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Unable to insert an html element using createPortal method

I have a portal component that is outside react component tree and I'm using createPortal method from react dom to insert a Dom element inside the body element. The insertion is not working as ...
anonymous's user avatar
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shadcn chart has no space between label and value

The issue I'm facing can be seen on the image, essentially some bigger values don't have any padding in between value and label, I'd like to know how I can make it at least 2px Image: Part of code: ...
karlo292's user avatar
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Shadcn UI Sidebar integrated with React

I am having trouble on how to integrate the Shadcn UI sidebar on React because on the official documentation, the examples are on typescript (Next.js?) and I am not familiar with Next.js framework as ...
2leizy's user avatar
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4 answers

Render a list of jsx components in react [closed]

I have a list, containing some jsx components like components: components = [ <span className="c1 c2" onClick={() => console.log("test")}>...</span>, <span ...
sad's user avatar
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Otp is not verifying

Tech stack being used: Next js jsx, Prisma, Postgre, Zod, Nodemailer, Crypto Issue: When I sign up and fill in the required data (Name, email, Password), an otp (one-time password) is generated and is ...
mashhood rehman's user avatar
-4 votes
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How is <search></search> the tag used for marking up a search bar element in JSX [closed]

How is the tag used for marking up a search bar element in JSX, I need an explanation of how to use the search tag to create a search bar in JSX REACT that will display a suitable search bar on the ...
MojiBola's user avatar
-1 votes
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Best practices on React for rendering lists [closed]

I'm just learning react and I saw so far 2 ways of rendering lists, the first declaring a const after mapping the data and then rendering this new list and the second one mapping directly inside the ...
Nestor Mancilla's user avatar
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Can i make a new story from existing one that includes an object prop?

I have been messing around storybook and found out about this new cool feature of being able to add new stories when messing around with your current one : Interactive story generation I tried to do ...
Stefanos Faustmann's user avatar
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How do fix ImgBB API sending image problem?

I am trying to send images using the ImgBB API, but I always receive a failure message, regardless of the type of image. import fetch from "node-fetch"; import FormData from "form-data&...
Pradeep Bashera's user avatar
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Error: an Illustrator error occurred: 1346458189 ('PARM') (illustrator v2024)

I have been getting these errors very often in almost my simplest scripts for a long time. I am getting this warning even though I have tried all the alternatives thinking it may be in the coordinate ...
enisio's user avatar
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3 votes
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Want wrapped content to expand only downwards with CSS

I have a searchfield that autofills with different quippy lines that may or may not need to wrap to fit all the words. This is anchored to a centered parent that makes sure that the searchfield ...
AnonymousElephant's user avatar
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Setting website link preview using react and mdx (each page of the website a separate image)

I have a website for example "", and the main layout.jsx has below metadata. export const metadata = { title: { template: '%s - example', default: 'example - ...
wwon's user avatar
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How can I override child parent inheritance in react native (JSX)?

I have a ScrollView and within it Text. I'd like the ScrollView to have 0.4 opacity and for the Text inside it to have full opacity (1). My problem is that because of inheritance the child component ...
Omer Giladi's user avatar
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How to Optimize GanttComponent Performance for Large Data Sets (200+ Rows)?

I'm using the GanttComponent (shown in the code below) to display a dataset of around 200 rows. However, it's taking approximately 15 seconds to load. While I understand that enabling ...
user275472's user avatar
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conditionally add prop to a jsx element [duplicate]

I have a react app and am trying to pass down a prop to a jsx element based on a condition. The element in question is an anchor tag and if the condition is true I would like to pass a rel="...
Yehuda's user avatar
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How to render components exported from mdx in Astrojs?

