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Edit links to a new month's file

I have a checks file that brings in data from several other files to perform various checks. Every month, I copy last month's check file, copy it into a new folder, and edit links to the new month. ...
Cody's user avatar
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Stumped why my VBA is causing File in Use error

I'm struggling with a random 'File in Use' Error when running my VBA routines. At a high level, I have a 'Master' Workbook that I am making a copy of and putting it in an Archive directory. There are ...
chrtak's user avatar
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How to delete a row if the text matches a certain color

I need to delete an entire row if the text is let's say the color green. I made a code, but it ends up deleting the entire sheet and if I change the range in the code to a certain range, the code only ...
DriveShaft1234's user avatar
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Maximizing MS-Access Application Not Applying Update to Subform's width property

I have a subform called "SprintTicket_Work_subform" on a main form called "Home". I have been playing with the main form's On Resize event to try to get the subform to grow ...
Matt Hall's user avatar
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Download CSV file from

I would like to download the CSV file from this link: I used Selenium with Excel and I managed to enter the user and password, but ...
gianca53's user avatar
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Rewrite code as a Sub to work on activesheet

Please  I have this function, which is part of code, it replaces my old way of filtering, I want to use it as a standalone code for filtering in excel in place of my old filtering code which can be ...
Pachino's user avatar
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Add point to curve by referring another product in catia vba

I am working in product, trying to create a hybridshapespline (in product 1) using another product (product 4).but i am facing issue ,the curve is connecting to it won axis system instead of ...
charan tej's user avatar
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OneDrive / Excel VBA - Send Request to All Participants

I feel like I've searched the web and can find very little about the functionality of OneDrive as it relates to Excel / VBA. I'm trying to keep it real simple to begin with: I'm trying to "...
Joey's user avatar
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How do I set the list of a dependant combobox in a userform in word to a range in excel based on an independent combobox

Im trying to set the list of a dependant combobox in a userform in a word document to a range in excel that will change based on an independent combobox. There will be over 100 options in the ...
ZacJ's user avatar
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REPT function in Excel

Please I need excel to repeat text in a cell 2x That is REPT(text, 2) IF the text is not repeated, but if it is already repeated 2x, it should not and leave it that way. I tried using this formular =...
Pachino's user avatar
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For Each Loop over an array of sheets - Subscripts out of range error [duplicate]

I have a sub, LoopThroughLocations, that loops through seven sheets (one for each of our locations) in my workbook and adds borders to the range with data (the size of the range changes week to week). ...
PhilNBlanks's user avatar
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Group two fields and combine items in a third field using a comma separator [duplicate]

I want to group two fields and combine items in a third field using a comma separator I am using MS Access DB and the data in the tables is as follows line spool joint 10-CWR-...
Masood MORADI's user avatar
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Run-Time Error 91 (object variable or with block variable not set) on VBA Email code "mailItem.Display" after IF statements

I have some code that fills an existing Outlook email template (with graphics!) with different variables i.e. name, ID number, etc. It works with both ".oft" and ".msg" templates ...
Ahamann's user avatar
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extract excel commentsThreaded date

Trying to extract commentThreaded Resolved date in excel, but only see a way of counting resolved threaded comments. Is there a property for this? (I've checked Microsoft with only the date created) A ...
MzNix's user avatar
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Excel VBA Dictionary Not Filling Corectly

I need to find the number of occurrences in a column where criteria in three other columns (same row) are met. There are also a lot of duplicates I need to exclude. This is why I am using a ...
Jerry G's user avatar
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Copy from one word document to a template

My current loop does loop through the document and copy text, but I have sentence headers and pictures that are missing. Dim contentToInsert As String contentToInsert = "" ...
user2576682's user avatar
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Analyzing misaligned rows in Excel in a Pivot Table

I have a recurring dataset which consists of two lists of document counts by source and date. I need to compare the totals and identify any discrepancies. A pivot table works well for this purpose ...
BaldursLogicGate's user avatar
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Get integer after string in VBA [duplicate]

I'm trying to fix some code I have in VBA to get the number after my string. For example I have a column (Y) where has the following data sets "VM" is my string for the Prefix and I'd like ...
Deke's user avatar
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VBA and Combobox values

