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Python Tkinter use dataframe resulting from one function def (self,event) in different function within the same class

I have a combobox in one "subscreen" and I am filtering the original dataframe with combo box value but I can't use resulting dataframe to show it in the treeview function or else where. I ...
Monvana's user avatar
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Tkinter - CheckboxTreeview with tooltip for each element

I have a Python tool with CheckboxTreeview widget. Some of the content in the treeview is too long to be displayed. I would like to offer a tooltip to the user if this is the case. I already have ...
bene's user avatar
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How to add columns and insert data in Common Lisp ltk treeview

am trying to create a table using a scrolled-treeview, to contain students' performance but i have failed to add the specific columns (name, math-mark, comp-mark) to it. I have tried the following ...
Karugaba118's user avatar
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Python tkinter treeview and MySQL queries [closed]

How to populate a treeview with results from many tables? I've a set of tables: athletes, grades, categories, rel_ath_grad_cath. athletes grades categories rel_ath_grad_cath id_ath id_grad id_cat ...
CodeOrion's user avatar
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To Show Striped Row Tags when filtering using a entry in tkinter

I want that my Treeview shows Striped Row Tags when filtering using a entry in tkinter. The code works fine before filter, the filter function also works fine but it does not shows the Striped Row ...
sendog3c's user avatar
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'Autofit' Columns Width - Python

I'm trying to make a 'autofit' column width and the code below works really fine, but only if Im not in the tabview that the autofit occurs. Is there anyway to workaround this? from tkinter import ttk,...
Giulliano Accarini De Luccia's user avatar
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Move up in a treeview in tkinter

I have found this function shown below very useful to move down in a treeview, but I ask here if there is a move up function. def moveDown(self): curSelection = self.tree.selection() # current row ...
sendog3c's user avatar
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Load dynamic data in tree view in ExtJs

I have api response data stucture like below. My data is dynamic and may be change. Structure of data has children. It may has any children in children that times of that is not determined.The last ...
Shokouh Dareshiri's user avatar
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How to make the ttk treeview not show extra empty columns?

I am building an app with tkinter and running into some annoying issues. When I load my data into the ttk treeview, I see that there are always some additional columns on the right side of my treeview ...
user3840530's user avatar
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C# TreeView NodeMouseclick or Click function shows previous selected

Hi I am facing a peculiar issue. I am using a Windows Form (.NET Framework) and have created a TreeView with a sample list from database. I would like to display the details of the selected node by ...
Ajay Shah's user avatar
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How can I edit the header name of a specific row and clone that row in MUI DataGrid with tree data?

I'm using MUI's DataGrid with tree data to display an itinerary structure. I want to make each itinerary name editable, including for dynamically added itineraries. How can I implement inline editing ...
user28155596's user avatar
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Select portion of text in TreeView node

Visual Studio has this very nice "solution explorer", which I assume is some form of TreeView. When you rename files, it selects the file name only and not the extension. However, treeviews ...
CocoaMix86's user avatar
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MUI TreeView package Error of querySelectorAll

I am using mui latest version and latest version of treeview package in my web application this is sample code on MUI website as sample of use (i have used the same for testing) import * as React from ...
Zamni's user avatar
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Jquery TreeSelect Post Data Using the package I mentioned above, I created a select structure in the treeview with jquery. <div id="my-treeselect"></div> const ...
Kuzey Demirel's user avatar
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In WPF, how can I add a button to each tree view node that is expandable?

The node may be expanded or collapsed. Need to show the button in both cases. Something like this: ├─ item1 ├─ item2 <button> │ ├─ item2-1 │ ├─ item2-2 ├─ item3 <button> │ ├─ item3-1 │ ...
Igor's user avatar
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TreeView: prevent horizontal scrolling when selecting an item

Here is what is happening: Desired outcome: When selecting any item no horizontal scrolling should occur (even if the item is too big to show) Solution must work with virtualization Horizontal ...
Bent Rasmussen's user avatar
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How to make TreeView in WPF expandable?

