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Replacing an image with an image link

there are several images on a page like this <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt=&...
Alex25's user avatar
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ImageSource updating in Image component => empty image, when launched from tablet

I can't update an Image in a MAUI for Android app : the previous image is replaced by a white box. I use .NET 9. Here is the code to update the whole component: [RelayCommand] public async Task My(...
lolveley's user avatar
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1 answer

I want to insert <image> tag into mxgraph using jquery

I want to insert image tag to mxGraph with the help of jQuery. $(this).parent().append('<image class="rep" xlink:href="'+src+'" width="25px" height="25px" /&...
muhammad Yousaf's user avatar
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Getting failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0 [closed]

I'm trying to install and configure DataFlex in a Docker container, but I encounter an error related to mounting Windows directories. Below is the error message I'm receiving and the Dockerfile I'm ...
Assis's user avatar
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Exif rotation value after taking a picture is not being captured correctly in Flutter

I am trying to take a picture, and then trying to capture the exif rotation value of an image and based on that value, trying to rotate the image. I am using exif package. Even tho the image is ...
aishwarya kasthala's user avatar
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net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING 200 (OK) from Ubuntu Apache

I have PHP site running on Ubuntu Apache, that is only accessible on local LAN. I have some PHP code for an image endpoint that returns an image using headers and readfile. header("Content-type: ...
Hasut92's user avatar
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Mobile Browser Camera feed to detect/recognise the local image i passed in React JS

I've been trying to detect the image i passed to the 'detectTrigger()' function when the browser camera feed is placed infront of this page. What i do is pass the image asset local path i want to ...
mockingbird's user avatar
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1 answer

Add images to sidebar of a quarto website

I'm building a quarto website and my for my homepage .qmd file looks like the following: --- title: "" about: template: solana image: Headshot.jpg --- # Hellow Text Text Text Text ...
flâneur's user avatar
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How to export merge multi image to one page two sides (2 by 5) in A4 size output in VB.NET

I'm Trying to export merge multi image to one page two sides (2 by 5) in A4 size output in VB.NET. So the total image is 10 in 1 A4 page Please Guide Me Thanks Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 ...
dlaksmi's user avatar
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Images don't show up and can't be added via admin (django) to S3 (aws). Debug=False

I am working on my portfolio project. Django Ecom Website Everything worked well when Debug was True but after changing it to False I started to have problems with my images. The images which I add ...
kitty333's user avatar
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Image Slider Not Appearing

I've created an image slider for my website. var count = 1; setInterval(function() { document.getElementById('radio-button' + count).checked = true; count ++; if(count > 5){ count = 1;...
Richard's user avatar
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Python insert image into cell

How can I use python code to insert an image (local file) into an excel cell. In the Excel UI
Georg Heiler's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I show only one color channel as greyscale?

On a web application, I have an img tag showing the output of a camera (streams via websocket, but it's not relevant for the scope of this question). The img shows color data, but I need my users to ...
Alberto Chiesa's user avatar
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How to upload images in WooCommerce [closed]

I'm trying to upload images via WooCommerce. I have a function that I'm passing in the images named as $files and a business ID. the problem is when I send the request, nothing is happening, and I can'...
itai's user avatar
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1 answer

Buttons with image using Kivy (Python)

I am trying to use Kivy to create two buttons. Each one with a picture. The first one would show an image of the string “b1” and the other an image of the string “b2”. But instead of the expected ...
nel_junior000's user avatar
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Quarto is Not Showing Images in Word Output

I am using Quarto in R to render Word Documents. My document settings are as follows: --- title: "Project" format: docx project: output-dir: "/directory_path/" editor: visual ...
albeit2's user avatar
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Dynamic image not loading in nelify react js [closed]

I have deployed my react js application on Neltlify. Locally app fetch images dynamically .But in the production environment it doesn't .How to fix this ? const Tags = => (...
Hasindu Dahanayake's user avatar
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Container image security scan - wildly different results docker hub vs gitlab ultimate scan [closed]

Using postgres:latest as a random example, docker hub reports ~55 vulnerabilities, gitlab ultimate container scan in my pipeline runs and reports approximately the same number of vulnerabilities. ...
23vc's user avatar
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NodeJS Graphviz - trying to add image as label throws Error code 1

I am attempting to use an image as a node in Graphviz. I am using the npm grapghviz project to do this. However, despite numerous tutorials stating that you can do it via the menthods I have outlined ...
MH7086's user avatar
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How to make an Azure Container Registry (ACR) public so that anyone can pull images?

