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Weibull analysis with confidence interval in spss

I’m trying to do the Weibull analysis and to show the confidence interval in spss. I have the following variables: Shear bond strength, which shows the maximal strength till the material breaks ...
Eni's user avatar
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COX regression model has a wide 95%CI, ph was not satisfied

enter image description hereI did a cox regression model. The data was classfied according to a variable. The three group was 7,143,7 according the ECOG score. The 95%CI was wide. In this dataset, is ...
dashuai's user avatar
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Is there a way to display custom confidence intervals in a forest plot in metafor (R)?

I am trying to create a forest plot in R using forest() in the metafor package. Since I am conducting a meta-analysis of proportions, I would like to use an alternate means of calculating confidence ...
quinntucky's user avatar
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Forestplot with missing CI in R

I am conducting a systematic review and meta analysis and will be creating forest plots for different disease stages. Some studies provide only mean value without confidence interval. I saw a post ...
Ferial Hantash's user avatar
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Confidence intervals with scipy

I have an array of shape (n, timesteps), where n is the number of trials and timesteps is the length of each trial. Each value of this array denotes a stochastic measurement. I would like to implement ...
Simon's user avatar
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Issue with MIcombine when using svyciprop for estimating CIs. Multiple Imputation and Complex Survey

I am working with multiply imputed complex survey data and trying to estimate CIs for a proportion using the Thomas Lumley's survey and mitools package, in particular svyciprop() function with beta ...
uurtsaikh baatarsuren's user avatar
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Matlab resampling hypothesis test correlation - Why Do the P-Value and Confidence Interval for My Correlation Test Give Different Results?

I want to test wether there is a correlation between the (average) exam and deliverable marks obtained by each student, so I tried to do it using resampling testing. %% % Hypotheses: % H0​: There is ...
Anna's user avatar
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In tbl_regression, is the p-value a Wald p-value but the CI is profile-likehood?

So I'm running a multiple logistic regression model. I originally calculated p-values using the summary function and confidence intervals using confint.default. To put everything into a neat little ...
flailing-in-r's user avatar
-1 votes
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Polychoric Correlation and CI

I am trying to calculate some polychoric correlations (reproducible code here) library(polycor) Var1 <- (c(1,2,3,1,2,2,3,2,2,1,2)) Var2 <- (c(2,2,3,1,2,1,3,2,2,1,2)) df <-
JuanJMV's user avatar
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ARIMA time series: different results between SAS and Python

I am trying to translate a time series analysis program from SAS to Python. In SAS, I am using a proc arima as shown below: %let dummy_regr = gen_1 gen_2 feb marz apr mag giu ago set ott nov dic_1 ...
giorgio_b's user avatar
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How can I change the confidence interval of a forest plot? the at-function isn't working

I have tried everything: Different functions and changed the way I type in the confidence interval (CI) that I want. I need a CI for correlations that ranges from -1 to 1 by 0.5 steps. my R-code: data ...
v_eicher's user avatar
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Bootstrapping Two Medians with "boot" function in R

I am trying to implement the Bootstrapping Two Medians procedure either in R or in Matlab, by following the procedure described in that article: Bootstrap each sample separately, creating the ...
BostonPlummer's user avatar
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argos-translate score not understood

argos-translate takes for translation: a text and a language ID as an input and returns the translated text and a score as output. However the score gives values seemingly from $-\infty$ to some ...
FWE's user avatar
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What is the most appropriate way to show confidence intervals in 2D? [closed]

We have two parameters for multiple samples that we want to visualize in a dotplot. In our research group, people will commonly put confidence intervals on the figure (for example, a summary of ...
Michiel Schreurs's user avatar
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Confidance Interval to percentile from VGAM

How can I add a confidence interval to each quantile with a fill color similar to the line color using the VGAM or gamlss? Thankyou for your help. I am using following code using package VGAM in R: ...
NYd's user avatar
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How can I plot a linear mixed model in R with a regression line and confidence interval that match the data?

