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Option menu does not appear in the toolbar after being collapsed inside a fragment

Everything was fine when I implemented the collapsed toolbar until I tried to add an option menu. This is XML code. Note: I use fragments, not activities. <
Ali El-Sayed's user avatar
-1 votes
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Custom Tkinter OptionMenu not shown

Something is wrong with my CustomTkinter application, everything dissapears and if i remove this code it works but without my option menu. Can somebody say where i made a mistake? choices = set() for ...
Kai Nudels's user avatar
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Is there a way to execute a function ONLY if the option of a tkinter optionmenu is changed?

When using tkinter OptionMenu the command input lets you activate a function, but the same function activates even when you click on the already set option. Example: option "A" is set, you ...
greasy_beard's user avatar
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After applying tooltip menu options showing in different location in the window instead of below the buttion icon in material ui. How resolve the same

I'm trying to apply tooltip to option menu icon but it not working as i expected way. my code is: export default function FadeMenu() { const [ anchorEl, setAnchorEl ] = React.useState(null) ...
KARTHIKEYAN.A's user avatar
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How can I get the suggested values from an input datalist using pure Javascript?

I'm using a plain text input plus datalist to suggest values as the user interacts with the input. I'd like to know if there's a way to get the suggested items shown. E.g. document....
digitalWestie's user avatar
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Having an options array in a Powershell variable

I am currently adding a Parameter to a script. The outcome I want is that if the script is run manually - that the user will get prompted like this for an input: Press 1 for Option blah Press 2 for ...
TheDemonLord's user avatar
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How to tell which OptionMenu was changed using python and tkinter

I am building a spreadsheet of sorts. One of the columns has an OptionMenu in each cell. Each OptionMenu has its own class member StringVar (in an array) associated with it. All OptionMenus use a ...
jordanthompson's user avatar
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How can I change color of top & bottom bar in Android Options Menu?

Options menu bars I have tried everything to try and change or remove them bars. It doesn't go away. styles.xml: <resources> <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme....
Brandon Haynes's user avatar
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Kotlin: Make the options menu visible only in a specific toolbar

There are three types of toolbar used in this app. (toolbar, toolbar2, toolbar3) The MainActivity is connected to four fragments through the bottom navigation bar. (home, community, calendar, mypage) ...
Annie's user avatar
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How do i display the value in a tkinter MenuOption on selection of a row in a TreeView?

I have a tkinter GUI app connected to a MySQL database that uses a Treeview that displays, adds, deletes, and updates the records in an employee table using buttons. Below the Treeview I have several ...
Jockfaire's user avatar
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What mistake would trigger a diagnostic using this option in R Studio?

In the Global Options of R Studio, under the Code Panel and Diagnostics Tab, there's an option that reads "Enable diagnostics within R function calls." I had assumed that this option would ...
Bajcz's user avatar
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How can I make a dropdown menu with no submit button in tkinter?

I have a problem. whenever I create a optionmenu in tkinter, I have to submit its data using a button, but I don't think this is simple enough for the user. Is there a way to get a optionmenu submit ...
Mehrdad's user avatar
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How can I change the child option when the parent option is changed

I'm trying to change the child option when the parent option gets changed for instance this is what happens with bootstrap ` <div class="wrap-input100 input100-select bg1"> ...
davegizmo's user avatar
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Excel - How do I display the "excel options" dialog using vba?

I want to use vba to display the Save tab from the 'Excel Options' dialog box for our users. File > Excel Options > Save I'm familiar with the ExecuteMso method. For example, Application....
Wunderdawg57's user avatar
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Updating options in optionmenu Tkinter

I am currently writing on a small hobby project and I have a problem concerning my list "dice" while using the dropdown menu it only ever shows the first iteration of the list (the single 0)...
Jonas J.'s user avatar
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Python app immediately closes after OptionMenu being clicked

EDIT: I found out that the program crashes when Message Box is called. Any solution? I am using Mac OS I am creating a sales app in Python, I have a OptionMenu to select the form of payment. Most of ...
ElTr1pa's user avatar
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Customtkinter optionmenu

I want to have a customtkinter option menu to let the user choose which line of a txt file they want to have for the speed typing test. I'm making a speed typing test in Tkinter namely. Now, I have it ...
ND_008's user avatar
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Tkinter, Change OptionMenu based on what is selected in another OptionMenu ANY TIME

I am creating a calendar app using tkinter module. My problem is that I would like the user to select a specific date. That means I have 3 option menus (year, month, day) in the SAME frame. The ...
Björn's user avatar
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How do I create a dropdown menu without using OptionMenu for tkinter?

