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Cant change Angular Materials paginator value after using viewChild signal

I need to change my tables paginators pageIndex and pageSize, my code works well when i use ViewChild, but i want to use signal query, when i use signal query i got this error; Writing to signals is ...
ocanyldz's user avatar
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in Angular Signals, can you use viewChild() + effect() to handle changes to a child element?

Let's say I want to know when a particular child element in my component is scrolled. Suppose I declare: contentPanel = viewChild.required<ElementRef>('contentPanel'); contentScrollTop = ...
J Brecht's user avatar
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How to check if the passed reference is an instance of a particular ViewChild Reference in Angular

I have a viewchild ref in my .ts file like, @ViewChild('someDialog') someDialog: ElementRef; and in the .html file, I'm passing the reference back to a function like, <abc-dialog #someDialog (...
Luther's user avatar
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HTML element is not found at ngAfterViewInit

I have an Angular component that injects Ace editor. Sometimes in logs (very rare) I can see the following error: Error: ace.edit can't find div #aceEditor at ie.edit (
Viktar Tserashchuk's user avatar
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check if DOM element under *ngIf is already rendered

In my Angular 14 App I've got component with canvas in template. Whole template is under *ngIf checking if data was emitted by Observable. I need to create Chart using data from Observable and canvas ...
olha-krayevska's user avatar
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Angular go back to page, viewChild is undefined

I have such a sceneario; component A goes to B and when I go back to A , the @viewChild element is undefined. I tried to access it in ngAfterViewInit, ngAfterContentInit but it's always undefined. ...
Junior full stack dev's user avatar
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Not able to define same template variable twice in the angular template

I have a query regarding the template variable in angular. Actually I was trying to access multiple elements with the help of the @ViewChildren() decorator. But when I was defining two element with ...
Aakash Giri's user avatar
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Passing Observables from Child components to ancestors or distant components

I have some serious trouble handling observables in angular (sap composable storefront), that I want to acess from another component. I never seem to get them up to date. CURRENT STATE I have cart ...
Sergej Bjakow's user avatar
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Changes made to the input within the dynamically created component are not reflected in the reference (ComponentReference) in Angular

FundRollingStatisticChartComponent dynamically creates FundRollingStatisticsChartConfigComponent, and it has a reference to the instance of FundRollingStatisticsChartConfigComponent: this....
DBK's user avatar
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How to correctly transfer Children to the Angular Directive

I'm trying to pass all FormGroups that are in childrens to my directive. Why are they not transmitted? I tried using ViewChildren and ContentChildren but the result is undefined <div block="...
trimmm0's user avatar
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How to get instance of attributed directive from an element dynamically in code behind

I'm wondering if there any way to get instance of a directive on DIV element? There's lots of divs, and I would not like handle a list in component. <div class="item" (click)="...
Lei Chi's user avatar
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How do I pass $event object from Angular TS file?

I have the below code which i am using to expand or collapse the elements <div class="accordion" (click)="toggleAccordian($event, i)"> clickMenu(event: any, index: any) { ...
Sam K's user avatar
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Difference between EventEmitter and ViewChild('child-form') to get value from child component

In child component, by using EventEmitter we can pass value from child component to parent component. But I see another case, when we declare ViewChild as below: @ViewChild('childForm') formComponent: ...
Huy Nguyen minh's user avatar
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Angular ViewChild not initialized for child standalone component

I have a parent component marked as standalone.This consumes another child component which is also standalone. Both the parent and child display successfully. However, the ViewChild variable is never ...
Russell Thomson's user avatar
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Angular Karma Jasmine Unit Test: TypeError: this.errorDialog.close is not a function

I have following error during simple unit test in Angular/Jasmine/Karma. TypeError: this.errorDialog.close is not a function I have viewchild with close function. I would like to test close method. ...
Nitin's user avatar
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Angular 15: Pass data to child component from parent

I'm learning Angular, so forgive me if my terminology isn't quite accurate. I've provided a full version output at the bottom of this post. This is what I have right now, and it successfully triggers ...
commadelimited's user avatar
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How to reload a component while in another one?

