post for DecoArt

I was holding out to post anything Fall or pumpkin-y until September...I made it!
I do not do a whole lot of seasonal decorating...
but banners, those are easy to swap out and store!
I decided to start off Fall with my latest banner.
Seriously I am turning into the banner lady -
but people keep asking for them and I keep making there ya have it.
Fall Burlap Banner 504 Main by Holly Lefevre

Now on to the banner! This banner begins like my "We Love School" Banner but has so much more to it. To me Fall is about texture, rich colors and a feeling or warmth. I think through the use of layers of paint and pattern and the texture of the burlap I have accomplished this feeling in this banner.

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A little bit ago, a lovely little package with a couple yards
of Waverly Fabric from Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Store  arrived on my doorstep.
This fabric sent me over the moon - gorgeous and fun and fabulous!
I had one million and one ideas for it...
and was only given one rule...Waverize It!  

Slipcovered Ruffle Wreath

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Growing up the 4th of July was my favorite holiday. I loved the flags...the red, white and blue...the fireworks...the patriotism. I remember lighting fireworks in my grandparents driveway. It was so much good old fashioned fun!
simple supplies make great fun for kids on the 4th

We cannot set off our own fireworks where we live. Most of the big firework display have been cancelled...or the fog covers them up anyway. So I have to create a little 4th of July magic myself.

Little gril holding 4th of July craft
USA Banner Tutorial is the inspiration...My daughter LOVES snowglobes. I buy them anytime I see them at thrift stores. My daughter loves glitter (so do I) I have a feeling this project will be out year round. And believe it or my overly-complicated world...this craft is pretty darn easy and quick!
Close up of jar with glitter

  • Baby Oil
  • Small (or large jars). I used GLASS jars but you can also use PLASTIC jars for safety sake. I used small 4 oz. jars (from World Market) and a small half pint jelly jar. You can also just use any recycled jars from around the house.
  • Gorilla Glue single use tubes
  • Glitter (I like the big, inexpensive chunkier glitter for this)
  • Sequins in various shapes
    • OR use a punch and cut stars (or whatever shape you wish) out of aluminum cans...I succumbed to my love of Diet Coke and purchased a 6 pack just for this project. You can also buy thin sheets of aluminum at craft and hardware stores.
  • Scissors
glue, jars, glitter and baby oil

SAFETY FIRST: Gloves and heavy duty scissors or tin snips for the aluminum cans...if you choose do use that option.

CAUTION: If you use the aluminum cans...the edges can be very sharp. wear gloves or be very careful when cutting your can apart. I did this (NOT THE KIDS) and I punched the shapes from the aluminum (NOT THE KIDS).

OPTIONAL: If you are making your "fireworks" with a punch, do this now. Wash out your aluminum cans (and let dry). Use heavy duty scissors (I did use an old knife to puncture the can near the top) and cut around the top until it is off (remember sharp edges). Cut straight down toward the bottom and then cut the bottom off. Now you have a piece of aluminum.
AGAIN CAUTION: If you use the aluminum cans...the edges can be very sharp. wear gloves or be very careful when cutting your can apart. I did this (NOT THE KIDS) and I punched the shapes from the aluminum (NOT THE KIDS).
use a craft punch for interesting shapes

  • Place you stars, sequins, glitter into the empty glass jar.
pretty sparkly things

  • Fill the jar almost completely to the top with baby oil.
baby oil or glycerin work well for this craft

  • Apply Gorilla Glue to the inside of the lid.
  • Screw on the lid tight and let dry!

glue the lid on the jar

 Shake away!
little girl shaking her firework jar

Enjoy the show!

celebrate the 4th with sparkle

add additional decoratiosn if you'd like.

This post is written and created at 504 Main by Holly Lefevre
Need another great patriotic craft...check out the USA Banner
celebrate the USA with this no-sew banner

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