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Creating a dynamic range in excel using a variable starting cell

I am trying to create dynamic ranges to be used for excel charts. I have the following range: =OFFSET(O7,0,0,1,COUNTA($O$5:$X$5)) cell o7 is expected to change. I have created the following formula to ...
fedone's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I use offset within a forEach loop in google apps script

I have a range consisting of a variable number of rows and 4 columns (A,B,C,D). I need to loop through each of the rows and add the number in column D to the number in column C and then clear the ...
Ezra Martin's user avatar
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How to get offset in Assembly (Intel 8086)? [duplicate]

I have a problem with Assembly code. I need to put the offset variable wordl1p into the BX register and copy the contents of the second byte (the high-order byte) of the wordl1p variable into the ...
Jack Skyblue's user avatar
-1 votes
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TextView offset when click Spannable

After 30ms I offset textview (in horizontalscrollview) to the left(like marquee) and I set clickable text in textview. But when I click the spannable text, textview auto offset again I have no idea to ...
longvnd's user avatar
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I try to model my mod file I get an error n:cs is undefined context: x[s, b, t] <= demand[s, >>> cs] <<< * z[s, b, t];

# SETS set B; # Candidate central kitchens set S; # Schools set CS; # Category School set T; # Time periods set K; ...
nisanur azizah's user avatar
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ADF pagination with offset

I have an activity copy in azure data factory to get data from a REST API, so the response content has an offset that I have to get to extract the seconde page and so on until the end This an example ...
Mustapha's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

AHKv2 Unable to offset excel value with ComObjGet - 'Error: This value of type "String" has no method named "Offset".'

AUTOHOTKEY v2.0.18 I have 2 codes. One works flawlessly and the other, which is almost exactly the same, does not. Can you identify where I'm going wrong here please? WORKING - TEST CODE TO GET IT TO ...
itz_reecey's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I set an OFFSET = 100 in nls (Nonlinear Least Squares) coupled with the SSbiexp or SSasympOFF (self-starting) functions in R?

I am using self-starting functions to estimate the best constants for my models in R software. But it does not allow me to constrain my offset (y=100, x=0) to be 100. The two component exponential ...
Ka Am's user avatar
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Determine intersection point between orthogonal line and two vectors

I'm having the following situation in my ThreeJS app: I have one observation point P and one line L. Now I want to project perform a projection from P on the vector V which represents the line L. I ...
IlikedCPlusPlus's user avatar
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Excel Offset (sample every nth row with specific values)

I'm deeply confused about using OFFSET with ROW to grab every nth row of a sheet I have a marking sheet that looks like this: And am trying to transfer those grades into a summary sheet where each ...
Alan Nielsen's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I batch Snowflake json output into separate rows based on LIMIT/OFFSET

I have a query in Snowflake that produces json output in rows. 29,000+ rows. I am using this query to create records in an MDM system. However, this ingestion process is a bit inefficient and costly. ...
Scott J's user avatar
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1 answer

wiremock in java offset 1 hour [closed]

help please. trying using in wiremock dynamic data Wiremock editing in intellij idea "expiresAt": "{{now offset='1 hour' timezone='Australia/Sydney' format='unix'}}", but got error ...
yndingo's user avatar
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Is there another way to search for empty cell and offset when only one row of data exist?

Sub Archive() ' This archives the data to master list. Range("A2").Copy Range("M1").Select If Range("M1") = "" Then ...
Skye Olsavsky's user avatar
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I'm experiencing performance issues when using OFFSET in my SQL queries [duplicate]

For instance, consider the following two queries: SELECT id, CHARACTER_LENGTH(polygon_data) FROM polygon_data LIMIT 10 OFFSET 1; SELECT id, CHARACTER_LENGTH(polygon_data) FROM polygon_data WHERE id = ...
random guy's user avatar
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Offsets in predict.glm(), given that the fitted poisson model already considered offsets - R

I want to predict a fitted poisson glm on newdata, given that it was fitted using offset=log(Exposure), but I get confused with the inclusion of the term "offset" inside of predict.glm(). I ...
Ricardo Martins's user avatar
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Excell Sum array by two conditions one of which is partial text string

I have a table with multiple sheets. In sheet1 I want to sum the values of particular cells from a range in sheet2 by two conditions. Cells that are to be summed are in different rows and columns. ...
Васил Недялков's user avatar
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Filter resetting back to most recent ad when changing page

I have an application that has a search page to search for job ads. The search page also has dynamic pagination so you switch pages when you search for ads. I recently added filtering and sorting to ...
Niccar95's user avatar
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Find a value from Range in 2 columns, with additional condition

If I use below formula in G2 =INDEX(D:D,MATCH(1,(F2>=B:B)*(F2<=C:C),0)) The output is first matching condition which is XX Impage in G3 I want to add one more condition, first match E3 in column ...
Deepak Madbhagat's user avatar
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Is there a Bokeh equivalent to Matplotlib's `useOffset` for offset in axis tick labels?

