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Make menu scrollable on smaller horizontal mobile screen

My menu is using a series of links to appear when you hover over the parent menu item. To make my website work well on mobile devices, I have decided to take a more responsive design approach and use ...
Raptor's user avatar
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PHP - Change Text Field to DropDown Menu and precompoiled Text Field [closed]

i'm working on a theme for vacation rentals in Wordpress and in a page, the owner have a text box in which he can write down any cancellation terms and policy. It's a simple text box. I want to change ...
Tiziano Giannotta's user avatar
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Remove class when element focus is removed, However only works when I shift tab instead of tab to new element. (left but not right)

I have an html with some children basically a menu but 2 elements have a submenu <div class="menu-main-menu-container"> <ul id="menu-main-menu" class="header_menu&...
Hunter C's user avatar
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Taipy Menu open by default

I'm building a webapp with taipy and i'm using mainly the taipy gui builder. I use the "menu" element to navigate between different pages and this is working well. However, taipy shows the ...
K_R_R_K's user avatar
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Making a smarter jQuery code applied to a Wordpress Menu

On my Wordpress menu I tagged a .custom-class-n on each links via the back-office. This gives a menu structure like this : <ul> <li id="menu-item-227" class="custom-class-1 ...
cfocket's user avatar
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Solidworks API AddContextMenu C#

Having a code which is not working, and cannot get why from SW API documentation. Trying to add a context menu to a part. Not showing, no matter what I do! ( Also not able to find a callback function, ...
aleXela's user avatar
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Style a plain dropdown menu in SwiftUI

I’m trying to create a simple dropdown button in SwiftUI on macOS. Normally I would expect to use something like this: MenuButton("☰") { Button(action: { print("Something") }) {...
Manngo's user avatar
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How to remove lookup, search Web menu in swift

class CustomPDFView: PDFView { var toolMode: ToolMode = .none override func canPerformAction(_ action: Selector, withSender sender: Any?) -> Bool { switch toolMode { ...
김예림's user avatar
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how do i align my 'fixed' menu nav bar along content wrapper? [closed]

How To Resize fixed menu bar? This is my first time asking here and i hope there is someone who could help me with this issue,Please see image that i have attached.I wanted to resize my menu bar ...
Eddie's user avatar
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Should I Store Menu Data in Database or Hardcode in Frontend for Better Manageability and User Authorization?

I'm developing an application using Next.js for the frontend and ASP.NET Core for the backend. The application has a large menu structure, and I need to implement role-based access control so that ...
Quốc Thiệu's user avatar
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Toggle CSS onmouseover - Wordpress Menu

I have a wordpress menu in which every links a custom class. Onmouseover, I'd like this class to change the css of another element in the page. I tried without success: $('.menuclass').onmouseover(...
cfocket's user avatar
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WordPress menu adding aditional links out of nowhere only on one page - how do I fix?

Whenever I open this page on my website, I get additional invisible links that create empty space on my menu and footer: I checked the menu to see if there was anything wrong, but this is what it ...
Mihailo Mitrović's user avatar
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Show featured image when hovering menu link - Wordpress

In Wordpress, I'd like to display the post featured image when hovering on its menu link. It must be user friendly for my client. On each project he will just have to set the featured image and add ...
cfocket's user avatar
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WordPress Menu is expecting wp post element

Trying to add a Page Element to a Menu results that WordPress is hanging - in the debug.log I see an error similar like it is expecting a WP_Post Element (which makes no sense in this case here). How ...
Commander Wf's user avatar
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Solidworks API AddMenu not showing

Working on an addin. Solidwokrs api documentation is very very bad made. Saw almost every video on youtube on the matter. Simple thing is not working for me, cannot get why. Trying to add a menu to ...
aleXela's user avatar
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How to make a menu from = to x in CSS [duplicate]

I'm new in web development and I was going through a Figma design where I need to make a menu like this = menu image (first image, below) to x cross menu image (second image, below): Below is my code....
Frontastic DemoMail's user avatar
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how to force css on elements loaded inside div by js?