I am trying to plot this model: m1 <- lmer(tarsus.yc ~ BMR + MMR + Msum + (1|box), data = p2). I want one plot per predictor and use the parameter estimates from the full model for the regression ...
Marion Grange's user avatar
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Addpoly function adds 95%CIs in text despite specifying 90% using the level argument

I've created a forest plot with subgroups based on an object in metafor. We are reporting 90% CI's which appear correctly next to each row of individual effect size estimates when using the ...
AKing's user avatar
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Significance of the coefficients of a multinomial mixed regression built with npmlt function

I fitted (using npmlt function) a mixte multinomial regression model which ran without errors. I expected that the outputs of the model include p-values that I didn't find. My need now is that someone ...
Romaine TCHEDJI's user avatar
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Plotting Confidence Intervals on a ggplot

I am quite new with r so bear with me please. I am plotting a daily avg temperature across a four month period. I want to be able to visualize the confidence I have across the data. I believe the best ...
Matt Schaaf's user avatar
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How to calculate the confidence intervals for a time-lagged cross correlation?

I am trying how to calculate the confidence intervals for a time-lagged cross-correlation graph. It's a bit complicated for me to understand probability concepts. I have investigated the formulas to ...
Miguel 's user avatar
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Why are R and Python giving me different confidence intervals in a logistic model?

I'm making a logistic model predicting whether individuals' health (0=good, 1=poor) is affected by whether they're exposed to secondhand smoke and a few other demographic factors. In R, the code I run ...
AIRE Study's user avatar
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how to calculate confidence score for each prediction value in CNN regression problem?

In regression let's say i am doing a prediction using CNN and if i have to answer the confidence value for each prediction what should be the way to calculate the confidence level for each value of ...
Shubham Verma's user avatar
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Values used by the predict funtion

For un linear mutivariate model as : Y ~ OM + SOCA + STIR + Uncov built on 120 observation when I compute predict(Mod,data.frame(OM=15, SOCA =10, STIR=130, Uncov =3), interval ="prediction" )...
Marie Guittonneau's user avatar
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statsmodels ETSModel get_prediction() returns error: "Object has not attribute 'index'"

Here is my code: import numpy as np from statsmodels.tsa.exponential_smoothing.ets import ETSModel vec = np.linspace(0,10, num = 50 ) ETS_model = ETSModel(vec, error="add", trend=&...
user1700890's user avatar
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How to Calculate and Plot Prediction and Confidence Intervals for Linear Regression

I need to plot prediction and confidence intervals and need to use python and only the following packages. How do I plot both intervals in the same model. I managed to plot the prediction intervals ...
user25524331's user avatar
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Bootstrapped confidence intervals for predicted data shows overlap when fixed effects do not

Note: This might be more appropriate for Cross Validated, and I'm fine moving it over there if requested, but I thought I would try here first since it could be r-related. I am comparing growth curve ...
Emily Phillips's user avatar
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Confidence level and error margin calculation via python

I wanted to calculate confidence level and error margin via python language using numpy. However, I am not sure whether formaulation is true or not. I could not apply the formula of error margin to ...
Yuşa's user avatar
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How to interpret output of mixed effects logistic regression (glmer) with one scaled fixed effect?

I am running a logistic regression to examine the effect of year on the probability that a given cell contains off highway vehicle routes (binary response of Y or N). I am including two random effects ...
madip's user avatar
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Different interval confidences on the same forest plot (R, survival)

I'm currently working on survival functions and especially on forest plots. I would like to plot the different levels of confidence intervals on the same line, with different colors or shades. To do ...
Jpaete's user avatar
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Is plot_pacf bugged, or am I misinterpreting?

Working with univariate time series, and pacf and plot_pacf look like they disagree. data = pd.DataFrame([92.525053,94.143395,94.411914 ,93.575748,91.589286,90.287014,94.079157 ,87.876495,87.574407,89....
THill3's user avatar
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Is there support for computing confidence intervals for Wilcoxon Test in Python?

Introduction/Summary of Problem I'm working on a project with an intention of computing one-sample confidence intervals about the mean for several variables of interest in my dataset. After performing ...
JCam989's user avatar
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Metaprop not producing confidence intervals for I2

I have run two meta-analyses on proportions using metaprop in meta package in R. The model was exactly the same (obviously with different data read in). m1 <-metaprop(event=n, n=n_total, studlab=...
branwen85's user avatar
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Adding Confidence Interval in Mixed Model in R

I am looking to have confidence intervals plotted in baseR/ggplot. My mixed model code is: model<- lmer(sla~ari + (1|pid), data = IESMS ) (where I am trying to visualize if aridity index (ari) has ...
user24478311's user avatar
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Set custom confidence level in svymean when using svyby in r survey package

I am running code to find weighted means by group with confidence intervals for multiple variables in my dataset. My code looks like the following, demoed using mtcars package: library(survey) ...
flâneur's user avatar
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How to bootstrap indirect relationships within a multilevel sem model?

