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in Angular Signals, can you use viewChild() + effect() to handle changes to a child element?

Let's say I want to know when a particular child element in my component is scrolled. Suppose I declare: contentPanel = viewChild.required<ElementRef>('contentPanel'); contentScrollTop = ...
J Brecht's user avatar
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Angular 18 Standalone: "Pipe is Undefined" Error When Using RxJS Pipe in NgRx Effects

Problem: When I try to use pipe in the createEffect method, I get an error saying that pipe is undefined. This is confusing because pipe works perfectly in other parts of my project, such as within my ...
Hamid's user avatar
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How to implement a sliding animation for icons in React with Tailwind CSS?

I'm new to React and trying to create a slide effect for 'Upcoming Icons' that are stacked at the bottom of the screen. As progress is made and a stage is completed, I want each icon to slide off the ...
Hachidolls's user avatar
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three-way nested ANOVA

I spent a while trying to solve this problem about analyzing a three-way nested ANOVA. Here is a fake dataset and example with R: set.seed(100) ps=factor(paste("countries_",rep(letters[1:3],...
Eric Wajnberg's user avatar
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Fastest way to draw a wave distortion effect in Delphi FMX?

In Delphi 10.2. using Firemonkey for a Windows 10 desktop application I would like distort the image of a TImage according to a wave function (or a Perlin Noise function or a similar function). On the ...
user3384674's user avatar
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Wind waker lighting shader effect on 2.5D Unity scene

I was following a YouTube video and guide and got some shader scripts. It was very plug and play which was nice. But I would like to tweak a few things but I have 5% knowledge about shaders. I am ...
Jacob Boyce's user avatar
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tr effect problem after deletion with useForm in Inertia/React

I have a little problem with inertia/react. the problem is that when I delete a record from my table I would like the tr to have a fadeout effect (or any effect) the problem is that if I try to put an ...
Vinx's user avatar
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Module Federation NGRX Effects Not Working When Switching remote apps

Just to be clear, I am working with module federation in the following context. Shell application which in the AppModule gives StoreModule.forRoot({}) and EffectsModule.forRoot({}). Remote App One - ...
Ionut Mugurel Cinjau's user avatar
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Problem with effects function : how to get adjusted value from a model?

I encounter using "effect" from effects package. My goal is to extract the values of the fitted model for some values of my predictor. The problem is for a mixed model with quadratic ...
SylvainC's user avatar
6 votes
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Angular effects: combine multiple signals update into one effect vs dedicate an effect for each signal

I would like to use the effect function to update attributes based on signals but I have too many of them. I know that the effect will be triggered if a signal is changed, but I am wondering if it ...
Murhaf Sousli's user avatar
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How can I get the ENUM field name from an d2d effect property by using the GetValueByName method

I would like to display the current enum[field].name for any given effect that has an enum property. My code results in hr = 0x88990029, the specified property does not exist. Is my property full name ...
Sempai-Dami1's user avatar
-1 votes
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Wave effect on triggering the section

I would like to make an animation to my cards in reference section. I want to make an effect of kinda waves to the half of card like i "draw" on attached image when you enter the section of ...
czcryst's user avatar
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want to shine Effect on Button in ReactJS

Here, I want a shine effect on the button. I have done the basic one, but some modern shine effect is needed. I want to get into that button after hovering, so how do I make that more realistic and ...
Sougata Mukherjee's user avatar
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In plot(allEffects) of the 'effect's package in R: how to remove the lines connecting levels of a categorical variable?

I am using a lot of plots made with the effects package. By reading the vignette, I do find a lot of ways to customize the plots, including multiline = TRUE. However, nothing is mentioned about how to ...
CaroZ's user avatar
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How to create a slice contour effect of a 3d object in Unity?

Task: Realize an effect that can be represented as follows. If this effect is applied to an object, for example, a sphere, then at a certain height (y-axis coordinate), a slice of this object will be ...
Cloud Factory's user avatar
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Angular Ngrx redirect inside effect is causing weird error

I am getting a really weird error after trying to redirect on loginSuccess. Basically, here is the flow I have : The user fills a login form, then dispatch a 'Login' action. Login effect call ...
Jérémy Dutheil's user avatar
3 votes
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Where does a State machine go when both guard conditions on leaving transitions are false?

