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How to add missing Python module to Gimp Flatpak?

I am running the official Gimp 2.10.38 flatpak. I want to run a Python plugin ( which requires the rembg module. I can get to the plugin, but how do I install the rembg plugin in the ...
G. Taylor's user avatar
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Python Gimp plugin failing to register - gimp_wire_read() error

I'm attempting to write a Python plugin for Gimp (2.10.38). Right now, it is absolutely barebones to just register the function and run main, but it is failing to register and show up in the program. #...
user2649681's user avatar
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Resize and convert a SVG image using a gimp script

I'm using gimp 2.10 on a Debian 12 system. I need to use gimp because, after some manuals tests using gimp graphical interface, I noticed the quality of resized/converted images is better than with ...
Bertrand125's user avatar
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Changing a color in an image via the command line / colorizing the image

I have a set of images that need a color dynamically applied to them to "colorize" them. The image itself is the "white" representation and certain colors need to be applied ...
Max's user avatar
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How do I find/get coordinates of all the nodes of a selected path in GIMP at once?

I wanted to use the map feature of HTML for giving a map of my country in my website. For tht i need coordinates of all states in the image of my country(India) tht i am adding. Since states are non-...
163 FY B Sci Manas's user avatar
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How to discard text information in python2 script in GIMP 2.10

In GIMP 2.10 we can discard text-information via the layer's context-menu. Is there a function to use this in python scripts?
Hanna's user avatar
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How to apply Gimp3 layer mask with Gegl 0.4? (or: How to use gegl:opacity?)

Problem Use Gegl to apply a layermask in Gimp2.99 Gimp project structure desired result UPDATE This is an aproximation towards the result I would like to get, but the problem is not solved, yet. I ...
thomsound's user avatar
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How to create GObject.ParamSpecString in python? The object returned by GObject.param_spec_string() is rejected as a gobject.GParamSpec

I need to pass a GObject.ParamSpecString to a function in a 3rd party API (Gimp 3.0). The docs on say that ...
Charlweed's user avatar
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How do Batch export with Gimp Script-fu? (win11)

I was making some textures for minecraft (1.8.9) and I wanted to export them. I don't want to export one by one (it's 113 images or so) and I can't seem to find the script-fu code to make it work. It'...
Harald's World's user avatar
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Why doesn't this python plugin show up in my filters menu?

I'm trying to code a Python Fu plugin for GIMP, but it doesn't appear in my menus. Is there a mistake in my code? How can I fix this? Thank you a lot for reading me! #!/usr/bin/env python from gimpfu ...
Noah Bogue's user avatar
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How to read float32 .tiff images with GIMP?

I created a float32 .tiff image that represents the magnitude spectrum from an fft. The image is grayscale. The problem is I dont know how to view the image in GIMP as it displays a pure white image. ...
Cristian Cutite's user avatar
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Is there any equivalent to noise reduction in Gimp Python-fu?

I am working to develop a Gimp plug-in to convert images to comics/manga using Python-Fu. The code is working quite well at the moment (I know AI can do the same but coding its own plug-in is free isn'...
Michaël Cretignier's user avatar
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Colors washed out in cam preview but vibrant in Google Photo, Gimp, Lightroom mobile

My phone (OPPO Reno2) takes photos in "Display P3" color profile (that is, if I open the image in gimp, it asks me if I want to convert it to srgb). When I edit the image with google photo, ...
AndrzejO's user avatar
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Replay image transformation

I regularly need to merge 3 or more images into one, where one image is the base and the other images are added as overlays and are transformed to fit the base image using the cage transform tool in ...
waquner's user avatar
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Problems getting alpha blending working correctly using GIMP and Pygame [duplicate]

Using this question as a reference, I am trying to display an image where one of the colors in the image is meant to be the alpha channel: PyGame: Applying transparency to an image with alpha? My ...
Christopher Theriault's user avatar
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What is GIMP's algorithm for generating an optimum palette for indexed images?

GIMP can convert images from RGB mode to Indexed mode through the "Convert Image to Indexed Colors" dialog (Image > Mode > Indexed...). In that dialog, there is an option to generate ...
Flux's user avatar
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Imagemagick results of +transparent (remove all colors but one) produces color residues

I have images generated. It's pixel-perfect images (no interpolation, 1 pixel=1color, 5 colors only, etc.) I want to separate each color in different files, so I use ImageMagick CLI commands to obtain ...
sh_k_'s user avatar
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Python 3: How do I assert that the value of a gobject.GParamSpec is of a particular type?

