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want to shine Effect on Button in ReactJS

Here, I want a shine effect on the button. I have done the basic one, but some modern shine effect is needed. I want to get into that button after hovering, so how do I make that more realistic and ...
Sougata Mukherjee's user avatar
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1 answer

Trigger multiple classes within js funtion

so i found this js somewhere, which is working perfectly fine. But how can i add this funtion to a diffrent class without overwriting it? like i want to use the same funtion but for a diffrent object ...
Syntax40404's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to move down this balloon in scroll with css

Hello again everyone I am creating a project for my class students. My question is how should I move the balloon down at the ground side on scroll with css only. I only want to move the balloon down ...
Mr. Minecrafter's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

jQuery .fadeOut method on and element that is being appended after DOM load

(I am 9 weeks into a boot camp, so I apologize for the potentially rudimentary nature of this...) I am appending an element to the DOM (a button) within a conditional: $('.buttonsAndInputs').append(`&...
Chris Mo's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Make Div appear around chirstmas period

I wanted to ask a question, I know next to nothing about html and I wanted to apply a snow type effect on a page. I got code from here and added it but I'd like to make it so it appears from the 1st ...
Vector's user avatar
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Load animation after another using pure javascript, HTML, and CSS without keyframes

I am new to javascript and I have done one image to fade in, but the second image wont fade in next. See HTML and Javascript. With the use of pure HTML, CSS AND JS without keyframes for animation. No ...
Noime Rymnd's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a possibility to add an animation created by Adobe After Effects to a react native project? If yes, than how is it possible?

So, basically what I need to do is to import a custom animation which I created in Adobe After Effects and make it work as an animation in react native. Is there a method to do so?
Wets's user avatar
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VB PowerPoint, showing a picture when several others are clicked

I've been learning today some VBA basics to apply in powerpoint, but I have some experience in some other languages. As title says, I want a picture to be shown after I click on 3 other pictures ...
MatiasGSP's user avatar
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2D spring effects in unity

Does anyone know how Jonas was able to achieve this effect that he talks about at 4:10 in the following video? I’ve tried spring joints with hinges in unity but can’t get ...
Lukas Schulte's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to do a transition effect on state change with Apache Royale?

I would like to have a transition animation when changing state. After several tries, I don't see what's the issue. My first goal is to trigger an alpha effect from 1 to 0 when "Card HOME" is hidden ...
Fred's user avatar
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1 answer

Line-through animation on hover (incomplete)

I'm fairly new to css animations. I want to have an effect where if I hover over the element the line-through slowly disappears from right to left. I already gathered all of this but when the page ...
Zeger Caes's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How to achieve this "highlighting" effect with CSS?

I came across an ecommerce website and I saw this "Buy" button: For each 5 seconds approximately, the button "highlights" on diagonal, like the image shows. How to get into that effect in CSS or, ...
joaogdesigner's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Delayed / animated scroll presentation

Anyone knows what I can use to create an scroll effect like the one of this website? When mouse wheel is used the presentation pages are shown one by one and the user is ...
Wanderson Silva's user avatar
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WHY doesn't javascript wait for animations / effect to finsish before executing the next code [duplicate]

Like in the standard juery / javascript animation effects. How does javascript know that it doesn't have to wait for a animation to finish before executing the code in the lines beneathe it, because ...
GSingh's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

why is ok to chain jquery effects, instead of using callbacks

In the jquery documentation is stated that if you want to add a class after an effect is applied on a selection you must use a callback: // Fade in all hidden paragraphs; then add a style class to ...
paulquest's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

kendo grid cell appear with animation in each cell and each rows like solitaire cards

i try to add animation on kendo grid on appearing cells and rows but cant. i want to add animation of each row's cells to appear after last one. search and googling has many results for detailRow ...
saber tabatabaee yazdi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to make a QR code scanner like in Paytm android app which was included recently?

