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Facebook - Create new account button not able to click

Unable to click on Create New Account button in Facebook home page In execution it displays Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: no such element: Unable to ...
Prakash Mohanraj's user avatar
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Punch-In/Out Machine Downtime Visual Tracker [closed]

Programming nooblette here. I'm looking to create a simple program to track machine downtime on my production line. These are the requirements: Open program and prompt to confirm the current date / ...
Rocco Croce's user avatar
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Something went wrong. Contact the merchant for help. - Paypal Button Problem [closed]

I am getting an error on my website when the "buy now" button is pressed. Actually, the page that comes up works, but when the one field is filled out (anything can go it in it) and the ...
Just As I Am's user avatar
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VBA Even spacing of Command button on UserForm

I have several Userforms (of various sizes depending on user input - how many features they selected). My problem is, that I want to align the "Next" command button with even spacing from ...
Chris Peh's user avatar
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button is pressed when starting scrolling in iOS 18

On iOS 18, while on a modal screen, if the scrolling starts on a button, that button gets pressed, outside of a modal this doesn't reproduce, also not reproducible on older iOS versions, neither on ...
Claudiu's user avatar
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How to toggle the LCD Back light when User button is pressed on STM32f407-disc1 [closed]

I am little new to embedded, I want to toggle the LCD Backlight (16x2) when I press the blue button on STM32f407-disc1, but when i press it for an instant it turns off then again comes back. Am I ...
Ashking007's user avatar
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Action button to run macro if condition is met

I have a "Balance" worksheet that aggregates values for: Trip price Driver fee Guide fee Driver paid (YES/NO) Guide paid (YES/NO) I have an "Accounts Payable" worksheet where I ...
Rogerio Martins's user avatar
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Buttons with image using Kivy (Python)

I am trying to use Kivy to create two buttons. Each one with a picture. The first one would show an image of the string “b1” and the other an image of the string “b2”. But instead of the expected ...
nel_junior000's user avatar
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How to hide/show fixed button on page?

I have a button on the bottom right that is fixed. I would like for it to only appear after the hats fall. What is the best way to achieve that?
user3768159's user avatar
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Login Button in Qt Designer [closed]

I created a login interface in Qt Designer and when I converted it to Python code and ran it, everything looked just fine up until I clicked the log-in button and that was when the program just ended ...
Lamin Mansaray's user avatar
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How should I create a comment section for a Github Website? [closed]

I'm looking to create a basic comment section for my website and need a hand. I don't want anything as complex as a login system, but I want to at least be able to reload the page and still see the ...
Jacob Hofhiens's user avatar
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Set the shutdown and sleep (physical buttons) to 'Do Nothing' on Windows 10/11 (Desktop/AC PC only) [closed]

Note beforehand: I'm not looking for user-GUI actions; I need software (any script, open-source, or free software) I'm looking for set the shutdown and sleep (physical buttons) to 'Do Nothing' on ...
Kunta Kinke's user avatar
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Powerapps button and text label

In Powerapps, I have a button with some text in it. I want to add a text label as well (this way to have a smaller font). How can I add a text label over a button and be visible but the user can still ...
Jesse Y's user avatar
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Can Button "without an onclick event" be nested inside Link component in NEXT JS

Is it acceptable to integrate a <button> element inside a Next.js <Link> component? I tried this approach, and it didn’t result in a hydration error. Is this a recommended practice, or ...
Shivam Srivastava's user avatar
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Does anyone know how I can keep my drop down menus open when a button is clicked?