I'm writing GIMP 2.99 python plugins. All of the arguments in a Gimp Procedure are held as an array of GParamSpec instances. I want to assert that each argument value is the type I expect. My problem ...
Charlweed's user avatar
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Gimp Preferences/Folders shows no script folder

Gimp 2.10.36 on Windows 11. Edit/Preferences/Folders shows only a Swap folder and a Temp folder, no Scripts or Plug-ins folder. I don't know where to put my .py script. I expected to find more ...
Suurb's user avatar
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Edge detection with GIMP/Sobel vs. OpenCV/Sobel

Using the C++ API of OpenCV version 4.9.0 on Linux Ubuntu 22.04, I am trying to automate detection of the multiple store receipts depicted in this first scanned image, copy out the resulting subimages,...
Robert Hairgrove's user avatar
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Imagemagick linear invert as in Gimp?

I'd like to LINEAR invert image in Imagemagick with the same output as in Gimp. Original image: Original image Gimp invert: Gimp invert Gimp LINEAR invert: Gimp LINEAR invert Imagemagick "negate&...
stalker's user avatar
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How to change the 'color temperature' in script-fu/scheme?

devs I'm working over a C# project and I execute gimp-console.exe to execute scripts and I put some paths (the input and the output image) as parameters to process some functions to this images. ...
Nauhl Valdez's user avatar
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"graphicsmagick identify" results in error "Backing store not supported " for a lot of jpegs, how to fix?

I'm using a tool to generate a photo album from my photo collection. This tool uses GraphicsMagick under the hood to generate thumbnails of the photos. Unfortunately , GraphicsMagick gives an error on ...
Wouter van Koppen's user avatar
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GIMP newly adder RGBA layer in Python-Fu, trouble getting new layer added behind source image to be transparent

I have several images that I'm trying to use GIMP Python-Fu to process. What I am trying to do is: open a *.png with transparency create a new layer that is transparent and inject it below the ...
Erik Frantz's user avatar
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Gimp Scheme Script. How can I keep the same file name when exporting the images from Gimp

I want to keep the same file names when the script is exporting each file. Tried many things but nothing worked. When it is exporting the end file name is image00001. I want it to be the same as it is ...
Liam Brun's user avatar
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How to change background color to white in GIMP?

When I build model rockets, I always take a photo scan of the decals with my Canon multi-function printer/scanner. The decals usually have a light blue background. If I want to make a copy of those ...
Stephen Alter's user avatar
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GIMP - Get a point within selection from python script

My script runs on a fuzzy selected area. I need to get the color value of the selected area from within python-fu script. This could be the average value of the selection area or, better, the color ...
Loma Harshana's user avatar
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Unity Sprite Colors Wrong, But Compression Is None, And Filter Mode Is Point

Problem I know that Unity sprites have compression and filtering applied. I have already disabled this on the images. See below. I have edited these in Gimp and when I export and import them into ...
GenericDeveloper's user avatar
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PPM image file not opening in GIMP

Tried to write a simple PPM image file in C++, here is the code: #include <iostream> const int image_height = 256, image_width = 256; int main() { std::cout << "P3\n" << ...
mathInferno's user avatar
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GIMP does not unload closed image from memory

GIMP exported an image that was closed and not show in GIMP I need a little bit of help! I have found that GIMP does not always remove closed images from its working memory even if they are not shown. ...
Bjarne's user avatar
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Algorithm of HDR viewer of GIMP, Photoshop or anything similiar

I am in search of an algorithm capable of displaying an HDR image on an 8-bit screen. Essentially, I require an algorithm that converts HDR to LDR. Specifically, I am aiming to achieve results ...
Tiberius's user avatar
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Is there a way to change the active tool assigned to a device using Script-Fu?