<div id="menu" class="menu"> <ul id="items" class="items"> <li class="item" data-load="link to a page has contents >"&...
yana's user avatar
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Wordpress Site Editor. I cannot find out why the Navigation menu is visible throughout site editor but not on public site

Twenty twenty four theme. I am creating a new website. I have previously changed 3 websites to this Theme but for this website I cannot get the menu to display on the public site which is https://...
Peter Bayliss's user avatar
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I need to give an element the same class as another element

<div class='topnav' id='myTopnav'> <div class='dropdown'> <button class=' dropbtn'>Adobe &#x25BC;</button> <div class='dropdown-content'> <a href=...
TonHaarmans's user avatar
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Position electron Menu

I am trying to find a way to position a native Menu (spawned from the main-process in an electron app). Consider the following scenario: I have a button [B] in a top-right position. Upon clicking it I ...
n247s's user avatar
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how to add a class to one button inside a menu based on php foreach? [closed]

i have a video site like youtube . admin can add many categories with no limit . these categories display on top of the site as a horizontal menu . this is the code that display the categories : <?...
yana's user avatar
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I have a problem in my multi-level nav menu css is there anyone can help me?

My sub menu showing in same row with its parent i want to display it from top mean no gap from the top for each submenu ul. It is right now working good just the gap need to remove from the to like ...
Md Nazmul Haque's user avatar
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How can I get this drop-down menu to display correctly when activated?

here's the site in question: Irreverent Naturalist As you can see, when you click on the nav hamburger icon, the bottom menu item is obscured by other page content. Ideally, one of the divs that ...
radionowhere's user avatar
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Android Studio Menu Issues

I'm not a developer but I do manage several apps for clients and I came across an issue that my developer doesn't know how to fix... When I open Android Studio my default menu isn't loading and ...
Francisco Iniguez's user avatar
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Collapsing and displaying a menu using html php and javascript

I've started using a grid display. As someone with no sight, I find this makes a lot more sense to me, and on first impression, is much more approachable. Currently, this is my css code: body { min-...
user2305558's user avatar
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Ext JS Menu component not respecting maxSize property

In our user interface, we have a filter menu that could, potentially, contain enough filters that, if its height is not restricted, the menu would extend past the bottom of the screen. So, to that end,...
RobH's user avatar
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observeevent not working in .Rmd but works in .R

I have created a .Rmd file with a chunk for a shiny app. In my example setup, there are two menus: year menu: select a year from 2018-2022, category menu: select one of four categories. For two ghg (...
hks's user avatar
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How to get "Results per Row" (from a 'clicked entry' off a "dropdown menu") to show up correctly? [closed]

Coding Hobbyist here trying to figure out how to: "Create a Digital Archive." more specifically: A.) "when someone stumbles upon this (HTML/CSS/JavaScript only) webpage, they'll see a ...
Scholah's user avatar
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For nested menu's attach the inner menu it's own button

Good day everyone, I needed some nested menu in my app so I created. You may see the reproduction. Also see the code below: <v-app> <v-container class="d-flex justify-end"> ...
Ahmet's user avatar
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Cascading menus using Nav

I have a menu defined roughly as follows: import { Component } from "react"; import { Nav, Navbar, NavDropdown } from "react-bootstrap"; export default class App extends Component ...
Kevin Dean's user avatar
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Generating Scripts with Unity Menu Item

I am trying to make a menu item to generate scripts. I want this item to show in the "Add Component" menu for game objects. The goal is for the menu item to ask for a string input_text and ...
I_dk727's user avatar
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Unable to create menu with toolbar using Viewpager2 (without fragments)

When I try to create the menu via "onCreateOptionsMenu" on my Viewpager2 (without fragments) toolbar, the menu is not being created. I can only see the toolbar without a menu. When I use an ...
Stergioman's user avatar
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Navigation menu showing active color on wrong page

I need help with my navigation menu showing the active color wrongly. When I first load the website or click on a page, the color loads accurately. However, when I click to go to another page, the ...
sarahlai's user avatar
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my proble is about button when clicked on it it didnot run that show new menu

i make code js for icon beager in header so i due to when user click on it show new bakground-color that in it is ul ect this code js i think my problem is in js let bgc_menu_header = document....
mohammad javadmoridi's user avatar
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Margin and padding of sub-ULs inside LIs, how can I get around the (still) missing ::text-pseudoelement?

