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Style a fullscreen slider for portrait and landscape images

How would I style a slider for mobile devices for landscape and portrait images where all images are set up as a square image as either a pillerbox or a letterbox the user is supposed to rotate the ...
theking2's user avatar
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Bootstrap 4 Navbar not working on mobile view

I'm having an issue in the mobile view of my chrome dev tools. I've seen the issue on a friend's phone, but my phone works fine... I have a bootstrap 4 navbar with dropdown menus, and the dropdown ...
xanabobana's user avatar
2 votes
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Make an element sticky until a specific amount of the remaining container height is reached

How can an element be defined to behave like a sticky element only when the remaining height of the element is greater than a specific size (that I will call sticky container margin)? For example, in ...
Benjamín V's user avatar
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How to get rid of blank space around a QLabel in a QVBoxLayout() in PyQt5

I have a simple window that has a QLabel as a header and a QFrame that contains some input boxes. I tried to make a layout for them, but I noticed that the QFrame always aligns to the bottom even when ...
DaVarPhi's user avatar
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Move button text down and change button color [duplicate]

In WordPress, I was able to change some radio buttons to look like buttons using the below CSS: .gfield_radio { list-style-type:none; margin:25px 0 0 0; padding:0; } .gfield_radio li { ...
John Beasley's user avatar
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Infinite slider doesn't repeat list icons & stops briefly after one cycle before repeating

I'm working on an infinite slider using Angular 17, HTML, SCSS, and TypeScript. The slider works as expected initially, but after all icons from the list have been displayed once, nothing is visible ...
Razzer's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make transparent inside of path canvas

I have script that writes two triangle, blue and red. I want to make transparent this area instead of blue and red like Paper-cutting work. (I want to put the image background, so it must be ...
whitebear's user avatar
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React Native OTP Input - Cursor Not Centered in TextInput Box

I’m building an OTP input component in React Native with four TextInput boxes, but I’m facing an issue where the cursor is not centered inside the box. Instead, it’s aligned to the right side of the ...
Arijit das's user avatar
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3 answers

How to set CSS attributes for one element on the basis of other element's class

I am working with React and CSS. I wanted to set "background-color":"yellow" on selector 2 (tr#selector2), if selector 1 (div.selector1) is having "show" class: div....
sunil's user avatar
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Creating responsive flexbox grid with equal items [closed]

I have a problem with matching all my requirements regarding boxes in flexbox. Assume I have 3 breakpoints. My requirements: On first breakpoint, boxes should be in one column, on second breakpoint ...
Sheppard25's user avatar
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How can I make Shopify Liquid Code Colour Swatch code less squished?

I have some code that checks for a colour swatch on Shopify liquid code, it links to the silver or gold version of a product based on a custom meta field, but the text is all squished, can anyone help ...
Daniel Grosso's user avatar
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What is the correct browser behaviour when you have CSS shorthands in combination with individual shorthand constituents?

Consider the following code. a { text-decoration-color: red; } .oops{ text-decoration: underline; } code { border: 1px solid rgb(0 0 0 / 0.2); padding-inline: 0.5em; } <p>This <...
Mark Fisher's user avatar
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ComposedChart React

<React.Fragment> <BenchmarkFilter isSettinsPage={false} filterName={'activeFilter'} isDefault={false} defaultSelectNode={defaultSelectNode} /> ------ <ResponsiveContainer width="...
Kritika Chordia's user avatar
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flexbox has extra height after adding a control inside [closed]

I have 5 cards which have display as flex in a row. But when I have a button in 3rd flex, it gets extra space below it and expands the entire row. I tried adding align-self: flex-start; as stated here ...
user3103982's user avatar
-1 votes
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Background showing through div background [closed]