I got a mdx file like this and I want to render the foo component in somewhere else. --- title: Hi, World! --- export const title = 'My first MDX post' export const foo = <h1>adsf</h1> # ...
ZeeXoc's user avatar
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Expo Stuck on Splash Screen, after building locally and installing on android and ios device

I recently updated my expo to latest version and my app will now no longer work. I've even tried reverting my app's codebase to a previous commit before I made the changes to my packages. I don't get ...
Ugo Raphael's user avatar
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2 answers

Error while styling background color of an span in React

I'm following Jonas Schmedtmann's full-stack crash course, and everything is fine. But in this part, I'm receiving a React runtime error (TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'color'...
Ali Almasi's user avatar
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React/JSX-runtime Module not found

Currently working with a React project 17 and after adding the React-Timezone-Select package I've got a build error saying the following : Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\...
PyroDaan's user avatar
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YouTube Embed Playback Issues in Safari Only. Built with Gatsby

I’m encountering inconsistent playback with YouTube iframe embeds on my Gatsby site, specifically in Safari. Behavior Across Browsers: In all other browsers, the YouTube videos autoplay and loop as ...
yellucnai's user avatar
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Is there a way to use the main scrollbar for a popup?

Title: Use main scrollbar to control popup scroll, freeze body background scroll without popup scrollbar Question: I'm trying to implement a popup/modal on my website that only uses the main scrollbar ...
Sithil Sandinu's user avatar
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I created this code, and it showed the following error: 'TS2604: JSX element type 'ReactToPrint' does not have any construct or call signatures

import * as React from "react"; import { useRef } from "react"; //import parse from 'html-react-parser'; import ReactToPrint from "react-to-print"; import { IInputs } ...
Daniel Vitor's user avatar
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Typescript Classes use a static method in a base class typed for any children classes

I am trying to write a wrapper for web components which allows you to use them in JSX by referencing their key; implicitly this will also register the custom element if not done so already so that you ...
hrd543's user avatar
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BigInt with JSX

Today I discovered that these three lines are not the same: <p>{`found ${releases.count} total records`}</p> <p>found {releases.count} total records</p> <p>found {...
ravinggenius's user avatar
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how to display flex 2 diffrent components in admin panel

i'm makin admin panel using MERN stack but my bootstraps library not working properly even i installed everything right. how could i resolved .I tried it using bootstrap and also css properties but ...
Rubia Zahra's user avatar
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Sonarqube is showing wrong result for React, TypeScript and JSX

Sonarqube is unable to understand the code for React, TypeScript and JSX, it is showing false positive across the application. Below is some code: <div className="title-wrapper"> <...
Risheekant Vishwakarma's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to resolve "../components" from "app\index.jsx"

I've been working on developing an app in react native and I can't figure out why I'm getting this error. Anytime I try to pull information from an internal file I get "iOS Bundling failed Unable ...
Naim Barnett's user avatar
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How do I calculate the color RGB code in a color picker?

I'm trying to make a reusable color color picker component in react, I want to calculate the RGB color code using the mouse coordinates on a 256 by 256 div, the div has a white background color and it ...
uhug2ewf's user avatar
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Umlauts in text added via a script in Photoshop

I'm adding text into a layer in Photoshop via a script like this: var layerText; var textItem; layerText = activeDocument.artLayers.add(); layerText.kind = LayerKind.TEXT; = "...
Engle's user avatar
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Can we use React Hooks inside JSX component's callback like this?

Does this count as breaking the rule of hooks? It doesn't show the error/warning 'Error: Invalid hook call' and the code works normally. useEffect also mounts only once 1.✅ Call them at the top level ...
Boom PT's user avatar
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Adding IP-based Search Functionality in OpenStack Skyline Dashboard

I've recently set up the OpenStack Skyline dashboard in a Docker environment, and I'm trying to enable search functionality by IP address within the interface. This would make it much easier to locate ...
Randy's user avatar
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"TypeError: request is not iterable" when using Google Gemini API generateContent method in React

I'm working on a React project where I use the Google Gemini API to retrieve information based on inputs collected from a form. However, when I call the generateContent method, I get the following ...
Bharath kumar G's user avatar
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How to pass a React component to a component and use it inside the component as a component?

I have a Button component that allows some props like variant, active, size etc. to change its styling. What I want is, passing the Button component to another component and use it there as a normal ...
Sha'an's user avatar
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What exactly can be put inside JSX curly braces?

