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Bounding box of a TikZ picture

The question is very simple: I have TikZ pictures inside a LaTeX document and I need to determine the heights and widths of their bounding boxs to calculate the aspect ratios. I know how to do that ...
Eduard Tetzlaff's user avatar
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Text element has white spaces for bounding box (SVG)

How can I make the bounding box of an element as tight as possible? I’m working with SVG, and when I add a text element, the bounding box shows a lot of whitespace. The tspan element itself has a ...
AjBernababe's user avatar
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Issue with Roboflow API in iOS Swift – Bounding Box Detected, But No Text Extracted

I'm currently working on an iOS app for my senior project using Swift, and I’m integrating the Roboflow API to detect and extract grocery items from receipt images. The API correctly returns bounding ...
Maryam Waleed's user avatar
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XBIm - boundingbox wrong dimensions with circular buildingelementproxy

I am trying to get the dimensions of the buildingelementproxy in with rectangular form the dimensions are correct but when i have a circular object the values are off by approx. 10mm..... ...
Roy TImmers's user avatar
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Issues with extracting images using bounding polygons from PDF with PyMuPDF

I'm working on a project where I need to extract specific images from a PDF using bounding polygons provided by Azure's Form Recognizer as JSON format. I'm using PyMuPDF (Fitz) to handle the PDF ...
Mali's user avatar
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How to fit rectangles over a point cloud distributed in a plane?

We have a point cloud which has points which lie in the same plane. They are distributed similar to the red dots in the image below, we want to fit rectangles denoted by the yellow boxes. These ...
INNA's user avatar
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Get bounding boxes of libraries using overpass turbo

I am trying to get the bounding boxes for each building libraries are in. However, my query is very unreliable. Here is my query used in overpass turbo: [out:json][timeout:1000]; area[name="...
Elias Knudsen's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Find the largest rectangular bounding box containing only ones in a 2d mask NumPy array

I have a 2d mask where I'd like to find the largest rectangular bounding box containing only ones. Is there a more efficient way than determining all possibilities for bounding boxes and then ...
finefoot's user avatar
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PDFBox get bounding box of text results in incorrect size

I want to use PDFBox to get the texts from the pdf with their bounding boxes. I've managed to get together a code from here that does almost this, but as you can see the bounding boxes I get (drawn ...
Patrick Visi's user avatar
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How to get bounding box labels and it's format in Yolo 3D

I have had implemented Yolo 3D model in my workspace, and it is working fine. I am getting an image as an output. So I would like to know where I can get the labels for my 3D bounding boxes. And I ...
Plutus's user avatar
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Calculating a list of voxels within multiple overlapping Axis-Aligned-Bounding-Boxes, without looping over the same space

I have a method that returns a list of voxel coordinates within an AABB. Let's say a voxel is 1x1x1 cm, and a bounding box is 2x2x2, then it will return 8 voxels by looping over the dimensions of the ...
Melvin Brink's user avatar
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Passing data to gradio Dataframe from JavaScript

I was making my own Bounding Box editor in gradio and succeeded to make some with written JS and HTML code using canvas, but now i need to pass an information from JS where boxes are drawn and saved ...
sleshworld's user avatar
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C# how to implement treeview_getitemrect for treeview node's bounding rectangle

The goal is to move the cursor to the selected treeview item's bounding box for sending left or right mouse clicks. <- this ...
Win Thu Latt's user avatar
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How to Load an Image onto a Canvas in Gradio with Custom HTML and JavaScript?

I am willing to make a bounding box editor implementation in gradio by creating html and js by myself (where user can move bboxes, scale and draw new ones). But i can't find a way to load an image to ...
sleshworld's user avatar
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PHP Calculation of area between coordinates fails for non-square rectangles in WGS84 CRS

I have a PHP function designed to calculate the area between two coordinates using the WGS84 Coordinate Reference System (CRS). The function works correctly when the rectangle formed by the ...
Robert Blasco Villarroya's user avatar
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How can I calculate the sizes of the bounding boxes for a particular YOLOv5 class?