I fixed it, thanks for trying. The problem was the translate and transform. I replaced it with z-index and ran javascript to find the center. Check it out, always room to improve It does not work on ...
Smiley_Guy's user avatar
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react navbar components alignment

well i have been stragling to align all the items of the navbar next to each other couldn't see where the problem is i tried to fix the size of the logo but it didn t work and the elements remaind on ...
emir fenina's user avatar
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2 answers

ionic controlling height of controller modal

i am using a controller popup launching like this async openNwInsights(){ const modal = await this.modalCtl.create({ component: ExplainNetworthComponent }) modal.present(); ...
Moblize IT's user avatar
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How to styling AutoComplete component in Primevue

i need to how to styling AutoComplete component in PrimeVue this is the current code sample <AutoComplete size="small" v-model="selectedEmployee" class="" placeholder=...
Suneth Udayanaga's user avatar
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Select only the first match after each instance of another kind of match

I have a table that is broken up into groups headed by specially formatted elements. The first row of each group requires some special formatting so it is appropriately spaced and delimited from the ...
Caroline Regalado's user avatar
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vs code Go To Definition for alias path css import in Astro project does not takes to original file but to client.d.ts file

I have Astro based project where using path alias for css file. { "paths": { "@/assets/*": [ "src/assets/*" ] } } and here is importing css ...
xkeshav's user avatar
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User icon moves with the menu in a Bootstrap 5 navigation bar

Question: I'm using Bootstrap 5 to create a sticky navigation bar at the top of a Django project. When the navigation menu expands on smaller screens (via the toggle button), the user icon (fa-user) ...
Aarón Más's user avatar
-1 votes
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CSS automatic hypens don't work for english?

Why do English words fail to auto-hyphenate with lang="en" language but work fine with other languages like German? .text { width: 60px; height: 60px; border: 1px solid black; ...
riv's user avatar
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How do I fix this display issue on my website?

I am trying to make my practice website look neat and organized, but I encountered a couple of issues. The first one is that my Yugioh Picture is small, and doesn't fit the same scale and size of the ...
Stone Zheng's user avatar
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Trouble adjusting text size associated with a radio button--CSS

This is my first coding project, and it's a very small quiz that I'm working on with freeCodeCamp. The goal is to create a survey, and in my efforts to stylize my HTML with CSS, I can't for the life ...
lenovo232's user avatar
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my horizontal scroll is visible but does not work

I am creating an app in ionic, I have a tab that shows a total of 7 cards but I want them to be displayed as horizontal scroll that only 4 can be seen and the others when scrolling, if the 4 are shown ...
Gustavo Gr's user avatar
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Trying to get hover and CSS to high light correctly [closed]

I'm having issues with CSS highlighting the correct rows of my table and allowing highlight when I mouse over them. The rows of serverA and ServerR look like what I intend. However, where the server ...
J. DuBois's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why does Safari (desktop and mobile) and Chrome (mobile only) behave weird with high high brightness filter values? [closed]

I'm noticing a really weird issue, however, I'm not sure if I'm outside of spec or not. I wrote an app a long time ago that uses Red images and allows you to use multiple filters like hueRotate, ...
Joe Love's user avatar
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How can I play an animation after the previous one is finished?

I have been trying the typewriter animation, and it went well! .typewriter{ display: flex; justify-content: center; } .typewriter .p1,.p2{ font-family: monospace; font-size: 1.5rem; /* ...
Nayan Anand's user avatar
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Advice about image ratio in CSS or Tailwind

My screen shot Hey I have a problem (potentially with tailwind) with my images ratio. All is working well on mobile and on desktop/laptop unless the window starts to be near full screen. ...
EigenMan's user avatar
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Is there a way to disable a lazy loading in Angular v19 standalone components?

In older versions of Angular, where we used to have module-based applications, it would load a module once and even if you close components that are exported by that module - it wouldn't load that ...
maksonios's user avatar
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4 answers

Summary arrow is not centered with the content

I'm using summary/details html gadget for show a series of events. Here is a simplified code (removed all rails/erb logic) .eventscreen { display: flex; flex-direction: column; width: 100%; ...
Ido Traini's user avatar
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How to color safe areas black in Capacitor iOS (WKWebView)?

