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How can I change color of top & bottom bar in Android Options Menu?

Options menu bars I have tried everything to try and change or remove them bars. It doesn't go away. styles.xml: <resources> <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme....
Brandon Haynes's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How can I make a dropdown menu with no submit button in tkinter?

I have a problem. whenever I create a optionmenu in tkinter, I have to submit its data using a button, but I don't think this is simple enough for the user. Is there a way to get a optionmenu submit ...
Mehrdad's user avatar
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1 answer

(Very Simple) Get next element in menu?

i'm trying to write a very simple script. As you can see i'm a big noob in Python. I created a Tkinter option menu containing 3 options. When i press the "n" key, i want my menu to be set on ...
user14210709's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why click on optionsMenu item doesn't work?

I have a problem when clicking on an item from an options menu. I've read how to create a menu on the website and I seem to do it right, but it ...
Cristina's user avatar
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I get this error: MenuPopupHelper cannot be used without an anchor

When i start my application on some devices , i got foreclose: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.hala.instgram, PID: 24871 java.lang.IllegalStateException: MenuPopupHelper cannot be used without an ...
aboal7roof Masri's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Options menu not appearing on an empty activity

I'm struggling to get my options menu to appear and have tried nearly every solution available on stackoverflow. I have written my menu.xml file in a menu directory in res (shown below) and am ...
Arden Chew's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Use OptionMenu as a Menu in Python using Tkinter

To increase my understanding and usability of python I have been building a text editor from scratch. What I'm trying to do now is allow the user to change the size of the font. I have this working ...
Justin Edwards's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I orient divs properly within another div?

I am trying to create a side bar with an animated menu button. I found an example online of the button I imagined and am trying to use it correctly but cant seem to get it where I want on my page. ...
Doalzer's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Hide menu in option menu when login/logout

i have an app with login logout session with pref menu. i want to when user is login, option menu only show log out menu. But when user is log out, option menu is only show login menu. i have try some ...
mario margo's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Hide optionmenu

I have a option Menu in my toolbar in app.but I want to Is unseen Some places. What solution do you recommend to it my friends? Toolbar toolbar=(Toolbar)findViewById(; ...
Reza's user avatar
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1 answer

Android:How To use Sub_menu category in menu options [closed]

In My Activity i place a Option Menu like Text Options when the user click the text option an another option menu(Sub_menu) want to be load with text Colour and text size adjustment how can we do this ...
vasanth's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

How to hide option menu?

I am using option selected menu item, attached three item (share, login, logout) am select login item, go login activity login social sign (Facebook or google) any one, if login hide login item at ...
Krishnan's user avatar
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3 answers

ActionBar item does not shown in Option Menu

I can't show items inside the "Menu Item" when those items are already displayed on the Action bar. This is my onCreateOptionsMenu method: @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu ...
dedo89's user avatar
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1 answer

Hide options menu in xamarin android

I'm having a single activity in my android application which I'm developing with Xamarin. There is an option menu in my application which is appearing in all the pages. I want the option menu to be ...
Anirban's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How change title of option menu and context menu in android?

In my app i I have option menu and context menu which has English title. But i want to change that to the persian title with Farsi class that introduced in this topic: How can i write farsi (persian) ...
user3326937's user avatar
0 votes
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how can I make these loops continue based on users input? In java eclipse

When I run this code, which is a menu with many different options. it consists of many loops. Some of which I have yet to make. I am having trouble with my coin toss simulator. Although I have a for ...
user avatar
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1 answer

option menu to change the textview size of an android application globally

I am creating an android app that has up to 100 activities. I included an option menu where the user can choose the textview size. When the user selects the desired size, the textview size changes ...
Ikelie Cyril's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Android options menu layout

I want to make the menu options with the following display when in press the menu button -------------- - Logout - -------------- - Profile - -------------- - Password - -------------- - Add ...
user2911949's user avatar
0 votes
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android - how to hide menu in action bar and add to virtual buttons

I want to add menu button in devices with virtual buttons like this :
AlizerA's user avatar
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android inline/horizontale/list option menu

I'm trying to create this kind of list menu but with no success: I would like to use the Android menu button or to press an arrow with "open" or "close" text. That menu will display a list of options ...
user2682138's user avatar
2 votes
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Menu Item position appeared incorrectly. How to arrange that?

menu.xml <item android:id="@+id/ref" android:title="Refresh" android:icon="@drawable/refe"/> <item android:id="@+id/ser" android:title="Search" android:icon="@drawable/ser"/>...
Rameshbabu's user avatar
36 votes
4 answers

What does onPrepareOptionsMenu do?