I am practicing for my UML exam next monday and on of the questions is what the outcome is of the following diagram, I thought the diagram is not valid because the value of x is exactly 9 the first ...
Dirk Fraanje's user avatar
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How to make a background image rotate flawlessly?

I have the following problem: I got a html text I am making transparent and having a space-themed image as its background-image, changing it from time to time on a website. The image rotates across ...
carlosmurgas's user avatar
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Plot effects of glmmTMB separately for zero-truncated count component and for binary component

I fit a Hurdle mixed model (glmmTMB function in glmmTMB package) to simultaneously explore how infection prevalence (binary part of the model, zeros and non-zeros data) and infection intensity (zero-...
Tweety's user avatar
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How to create a blur/grey out effect animation over MainWindow while opening/editing a DialogWindow?

I'm doing a PyQt5 GUI application. I'd like to have a blur/grey out effect animation appearing over a MainWindow while opening/editing a DialogWindow. In resume, I'd like to achieve . I have already ...
Igor 's user avatar
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Why does my effect plot generated with lme4 and effects packages seem wrong?

I fitted a generalized linear mixed model to my dataset using the lme4 package in R. The model formula and output are below: Because I found a significant interaction between "period" and &...
nick.yili9393's user avatar
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Problem using ggeffects for mclogit package

Currently trying to use ggeffects for a mmblogit object from the mclogit package, but the following messages are being shown: > ggeffects::ggeffect(model.example) Can't compute marginal effects, '...
gustavobrp's user avatar
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Why does my screen fade effect only happen once?

I wrote a screen fade effect that starts the screen red and fades to black. When the code is called, it works correctly - only once; afterwards the effect fails and I don't know why. export class ...
Jleger91's user avatar
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Unity Shader Graph: how to combine lit and unlit rendering in one single shader (is it possible)? Custom (individual per object) fog effect

I'm using Unity 2021.3 (URP). I'm using ShaderGraph. I'm working on custom fog effect, agile and individual for each 3D lit object of some category. I want to be able to turn some part of lit-shader-...
SpartanzNeverDie's user avatar
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Angular 16 and Firebase with Authentification

I have implemented authentication using Angular 16 and AngularFire in my application, and it is working fine. However, when I reload the page, my data is lost, and I am unable to retrieve it. I'm ...
Spring's user avatar
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Angular 16 effects,signals, computes

I'm a junior developer and I'm currently trying to familiarize myself with the new features in Angular 16. I know that the new tools (effects, signals, computes) are very powerful, but I don't fully ...
Spring's user avatar
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How can I change the title and factor/level names in effect plots in R?

As described, I drawed an effect plot as below, and I managed to change the xlab and ylab. library(effects) eff <- Effect(c("Head_num", "lp"), m.f_alt) plot(eff, ylab = &...
Jackson King's user avatar
1 vote
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Extrapolate 95% CI for unit decrease and for percentage decrease from lmer outputs

I am testing the association between percentage of impervious surface areas (ISA) and number of eggs per breeding event. This is my model structure: fit=lmer(CS~ISA+Mass_Fem*LayDate+Year+(1|Site),data=...
Parus major's user avatar
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how to update a specific property in a state using ngrx

how do i update a specific property of object in a state? i need to update the property offerPrice but still want to retain the other state values in the object this is what i have in my effects case ...
nhoyti's user avatar
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Prism.WPF: Change MainWindow Window.Effect on Navigation

The application is a Prism Application in WPF using C#. I am attempting to assign a BlurEffect to the Window.Effect property when a button is clicked on the navigation menu. I have the Window.Effect ...
Tim Jones's user avatar
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Achieving an effect similar to GIMP's "Supernova" on HTML canvas?

I know the HTML canvas can achieve some pretty nice effects when using different composition modes, but I can't figure out how to achieve an effect similar to GIMP's Supernova: I'm not sure whether ...
Jez's user avatar
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Add horizontal line to an "effects plot" with different intercepts per panel

I'm using the effects package to plot the effects from an ordinal logistic regression and I'd like to add a different horizontal line (represented the expected baseline probabilities if the predictor ...
Jade131621's user avatar
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Trigger multiple classes within js funtion

so i found this js somewhere, which is working perfectly fine. But how can i add this funtion to a diffrent class without overwriting it? like i want to use the same funtion but for a diffrent object ...
Syntax40404's user avatar
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How to change order of plot and strip text in effect plot?

