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Heirarchy address in reactjs

Can anyone help me? I'm trying to integrate hierarchy address on my react project where if user select country the next dropdown field will suggest all the state or provinces under that country and if ...
Regime Mamugay's user avatar
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KivyMD Google like suggestions while typing

I'm new to kivy(MD). On one screen I have a TextInput where I can type city names. When I click on the "next" button, the screen is switched and the city name variable is passed to that ...
jigga's user avatar
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WPF - How to replace part of text in AutoSuggestBox with selected word, instead of whole text?

In my wpf application I have created an AutoSuggestBox control: <materialDesign:AutoSuggestBox x:Name="autoSuggestBox" materialDesign:TextFieldAssist.HasClearButton="True" ...
Vua Gunny's user avatar
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VSCode Java Autocomplete Not Working After Line Break Comment in Method Chaining with Lambdas

I’m experiencing an issue with Visual Studio Code when writing Java code. Specifically, when I add // at the end of a line to force a line break for formatting purposes, the autocomplete feature of ...
이원찬's user avatar
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Is there a way in Solr to return true result counts with auto-suggestions?

I have a Solr v9.5 service set up to allow users to search a corpus of end-user content. I have looked into three ways to implement auto-suggestions which show the user the number of results they ...
landru27's user avatar
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Why VS Code Suggesting @radix-ui Suggestions

While working in React JSX File, The VS Code is suggesting @radix-ui suggestion. Also, suggest lucide-react sometimes. Is there any way to stop vs code suggesting this suggestions. enter image ...
Sachin Alam's user avatar
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Can monaco editor keep default suggestions even after providing a custom suggestion

Does monaco editor supports to keep its default suggestions of any text entered within the editor even when there are custom suggestions overridden using registerCompletionItemProvider? What am trying ...
user2404194's user avatar
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How to bypass persistent auto-suggestions in mobile app text fields during automation?

I'm facing an issue with my mobile automation script where auto-suggestions in text fields interfere with my test scenario. Specifically, I'm automating a login flow where I need to input an email ...
Devibala's user avatar
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Solr autosuggest config

I am trying to create an autosuggest functionality with Solr 9.5. This is my configuration: solrconfig.xml <requestHandler name="/suggest" class="solr.SearchHandler" startup=&...
andyRandy's user avatar
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Autofill and matching text in options field in Angular

I am creating an input field which is autocompleting the remaining part of text inside the input field and also showing suggestions below the input field in select options. Now I want that while ...
Anush Sharma's user avatar
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Error: In azure machine learning workspace autosuggestion only works for the first operation on the raw data, the serial operations don't work

Image of my workspace Since all the modules are connected serially, I was expecting all the operations I'm doing on the data serially, one after the other. But the autosuggest doesn't work, which is ...
aryan balikondwar's user avatar
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VS Code MUI and other library imports suggestions not working. (REACT | MUI | JAVASCRIPT)

In vs-code imports used to work but they stopped working and when I try to import something I doesn't get any suggestions. I tried looking into settings of VS code doesn't find much there and tried ...
ankitkamboj18's user avatar
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Android Gboard password suggestion from associated domains

Hello I'm trying get Gboard to suggest a password saved to google password manager from an associated domain. I have followed the steps in "App Links Assistants" my assetlinks.json content ...
user13966382's user avatar
2 votes
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Disable animation on AutoSuggestBox items change?

When making input changes to AutoSuggestBox, the transition to the new search results has an animation, making the lines jump/bounce. I don't want this effect, instead I want the new search results to ...'s user avatar
  • 17.4k
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Is it possible to turn off "Show Words" suggestion from plugin extension Code? Or if it is possible to turn it off for specific files?

I want to disable the 'Show Words' ([abc]) suggestion in our plugin extension code. Similarly, I want to disable it for specific files that also originate from the plugin extension code. I know how to ...
VAISAKH T's user avatar
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How to auto suggest SIM card or Mobile numbers in a device?

This is the Figma and it seems to be used in most of the applications. Is there any npm modules or config need to be added in the field. This is the TextInput code that I have used in the app. I ...
Mukesh's user avatar
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How to turn off Non-Type proposals only for new variables in Eclipse?