I'm in the middle of learning JS so I'm new to it and self-learning. When I click the dropdown buttons my buttons don't stay active and open for half a second and close again. would anybody be able to ...
Lozinator's user avatar
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General declaration in UserForm, Excel

How’s going? I’am a beginner in VBA and I have been try to figure it out how to do it the following question, but I just can’t. So, I will explain my struggle in VBA and hopefully you guys can have a ...
Sullivan2021's user avatar
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How can I add a custom button to a website without coding experience? [closed]

I'm working on a site for a personal project and want to add a custom button to my homepage that links to a specific page. I have no coding experience, so I’m looking for a simple way to do this. I’ve ...
Ethun Hunt's user avatar
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Clicking on Button with selenium headless mode

I'm trying to do an automation process on a website and I'm having a problem clicking a button in Selenium headless mode. When I run the same code without the headless option, the click works. Here is ...
Fernandolk's user avatar
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Is it possible to assign a script to a cell rather than a button [duplicate]

I have various scripts doing different tasks assigned to buttons that are placed in columnB. I want to group lots of columns, including columnB, but when columnB is collapsed, the buttons remain where ...
manc_stu's user avatar
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HTML/CSS buttons move vertically when text changes from one to two lines [duplicate]

I am showing the simplest version of my problem. There are three buttons in a horizontal line. Depending on their state, any of them could contain one or two lines of text. The first image shows them ...
ronkrem's user avatar
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Keeping All Buttons At The Bottom Of The Image Slider

I'm using an image slider on my website. It works well, except the buttons (circular dots) on the bottoms of the slider move down the screen when I resize the webpage. var counter = 1 setInterval(...
Richard's user avatar
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How to create many buttons in GLFW window without additional library

I'm using GLFW library for my GUI app. I need to create some buttons for users to click. From what I learned, GLFW do not have a built in function to add button. So I need to implement it myself. My ...
user28325222's user avatar
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Java Application Development Resizing Question

Ok, so I am making an app fully in Java for college. Everything has been going smoothly except for when I need to resize a scroll panel or resize a button or anything like that it takes me like 2 ...
Froot's user avatar
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next/prev button not hiding when reaching first/last element using scroll-snap-align

I'm trying to make carousel with 3 items displayed that the width scales of 100%/3 of its parent. The next prev button works fine and the show-hide function works well if only they reach the edge of ...
marsel herdian's user avatar
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I can't add buttons with filling from JSON file

I have an html project to which I need to add 4 buttons filled from a JSON file using an array. The parameters are taken depending on the link id. <div class="d-flex justify-content-around ...
ne slava marlow's user avatar
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Is there a way to nest a button in an SVG?

I have four SVG shapes that I am using as text boxes containing a description of courses people can book. At the bottom of the text boxes I want two buttons that have the option to see more ...
W.ebb's user avatar
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Alert not showing after back from Safari to Home Screen in SwiftUI

I am showing Alert message to update my app to latest version so in alert Update button i am opening my Appstore app link in safari page. here when i click update button Appstore link opens in safari ...
Swift's user avatar
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TYPO3 DCE remove “Select & Upload Files” button

I’m using TYPO3 v12 and DCE (Dynamic Content Elements) extension. I have managed to remove the “Select & Upload Files” button from the standard content elements (Image, Image & Text, Media) ...
kameleonka's user avatar
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How do I put a button to the bottom of a box?

I have recently started using html in order to create a website for my project. I have planned on making this website that contains the intro page, that has a button, revealing further contents. This ...
Srijan Singh's user avatar
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Python Tkinter program quitting after clicking button

I'm making a project on airline reservation system. I created a login page and signup page using Tkinter. I created a button in login page to go to signup page and vice-versa. The problem is when I ...
Tanishk's user avatar
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In my Blazor server side app, I want that when the user clicks somewhere on the page, the last focused button shall be refocused again

In my Blazor server side app I have buttons in my razor pages, that opens the related subpages. When a button is clicked then it gets a focus style as defined in my css. When the user then clicks ...
Mdarende's user avatar
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(HTML/JS) Button to create report based on JSON response to Database doesn't work

Please, I'm going insane. I am currently doing a Database project with PostGreSQL using Python Flask for the backend and HTML/CSS/Javascript for the frontend. But on one of the pages where it's ...
EckoLles's user avatar
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"autofocus" is not working as expected for my buttons. What could be the problem?

I have a Blazor server side app with several mainpages. Each mainpage has some subpages which can be entered via buttons. If one subpage is opened in a mainpage, then navigated to another mainpage, ...
Mdarende's user avatar
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Is it possible when mouseover on a button, to change the css properties of the underlying divs at the same time?