I have already completed making such an app but I require the animation and the effects on the surface view as paytm has provided which is demonstrated in the image. How can I make a start on the ...
arkadeep das's user avatar
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1 answer

Python Text Effects

I'm new to the Python world and I need a little help. I want to create an application that displays a text message, and I need this text to have animation like fade in, text sweep, etc. I was ...
Mitch3091's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Shine effect automatically with css

I'm trying to do this shine effect operate automatically (without a: hover), every 5 seconds. .icon:after { content: ""; position: absolute; top: -...
Anderson's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

JavaFX Glass shatter / crack and break [closed]

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can go about creating an Effect for a JavaFX node that can simulate glass shattering and then (potentially) breaking? if the breaking is more difficult, I ...
Driv's user avatar
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How to make a svg animation effect scale from bottom to top

I'm just starting to deal with Svg, so Im not really aware how to deal with all the effect, I'm looking to do an small effect animation, exactly like this website: The idea ...
tibewww's user avatar
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CSS animations for Log Cabin Window Glow

I am making a christmas themed site, I would like to make a log cabin style village. The main feature of this would be lights visible from the cabin windows. I would just like to ask if anyone has an ...
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how do you specify the wipeIn direction in dojo

How do you change the direction of wipeIn? This example wipes in from top. How would I make it wipe in from bottom, from left or from right? require(["dojo/fx", "dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/...
eyn's user avatar
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1 answer

jQuery: Animate container width after fixating to top of page depending on window scroll position

Jeez, this is probably so ridiculous but I've been fiddling for several hours and can't seem to figure out how to do this. Let's start with some CSS: #wrapper { margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 ...
Mike Peters's user avatar
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2 answers

How to add CSS3 Animation Effects to Simple jQuery Tabs

I create a jQuery Tabs and is working fine, but I want to add some CSS3 effects like scale, Translate, Transitions.. Now my tab is with only with jQuery effects like fadeIn/slideToggle, but I need to ...
Uikithemes's user avatar
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How to bring animated effects in background in Android app?

I am trying to add an animation ( not sure if that would be an appropriate word ) of beach waves when my app loads with its first screen.I am developing a holiday app and have already set an image (a ...
Sri's user avatar
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2 answers

Html 5 Canvas Particle effect

hey guys I need guidance to recreate a wonder full effect which I saw in a website . After the pre-load is over you will see the company's logo in a canvas. I have have been ...
Daniel Euchar's user avatar
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Scrolling an image inside a imageView in android

I am working on an application in which I am having a large image and need to display that image in a imageview of small size . I was thinking to view the whole image by scrolling the image inside the ...
Sumit Patel's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Java sliding JPanels

I have a menu that has a variety of buttons on display, I'm able to make the buttons call their respective JPanels when clicked. The thing is I would like to make the Jpanel slide in when its called ...
spongyboss's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

How to animate an element being clipped in multiple directions

I'm trying to take the jQuery UI blind effect, and make it work up and down simultaneously. I tried using dequeue to chain them together, but to no avail: Fiddle Attempt Something like: $(this)....
mtyson's user avatar
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1 answer

fade effect in JQUERY UI calls document ready function on fadeout

Does using fade effect as follows: $( "#specialBox" ).toggle( "fade" ) in jQuery UI cause the page to reload when fading out? By the way this seems to happen only when I click the button that ...
user3371266's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to set a background light to a button on Android?

I want add a effect to on my buttons on android that includes light or only ı may add a light too in this context ı want to ask how to set a backround light to a button on android ?
Mehmet Hikmet's user avatar
0 votes
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drawer effect in web app

I've been searching the web for a javascript version of the "drawer effect", like in Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube) . I need it in my web app. Many view transition like slide, pop and flip ...
boreas's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Animated background like Timely alarm clock app

I've seen the Timely app and it let me hypnotized with their animated background, it has bubbles floating around and Can you plase tellme how can I do that, I've tried AnimationDrawable and ...
David's user avatar
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XNA - Play Animation at place when collide and delete when reach last frame

In my pong game I'm making I have two paddles and a ball. I'm trying to make so when the ball collides with the paddle, an effect/animation is shown. I have a spritehseet and a working animation. I ...
Uffe Puffe's user avatar
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jQuery effects/animation is delayed in execution

With the following code everything is displayed normally and in sequence in the Firebug console with the entries in order (including the Ajax post of the data) but all the jQuery effects/animations (...
glw's user avatar
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3 answers

How Do I reproduce the slide show animation with JQuery with tooltip?