I'm trying to color the safe areas (notch area, home indicator) black in my Capacitor iOS app. The app uses WKWebView under the hood. However, I'm still seeing white safe areas in the WKWebView, ...
Neal Shah's user avatar
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Text formatting inside a HTML button

Edit: I have been able to solve the first part of the issue: having the text to be wrapped inside the button with automatic new lines if needed. Seems that adding white-space:normal was sufficient. I ...
Aristide's user avatar
-3 votes
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Select group Elements with Sortable.js [closed]

i have a list with different customers and their own products. my customer asked if its possible to click in one of them, and check or validate the others elements with the same class, then drag and ...
mcastro's user avatar
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3 answers

Hyperlink affects the whole page

I'm new to html and css (self taught) I'm trying to use a simple grid system with a side bar + content. So for the side bar I want link to internal pages to change the content, I'm making a basic ...
Dekreciente's user avatar
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Issue with Persistent Timer After Opening a Letter in Java [closed]

I am working on a Java application where a user can "open" a letter, and after that, a 24-hour countdown timer should start. The goal is to prevent the user from opening another letter ...
user28752277's user avatar
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Flex Box CSS styles does not work as expected [closed]

I am a beginner programmer. The HTML CSS of what I tried is attached below. I need the output of look like this way but unfortunately the displays look like this: This is the code I tried - please ...
creative one2018's user avatar
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Jquery sortable grid with different height boxes

I want to make a jquery sortable dashboard for my users. The dashboard has blocks with different sizes. However if I move small blocks on the right of a big block, they sort correct, but the other ...
Germ Knol's user avatar
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Arrange text radially in a radial menu

I have a code for a radial menu with elements. The code works for me, but I don’t understand how to add text (labels for the menu items) to it. I want the text to be arranged radially as well, ...
Elijah Prisyazhnyuk's user avatar
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How can I have textarea to look and act like default input element? [closed]

I am trying to get TEXTAREA to look exactly as INPUT in all browsers and without javascript and to act as DIV element regarding full width (it is not 100% but it fit available width). This is what I ...
user1182625's user avatar
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How create chevron arrows connected with 2 divs [duplicate]

I need create 2 divs connected with 2 divs. I have some issues when trying to reduce space between divs. The issue comes when I create pseudo elements ::after .left block and ::before .right block ...
Sunstrike527's user avatar
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carousel next page and last page snap and show white page

i want to create carousel but when i click next or previous page it replace data of the current index in a second and go next page and show white and nothing i dont know js a lot and i cant figure it ...
Pezhman Ardalani's user avatar
-4 votes
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How to change the value of text?

I want to change the Value of <p> tag "text" when the page resize (shrink or grow). <div className='flex sm:bg-red-500/40 after:sm:content-["I am sm Size"]'> This is ...
Mostafa Hosseini's user avatar
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Transform: rotate on hover not working on mobile versions of safari and web apps

The transform rotate on hover CSS function works perfectly on desktop versions of web browsers and chrome mobile. But I cannot get it to rotate when clicked / tapped on, in the mobile safari and app ...
Mimj's user avatar
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dialog flow cx using Image tag for rich content

I want to apply custom CSS like width and height to image which is not possible if I use image rich content it renders the image with original width and height { "richContent": [ ...
Sim's user avatar
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Misalignment and non exact hover for sidebar

I am making a sidebar for a project I am working on. However, all my options are correctly aligned and can only be clicked on when hovering over them on the name exactly. But my last option, logout, ...
NeT_Bionic's user avatar
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Expand select option from other element

Background: I was trying to do some custom styling for my select element by changing the color and arrow example: <select :id="'select' + index" class="w-full px-4 py-2 pr-8 bg-theme ...
Shinjo's user avatar
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Why image background of the button is not showing? [closed]

I'm writing a website and I encountered one problem. I used 'background-image' in CSS, but instead of my image I see grey square. It's Q&A section. Here is the HTML structure and CSS code (I ...
Nari's user avatar
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Make menu scrollable on smaller horizontal mobile screen

My menu is using a series of links to appear when you hover over the parent menu item. To make my website work well on mobile devices, I have decided to take a more responsive design approach and use ...
Raptor's user avatar
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make animation return to initial value (background-color)

I have a box that I want to blink. it should blink indefinitely (infinite) it blinks to white and returns to the initial color there should be a "pause" between each loop (color stays the ...
Maze's user avatar
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