In my html page I have a button with two div's inside. The div above contains a menu icon svg, the div below contains the button text. The divs are mandatorily used to place the icon and text in the ...
Mdarende's user avatar
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How to remove ripple effect in <Tab.Navigator React-Native

Im currently creating a tab navigator for an app, but everytime I press on one of my <Tab.Screen there is a ripple effect which I want to remove. <Tab.Navigator screenOptions={{ ...
Lucas Castillo's user avatar
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.safeAreaInsets on ScrollView blocks touches in SwiftUI on iOS17

I am trying to add safe area to a ScrollView, but noticed that on iOS17 I am unable to tap any content inside the safe area of the ScrollView. Example code: ScrollView { VStack { ForEach(0....
BlackWolf's user avatar
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Hamburger menue <span> element going outside of <button> element

I cant relocate span element on the middle of button, from some point this is going on outside even when I try to used display flex , also transform in css it is not working. I used transform and I ...
Kriss p's user avatar
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ESP8266 Arduino - two buttons combo event

On my esp8266 im trying to differenciate between 3 Events: Black Button on Pin D6 is pressed Red Button on Pin D7 is pressed Booth buttons are pressed for at least 2 seconds Right before the combo-...
theDani's user avatar
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Is there a way to ID buttons in Apps Scripts so that I can assign many buttons the same function, but it only executes on the button that was clicked?

Original Question I am creating a sheet where I need to have several buttons with the same function (add a value of 1 to the column left of it when clicked). I know how to do this by creating the code ...
JanaLee Moses's user avatar
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Windows form buttons fail to launch resources [duplicate]

I created a windows form using C#, the form contains buttons and labels and a tab control. Every button and label has different functionality. For example, some buttons open different browsers, and ...
Sammie's user avatar
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Button is taking focus even when TabStop is set to false

On a Form I have 2 Labels and a Button. In one of these Labels my game is played, but I am having an issue: the player plays this game using their 'WASD' and arrow keys; when the player uses their ...
Jonty's user avatar
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Can't set button image list

I use MinGW32 with Code::Blocks IDE on Windows 10. I'm trying to assign an image list to a button via a "BUTTON_IMAGELIST", but the "SendMessage" function always fails (returns '0')...
Karl Auer's user avatar
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How can I click through a div to open youtube link?

I made a custom play button via PNG that appears when the cursor is hovering over the video thumbnail. But now the video isn't clickable. If I set pointer events to none it won't make the hover event ...
user28170693's user avatar
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How to make a custom cell/row menu clickable (3 dots at top right) in a List with NavigationLink

I am trying to show popover when user click on custom cell/row menu in List. But every time the cell get the action and navigating to inside the details screen. Here is my code snippet. Also attached ...
Ganesh G's user avatar
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Find Cells with Button in them

In my Excelsheet I have a row (9) which includes drop-down buttons which can select things like sum etc. How can I check if a row contains these buttons using VBA? I have tried "HasValidation&...
Victor's user avatar
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CSS Styles Not Applying to Button: How to Remove Blue Highlight on Click?

I am developing a web application via pycharm using html, css, and js. Currently I am having issues with the upload button, which is intended to trigger the upload of source code. I am still learning ...
user26426155's user avatar
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Unable to change the download button sidebar based on the tab chosen using Shiny Python

I would like to change the download buttons that appear based on the tab that is chosen. For example, if the tab is Main Visualization, I would like the following buttons to appear: download_heatmap ...
QMan5's user avatar
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Change position theme switch button in Quarto

When we want to have two different themes in a Quarto HTML document, we can use a button to switch between light and dark mode for example. Standard the button is in the top right corner of the ...
Quinten's user avatar
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Material UI Autocomplete button event listener is always open

I have an MUI V6 autocomplete component like this in my application. I have built it as a reusable component that I use 4 times in the application. The problem I am encountering is that when I click ...
ls168's user avatar
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HTML img.src and not updating when a player clicks in a Tic Tac Toe game

I was making my first HTML/CSS/JS project when i encountered a bug in my code involving re-using functions of player inputs after reseting the game. const greenO = "
MistyKing's user avatar

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