Whenever I run my code, there's a 50/50 chance it crashes when my dropdown menu is clicked, coming up with a "Segmentation fault: 11" on vscode, I've also tried on pycharm. there is no ...
johnnymainn's user avatar
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Why am I getting a type error from this function?

I am trying to create a drop down menu in tkinter that allows the user to select a machine, or row # from the excel sheet, and then all the data from that entire row is displayed in tkinter through ...
bradenzingler's user avatar
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Is there a way to make tkinter's optionmenu to wait for the users choice?

Im trying to write a tkinter program that creates lots of new drop down lists and buttons depending on the user's choice. For example, a user chooses some option from a drop down list and another drop ...
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Quasar2 Vue3 Cypress select options

I would like to perform the following tests with Cypruss E2E: (1) Verify the number and content of the select options (2) Select one of them and verify the value matches the selection. This is what I ...
khteh's user avatar
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AttributeError: module 'customtkinter' has no attribute 'OptionMenu'

Does someone know, why I get this error? I've imported import customtkinter and get this error: AttributeError: module 'customtkinter' has no attribute 'OptionMenu' when executing this piece of code: ...
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How Do I Change The Background Color Around Python Tkinter ttk.OptionMenu Widget? (Mac)

I am trying to make a script that lets you choose a day, then displays the day you have chosen on the tkinter window. But when i have tried to change the background of the entire window to black, i ...
ORI DANIEL's user avatar
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Tkinter unable to clear OptionMenu choice with .destroy

I am trying to display a Label with a selected option from a customtkinter OptionMenu. I am unable to display what is currently selected into a label. I have tried two different ways and get 2 ...
Jared McCallister's user avatar
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How do I delete the selection of a combobox from a sqlite database?

I want to delete a row from a sqlite3 database using the selection of a combobox to get the row that I want to delete. My current code deletes an item from the combobox, but when I restart code, the ...
SShield's user avatar
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binding tkinter OptionsMenus by category

im struggling to bind tkinter options menus by category. ive made a simple to run version of the problem below. it seems to work at first. eg, in the image below you can see it succesfully ...
tgmjack's user avatar
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tkinter: my second option menu broke the first one

I made an option menu with tkinter that worked exactly as I wanted to, but when I added a second option menu I started getting error messages and I'm not sure why. I attached the code for the first ...
HappyFeet's user avatar
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Tracing changes in Optionmenu outputting error (tkinter)

I am trying to detect and save the current selection in the monthNameDropdown Optionmenu so I change the amount of days in the monthDayDropdown Optionmenu, bu it's giving me a strange error that I do ...
AmarN's user avatar
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How to make rounded ttk.OptionMenu in Tkinter

I want to make a rounded OptionMenu with the ttk style, but I can't think on way doing so, and I can't find it anywhere on the internet. This what I have so far: from tkinter import * from tkinter ...
Anon142's user avatar
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How to fill the area of OptionMenu - tkinter

I want to fill the window with grey, however around the OptionMenu there is a missing area which isn't filled. For example: let's take a simple code that will examine what is my problem. from tkinter ...
asdd's user avatar
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Updating optionMenu when pressed

I searched all over the internet, and couldn't find a way to update the options menu when it is pressed. I should have a method that will run after the optionsMenu is pressed, like an actual button, ...
Chopin's user avatar
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Saving variable from drop down menu command with lambda function in Tkinter

I want to extract the selected data from a drop down menu in Tkinter. The drop down menu changes based on a previous drop down menu selection. Basically, how do I save a variable from a lambda ...
Heather B.'s user avatar
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Option Menu dosn't show in fragment using collapsingToolbar

For some reason my Fragment never calls onCreateOptionsMenu to inflate my menu, the overflow menu never appears and pressing the menu button in the emulator also does nothing. And I tried to put ...
Ahmed Mahdy's user avatar
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option_value is empty when i'm submitting the form - Wordpress custom settings page

The context is as follows: We are on WAMPSERVER so locally. I want to create an options page for my own plugin. I followed several tutorials and I created this small and simple test: The settings page ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Can GhostDoc be configured to keep value on a single line, leave summary on multiple?