I have n classes that the Ultralytics YOLOv5 model is currently detecting. How can I get the average of the sizes of the bounding boxes for one particular class? I tried back calculating the bounding ...
Skywalker's user avatar
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Draw on top of see-through hole in window

So I recently found out about the concept of "see through hole" on windows. Managed to do it in PyQT5 using following code: import sys from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QRect, QPoint from PyQt5....
Nordine Lotfi's user avatar
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Should we consider GeneralizedRCNNTransform while selecting anchor sizes in Faster R-CNN

I am training a Faster R-CNN on pytorch. The size of my images are 512x512 pixels. Until now, I computed the anchor sizes based on the sizes of my bounding box annotations on the 512x512 pixel images. ...
ManuJo's user avatar
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How to move camera in matter.js world?

I am making a RTS game in matter.js, similar to starcraft. One thing I want to implement is panning around with viewports. I created the canvas and the world const canvas = document.getElementById(&...
omega's user avatar
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Give "Human Reading" order to bounding boxes (Sort Bounding Box)

I want to sort bounding boxes in a way that a human would read a document using python. Context: I have a PDF document and I am using unilm DiT (Document image Transformer) to know which parts are ...
Sebas Fernández's user avatar
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3D segmentation mask bounding box and removal of unwanted voxels

I have a 3D segmentation mask, and I want to resize it to the dimensions of the ROI and remove the unwanted voxels around it. This is my code for creating the 3D bounding box around the region but it'...
curiousha's user avatar
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Bounding box is in misplaced

I'm currently engaged in refining Faster RCNN. I annotate my images using Within these images, I focus solely on a single class. However, upon plotting the images and bounding boxes, I'...
As if's user avatar
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extracting data from an array within a bounding box defined by latitude and longitude

I have 'rh_irr’ which is an array of size 744*171*162 where 171 is latitude, 162 is longitude and 744 is time dimension. I also have arrays lat and lon both have size of 171*162 and contains ...
user27321's user avatar
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Getting a bounding box for the collective elements in an SVG file

I would like to use Python to arrive at the bounding box for the figures in an SVG file. All the previous questions I have seen on this suggest using svgpathtools; unfortunately the svg2paths() ...
Tim Kolar's user avatar
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Select polygons that are within a selected bounding box for a kontur population data

I have a data from and I would like to select the polygons that are within a bounding box. For instance I define bounding box as follows (a ...
Julian's user avatar
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MediaPipe Landmarks but for skeleton hand

I need to estimate the 3d bounding box of a 3d-printed skeletton hand, to overlay an AR 3d-model after that. How could i trick the model to recognize my skeletton hand? Is there a more simple ...
hurtingbrain12011's user avatar
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Text extraction from pdf tables - differentiating between columns & rows

I'm using 'Fitz' library to extract text from a pdf file. Bounding boxes/rectangles will be drawn around tables from which text is supposed to be extracted. The current extraction is returning the ...
Apoorva's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Error in 2D CNN Object Detection: 'Found 0 Images Belonging to 0 Classes'

I'm new to computer vision and would like to use 2D CNN for object detection. However, I'm encountering an error during training that says 'Found 0 images belonging to 0 classes.' Can someone explain ...
Meriem B's user avatar
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Print bounding box coordinates of dynamic object that detect using YOLOv5

I need to print the bounding box coordinates of a walking person in a video. Using YOLOv5 I detect the persons in the video. Each person is tracked. I need to print each person's bounding box ...
Alwis's user avatar
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Get intersections from 2 lists of bounding boxes

I have 2 lists of bounding boxes (each bounding box is defined by x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max). Let's call them arr1, and arr2. I want to find out all the intersections of bounding boxes that happen in ...
mndl_ai_1's user avatar
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YOLOv5 custom dataset object detection - Bounding box and Identification is not showing when I run my code

I'm currently learning how to do custom dataset object detection by using Yolov5. This is my current code and I am using PyCharm. It does not show any bounding box or identification when I run an mp4 ...
Kuushie118's user avatar
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raise ValueError(f"x_max is less than or equal to x_min for bbox {bbox}.")