I have a form with a combo box, and I would like the corresponding values related to the selected ID from the combo box to display in text boxes. The issue is that the text boxes only display the ...
waiil's user avatar
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How to download a CSV file via Excel macro plus choose the type of the file

I have a working macro, I just download an excel from a website, then I can use it. I need a similar file but the download icon doesn't have an own 'path' and I need to choose the format type. Can I ...
Danhadnagy's user avatar
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Better way of coding this to get the data

These are the codes I am using right now. It works for the most part on my home computer with only 3 files to create the codes. Once I put it on my work computer which the code then goes through ...
Rose Vittur's user avatar
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Solidworks API table

I'm having a problem with generating a table with VBA. I'm getting an error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method to the following line: value = swTable.SetCellText(rowindex + 1, 1, ...
Arijana's user avatar
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Using Keywords QuickPart in Word Header & Footer. Text uses //; when SAVE, Word changes // to /. How do I stop if from doing that?

I use the Keywords QuickPart as a container for my Header and Footer Text. In that container, I might type ProjectName//ProjectLocation. When I SAVE the document, and Word redisplays, it comes back ...
tinytex's user avatar
-4 votes
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Count number of strings in column and show it in other column using vbscript or excel [closed]

How can we show total count of strings in one column and write results to other column My sample excel as follows column1 expected result abx;xyz 2 a;b;x;LL;xyz 5 Excel looks below Column1 having ...
Swamy's user avatar
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C# DLL with [ComSourceInterfaces] Attribute Not Working in VBA WithEvents

I am trying to use a C# DLL in VBA with events using the [ComSourceInterfaces] attribute, but I am encountering issues. Here's what I have so far: C# Code ITaskRunnerEvents.cs using System; using ...
Adrijano Toys Shop's user avatar
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Delete rows in a sheet based on criteria defined on other sheet - VBA

I have an Excel file I've been working on and I'm trying to create a code with VBA to delete rows in a sheet that are defined in another sheet On this table I have my data On this one is specified ...
tulio's user avatar
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Updating record field using VBA MS Access

I have a login page - but now I need a page to allow the user to change their password. I have a table Users, with fields Login, User, and Password. Login is the primary key. My account settings page ...
Tom W's user avatar
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Excel Macro Runtime error: Method 'Copy' of 'Range' failed

I have an Excel VBA script that has been running fine for a year or more that has all of a sudden started acting up and throwing an error "Runtime error '-2147417848 (80010108)': Method 'Copy' of ...
Michael's user avatar
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Punch-In/Out Machine Downtime Visual Tracker [closed]

Programming nooblette here. I'm looking to create a simple program to track machine downtime on my production line. These are the requirements: Open program and prompt to confirm the current date / ...
Rocco Croce's user avatar
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VBA Fahrenheit to Celsius

How do I write this function? Function Fahrenheit2C() Dim f As Integer ' Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius Fahrenheit2C = (f - 32) / 1.8 End Function I get "value errors", even ...
Ian Jesionek's user avatar
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Modify userform's caption by code without trust center permission

I need to change the captions of buttons (or other controls) in an Excel UserForm by code. However, I want to avoid enabling the "Trust access to the VBA project object model" option due to ...
DomDunk's user avatar
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Generating Monthly Totals across multiple sheets

I have a daily report that is used for work that contains information like date, item costs, a daily total cost etc. As its a daily report, its 1 sheet per day. To streamline getting monthly totals I ...
Brian Hamilton's user avatar
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Why do my Private and Public variables in Excel VBA still contain information when my code is finished running?

I am struggling to understand a behaviour in MS Excel VBA. I have a Subroutine that opens a file dialog box. I select the file, it opens it, reads some data, does a few bits with file structure and ...
Anna Burlingsby's user avatar
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Is there any way to get VBA to get the current user's Full Name from a Windows user account without using CMD?