I don't know how to use ViewChild feature in my Angular 17 project. What i'm trying to do is to reload a component when using a function from another component: Imagine having Component A and ...
Jany's user avatar
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Why is my reference to ViewChild undefined when mocking the ViewChild

I have an Angular standalone component that has a child standalone component. In my unit test I want to mock said child component. When I check if the mocked component is rendered via fixture....
Amberjs's user avatar
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How to get element reference of ng-select in angular

I am trying to use enter key press event in angular and I am using ng-select for dropdown list but I am not able to get element reference of ng-select as it not native element of HTML ,I did use @...
Rohan Arle's user avatar
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Angular Dropdown Filter - Button

I require dropdown filters, that use Mat-Select directives, to be invoked and displayed by a button instead of the input field. Also i want to hide the input field so that only the button is visible ...
Andre du Toit's user avatar
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Angular How to put elementRef of child component into itself?

I have a parent component, with a child component. @Component({ selector: 'app-parent', templateUrl: './parent.component.html', styleUrl: './parent.component.scss' }) export class ...
L. Kvri's user avatar
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Angular - ViewChild of dynamic created Component is undefined

I want to open a component from a service without having to add that component to every other component which has the service. In the service I have the following: @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root', }...
B34v0n's user avatar
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I want to get element via ViewChild in TS file, Angular version is 15

When I try to log a ViewChild element in ngAfterViewInit() or ngOnInit() it logs undefined in the console. HTML file: <input type="number" #phoneNumber> TS file: @ViewChild('...
jalalbmnf's user avatar
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ViewChild is returning undefined (Angular 16)

I know there are several topics on the matter, but I swear I read them all and none solved my issue. Here is what I have, very much simplified AdministracionComponent.ts export class ...
Gdepablo's user avatar
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TypeError: this.modal.nativeElement.present is not a function at myComponent.ngAfterViewInit

My Component code snippet: export class MyComponent { //reference to modal (a UI component of external library) @ViewChild('modal') public modal: ElementRef; constructor(private zone: NgZone) {} ...
sandeep ghansiala's user avatar
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View-Child for the child component returns undefined

I have a Parent Component and a child component which I am trying to access via @ViewChild...This was a legacy code that stopped working after I moved from Angular 5 to 13 Parent @Component({ ...
mediocreCoder's user avatar
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Error accessing inherited class method with @ViewChild in Angular

I'm facing an issue with my Angular application. I have a component hierarchy where I'm trying to access a method from an inherited class using @ViewChild, but I'm encountering an error. It works well ...
JamesB's user avatar
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Filterchange function in viewchild is undefined

I am working on kendo ui angular multiselectdropdown. I have used view child decorator to write business use case for this purpose. If I call asObservable on viewchild filterchange method i am getting ...
aks's user avatar
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Angular: How to read ViewChild of a dynamically loaded component

I have a component which has view child like this @ViewChild('overView') content: ElementRef; I am loading this component dynamically like this var overviewComponent = this.vcr.createComponent(...
Pawan Nogariya's user avatar
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Angular dynamically add component with injector to specify service

I need to dynamically add some components in Angular 14, and I want to be able to control which implementation of an abstract service each component gets, based on some param I have available when I'm ...
user814425's user avatar
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Property 'divElem' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor when using Template Reference Variable in V16

I have an div element in template and wanted to access the element by template reference variable.But i was facing the issue, it throws some error. This is my div element <div (click)="...
nadendla tharak's user avatar
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Div id is null when using ngAfterViewInit

In my application I am using angular, and I am trying to access a div right after the page loads. I have imported Afterviewinit like so: import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, AfterViewInit, ...
lross33's user avatar
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How to load components dynamically without their Host Wrapper Tag

I'm loading component template during Drop Event using "createComponent()" method of ViewContainerRef class. all works okay but it loads component with it's Host Wrapper (selector) tag. but ...
Harsh Patel's user avatar
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ViewChild in component vs passing in element from HTML

