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PyTorch issue when trying to load the YOLOv5 model

I am using OpenCV and the YOLOv5 model as part of a larger project and wrote some basic code: import torch import cv2 device = torch.device("cpu") model = torch.hub.load("ultralytics/...
Diyaan Zinjuwadia's user avatar
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adding attention mechanism to yolo algorithm

i'm trying to add Cbam attention mechanism to yolo architecture this is my Cbam implementation added to class ChannelAttention(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_planes, ratio=16): ...
Sam Max's user avatar
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Converting pt to tflite in Python

I am currently using Python 3.12.6, but I have noticed that there are limited TensorFlow package versions available for this newer version. I would like to know which packages and versions are ...
abc777's user avatar
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Custom dataset with YOLOv5

I'm new to YOLOv5 and V8, I'm already having issues with Yolov5 and I wanted to train with v8 just to compare. I had different sets of toilets (4 classes, already annotated via Roboflow) that I merged ...
Stephanie Omwanda's user avatar
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Ultralytics YOLO Error: Incompatibility with PyTorch and CUDA Versions

I'm encountering a persistent issue while running YOLOv5 using Ultralytics with the following basic code: import torch # Model model = torch.hub.load('ultralytics/yolov5', 'yolov5s', pretrained=True)...
VishIsHere26's user avatar
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How can I convert YOLOv5 to tflite MICRO using 8-Bit Quantization?

I successfully converted YOLOv5 Nano to tflite using a representative set of images (Ultralytics export also does that). I can see the scale and zero point for the input and it is fine. I can also ask ...
PolarBear2015's user avatar
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yolov5 trained my data set on my laptop how I send it to my Raspberry Pi

I got yolov5 and trained my data set on my laptop now I want to send it to my Raspberry Pi 4b module for work. how I do it direct copy to raspberry pi but not working (myenv) h@raspberrypi:~/project/...
Hashan Senarathna's user avatar
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Slow Camera with YoloV5

I’m working with a Jetson Orin Nano and a Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2, aiming to run YOLOv5 for real-time image processing. I’ve tried using the following code, but the camera feed is extremely slow ...
Onur's user avatar
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YOLOv5 Class Imbalance and Overfitting Issues

I’m working on a seat belt and mobile phone detection system using YOLOv5s to detect the windshield, driver, passenger, seat belt, and mobile phone. My dataset has a class imbalance issue since not ...
Wrrrrr's user avatar
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How can I screen capture under a blur overlay?

When using PyQt5 and YOLOv5 to detect humans and blur them with an overlay, a flickering issue arises. This happens because the screen capture picks up the overlay itself. The script then mistakenly ...
iddwsdgh's user avatar
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Tesseract OCR fails to correctly recognize text in vehicle license plates

Question: I am working on a project to detect and recognize vehicle license plates using YOLOv5, OpenCV, and Tesseract OCR. My script successfully detects the vehicle and isolates the license plate ...
Zzh's user avatar
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Ultralytics YOLOv8 training failed for expected a non-empty list of Tensors

I am using Ultralytics for YOLOv8. I am getting this error while training the model: RuntimeError: expected a non-empty list of Tensors The images are already converted to 500x500, ...
Sam2021's user avatar
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Object Counting Across Frames in YOLOv5 Video Detection

I'm working on an object detection project using YOLOv5 in Python, where I need to detect and count bicycles and motorcycles in a video as they cross a vertical line in the middle of the frame. ...
Jiří Komínek's user avatar
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runs\train\exp10 is not a directory

I am trying to train a YoloV5 model with my custom data on my own computer, but I keep getting this error: train:, cfg=models/yolov5s.yaml, data=data.yaml, hyp=data\hyps\hyp.scratch-...
Poguinho's user avatar
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yolo5 Unity3D BarraCUDA

Is there documentation for what yolo-v5's output is? We (or I) are trying to use YOLOv5 (for now) to detect faces in real time from an HDMI input. Cartoon faces, video game faces, natural faces - all ...
pal's user avatar
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How do I work with the result of model.predict in yolov8 with a webcam?