I want to make my Azure Container Registry (ACR) public so that anyone can pull images from it without needing authentication. How can I do this?
Saksham Paliwal's user avatar
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How can I drop realistic shadow under 2D object in photo? [closed]

Image you have a vehicle in image. I need to change the background, but the vehicle needs to look like is really placed there. I figure out there have to be a shadow dropped on floor, but not that ...
Rossko_DCA's user avatar
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How to add image in excel using javascript

i make form website. in this form there are input text, date, radio button, and input file. The results of these inputs will be entered into Excel. But when i input file photo, the image is not ...
zulfa novita's user avatar
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Exception has occurred. _TypeError (Null check operator used on a null value) error on widget model

This is my code to show thumbnail or food image in my homescreen. But i dont know why the image doesnt appear in my emulator and its showing _TypeError (Null check operator used on a null value) at ...
nabeen zhakariya's user avatar
-4 votes
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What happened to the pictures and the alignment of the sidebar, categories, and other elements on my site? [closed]

Pictures and images do not show up or load on the blog, and the alignment and placement of the sidebar, main body, and pages are messed up. Please help me! The site is I haven't touched ...
edmondpogi's user avatar
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Read an image from the database and use in an Image control [duplicate]

I am getting an image from SQL Server as object and trying to save it in a property of type Image. But I don't know how to convert an object to an image. Please help me. Thanks in advance. ...
javed's user avatar
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How would you create an app like this outfit creator? [closed]

I was about to have a back and forth with ChatGpt about this but thought I'd come here and maybe get some different solutions. I've come across this outfit maker by Uniqlo where you select clothing ...
codedbyjosh's user avatar
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Swiper library zoom magnification issue

I am using Swiper in my Vue project, and I've encountered an issue when trying to use the zoom feature with images that have a tall aspect ratio. The zoom functionality doesn't seem to work properly, ...
taenam Kim's user avatar
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Excel VBA image paste issue

I am creating a program that runs solver and then copy pastes the results of multiple runs to a summary page. Due to some bugs with excel I previously asked about on here, there is a loop to detect an ...
Clay Reakes's user avatar
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Problem with bas64 image-encoding via php

I have the following function that should convert a image form an url to a base64encoded inline-Image. function imageToBase64Jpg($imagePath, $maxWidth=825){ $imageType = exif_imagetype($imagePath);...
E. Reuter's user avatar
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Geopandas plot: Image size of 833x81232 pixels is too large. It must be less than 2^16 in each direction

I am plotting a global choropleth map in Jupyter Notebook displaying each country's share of electricity production from fossil fuels (%). I managed to plot the original shapefile on a map, so I know ...
Della's user avatar
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Simple React.js Image not displaying

I am starting to learn React.JS and I want to display a image... import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client"; const root =createRoot(document.getElementById("root")); root....
Nisha Shajahan's user avatar
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How to resize image by ratio, like 4:3 or 1:1, using spatie media library

I am using spatie media library in my Laravel project. Now I want to make two different image thumbnail or conversion. Ratio of first one is 1:1 and another one is 4:3. Like if I upload an image ...
Suman Biswas's user avatar
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Is there a way to automatically slice a full page screenshot by sections? [closed]

I'm building a section library in which I'll present 1000s sections for inspiration. I have around 600 full-page screenshots that I would like to crop in sections. Is there a way to automate it with ...
Felipe Michelin's user avatar
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Programmatic pagination in richtextbox with pictures and long strings