When creating new variables, eclipse suggests names for them. However, I don't want to see any name suggestions unless if it is a variable that was already defined previously. When turning off non-...
Engineium's user avatar
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Inherit function signature from another function

In Python, is it possible to define a function without explicitly specifying the input arguments/types/default values, and inherit the signature from another function? The goal being to still get ...
Ben's user avatar
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How to disable replace with "?->" suggestions?

I am not entirely sure what to even google for (I tried few things without luck). No option on the popup to disable that particular suggestion - anyone know how to do this? When I click "More ...
gvanto's user avatar
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Sublime text, auto suggestions not showing from a vcpkg instal folder

I have no idea how to even aproach this, im new to sublime text and i am able to build a file when including cpp packages, but when writing the code, it does'nt suggest the sqlite3 lib. I am on a ...
listen to this's user avatar
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'Install package' quick action not appearing in Visual Studio

Update 2024-02-27 I couldn't tell you precisely which version solved it, but after updating to 17.9.2 it now works as expected. According to my teacher it was something wrong with how a cache was ...
Oliver Henriksson's user avatar
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Turn off autocomplete for chips component in primeNG

Has anyone found a succinct way to turn off browser autosuggestions for the p-chips component in primeNG? Or better yet turn off autosuggestions for the entire application. For simple input fields ...
haresh's user avatar
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Set AutoCompleteInput to suggest list of words

In my Vue project I found that setting the id to "autocompleteInput" made it suggest prevously typed words then the input field is focused: <input id=&...
Rasmus's user avatar
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Custom suggestions/completion in PHP function from JSON file in PhpStorm

I have a translate("") function and I want PhpStorm to start suggesting values from a JSON file when I start typing between the quotes. The idea is that I have a JSON file with translation ...
beeftony's user avatar
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How to submit a form with autosuggest with Javascript and Python flask

I use Python Flask and Javascript (jQuery) to create a simple web form with autosuggest (from external API). My code works partially, but I am struggling with the routing/functions in Flask and ...
user7665853's user avatar
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Vue3 IntelliJ autosuggestion of property names in camelCase

How can I set up autocompletion in IntelliJ so that in Vue files the names of properties in components in templates are suggested in camelCase not a kebab-case I can't find any settings in IntelliJ, ...
peargrammer's user avatar
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ElasticSearch Suggest current or next word

I have many queries like: "iphone 10" "iphone 10 case" "iphone 11" "iphqqq" I would like to autosuggest the current or next word (prefix-like manner is ok). ...
Tim's user avatar
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Suggestions are not working in Android Studio Giraffe

I Installed the new Version of Android studio Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Patch 2. I found Variable suggestion is not working. I have done lots of R&D and they suggested delete the .idea ...
Mohit Lakhanpal's user avatar
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Codeigniter 4 Visual Studio database objects suggestions

I've setup a new Codeigniter 4 project and I would like to use the inbuilt model functions. While I'm using them I noticed my Visual Studio is unable to suggest the correct object attributes in ...
Florianb's user avatar
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VSCode doesn't show import suggestion from outside next js app directory

I'm developing a next js project on VSCode. import suggestion for functions and components within app directory works without problem but if I want to import a function from a folder outside app ...
Hossein Ansari's user avatar
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How can I get the suggested values from an input datalist using pure Javascript?

I'm using a plain text input plus datalist to suggest values as the user interacts with the input. I'd like to know if there's a way to get the suggested items shown. E.g. document....
digitalWestie's user avatar
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How to get VSCode to suggest / autocomplete the React className, given my custom classes on a <div>?

I have a stylesheet with a bunch of classes. How can I get it to autocomplete in VSCode so that it autocompletes the className attribute on any div or native HTML element? Right now it's not doing ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
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Monaco Editor How to work with suggestions

I'm working on a React project where I use the Monaco Editor. Now I wanted to add my own language so I can make suggestions and auto-complete. My MonacoEditor render looks like this: <...
Ruffyg's user avatar
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Custom Post Type with two custom taxonomy search by post name and taxonomy's name

Custom Post Type with two custom taxonomy search by post name and taxonomy's name I want to search by "post title" then autosuggestion will be show post title list. or search both "...
Subrata's user avatar
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Selenium Webdriver Java Selecting an item from an Auto Suggestion Drop Down