I have my webcam set up to be the input for my model.predict() function and want to trigger some code if the function detects a certain object. The model.predict() function does not seem to ever ...
Alonso Martinez's user avatar
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onnxruntime::qnn::QnnModel::ParseGraphInputOrOutput Dynamic shape is not supported yet, for output: /model.12/Concat_output_0_QuantizeLinear_Output

I am trying to run yolov5 onnx model in Qualcomm NPU using OnnxRuntime QNN execution provider. I am getting this error while intializing the sesssion. ort.InferenceSession() ParseGraphInputOrOutput ...
Vignesh Chat's user avatar
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I need a way to upload a newly generated image in a the FLET app

Goal: be able to upload an image in the flet app, show the image in-app along with the predictions, and then show the annotated image with bounding boxes based on the prediction. I've trained the ...
Charles Dominic Montesines's user avatar
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Mouse Movement and Clicks Not Working Correctly in Game Using YOLOv5 and PyWin32

I am working on an AI project to detect and shoot objects in the game Aimlabs using a YOLOv5 model. The code works fine when the game is paused, but it does not move the mouse accurately when the game ...
Scxve Ve's user avatar
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Error loading .jpg images in tkinter window using tk.PhotoImage

Question: I am working on a tkinter application where I need to display images in the GUI. While loading .png images works perfectly fine, I am encountering difficulties when attempting to load .jpg ...
Ahmed Alsayadi's user avatar
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How to get bounding box labels and it's format in Yolo 3D

I have had implemented Yolo 3D model in my workspace, and it is working fine. I am getting an image as an output. So I would like to know where I can get the labels for my 3D bounding boxes. And I ...
Plutus's user avatar
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Run Yolov5 model in Max engine using Mojo

Issues in loading and compiling the yolov5s.torchscript model in MAX Engine using Mojo. Referred the documents at and
Krisha Kapadia's user avatar
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COMET ERROR: Unable to verify Comet API key at this time

#@title Select YOLOv5 🚀 logger {run: 'auto'} logger = 'Comet' #@param \['Comet', 'ClearML', 'TensorBoard'\] if logger == 'Comet': %pip install -q comet_ml import comet_ml; comet_ml.init() elif ...
SeagameMJ hormsamang's user avatar
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Yolov5 trained with bdd100k: AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'label_smoothing'

I am trying to create model with yolov5, based on bdd100k dataset, images cached, last success i got is: "AutoAnchor: 4.96 anchors/target, 1.000 Best Possible Recall (BPR). Current anchors are a ...
Stray's user avatar
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How do I the fix "Cache may be out of date" error?

I created a training model successfully with YOLOv5s as a pretrained model and ten images as a dataset. But I got into trouble when I went to make a second model with another ten images. My first and ...
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YOLOv5 ptl model inference results out of bounds of classes array

I have a yolov5 model that I converted into ptl using the code below import torch from torch.utils.mobile_optimizer import optimize_for_mobile torchscript_model = "best.torchscript" ...
Undefined's user avatar
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Offsets and label creation for object detection training/inference

I am new to object detection. I know that in object detection anchors are used for detecting objects in the feature map using offsets instead of predicting actual location of the object w.r.t input ...
Bhargav Sonu's user avatar
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No bounding boxes generated for a trained YOLO NAS model using Pytorch

I have trained a YOLO NAS-s format model for image detection in a retail store using pytorch. I trained my model for approx ~8000 images, 20 epochs as per below training code. Due to memory issues my ...
Prernq's user avatar
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Get_problem while cloning yolov5

ERROR: Cannot uninstall 'TBB'. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall. get the error each ...
Ashutosh Kumar's user avatar
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yolo training with low precision and low map

I am using YOLOv5 to train a model to recognize cards in a card game. I started with the pre-trained model and my dataset consists of 138 images. However, the accuracy and mAP are very low ...
saltdream's user avatar
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How can I calculate the sizes of the bounding boxes for a particular YOLOv5 class?

I have n classes that the Ultralytics YOLOv5 model is currently detecting. How can I get the average of the sizes of the bounding boxes for one particular class? I tried back calculating the bounding ...
Skywalker's user avatar
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Why is the YOLOv5 model performing differently in and

I trained the Ultralytics YOLOv5 model,, on my custom dataset. Interestingly, when I run this trained model through the file, the results I get do not ...
Skywalker's user avatar
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ModuleNotFound Error in Yolov5 using custom weights

I'm currently learning object detection using a custom trained module in YoloV5. I trained the dataset locally and that operation ran just fine but when i tried to implement the custom weights it gave ...
JayBTProgramming's user avatar
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Image processing with YOLOv5

I'm working on an image processing project. I was working with the YOLO model, but the error I got was that the libraries in the requirements.txt file in YOLOv5 are conflicting with each other. Even ...
Fatma Dikmen's user avatar
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How to pass arguments to fine-tuned yolov5 model?

