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2 answers

Prism.WPF: Change MainWindow Window.Effect on Navigation

The application is a Prism Application in WPF using C#. I am attempting to assign a BlurEffect to the Window.Effect property when a button is clicked on the navigation menu. I have the Window.Effect ...
Tim Jones's user avatar
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Set border color to an Entry when is focused

I am trying to set a border color to an Entry element so that it will be displayed on the Windows platform. To achieve this I have added an Effect to the project but when using the BorderBrush ...
Vicent Camarena's user avatar
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Xamarin Forms - changing text on button with LabelSizeFontToFit effect makes text smaller and smaller

I have a couple of buttons in an horizontal stack layout, and in order to accommodate different languages and the portrait orientation, I need the text size to accommodate the available space. Thus, I ...
Robot Head's user avatar
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State transition effect missing in Blend 2015

In all videos I have seen there should be a fx button in Blend, allowing one to change between different types of transition effects. Question is simple, where is it? Do I need to do something special ...
Johan's user avatar
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Vista Glass Effect for Movable Object in WPF

I have the following glass effect which was adapted from WPF-MediaKit, the code for this is public class GlassBehavior : Behavior<FrameworkElement> { private FrameworkElement ...
MoonKnight's user avatar
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WPF - Element is invisible but has dropshadow effect

I need an effect where I have my elements invisible but they actually do drop shadows. Is it possible to do that and if so, how? EDIT: if this is impossible, I'm okay with using my elements (images ...
agiro's user avatar
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Blur effect on image as a window background

I have a window in my WPF app with an image as a background. I want that image to be blurred. This is how I do it: This is my window: <Window x:Class="kiosk.UI.Views.PageSwitch" xmlns="http://...
petko_stankoski's user avatar
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Blur effect on window background image

I have a window with image as background. On that window I also have buttons and other controls. This is my style for that window: <Style x:Key="MyWindow" TargetType="{x:Type Window}"> ...
petko_stankoski's user avatar
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XAML photo effects

So it is needed to be sayd im completely new to WPF and XAML. I got as a project to make a program that when you insert a picture you must add effects some to it.I dont really know much about WPF so I ...
xDevil's user avatar
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2 answers

Tap transition effect when navigating to a page

In many built in apps as well as in some third party apps I can observe a nice effect that takes place when an item gets tapped thus causing page navigation. That tapped item swiftly slides over the ...
src091's user avatar
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3 answers

Line Effect in WPF

I'm using WPF. Is there any way to get an effect like this one: LineEffect So basically a gradient with multiple lines on top. The number lines should increase based on the width/height of the ...
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Is there a vertical blur in WPF? (For a Zune-like vu meter)

I'm trying to make a vu meter like the Zune desktop: Mine is on top, the original is the bottom one. I know the colors are different but, I think the problem is that the Zune one is using vertical ...
blez's user avatar
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WPF ColorAnimation inside Window.Resources

I have a TextBlock that I would like to give it a color animation effect; I have done something like this: <Window.Resources> <Storyboard x:Key="AnimateTarget" RepeatBehavior="Forever"&...
cyrus-d's user avatar
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Drop shadow effect on a HyperLink

I can't seem to find how to add a drop shadow to a hyperlink in a flow document. Since HyperLink is not a UIElement it has no Effect property (all my googling led me to DropShadowEffect). It does have ...
Nathan's user avatar
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WPF Image 'highlight' with DropShadowEffect can't bind color

I have created a UserControl called ImageButton, and I am using a DropShadowEffect on MouseOver to show the button as 'active'. However, I cannot seem to bind the Color property of my DropShadowEffect....
RJ Lohan's user avatar
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How to define each item for a WPF ListView where the view looks similar to Extra Large Icons view in Windows 7?

Basically I am trying to do something like this Just showing images in a fixed dimension with no text below the images. It also should ...
Joan Venge's user avatar
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Effects (DropShadowEffect) in Windows Phone 7

I noticed the Effect Property is missing in Silverlight for Windows Phone 7 so I did some googling and apperently it was dropped due to performance reasons. I basically want to do something like this ...
Fredrik Hedblad's user avatar
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Path with broken shadow effect

I hope that it is clear enough in the image, I have a triangle with shadow effect that doesn't look so good, seems to be broken somehow. Any help will be greatly appreciated. (Update: the rectangle ...
Erez's user avatar
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WPF - The same effect on many elements

I have 64 labels with text. How can I apply this effect to all of them except one? <BlurEffect Radius="8.0" KernelType="Box"/>
Hooch's user avatar
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WP7 help with menu effects

Kinda new to Silverlight and have some experience with WPF but I'm doing a project with a group for a class making a game for WP7. I am currently in charge of the menu system for the game and I had a ...
MattMacdonald's user avatar