I'm looking to configure GhostDoc so that the "value" is on a single line while the "summary" is always on multiple lines. There is an option for "Keep single line when under.....
Daniel Jones's user avatar
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get() on OptionMenu -> tkinter Python 3

How can i get the 'get()' to get the value at the moment of the click on the Button? The value printed always stays the one i've set by default... langues = ['FR', 'EN'] nb_joueurs = [2, 3, 4] ...
melanie's user avatar
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Tkinter Option Menu First Value Disappears

I am using Tkinter to build a form with some conditional logic. There are two Option Menus, and the options available in the second depend on the user's selection in the first. For some reason, ...
bbernicker's user avatar
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How to change the value of an option menu after user clicks?

I'm playing around with option menu. I have a list of countries called options. The option menu is set to the first index of options. How can I update the value if a user clicks on a different country?...
JoeMama786's user avatar
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How can I get the values from multiple tkinter Option Menus

Good day, I need to create a window with 5 different drop down menus and I need to save the 5 given answers. I managed to create the window with the 5 different drop down menus. However, when I run ...
Francesco's user avatar
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How to expand a third menu and its sub menu items by default using javascript

Could any one please let me know how to expand the second submenu and its child items by default when I click on the main menu item. I have attached the screenshot for reference. Thanks in advance
Sanihita's user avatar
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How to Create custom OptionMenu in android

how to set custom option menu like this update image i tryed all answer from stack but didn't find proper answer for making this
hardik koladiya's user avatar
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Cannot inflate option menu with toolbar in fragment

In this app I have MainFragment, I tried to add action bar and toolbar with option menu to it, the action bar is shown but the option menu isn't, also the back button not working even though I add the ...
Indiana Evans's user avatar
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'OptionMenu' object has no attribute 'get'

Python 3.9 Windows 10 VSCode Hey guys, I'm making a weather converter in tkinter for a school project and neither google nor my teacher can figure this out. Whenever I put a value into both dropdown ...
Davis Stanko's user avatar
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OptionMenu's dependency on other OptionMenus is not working after the Reset Button (which resets the selections made on the OptionMenus) is clicked

I am trying to create a UNIT CONVERTER which is a GUI application in Python using Tkinter. I have created one main OptionMenu and two other OptionMenus. These other two OptionMenus are dependent on ...
Upesh Maharana's user avatar
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Can I possibly put an image/label into an option box in Tkinter?

I don't know if it's possible to achieve something Like this: [🌄 Sunrise ↕] Î (Preferably an image resized into a label)
nicholas_t's user avatar
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Python tkinter - How to get the value of Optionmenu created by loop in a list?

I would like that when the user choose an item in one of the Optionmenus, the chosen value will be saved to a specific position in a list (listbox_list). The Optionmenu are created by a Loop. I tried ...
Meriole's user avatar
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"TypeError: __init__() takes from 2 to 3 positional arguments but 9 were given" but i tested in a new project file and worked fine

I'm trying to get the optionmenu to work on my current project file but i keep getting the error TypeError: init() takes from 2 to 3 positional arguments but 9 were given so i wanted to see if it was ...
Daniel Lizarraga's user avatar
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Virtual Events for tkinter Optionmenu

I've been looking around for quite a while now and I can't find what I'm looking for, so please let me know if this doesn't exist or isn't the best way of doing it. I want to be able to trigger and ...
SlavaCat's user avatar
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Tkinter OptionMenu Command Possible to Specify Parameters?

Currently new to Tkinter, and while researching I found very little documentation on Tkinter's OptionMenu widget. I'd like to be able to use a single callback function for multiple menus, but I am ...
Oboros's user avatar
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