I have some fine tuned weights, and I am trying to apply the model to an image, but I want to hide the image label and confidence interval. When I am running the model from the command line I would ...
michael montemurri's user avatar
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Yolov5 transfer learning - runs/train/exp and runs/val/exp problem

I did transfer learning with yolov5 and obtained weights and everything. The val_labels are marked with bounding box crtly but val_pred doesnt have a bounding box at all . nothing is present in ...
21PD18 - KANISHKA K's user avatar
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Yolov5 Custom Model Deployment in Raspberry Pi 3

I want to deploy my pre-trained Yolov5 Custom object detection model where my datasets had used. But I did not know how to deploy this model and test it into raspberry pi 3. I did not find any ...
Ovishek Pal's user avatar
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I am using the YOLOv5 model provided by Ultralytics in PyTorch. How can I see which images the model is struggling with?

This is the YOLOv5 implementation I am talking about and this is the file I am using to test the model. For some classes, it performing decently enough. However, for the rest of the classes, it is not ...
Skywalker's user avatar
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Correct way to tag objects with YOLOv5

I need to tag a series of images for sewing detection on fabric. I work with the YOLOv5 algorithm. The problem I have is that it is not clear to me what should be the optimal way to label these ...
cooper's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the images where the Ultralytics YOLOv5 model missed the object?

I am using the version developed by Ultralytics ( for my application. It is performing well but is, obviously, not correct everytime. Is there a way to see the ...
Skywalker's user avatar
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I need to share a list between these 2 functions that are being called in different threads

I want to use the list frame_buffer in both functions update_frame and get_stream these 2 fucntions are called in different threads but I am using a lock object so I am stumped by this please help. ...
Nizar Shehayeb's user avatar
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Object detection bounding boxes using yolov5s with onnx on

I know its been a while. I am using yolov5 with MAUI as well but in an ONNX form. I am having no trouble in getting the predictions but issue is with the bounding boxes they are way off. my model has ...
user5678's user avatar
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How to Convert 16:9 Video to 9:16 Ratio While Ensuring Speaker Presence in Frame?

I am tried so many time to figure out the problem in detecting the face and also it's not so smooth enough to like other tools out there. So basically I am using python and Yolo in this project but I ...
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yolov5 can't find images for training

!cd yolov5 && python --img 320 --batch 16 --epochs 1500 --data dataset.yml --weights --workers 2 This is for training the yolov5 model to recognize the labels awake and ...
048 Elham Bhuiyan's user avatar
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yolov5 running custom model, do I have a training problem?

I have this dataset from Roboflow and I want to train it and run it locally. I have trained it and all looks good but when I run the py script in terminal it gives me like errors. It works when I ...
iLuv's user avatar
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attributeError when loading yolov5s from torch hub

I am trying to build a driver drowsiness detection model. I wanted to load in the yolov5s ultralytics implementation using torch hub but I am getting an error. The code I wrote: model=torch.hub.load('...
aryan vats's user avatar
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yolo v5 export to torchscript: how to generate constants.pkl

i cloned yolo5 and setted up an virtenv pip install -r requirements.txt python --weights --include torchscript --img 640 --device cpu all went fine: TorchScript: export ...
Henry's user avatar
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I have question about the meanings of words coming out during training YOLOv7(WongKinYiu)

After training with YOLOv7(WongKinYiu), I realize that in the results, it has box value and I have no idea how this value is calculated. Is it some kind of IoU loss?
Jude's user avatar
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RuntimeError: PytorchStreamReader failed reading zip archive: failed finding central directory when running command to train yolov5 on custom data

the command !cd yolov5 && python --img 320 --batch 16 --epochs 5 --data dataset.yml --weights --workers 2 i get the error below when i run the command above train: weights=...
Farirai Masocha's user avatar
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YoloV5 hangs in a container

I'm stuck on a problem combining docker, python (3.11) and YOLOV5. I have reduced the problem to the the following script, which works as expected when debugging under windows 10, but hangs (output ...
ChrisUK's user avatar
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