Plotting points whose y-coordinates' average value is very large but whose variance is small, the labels on the y-axis are not useful. Either one can use high precision custom format--whereupon the ...
Justin Lanfranchi's user avatar
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Kafka Consumer tool - No such element Exception

We have a kafka topic with 2 producers. I am trying to build a simple kafka tool in Java to consume and view the message from the topic. Idea is to get the offset and partition from user and to seek ...
Ash's user avatar
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cursor offset while editing code in by edge

one day I find the cursor didn't emege in the right place in my code editor in by microsoft edge, while when I use the chrome to try,the problem vanished. Because I used to use edge as my ...
Different's user avatar
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Sum of limit and offset exceeded max value of 10000

I have a python script that is using aruba networks APIs to extract a list of all of the events in a given time slot (12h at a time). with the API (Events API Link), I am not able to get all of the ...
yousef's user avatar
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Viewing multiple plots with offset dataframes

I am trying to view multiple current vs time plots stacked on top of each other, with the same x axis but viewing current plots. I got my code to this point with ChatGPT (I'm not the best at coding in ...
rydo-greenchem's user avatar
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How to infinitely loop and move image in swiftUI in intervals?

So I have an image whose width is greater than screen width. And I wanna move it across the screen in horizontal direction. Currently, I am able to animate it seamlessly but it is a continuous ...
Coder's user avatar
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Flutter: customepaint and gesture out of sync when offscreen

I am developing a node editor sort of app, in which you can add nodes and connect them with a noodle connection (like in blender and Unreal engine), I am facing a problem when a node is dragged off ...
DEGUIDER's user avatar
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LIGHTBOX ERROR - Invalid range in character class at offset 4

My forms page is unable to upload candidate information. An error appears when clicking send (Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact the administrator by another method) and when I ...
Felipe Gomes 's user avatar
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Trying to access array offset on value of type bool - PHP 8.1 - Wordpress - Mulivendorx plugin

I get this error when this code is run as a Wordpress code snippet using WP Code plugin. I'm sure it has to do with the code provided by the plugin developer being out of date, not in-line with ...
StevieK's user avatar
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How to Synchronize GroundOverlay Position with a Movable Image in Kotlin Jetpack Compose and Osmdroid During Map Rotation?

I'm working on an Android application using Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, and Osmdroid. The goal is to overlay an image onto a map, allowing users to interact with both the image and the map with specific ...
okon's user avatar
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Confluent schema registry 7.6.0 taking too long to catchup with offsets during startup

I have deployed confluent schema registry version 7.6.0 on my on-premise Kubernetes cluster,and it is pointing to _schemas topic in Kafka cluster hosted to Confluent cloud on GCP. The_schemas topic is ...
user3830120's user avatar
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How do you find how much a simple concave polygon can be deflated/offset before it self intersects?

For reference, I've implemented this algorithm for inflating/deflating polygons: However, for joining edges, instead of using rounded corners, ...
7z99's user avatar
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How to read message directly from kafka offset and write into text file using nodjs

I want to update the textfile. First, I want it to read the message directly from Offest rather than the received message. After reading the message, it should be updated in the text file. I'd like to ...
user23247200's user avatar
3 votes
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Coordinates of text label after applying pos and offset parameters

Suppose I have the following plot: plot(x=1, y=1, xlim=c(0,2), ylim=c(0,2)) text(x=1, y=1, lab="X", pos=3, offset=2) How do I find the coordinates of the text label (lab="X") as ...
user3624032's user avatar
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Return LAST CELL POSITION based on TWO criteria

I'm having trouble returning the LAST CELL POSITION based on two criterias: cell = "R" wherever position #1 (above) is found, if this position +3 columns = F2 I found a formula that helped ...
Chulho Chang's user avatar
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Adding more (3rd) criteria to COUNTIFS

i'm creating a log to record replaced ropes at a climbing gym, with various "averages" output for overview. i'd like to add an option to filter these "averages" by rope type, ...
Chulho Chang's user avatar
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Is there any order of precedence in window functions of SQL?