I want to create a toggle key to switch between two frequently used tools. I thought I could switch the active tool using "gimp-context-set-paint-method," but it seems that this only changes ...
tanaka's user avatar
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How to properly use file_raw_save via Python (GIMP PDB Procedure)

While writing a GIMP 2.0 plugin via Python and gimpfu, I've run into pdb procedures such as file_raw_save(...). There arguments are laid out in the GIMP Procedure Browser (Help->Procedure Browser). ...
Michael Buerger's user avatar
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GIMP script-fu to ImageMagic conversion

I have written the following GIMP script-fu function to remove lens distortion from an image using the lens-distortion-plugin. I execute this script through a command line function from my main python ...
DhiwaTdG's user avatar
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How to use brush jitter in a GIMP Python script

In the brush options in the GIMP UI there is "jitter". How can I use that in a GIMP python script?. I can't find the equivalent context setting in the procedure browser. Would I have to ...
Hanna's user avatar
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Python-fu: How to batch process color-to-alpha and opacity threshold

I'm trying to batch process images in GIMP 2.10 using a Python-Fu script. The script should apply the following transformations to each image in a folder: color to alpha with RGB value (246, 246, 246)...
Neodoris's user avatar
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GIMP: Permission Denied error when saving with file_png_save2, but not when saving through File->Export

I'm trying to write a script to automate some things for a project I'm working on, and one of the steps is saving a file as a png. I'm using file_png_save2. When running the script, it errors out with ...
Leonide's user avatar
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Problem saving WebP with Gimp Python script

I have this script to automate resizing and saving into WebP format, but I have something set wrong: !/usr/bin/env python from gimpfu import * def automate_edit(image, drawable, new_width, new_height)...
Seehank's user avatar
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So weir in script-fu, cadr function not work

> (cadr '(1 2 3)) Error: eval: unbound variable: cadr I think who are familiar with script-fu should think as i am, this is so weir. Just few day ago, i ran some thing like "cadr" or even ...
user avatar
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add text with black color to gimp image

When I try to add a text to image with GIMP, the color of text not clear! How can I insert text with full black color?
lucky1928's user avatar
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How generate scriptfu scheme code in GIMP?

Gimp has script-fu for scripting code in Scheme. But i don't know does ít has the reverse function? It mean, when i draw or do something, can it generate scheme code or any language parallel with that ...
user avatar
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GIMP 2.10 Lost Tool box

Somehow, through a series of mysterious keystrokes, the toolbox has disappeared from the side columns of Gimp. I have like on google and none of the answers seem to help. Is there a way to look at ...
caflatlander's user avatar
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Attempting to script the addition of a small logo on top of a QR code using GIMP and Script-Fu. Second image doesn't show

I'm looking to automate the addition of a small PNG at the centre of a much larger PNG using GIMP (2.8) and its Script-Fu language. The first image provided in the procedure call always shows, but the ...
Isaac 's user avatar
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Create white background with gimpfu

I want to create a white background in my gimpfu plugin. I found the option to fill a drawable by using pdb.gimp_drawable_fill(drawable, 2) but there I have to select a drawable and the drawable fills ...
Joko's user avatar
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Remembering user inputted settings between GIMP sessions

I'm very new to python and even newer to creating plug-ins for gimp so I've been having issues with trying to save specific values between sessions. More specifically I want to save two folder ...
spaghetti's user avatar
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Ways to reduce image size for wordpress without reducing quality

I am building a WordPress website, and the website runs perfectly, but the images don't load. I've reduced the image sizes from megabytes to kilobytes, but the images still do not load. I used GIMP ...
myt's user avatar
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Gimp gimp_image_convert_color_profile_from_file does not work

I'm trying to automate some task with gimp but it seems so that the color profile converting does not work. pdb.gimp_image_convert_color_profile_from_file(image, r"d:\Todelete\Input\eciRGB v2.icc&...
randomname's user avatar
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Change gradient color for part of the picture to the other gradient

I have part of the picture that was drawn primarily using a certain linear gradient starting with white and ending with certain color, simplest example - think of a yellow ball on the black surface ...
J. A.'s user avatar
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Is there a way to make text italic with Python-Fu for GIMP?

My script changes text in a text layer, but doing that changes the text from italic to normal text. Is there a way to not make it change; or to change it back afterwards? I looked in the command ...
chappe67's user avatar
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Achieving an effect similar to GIMP's "Supernova" on HTML canvas?

I know the HTML canvas can achieve some pretty nice effects when using different composition modes, but I can't figure out how to achieve an effect similar to GIMP's Supernova: I'm not sure whether ...
Jez's user avatar
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