On, there is a cool animation when you hover over the "features" button: This is done with the JQuery ...
NatashaTheRobot's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

How can I make a div horizontally slide in?

I currently have a div appearing on hover, but it just pops up rather than sliding in: #home-heroImage{ padding: 0px; margin: 0px auto; width:980px; height: 525px; position: relative; z-...
surfbird0713's user avatar
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WPF ColorAnimation inside Window.Resources

I have a TextBlock that I would like to give it a color animation effect; I have done something like this: <Window.Resources> <Storyboard x:Key="AnimateTarget" RepeatBehavior="Forever"&...
cyrus-d's user avatar
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Jquery Smoothscroll Function - How to Control Animation Speed?

Anyone can help me? Trying to Add a "Slow" function with my smoothscroll and control speed. Hope to achievie a real "smoothscrolling". Here are the codes: $(document).ready(function(){ $('....
Niccolo's user avatar
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Flex 4 - Jerky animation issue

I have created my first animation effect in flex 4. Its a very simple animation within my custom component which moves a label component left to right to left 3-5 times and then fades out gradually. ...
dejjub-AIS's user avatar
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(in html) Breaking up a png, applying filter effects, and scaling moving the pieces

For a current project I am trying to break up a png, apply filter effects, and then scale and move the pieces. Jus picture an explosion but in reverse:) I know I should use the Canvas element. And ...
Bachalo's user avatar
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How to change jQuery's animation transition from linear to quadratic

I think I noticed that all jQuery transitions (e.g. slide effect) work in a linear way. That means that the speed of the animation never changes. I wondered if it would be possible to change this to ...
Timo Ernst's user avatar
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5 votes
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Android - How to create a shake effect like delete in iphone?

I have gridView which has lot of images and on clicking the edit button, I want the images to wobble just like : how to create iphone's wobbling icon effect?. Appreciate any pointers to solve this ...
Nick's user avatar
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cleditor problem with jquery ui effect()?

I'm using cleditor on one of my sites and I have run into a problem. When I use effect to animate some divs cleditor's wysiwyg editor stops working. The editor itself shows but I cant type anything ...
Meisam Mulla's user avatar
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Animate jQuery effect

I want to design a effect for a div such the effect from this site(from the live comments box, on the right side). I am using animate effect. Something like: jQuery(".aux_content").animate({"width":...
Gigg's user avatar
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how to move a label in vertical layout to an arbitrary location in flex 4.5?

I know this is very simple for those expert in flex but im just starting out. For instance i have this: <s:Label id="lbl2" alpha="0.0" text="Cute Software Engineer" ...
David's user avatar
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How to Queue or Pipeline Many Flex Animations?

I have a Flex application where some interactions cause many objects to require visual updates all at once. These updates translate into state changes for many MXML based components which have state ...
swidnikk's user avatar
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How to animate jquery effects simultaneously

for example I have 2 jquery effects and 3 object: $('.test1').fadeIn(); $('.test2').fadeOut(); $('.test3').fadeOut(); when .test1 fades in .test2 and .test3 must fade out simultaneously. how can I ...
bodzgldar's user avatar
2 votes
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jQuery - append list items to existing list with gradual animation

So I have a list: <ul> <li> bla bla </li> <li> bla bla </li> ... </ul> <a> click me </a> when you click the link a ajax request runs that ...
Alex's user avatar
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