I'm trying to select Chicago, IL from the Search City or Zip Code search box on Here's the code I've tried driver.get(""); driver.manage().window()....
zjboris's user avatar
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Autosuggest with Rest API issue on React

I use Autosuggest component ( in my React website. So, on the onChange event, I call serviceOsago to get the city/region/country data. Full data are too ...
Hunter91151's user avatar
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Make AnalyzingInfixLookupFactory return only token in Solr Suggester Query

Can I configure AnalyzingInfixLookupFactory, so that it will just return single words but not the whole field? This is my current configuration: <searchComponent name="suggest" class=&...
Matthias M's user avatar
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Quick suggestion doesn't come with brackets in vscode?

When I write the code, the hint will show up and I just have to press enter. For example when type print and enter I will get print(). But after updating vscode there is no more () ? people got ocd ...
1Brahms's user avatar
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GitHub Copilot does not suggest anything anymore after I fiddled around with Visual Studio Codes settings for auto suggestions / completes

"editor.autoClosingBrackets": false, "editor.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": false, "editor.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter": false those are the things i tested around ...
dnAir's user avatar
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There's no React JS autocomplete with "inline suggestion & Preview" in textarea? how to implement it

React JS autocomplete with "inline suggestion & Preview" in textarea Just like what github copilot do in Vscode I want to build a simple Language Model based conversation text ...
HRNPH's user avatar
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Eclipse often does not suggest

This is my Eclipse level: Version: 2023-03 (4.27.0) Build id: 20230309-1520 Since I update to this from: Version: 2020-09 (4.17.0) Build id: 20200910-1200 I miss often suggestions for quick fixes. For ...
Ulrich's user avatar
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Why does Tab accept suggestions and replace the following text, while Enter accepts and retains it in VS Code?

I'm trying to select one of the suggestions IntelliSense suggests me using the Tab key. While using the Enter key works as expected, Tab inserts the suggestion before the text and closes the quote ...
cppbest's user avatar
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In Jupyter Lab, how do I disable these suggestions when pressing tab?

I just want to use tab to indent my comment. How do I do this? How do I disable these suggestions? These are my current versions: IPython : 8.12.0 ipykernel : 6.19.2 ipywidgets :...
mezzomixx's user avatar
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How can I enable VSCode auto import suggestion for a deep path import from a shared UI library in an NRWL NX repo?

I wish to ask some help for setting up NX repo with VSCode import suggestion from a shared UI library I am setting up an NX repo for my next.js project by the following commands: npx create-nx-...
Chan Echo's user avatar
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How to turn off this suggestion text from VS code when type bracket or comma after type, print or any statement [duplicate]

Please check the text that shows in picture I dont need that message from VS code. I want to use the suggestions but not that uselesss text over the code. Its fine that suggestions shows, SOLUTION : ...
Ashiq's user avatar
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suggestions Don't work in vs code Just in python

when I write Something in vs code by python It dosn't show me the suggestion and when click ctr+space it show me loading and it still like that .image 1 I think there is problem in setting.json but it ...
BOUHDYD _X's user avatar
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How to get "add missing properties" suggestion when creating an anonymous object literal in VSCode and Typescript

Given a Typescript interface Foo, which has a property which is of interface Bar: export interface Foo{ bar:Bar; } export interface Bar{ text:String; } when creating an object conforming to ...
Claude Hasler's user avatar
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in vscode, when i type clg, i should be given the console.log() suggestion first, instead i get something else, why? [duplicate]

i am using vscode as my editor, and i'm making a small meteo app in nextjs. For a few days, i've been having a problem that i can't seem to solve. Example 1: when i type clg, the editor is supposed to ...
Joseph Griffon's user avatar
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Eclipse shows no content assist context menu (popup box) for HTML files but works fine for Java files

I use Eclipse 2022-12 with Windows 10 for a Spring Boot project with Maven. The context menu (the popup box that automatically shows up when you type or press Strg+Space) for autocompletion (java ...
seriousotzelot's user avatar
-1 votes
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macOS Visual Studio Code NO suggestions for robot framework file only

I have enabled all of the suggestions fields and checked together with senior, also googled, but we haven't found a reason for that. I am using robotframework (helloworld.robot) SeleniumLibrary Python ...
Paulina Puh's user avatar

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