I have written a program ( to inventory my stuff. I did this for insurance purposes. My program lets me create categories (like “floor model power tools” or “bench tools”,etc.) and then enter ...
E Bell's user avatar
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Gemini's excessively high token consumption issue

I only used the Gemini 1.5 Flash API and ran the following code. Although a single input doesn't exceed 400 tokens, the resulting invoice after a total of 700 requests doesn't match any of my ...
Pancarsuyu's user avatar
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Maintaining image aspect ratio when max-width is less than true width

I have a large image whose width in CSS is set by width: 1024px and also controlled by a max-width: 100%. The height is also specified in px so as to allow the browser to render the page correctly ...
Cecil Ward's user avatar
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cs50 filter-more blur passes all test except 4x4 test

Sorry in advance. English is not my first language and this is my first question... Might not follow correct format. I am trying to solve the CS50 filter-more problem with box blur method. I have to ...
Shakib Khan's user avatar
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how can I stretch the image full with same quality?

you see at the right and and the left the image is white not full stretched. How can I stretch it with good quality ? code: .bg { background-image: url('/app/assets/bg.jpeg'); background-size: ...
wepro01's user avatar
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Display an image that is outside the root

My intention is to store the uploaded images at the address: (images/upload/username/productreference/xxx.jpg) (Up to 20 images per product) For now I have created an "...
AMP59's user avatar
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Unable to download pictures with Python

I want to download four pictures from four Urls. Sometimes I manage to download properly two of them, sometimes one and sometimes none of them. The remaining pictures are downloaded but in a invalid ...
ZenoKosini's user avatar
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Add a LUT to display pseudocolors in tif images

I want to create images with multiple pseudocolor channels. This means that the pixel values represent a color from a designated lookup table (LUT). library(RBioFormats) img = read.image(mockFile(...
mri's user avatar
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Base64 JPEG image disappearing on page refresh

We have a corporate React Typescript project, in one part of which we scrape images from websites, encode to base64, write to the database and then display to the end-user. Here is very simplified ...
Eugene Golovko's user avatar
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How to create a transparent color overlay with texture blending effect using CSS and JavaScript?

I’m working on a project where I need to dynamically apply a transparent color overlay to an image that contains a subtle texture. The goal is to blend the selected color with the texture of the image,...
Thomas Hansen's user avatar
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Why does an <img> element inside an element with `display: table` expand in width when the image fails to load?

In the standard configuration of WordPress, when centering figure elements containing img elements is chosen, these elements are automatically styled with display: table; margin-left: auto; margin-...
frkly's user avatar
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Keeping All Buttons At The Bottom Of The Image Slider

I'm using an image slider on my website. It works well, except the buttons (circular dots) on the bottoms of the slider move down the screen when I resize the webpage. var counter = 1 setInterval(...
Richard's user avatar
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Imgur image can be loaded in <img> the but not directly in a new browser tab

Here's an example image that I can view with no problem: I can point to this in my <img> tags and have it be loaded on webpages, as well as right click on desktop (...
Blake's user avatar
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Change Level Values of an Image with a Python Script

I want to optimize my workflow as a texture artist. Preparing files to be used in other programs can take some time and can be automated since it is always the same. I used a self written python ...
CmdNomad's user avatar
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Making A Responsive Image Slideshow [closed]

I've been playing around with an image slideshow on my website. It works well when I test it on the PC version of the site, but it doesn't scale down properly on a mobile site, the ratio of each image ...
Richard's user avatar
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Yolo11 Image Detection is great but mouse won't move to the location of found image and click it

What I want to happen is, detect those images based on my downloaded file from YOLOv11 Colab. Then once detected, move mouse over or cursor and click it. Here is the code. import pyautogui import time ...
Chase To Be's user avatar
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Include an image inside as though it's a letter inside a <text> span on svg

I'd really like to place an image at a specific place within some text in an svg: <text>The <image href="cow.png" width="5px" height="5px"/> jumped over the ...
Matt Stoodley's user avatar

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