I got this error raise ValueError(f"x_max is less than or equal to x_min for bbox {bbox}.") ValueError: x_max is less than or equal to x_min for bbox (tensor(0.3896), tensor(0.6458), tensor(...
nur92's user avatar
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Reskewing GCP Document AI Result

GCP's Document AI is pre-processing images to remove things like skew. The bounding boxes it produces correspond to the pre-processed image, not the image sent to the API. I need to reskew them so ...
user19213041's user avatar
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Extracting Lines from a Blob with Emgu CV

Processed Image: Problem: Fitting the edges of an unclosed rectangular shape Description: I need to fit lines to the inner perimeter of the larger rectangle shape shown in the image. The issue I am ...
CollC's user avatar
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mouse click on sprite image rather than on its bounding box

In all the examples of games, which I examined, written in C++/C# using SFML, .NET Framework, WPF, Python and HTML5 a sprite reacts on mouseClick made within the sprite's bounding box. Is there a ...
Andre186's user avatar
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How to get the closest bottom left point in OrientedBoundingBox

I'm trying to get the pose (translation, rotation) of the (closest to origin on x then z) left point (furthest on y from origin) in OrientedBoundingBox, my problem is the bounding box in different ...
bhomaidan90's user avatar
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Problems with rounding numbers, halving, and offset when detecting collisions

I will try to visually explain my problem with an example. There is some object (Fig. 1). The basis of the object is a straight line segment, which is defined by two points p0 and p1. A frame is ...
Alex NJ's user avatar
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How to rotate oriented bounding box in Open3D

i'm trying to crop a PointCloud using an OrientedBoundingBox with the Open3D built-in method, the pcl is not orthogonal with the axis and I need to get a bounding parallel to the pcl, I tried to set ...
caesar753's user avatar
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How can I extract a bounding box around a picture of a slide in Python using cv2?

I have an image of a slide taken on a RaspberryPi, and I eventually want to be able to extract the slide number, which will always be in the bottom-right corner. I know that I can just use Tesseract ...
marssarso's user avatar
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Is it possible to disable the bounding box in yolov8 after crop?

I want to make a crop of an object found by YOLOV8. I already have a trained model which detects the object and cuts it out but the bounding box always remains in the cutout. I don't know if it is ...
Jesús Enrique García Garnica's user avatar
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smoothing or deleting white background in an image with python-opencv

i'm pretty new to OpenCV and i have to do some work for it for uni. My issue is to make the Background perfectly white (who is already white but has some stains). for this i used this code: This is ...
Mohamed Lamine Duchme Minani's user avatar
-2 votes
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`[0, 267, 270, 468]` describes a bbox, how do I get it from `[266.67, 0.0, 201.69, 269.58]`?

i got a set of modified annotations for a bunch of coco images. for example, [0, 267, 270, 468] and [254, 250, 458, 454] are 2 pieces from the set, describing two bboxes for the following image. (...
JJJohn's user avatar
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How to separate the rectangular stamp from the image/pdf in python?

I have a specific task where I need to extract stamps from both PDF and image files. However, the challenge is that the stamps are not consistently located in the same region in every file. The stamp'...
Bhakti's user avatar
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What kind of default image preprocessing is applied in Yolov8 model?

I am currently working with Ultralytics Yolov8 model for object detection. I trained my model with a custom dataset. I annotated my dataset on Roboflow and exported in Yolov8 format. The training ...
gülsemin's user avatar
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Crop a polygon to a bounding box without losing box edge

I am trying to crop polygons to a box The function I got so far is: import numpy as np def crop_polygon(x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax): # Create a mask to identify points inside the bounding box ...
Terranigmus's user avatar
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java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/mapsforge/core/model/BoundingBox - OSMOSIS

When trying to convert the OpenStreetMap file (.osm) to a Linker Address Map (.map) file I got this error. what's the solution would be? here is the log: C:\Users\ajual\Desktop\osmosis-0.40.1\bin>...
John's user avatar
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Matching predictions to groundtruths for multiple object detection

What is the best way to match pred_bbox to gt_bbox in a multiple object detection problem? right now, I'm matching based on the maximum score (confidence score) and filtering out matches with IoU < ...
Noy Rahmani's user avatar
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Solidworks macro, calculation of a bounding box

Here is my my macro, Solidworks tells me that it cannot calculate because of a type incompatibility for the calculation of XDim YDim and ZDim. The goal of my macro is to collect parameters from the ...
Manumaker's user avatar
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Unity: Relocating objects via bounding box

I need to move one object to another based on their bounding boxes. I am trying to "set" an object down on top of another, so that the bottom of its bounding box is perfectly on the top of ...
Vitta's user avatar
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Get Bounding Box details from YOLOv8 inference

I am running a YOLOv8x model which has been trained on custom data. I want to get the inference results in a way which looks similar to this. The below snippet is an output from running an inference ...
Shonith's user avatar

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