How do I change the order of the panels in the plot below? For instance I want Sweden, Norway, Australia and USA. I tried to use index.cond=list(c("Sweden", "Norway", "...
rr19's user avatar
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Using CreateEffect for multiple Action dispatch

I am new to using CreateEffect and it is very confusing to understand as most documentations I read are talking about using services. I don't know to tweak it to work for me. I have two actions to ...
Curtis Lanz's user avatar
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How are these transitions and side effects on this website done? [closed]

I watched a video about awesome made websites. There was this website with a bunch of cool effects. You can visit the site over here: Now i'm asking myself as a rookie in ...
dontoronto's user avatar
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Is it possible to distort images in CSS? (wave effect)

Im developing a website and one of the requests is a division with an image, like below: But this is what i got: Is it possible to make it in CSS? I already inserted the image and set the background ...
Lucca's user avatar
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How to trigger multiple effects when translation culture changes in an Angular application?

I am working on an Angular 13 application that allows internationalization. When changing the culture, all static resources will instantly be translated, but I need to trigger the reloading of some ...
Alexei - check Codidact's user avatar
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How to add a grid to an R plot - error int_abline .. has not bee ncalled yet

I am trying to plot effects from GLMM model and I would like to add a grid along y axis from 0 to 2 every 0.2 steps and from x from 0 to 0.030 every 0.003 steps. I am familiar with this in Python but ...
missingfours's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to add a Gradient point with CSS in the background?

Is it possible using just HTML and CSS to create a gradient dot in the background? This should be quite easy to do with the IMG, but is there also a pure CSS variant? Example Thanks! :)
Andreas's user avatar
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Mousemove fixed background not working in CSS

I was just following this tutorial on YouTube the other day. Everything quite goes well with the basic layout, but it seems that the background isn’t staying fixed while on mousemove. Here’s the ...
user avatar
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How to add a Fade In effect for images in HTML

Source <div style="position:absolute; left: 700px; top:200px;"> <img id="obj1" src="
mane004's user avatar
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lme4 Random Effect MLM

I have a question about random effect in repeated measures design with 4 within-subjects factor (x1, x2, x3, x4) What the differences between these 2 ways of defining random effects: Option 1. (1 + ...
omer's user avatar
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Howto call values from the store to enter as parameter to another service in effects ngrx in angular

I would like to call an effects ngrx, but this effect have to call first a value from the store (an object with name and ids as number), then concatenate the ids to a string , then passing this string ...
jolynice's user avatar
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Three.js composer effect godrays not appearing, no errors

I am following a tutorial for a volumetric shading "godrays" in threejs.However, when I run it, the screen is completely black and nothing shows up. By the way, the scene is running, the ...
Codeitfast's user avatar
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How to use async/await inside effects angular NgRx?

I'm running this code : public customCommand$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe( ofType(appActions.customCommand), tap(action => console.log(action)), ...
Naor Yael's user avatar
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Flutter: How can I navigate to a screen with page turn / page curl effect in Flutter

how to make a Page Curl effect in a Flutter app as in this photo I tried this package but it renders the screen as an image So can not interact with the screen as usual.
Mostafa Mahmoud's user avatar
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Trouble fitting a Mixed Effects Model in lme4 - Interaction and 1 random effect

Very much new to R. I'm currently trying to fit a mixed effect model to my data in lme4 to see if there is an interaction between my two fixed effects (GroupSize and Rank) with one random effect (ID). ...
Chelsiehm's user avatar
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R2 for several fixed effects models using fixest::feols and modelsummary

I have a dataset structure(list(NAME_1.y = c("Alibori", "Atakora", "Atlantique", "Borgou", "Collines", "Donga", "Kouffo", "...
Anton's user avatar
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Interact fixed effects using feols from fixest

I would like to employ a fixed effects model that includes country and year fixed effects as well as fixed effects for the interaction between country and year. I tried the following approaches: ...
Anton's user avatar
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