In my Angular 15 application, when I hit the Save button, I need to close the dialog. The dialog is only used in one location in the the save event. So I can do it one of two ways: Add an @...
Gargoyle's user avatar
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how to access a directive from another peer component

I have a component and a directive inside a parent component. The parent component template looks like this: <div> <child-component></child-component> <dx-data-grid ...
kalonthenet's user avatar
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How to use the swiper 9 pagination with Angular

I'm actually migrating to swiper 9. I had already faced some problems and asked it here about the swiper 9 migration Some of the answers help me moving forward. But now I'm trying to use the ...
Raphaël Balet's user avatar
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@ViewChild is undefined in afterViewInit using FormControl

I have an nbInput with FormControl: I want to access this in controller using @ViewChild but it returns undefined. ...
Ibrahim Hassan's user avatar
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Angular ViewChild is undefined - why?

I tried to implement (to test my skills) my own toast message service - dynamically add my toast message to the page. I developed a toast message service - which (I think) is not important here (...
Zoltan Hernyak's user avatar
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Angular @ViewChild: keep whitespace when referring to innerHTML

I use a templateRef and ViewChild() decorator to retrieve and display the innerHTML of an element. But all whitespace and linebreaks are gone when displaying it, it's just a long string. Example: in ...
Marc's user avatar
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Angular ViewChild with ng-template not get all innerHTML

I have this angular component.html <div #statsToCopy> <ng-template #modalCumulativePreview let-modal> <div class="modal-body px-1 cumulative-image-preview" ...
Mu nt's user avatar
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Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'nativeElement') In Angular

Hi While using ElementRef in Viewchild() I am facing an error. Please see the below error and let me know what is an issue. I also used ngAfterViewInit() but this error can not be resolved. import { ...
Rakesh Saini's user avatar
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Using @View Child in component file getting undefined value of prime-ng paginator

@ViewChild('paginator', {static: true}) paginator:Paginator; this paginator is undefined when I console in ngOnInit function. why? I tried to print prime-ng paginator in component file with using ...
Nirali Shah's user avatar
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<ng-scroll> @viewchild is undefined

in this code i given dayavailablescroll reference but in ngafterviewinit it is showing undefined <div class="shifts-rightTable " style="background-color: yellow" [ngClass]=&...
Lovitha's user avatar
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Clone a div with renderer 2 and angular

Good morning, I am having a problem with viewchild which cannot find my selector in my html code. The goal is to look for my 'field' selector in my html to clone it and add a new class to it each time ...
Abate Raphael's user avatar
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Acces @ViewChild NgForm refence from child components in parent component

I have following app structure: +--------------------------------------------+ | Parent | ...
karlitos's user avatar
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Angular @ViewChild Directive stays undefined

[EDIT: SOLUTION] I did not import the right Directive in my app.module.ts After including like the following, it just works and does not return undefined. :) import { PlaceholderDirective } from '....
Turtoise's user avatar
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Viewchild is undefined inside then()

EDIT The problem was the "async await". I remove the async await and just return the Promise. For some reason the then() inside of async await lose the data about objects of class. Any ...
dperez's user avatar
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Access dynamically loaded child component instance

@ViewChild(ComponentType) comp!: ComponentType; ngAfterViewInit() { console.log('ComponentType instance', comp); } To get hold of a child component's instance, I know that ViewChild can be used as ...
karthikaruna's user avatar
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Pass data from child to parent when child is rendered through ng-template

I am using @ViewChild to create a child component, through a template reference variable. I would like to pass data from the dynamically created child to its parent, in any way, but preferably using ...
Asterios Kalogeras's user avatar
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Angular 'nativeElement + viewchild' vs 'document.querySelector' is quite confusing

I have this component: <div #widget class="widget"> </div> @ViewChild('widget') widget!: any; ngOnInit() { console.log(this.widget.nativeElement) //returns ...
Sergino's user avatar
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