I want to make Option Menu for Android, I have visit this site. In their script, I found onPrepareOptionsMenu, I try to compile and run using Android 2.3.3 compiler with and without ...
Tutompita's user avatar
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1 answer

WebView not showing standard browser option menu

Good morning, I want that when the user opens my custom WebView, when he clicks the Menu Button, the standard browser's menu will appear (next, previous, share link, bookmarks, etc.). How? Here's my ...
Geltrude's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Android: OptionMenu between Activity and Fragments

In my app I have one Activity that hosts two Fragments. If I add a MenuItem to the Menu can I retrive it in my fragments? What's the link between OptionMenu in Activity and OptionMenu in his child ...
TheModularMind's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Use a Dialog instead an option menu on ICS

I want to use a dialog as option menu in my application, the problem is I've understood that smartphones without buttons only show the menu button if the activity have an action menu implemented. How ...
jramirez's user avatar
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customize options menu in android

I'd like to customize options menu in my app. After some googling and making a lot of effort I am still unable to do it. Here is what I want: menu.xml file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&...
boburShox's user avatar
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1 answer

Android OptionsMenu Hide First Item

folks. Here's the problem. Let's say I have three items on my menu. I want the first one to be invisible (like transparent) but at the same time consumes space. And the second and third to be ...
lorraine batol's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Can't open optionsMenu programmatically without a user click

In my project i am trying to open the optionsMenu programmatically without a click on the menu key from the user. I have tried openOptionsMenu() but it gives me an error like this android.view....
Droid_Dev's user avatar
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Android multiple options menu for multiple screen with no code repetition

My android app has several screens, and in each one of them I would like to have a similar options menu with a slight different. For example screen A would have items 1,2,3,4 and screen B would have ...
yogi's user avatar
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49 votes
6 answers

How can I get the options menu of my Activity?

In some methods of my Activity I want to check the title of menu or know if it is checked or not. How can I get Activity's menu. I need something like this.getMenu()
Bob's user avatar
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5 answers

how to get option menu on android api level 12 emulator?

I am new to work with android tablet api level 12. I have created 7 inches avd with 1024*600 screen resolution. I have implemented sample application for get the option menus on my screen and back ...
prasad.gai's user avatar
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Android make menu

I have made an options menu attached to my android menu button, but how do I make a list menu from clicking one of those menus (like the standard one you see when you go to android settings) I must ...
CQM's user avatar
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android honeycomb - how to make options menu item look disabled?

I am trying to disable one of the options menu items using the foll code: public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu (Menu menu){ menu.findItem(; return true; } ...
Asahi's user avatar
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25 votes
4 answers

Android: onCreateOptionsMenu() item action

I have a menu created through: @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { menu.add("Email"); return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu); } But I can't remember how to set a ...
Nick's user avatar
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2 answers

How to disable options menu for landscape view?

I have an options menu, but don't want it to appear when the screen is flipped horizontal. I have the following method to determine lanscape, but need to know how to disable the options menu. private ...
Sheehan Alam's user avatar
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Android: Custom size of menu item

I am building an app and one of the activities has an options menu. I was wondering if it is possible to decide the size of one of the items on the menu. I mean, the menu already has 3 options, and I ...
JoanG's user avatar
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1 answer

Android menu definitions explaination

What are the differences between the following types of menus in Android? option menu context menu sub menu Can anyone give me an explanation and an example for each?
Balaji's user avatar
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3 answers

iPhone option menus

What options do I have when creating menu with options (contextual menus). What is allowed and what does Apple provide? I have a toolbar with buttons and a click of a button opens a menu with options:...
xpepermint's user avatar
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1 answer

Customize Menu Options When Using menu.addIntentOptions()

I am building a simple application based off of the Google provided Note pad app. One of my first steps is converting the app to use XML menus, where possible. In the main activity, the notes list, ...
Unpossible's user avatar
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2 votes
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how to display an option menu when an activity starts

I've activity that i want an option menu to be displayed on. But, i want the option menu to be displayed all the time the activity is displayed. I don't want my users to click (select) the menu button ...
Love's user avatar
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8 votes
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options menu - removing focus from item

how do I remove focus from options menu item? I.e. when I open the menu for the first time, none of the items has focus. however, if I focus on one of them using track ball, and then close and re-open ...
Asahi's user avatar
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3 answers

Android: What could cause an Options Menu inflation error?

I am receiving an inflation error when pressing the Menu button and adding a menu item in the onCreateOptionsMenu method. I've included some of the error below. The code is as follows, and works if I ...
bdls's user avatar
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android: any tutorials on creating menus for apps?

I need a very simple menu which probably contains only one or two items: settings/options, where pressing one of them should show some customer defined parameters (is it called dialog), e.g., number ...
Yang's user avatar
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