I just stated learning React not too long ago. I was first confused why can't we put if statements inside JSX curly braces. I came across this question if-else statement inside jsx: ReactJS and ...
Jaden's user avatar
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Force ReactJS routes index to reevaluate before redirecting on login

I wish to conditionally include authenticated routes on the routing index of my ReactJS application based on whether a token exists in the user's local storage. However, for this to work, the routes ...
Alex JPS's user avatar
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Change how JSX/TS handles prop components

I'm developing a framework which uses pseudo-JSX syntax with instructions in special attributes such as reactive, props and for etc: interface User { name: string; } const UserDetails = (user: User)...
andyhasit's user avatar
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I get an error when I try to "npx expo start -c"

error: .plugins is not a valid Plugin property when setting up Tailwind CSS with React Native and NativeWind I'm trying to set up Tailwind CSS in my React Native project using NativeWind, but I'm ...
Yaroslav's user avatar
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How to apply styling to a component and all its descendants in React/Next.js?

Let's say I have a Next.js/React project with one top-level component and many child and grand-child components. In the grand-child components there are div elements with classNames only including ...
ufghd34's user avatar
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I cannot insert a React Icon Dinamically in a cell-table

I try to insert a React Icon in a cell (table), but I get the message Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'. My code is very simple: const iconCell = row....
grafeno30's user avatar
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Using jquery toggle() method inside JSX

The situation is: the project is undergoing a react upgrade process (from 0.14.8 to 17.02). Jquery version remains 3.5.1. One of the UI elements has a popup toggle which is implemented like this: ...
David Gevorgyan's user avatar
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Implementing OpenStreetMap for searching placing in react-native application

Error 1: Message: Render Error - Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance. Details: In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a Symbol.iterator method. Error 2: Message: Render ...
Nandan's user avatar
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Switch component is not working after switching from Checkbox

I was using Ant Design Checkbox earlier to check and publish the comments and it was working fine with no errors. <Checkbox key={} checked={Publish[record?.id]?.["ispublish"] ...
Shirish's user avatar
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swiper-slide-next is working but not loading images when i click on it and swiper-slide-prev is working and loading images Same with pagination

I have been working on this for few days now and i am gonna need your helpenter image description here My jsx file import React from "react"; import { Swiper, SwiperSlide } from "swiper/...
sahithi's user avatar
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react not rendering Header.jsx file

[header.jsxapp.jsxre]( hello! I created this react app for the first time...and i imported/exported both the app file and the header file...both in jsx. even though ...
Partha Rana's user avatar
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TSX file type mismatch and key prop does not exist error

I am trying to create a simple next.js application and trying to generate a table as follows: interface User { id: number; name: string; email: string; } const UserTable = async () => { ...
Berk Takıt's user avatar
2 votes
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Tailwind autocomplete not working in multi-line ( WebStorm )

I'm having an issue with Tailwind CSS autocomplete in WebStorm when using multi-line strings for className in JSX/React. The autocomplete works fine when the string is on a single line, but when I ...
Albos's user avatar
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In my Expo app, Linking.createURL is not routing app to home page after Google authentication

When I test my Expo app on Expo Go, it's not linking me to the page 'home.jsx' after Google authentication. Here's the code from index.jsx (for reference I'm using Clerk for authentication): import { ...
MichaelLicious's user avatar
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Astro.js: Create a navigation structure per folder

I have an Astro website like follows: Different department folders foo, bar, etc. For each folder, there is a different navigation menu, used by the pages inside. There are some common shared MDX ...
antonio's user avatar
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How to display long dropdowns in a `fixed` viewport?

I have a customized date picker (for the context its height is 1050px). I want to display it in a popup within dropdown content. This is my popup component. <div className={styles.popupWrapper} &...
Ravada Ratnakar's user avatar
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JSX syntax error, Unexpected token, expected ","

I am trying to create a ios react JSX app but I keep getting this error and I dont know why. I coppied the ts file from my homescreen file that works so I'm confused on why I'm getting it in this file....
Qi'ra's user avatar
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