I would like to bootstrap a multilevel sem model including indirect relationships, however when I include the bootstrap argument I get the following error: FactorA <- sem(model1, data = ...
Astrid Lacroix's user avatar
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Bootstrapped confidence intervals for non-linear mixed effects model

I'm trying to get bootstrapped confidence intervals for parameter estimates of a non-linear (Gompertz) mixed effects model built in the lme4 package with function nlmer(). I need to be able to graph ...
ef2's user avatar
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ECharts confidence bands in legend as one item

I counstructed ECharts confidence bands around the main series, similar to example. However, in the example there is no legend. I use legend and I want to show main data as one legend item and ...
Lovor's user avatar
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Confidence intervals on predictions using predictor variables for a non-linear mixed effects model (nlme)

I am trying to produce 95% confidence intervals for a non-linear mixed effects model using the bootstrap method described by @BenBolker here. I may be misunderstanding some of the functions used. My ...
Emily Phillips's user avatar
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How Can I Get Bootstrapped BCa Confidence Intervals for Spearman's Correlation Matrix in R?

Good evening R experts, I am generating a Spearman's correlation matrix in R using all variables under study for my current project. To be consistent with the other analyses I am conducting, I would ...
Linda Jasmine Hoffman's user avatar
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Confidence Interval for Some (But Not All) Interaction Terms in a Polynomial Interacted with a Binary Treatment

I am looking for help estimating the effect of a third order polynomial term -- over and above the linear term at different values of the independent variable x. While I can estimate the point ...
Ryan Baxter-King's user avatar
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Bootstrap for a variable after group by (getting confidence intervals for each group)

I want to perform the bootstrap function boot() to get the confidence intervals of the variable 'R_CO_GC' after grouping by the column 'BARRIER_POS' which has 3 values (after the filter). First I ...
Heidel Moronta's user avatar
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How to change the confidence interval for marginal effects at levels of a moderator variable in R

I'm trying to estimate the marginal effects of a treatment variable at different level of a moderator variable in an interactive linear model. The "margins" package says you can change the ...
dhaim's user avatar
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Add confidence intervals to a plot

I've coded a martingale function, like this: martingala <- function(bolsa, apuesta, limite, prob) { dinero <- bolsa betsize <- apuesta while(dinero >= betsize & betsize <= ...
BehSci's user avatar
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Error band using plt.fill_between is giving two areas instead of one

I am trying to process some data for cyclic compression testing and I have a pre-test and reload curve for three different test groups. I am using plt.fill_between to generate an error band, which has ...
Urvi Mayor's user avatar
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Calculating confidence intervals using the expss package

I'm using expss tables to calculate means values. I can't find a function to report confidence intervals around the means. I know r has several packages that can calculate and report confidence ...
Mike's user avatar
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Confidence Interval for a Chi-Square & T-Student in R

So I have this code in R ... Tabla2 <- tbl_svysummary(data = Beta18.1Pond, by = CTBC, missing = "no", digits = list(all_continuous() ~ c(2,2)), ...
RE2000's user avatar
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Plotting confidence or prediction intervals on point plots ggplot2

I want to plot prediction interval of some data I have that come from a certain distribution where I have calculated the 95% prediction interval. So let's say I have this code require(ggplot2) require(...
arezaie's user avatar
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Negative confidence interval for geom_smooth() in ggplot

I have an experiment where participants complete a questionnaire (each participant has a sumpdi score for this) and an experiment with two types of (within-participant) condition (0 and 25). I want to ...
SilvaC's user avatar
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Problem: pooling confidence intervals when calculating SIRs?

I try to pool my confidence intervals for SIRs after using imputed datasets. A reprex with a simple example is below. The fraction of missing in my dataset was 10% and I made 10 multiple imputed ...
Rudolph's user avatar
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Problem: confidence intervals for excess absolute risk (EAR)

Can anyone help me to get confidence intervals for excess absolute risk (EAR) with the following function in R? library(popEpi) data(popmort) data(sire) c <- lexpand( sire, status = status, birth = ...
Rudolph's user avatar

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