I create a TreeView with TextBlock(for clickable items of treeview) in HierarchicalDataTemplate and data shown correctly, but after any actions with TreeView it collapsing. So is there is a way make ...
TA1989's user avatar
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How to bind WPF TreeView's style item property IsExpanded to a command in MVVM

I have a WPF application that uses MVVM. There I have a treeview and need to add a button to collapse all nodes. The treeview has a custom ItemContainerStyle with the setter property IsExpanded. I ...
Igor's user avatar
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Bootstrap treeview node selected should remain same after page reload

I want treeview selection should remain same after page reload. I have tried the below code but it's not working anyone help me resolve this. Tree.prototype.setSelectedState = function (node, state, ...
Saravana's user avatar
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Reordering Treeview items via drag/drop

I have a two level deep collection that it's bound to (collection of parent items where each parent has a collection of child items). I'm trying to use the gong solutions package (
pfinferno's user avatar
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C# WPF recursive duplicate nested hierarchy of elements

I have created treeview with dynamically filled from xml file hierarchy and I have issue. In treeview nested hierarchy was recursive duplicate and get result like this : XAML-markup of treeview: <...
TA1989's user avatar
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Rendering issue with ttk.TreeView

I'm trying to use the ttk treeview widget. I'm able to create and populate it, and it seems to work properly. However it is rendering with a large empty "column" on the left side and I can'...
WV_Mapper's user avatar
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C# WPF TreeView offsetting child position for consistent views?

Let's say I have a couple of items that look like this: Layer 1 |-Layer 2 |-Layer 2 |-Layer 3 |-Layer 4 |-Layer 2 Without creating an empty parent, how would one go about to recreate something ...
Vlad SD's user avatar
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How can I edit the thumb to use a custom image (.png) in WPF?

I am working on creating an app which has a very specific looking GUI. My app contains TreeView which has a scrollbar. The scrollbar unfortunately is very basic and looks like your typical Windows ...
Ferg's user avatar
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Python - Tree View Dynamic Sizing but also not dynamically sizing

I'm sure the title is confusing but here is the description: I have a Python GUI program that has a Tree View to log messages. When the user presses a Toggle Settings button, a lot of the elements ...
Fire Dragon's user avatar
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Tkinter treeview color not changing

when I configure the style for the tkinter treeview it works for the headings but fails for the rows, the size of the rows changes but the background and the fore ground donot change. Here is the code:...
MUHAMMAD KASHIF's user avatar
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C# treeview mousedown open window will not focus

I'd like to open a window by clicking somewhere - mostly outside any node - in a treeview to open a new window (this is to maintain a bill of material shown in that tree view, I call it "formBOM&...
user27246674's user avatar
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How SwiftUI create view's tree? [duplicate]

I stack with problem of @Environmentobject and NavigationLink. I searched in the internet about swiftUI environment and what is it and how SwiftUI build views tree but nothing special. What I see, if ...
Dragonboh's user avatar
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C# WPF Deleting a single Child from SubItems/Parents in TreeView

I have a static (for the moment) tree set up in WPF. I am attempting to delete a specific child out of a parent, which is a sub-item of main, but not sure how to go about it. The tree is structured as ...
Vlad SD's user avatar
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PyQt5 Crashes when I open a folder which contains files with .json or .js extension in QTreeView

I work in VSCode on Ubuntu LTS 24.04. I use PyQt5. I have the following folders with files in the root path of my project: I use the following code: from pathlib import Path from PyQt5 import ...
F0AX's user avatar
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C# Learing TreeView and a way to display all parents

I'm in the process of playing around with TreeView for the first time, and for now, I have set a goal to be able to display all parents for a given child, as a start. Goal accomplished on that, but to ...
Vlad SD's user avatar
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Issues with FadeTransition when used with TreeView

I have a similar problem to that reported here. In my application I present a TreeView of "health" status items for a system with a number of components. The requirement is to flash a "...
pjy's user avatar
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Getting Item in hierarchical TreeView

I've got in XAML <TreeView x:Name="FavoritesTreeView" SelectedItemChanged="FavpritesTreeView_SelectedItemChanged" PreviewMouseRightButtonUp="...
Igor Goblin's user avatar
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Tkinter treeview - get the item under the cursor on <ButtonPress-1>