See the following snipped: Item 4 and 4.2 have sub-UL. Optically, I want to apply the padding just to the text-node, which is (as of now) not possible in CSS. I tried to give the sublists a negatve ...
rhavin's user avatar
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Handling multiple instances of windows through menu in Tkinter

I have a menu with items through which I want to open separate windows: from tkinter import * from PIL import ImageTk, Image def show_text(): top = Toplevel() top.title("Text") ...
Helios's user avatar
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My mobile menu has gone berserk, I can't figure out

I am building a landing page and my mobile menu went crazy and I can fix it. I don't know what is wrong with it, I can't find a single issue with the js,html, or css. Here is the NAV html: <nav ...
user54097's user avatar
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Anchor Element invalid in react mui Menu Component

In the below code when I click on the IconButton that is rendered with each item of tree view, I want a menu list to be opened, so I am passing the event object for getting the element reference to ...
Niresh's user avatar
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Enable or disable a menu in a form from another form

I have an application developed in Visual Studio 2022 that works with forms. In this application, there is a main form, from which other forms can be opened. In this main form, there is an item in the ...
Ismael's user avatar
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Unable to deselect a JButton once it has been clicked

So I am writing a program which has several layers of menus using a JFrame with JButtons but once the user clicks a button that button ends up stuck as selected and I cannot update it. Any help please?...
Alex Parker's user avatar
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Homepage anchor links don't work from other pages, and menu items remain active when using full URLs in WordPress

I have a question about a wordpress site I am trying to build, but I am kind of an amateur with this xd When I view my 'terms and conditions' page and click on a menu item in my header, I don't ...
Zareh's user avatar
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Hide some WordPress dashboard menus based on user Role

I am new to WordPress, In the WordPress admin dashboard, I have many menus, the new users that I create have all these menus but they do not need them, so I want to hide some menus based on user Role. ...
kadro larino's user avatar
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How to create dropdown menu?

I need to make a dropdown menu when clicked. I know how to do it for one button, but I don't know how to do it for several buttons. const submenuBtn = document.querySelectorAll(".submenu-btn"...
Виталий Кравченко's user avatar
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e-Shop (shopify) header randomly started showing the drawer menu

I have just started (yesterday) using Shopify, and I created an eShop. Last night, everything I worked on ended up wonderfully, but today, I saw a random drawer menu showing up in the header. ...
Milan Maxa Maksimović's user avatar
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Navbar Animated Text Logo on scroll moving menu items

Here is a .gif of what I am doing: As you can see when the logo animates it shifts the menu items left and right, I have tried separating them by using navbar-start, navbar-center, and navbar-end to ...
user54097's user avatar
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Dropdown Menu Icon and Text Misalignment Issue

I'm working on creating a dropdown menu where the parent menu item includes an icon and text. However, I'm encountering an issue where the parent menu text does not align properly with the icon, ...
Rizky Ramadhan's user avatar
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Left-menu should scroll with page, but only until it reaches the bottom

I have a classic website with a menu on the left side and content on the right. The menu is fairly long, but on some pages, the content is really long. So I wanted the menu to always be accessible to ...
OZ1SEJ's user avatar
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Collapse menu without added JavaScript

In React Bootstrap, how to make a submenu collapse when clicked any its item, without using added toggle JS handler? <Navbar collapseOnSelect className="bg-body-secondary" ...
porton's user avatar
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Hamburger menu error javascript on mobile site

my site: I have a big problem. I use smilepure theme and on mobile device, hamburger menu firstly loading wide and than normal, but this situation is bad and loading ...
ibrahim fidancal's user avatar
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Why doesn't my when clause in a VS Code extension work?

In my extension I want to programmatically set the visibility of a command in the Command Palette of VS Code. Following the VS Code documentation and some examples, my extension looks like this (...
SkyFlyer's user avatar
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