Is there any way to get VBA to get the current user's Full Name from a Windows user account without using CMD? I have a team who all work collaboratively on Excel files on Windows machines. We are on ...
Flash_Steel's user avatar
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Determine VBA reference library for an object, sub, or function

Multiple times I've run into an unfamiliar object/sub/function via an online example but I didn't know what VBA reference I needed to include to use it. Is there a way to search the VBA reference ...
Nick's user avatar
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VBA macro needs a finishing touch

Hi so im currently working on a macro that i am using at work and while it is doing what it is supposed to already its not as smooth as i would like. The issue im having is that the current code is ...
Robbansj's user avatar
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Setting a folder path and opening a file from set folder in Excel using VBA?

I use a custom built excel workbook (Project Summary) to import time sheet data and break-down the time and cost spent on a project by various team members. Within the Project Summary I have some ...
Mad_Van_West's user avatar
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Method 'columns' of object '_Global' failed error - VBA Access

Good morning everyone. I am trying to format an Excel file generated by exporting an Access query, I can correctly export the query and save the Excel file in the relevant folder, but when I call the ...
Matilde's user avatar
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How to consolidate data from multiple excel files that are saved in multiple folders in a source path

Looking for a vba macro code that can consolidate data from multiple excel files stored in the following manner. 47 excel files stored in their own folders (Need to select data from a file with *Con ...
Chandrakumar Sundaram's user avatar
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VBA Option button "other" jumps to textbox

I have a UserForm1 with options why the discount is applied. One option is "Other". I would like to "jump" into the Textbox associated with the Option button OptionO and vice versa:...
Chris Peh's user avatar
2 votes
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VBA Even spacing of Command button on UserForm

I have several Userforms (of various sizes depending on user input - how many features they selected). My problem is, that I want to align the "Next" command button with even spacing from ...
Chris Peh's user avatar
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How do I run a macro by clicking the values in a List Box form control without adversely affecting its scrollbar functionality?

I'm having a problem with a List Box form control that I placed on a worksheet. The List Box has over 100 values listed in it (the total number of values dynamically fluctuates, which I can elaborate ...
G.D.'s user avatar
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Delete entire row if duplicate is found in a specific column

I want to delete the entire row if a duplicate is found in column AF is found. There are a few different numbers in the column and I am trying to only keep one row associated with each number in that ...
Mark's user avatar
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How do you compare certain rows between two different sheets to each other?

My question is how to compare one column on one sheet to another column on another sheet and if they match, then a certain thing happens. For all intents and purposes, I need to write a code that will ...
DriveShaft1234's user avatar
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With Windows 11 upgrade, VBA Microsoft Excel add-in tool is not connecting to the 10g Oracle database any longer using MSDAORA

With Windows 11 upgrade, VBA Microsoft Excel add-in tool is not connecting to the 10g Oracle database any longer using MSDAORA. What we have - Oracle 10g Database, 10g Oracle Client What are we doing -...
Christopher Blick's user avatar
-1 votes
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Add all numbers inside brackets in a MS Word document [closed]

When I write test for my pupils, I write the points that each question is worth to the right and inside square brackets, like this: Question 1 [3] Question 2 [2] ...
arcticspace's user avatar
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Issue with Passing Variables Between UserForm and Main Code in Outlook VBA

I would classify myself as a "copy-paste programmer"—I know enough to be dangerous, and I often rely on tools like ChatGPT to help write my code. However, I frequently get stuck when it ...
Ryan Richards's user avatar
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Unable to assign the returned data from a function to an array. "Compile error: Can't assign to array"

Here's a minimum version that produces the error. I try to assign the returned data from the function TestFunction to the array TestArray. Option Explicit Sub Test() Dim TestArray(1 To 3) As Long ...
Jens's user avatar
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I want to copy an excel chart to a new sheet using VBA, and contain its data in itself, so that if i change the old sheets data, the chart stays

So i am making a statistical app in excel where users can fill their data into a sheet, that sheet automatically does the statistical analysis, and then has the statistical output (sometimes just ...
Jacco Koet's user avatar
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How can I make this VBA project fancier? Currently working with just an If statement [closed]

I'm currently working on a project to find the elevation and azimuth of a sun's arc throughout the day. I have data for three months of the year and I have made two graphs for each month using the ...
Maya Buckley's user avatar

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