I am writing a drag and drop app where I drag data from a tree view to an entry widget. I want to be able to use the item from the tree that is under the cursor when the mouse button is pressed. I ...
Psionman's user avatar
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Anchor Element invalid in react mui Menu Component

In the below code when I click on the IconButton that is rendered with each item of tree view, I want a menu list to be opened, so I am passing the event object for getting the element reference to ...
Niresh's user avatar
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Flutter convert data into custom map with parent and child relation

I am working on a Flutter app where I need to generate a tree view from JSON data. The TreeView shown below: The Table structured as follows: ParentID ChildID Title 1 0 Root 1 2 0 Root 2 3 1 Node ...
Sulfy's user avatar
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BackgroundWorker and TreeView, stuck form when I expand TreeView

I need to create a very large TreeView, more than 200,000 nodes. The creation is fine, but the complete expansion of the TreeView, despite being executed by a different thread, sticks the form (20 - ...
GiPi's user avatar
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Text spacing does not match when drawing text on TreeView

My project is a winforms app, using .Net Framework 4.8. I have been having a graphical issue in which TreeViews with the same font and text are being drawn differently. On one TreeView, I need to draw ...
itsLydt's user avatar
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Flutter Generate TreeView From json data

I have a table with three columns (parentID, childID, treeName). I would like to generate a tree view from json data. What I have tried? There are a lot of example for hardcoded tree view, but non for ...
Sulfy's user avatar
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How to center row text vertically in the tkinter Treeview widget?

My problem is that in the example below, the text in the highlighted row is positioned at the top and is not vertically centered. I would like to achieve the same effect as with the CSS attribute &...
antma's user avatar
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Sorting 1st column of treeview app sent failure

I used an exapmple from a tutorial to sort columns in treeview. It works for 2nd and 3rd column, but not for the 1st column. If I click on the heading I get this Error: Exception in Tkinter callback ...
Paul-ET's user avatar
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Automatic resize Treeview (column width & row height) size inside ttk.Notebook

I create a treeview inside a tab from ttk.notebook widget. I followed this description for addapt the size of the treeview table. I saw also the .pack solution, but I will not mix .grid and .pack(). I ...
Paul-ET's user avatar
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How can I tell when it's safe to set TreeView.SelectedItem?

Here's a really simple bit of xaml: <TreeView x:Name="provenanceTree" ItemsSource="{x:Bind ProvenanceTreeItems}" SelectionMode="Single" ...
Jules May's user avatar
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Binding to TreeViewItem.IsExpanded works only one way

I have the following control (excerpted) <TreeView x:Name="provenanceTree" Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}" ...
Jules May's user avatar
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How to make treeview xct:Expander in xamarin forms?

I'm developing an android app with xamarin forms and I want to shape my menu like treeview like image below. I find xamarin community toolkit expander. It looks good and simple to use bu I have to ...
Mert Altiparmak's user avatar
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Where is the padding and margins defined in a TreeView?

I've got a treeview defined as follows: <TreeView x:Name="ProvenanceTree" Grid.Column="0" Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}" ...
Jules May's user avatar
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error: `Gtk.TreeIter' is not a supported generic type argument

I want to move some selected items between trees in Gtk+3 with Vala. The problem is that I cannot create a list to include all the item iterations that have to be removed, after adding them to the ...
Néstor A.C.'s user avatar
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My Tableview not updating on button click from .qml file

On button click i am calling updateEntries() function which I am expecting it should add rows into the model and show the tableview on the screen.But i am not seeing any table with data. Also i have ...
Coder's user avatar
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TreeView child nodes cannot be set to have no image

I cannot Set the image of child nodes to be empty. So far i've written this: private void InitializeTreeView() { treeView1 = new TreeView(); treeView1.Dock = ...
David Hornemark's user avatar
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Material-UI tree editable items

I am using RichTreeView component from Material-UI lib and would like to create an editable tree: so when user click on particular button positioned after every item dropdown list pops up. I tried to ...
Adnan's user avatar
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