I have a table as follows: I just want the previous entry for every row from the column 'marks'. Table structure: test_id marks 100 55 101 55 102 60 103 58 ...
Devarapalli Vamsi's user avatar
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Spark streaming + kafka integration, read data from kafka for every 15 minutes and store last read offset using PySpark

Using PySpark, implemented spark streaming + kafka integration. Every run it gives offset from 0. Need to solve 2 issues: Reading stream for last 15 mins Read from last committed offset for each ...
Kavya shree's user avatar
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Toggle class of fixed header when hovering specific divs in Javascript

I'm building a site with a fixed header positioned at the top of the window. I'm trying to toggle a class to switch the color of the header when scrolling hover specific divs with the class .is-dark ...
Mathieu Préaud's user avatar
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Trying to convert Offset type to LatLng for GoogleMap in Flutter

I have points drawn on the screen, their position is based on Offset and I'm trying to convert this Offset to responding LatLng on googleMap. Do you have idea if it is event possible to do? I need ...
Dewek's user avatar
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Excel: how to calculate average and median for data from each quartile, where data should match specific criteria

Question seems simple but I can not get working formula, already desperate. I have to calculate gender pay gap. And for it need following: Imagine column B =gender of employees (male/female), colum C -...
jenc's user avatar
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Regularization model in R

I've built a glmnet model with following parameters: model_1 <- cv.glmnet( X_factors %>% as.matrix(), data_for_modeling$salary %>% log(), family = "gaussian", alpha = 0, ...
Dmitrii Asoskov's user avatar
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Excel, How to use "OFFSET" on the result of a "MAKEARRAY"

I generate a matrix with "MAKEARRAY" and I would like to be able to recover a submatrix of this matrix. I was thinking of using "OFFSET" but apparently it only works on range or ...
Seb's user avatar
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How to get the start index of a selected text within a multiline text of a div?

Assume I have an editable div which contains these lines: How to retrieve the position of 'w' in the text ? I can't use: window.getSelection().anchorOffset; Because this gets the position in the ...
Yaakov Whise's user avatar
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How to set negative offset to a row

I am trying to set offset of -16.dp to a row which is in a column which has padding 16.dp Just to demonstrate, I have a column which has 16.dp padding start and end, I placed a Row above the column ...
BRDroid's user avatar
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Is there a way to check if the size of structs or offsets of struct members vary between gcc and clang?

I recently ran into an issue where it appeared IPC using shared memory broke between two applications. When compiled with the same compiler (gcc11 or clang14) they could communicate successfully, but ...
Chuu's user avatar
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Parent Theme Error: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

I would like to start off by thanking you for taking the time to read this. I am not familiar with coding, as I have not coded since my freshman year of college over a decade ago, so this is probably ...
Derrik Schwartz's user avatar
-3 votes
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Searching another workbook for current active text offset and returning text from 3 cells offset from found text

I have 2 workbooks. I use one workbook to track issues that I have input on the other workbook. i.e. on the current workbook, I need to search the second workbook for a value offset by -3 from the ...
Christopher's user avatar
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When cell changed, to offset copy and paste action into different cells of same row

I used this code to offset timestamp after change of cell. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("b2:b888")) Is Nothing Then On Error Resume ...
Arvy's user avatar
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Dynamic List in Excel

I'm new to Excel and I'm trying to create a table for some live reporting. I use two columns for my final calcs and essentially I'm looking for a specific value U2 (can be multiple) in the range of A2:...
Seehii Zhe's user avatar
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Excel VBA; How to use Target.Offset from a range so only the cell offset from the last cell in the range is populated?

I am using the following code to populate a cell with the current date and time when any cell in a range is modified. I want the cell in column O to populate with the date when I modify any cell from ...
user24010618's user avatar
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Update Cell Value in Filtered Sheet Via VBA

I am trying to update column value of filtered data in excel via VBA I wrote a small macro, which do filter on below table. After running macro to filter the sheet, I see below Now what I want to do ...
vikas sinha's user avatar

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