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why is my SpriteKit collision detection not working properly?

I am making a SpriteKit platformer game and I am trying to get the collision detection working. so far I have written this code to detect when the player hits a tiles physics body: func didBegin(_ ...
justAkid's user avatar
-1 votes
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function name collides with function in windows.h [duplicate]

Porting a library of my own making from Macintosh to Windows, it looks like I've bumped up against a predefined symbol in Windows: [build] In file included from C:/msys64/mingw64/include/windows.h:72, ...
Joymaker's user avatar
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Collision detection issue with entity speed in 2D Top-Down RPG Game

I’m working on a 2D Top-Down RPG and facing an issue with my collision detection. I have two classes: and The Entity class contains attributes like speed and a ...
Luca Facchini's user avatar
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Godot Mesh Create Collision shape: Mesh is empty

I have a very basic mesh imported for this example. I just resized the default blender cube to a more plane-like structure and exported it into glb and then imported it in Godot. In Godot, I created a ...
Wouter Vandenputte's user avatar
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Matter.js - Handling collisions at high object speeds in matter.js

I'm currently working on a space flight simulator using matter.js as a game engine. I'm facing a problem with the huge size of the map. If we consider that 1 metre is 10px (adjusted to the size of ...
Hackirus's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does my dragging logic in Unity not work? (only once)

I have a script attached to a GameObject with a Collider2D attached to it as well. The script should enable me to drag the GameObject while holding down the mouse and "dropping" it by simply ...
SoggyEyeball's user avatar
5 votes
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After a bounce, compute the next time of impact between an inflating ball and a line of a polygon (and where it will hit)

Imagine a scenario with a ball that is inside of a closed polygon (made up of individual lines). The polygon is not necessarily convex. The ball starts off at the centroid of the polygon with a ...
brcolow's user avatar
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How to make a collision that works with rotation?

I have a problem because - if I rotate the block collision is still a box. I want to make hit boxes rotated too but I don't know what to do. Also I don't use import in libraries. Here is my code to ...
Kashu Kutosza's user avatar
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Mapping without collisions

This is abstracting the actual problem so it makes easier to understand (hopefully). I have 1000 cards. Each card has between 1 and 6 pictures of fruit. There are 20 possible fruits. Examples: one ...
YAGBDB-B's user avatar
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Ignore collision between parent objects in order to detect collision between its child game objects

If weapon collided with the body deal damage, if weapon collided with other weapon do not deal damage. Problem is that when two weapons collide it detects it as if Player object and Goblin object ...
OgnjenGligoric's user avatar
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Stopping the shape from moving directly past a wall when checking for a collision [duplicate]

So I am attempting to program a physics simulation in Pygame and am having trouble adding solidity to the walls. As of now, I have only programmed solidity for the left wall, and the squares do ...
The Beston's user avatar
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I have interesting bug with collision detection, where the player speed is doubled when they go down and collision doesn't detect

I'm programming a top-down 2d game in Java with 8 directional movements, and while writing my next big advancement which is collision detection I've run into a major bug. As described in the question ...
Will Blanchard's user avatar
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Debugging 2D elastic collision code in Julia

I'm trying to write what should be, in principle, a relatively straight forward project: a program that deals with elastic collisions between particles in 2D, that then creates a movie of the scene ...
Alej's user avatar
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How do I set up collision criteria in SMFL between CircleShape objects using object attributes?

I am implementing the simple game "Connect Four" and want to detect the presence of a stationary disc immediately below a falling disc as criteria for the falling disc to stop. I am using ...
P Schmurr's user avatar
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C# how to loop through a shared property of multiple static classes

im currently developing a simple console game and i've been stuck on how to implement the collision properly. when the player collides with an object, something should happen (for example, if the ...
jeaniedabeanie's user avatar
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Easiest way to shoot and kill an enemy?

I would like an easy way to be able to shoot an enemy and eliminate them from the scene this is what i did. is there any other way? public class SpawnBullet : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject ...
JollyLolly's user avatar
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ThreeJS hitbox manipulation

Very new here, apologies if this is super basic. I have a sphere. I want to: Be able to create zones on the mesh. So at a start there will be one zone completely around the mesh. This is essentially ...
Nilesh Magan's user avatar
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Slowdown in 2D tile based platformer

I'm trying to make a 2D tile based platformer in monogame. In fulscreen mode, when too many tiles are on screen the frame rate goes down and the game is moving slow. I don't know what causes these ...
Canox's user avatar
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Godot4. How to detect collisions ONLY by the first iteration

I have the following problem in Godot Engine: How to detect collisions only the first iteration when Node2D enters the tree? I'm using Area2D which is 💥 "Explosion" in my game and it has to ...
Kind Po4antek's user avatar
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How to control the order of collisions in Unity 2D?

I'm making a 2D platformer with player mechanics that depend on the type of tile the Player lands on. I have two types of tiles white and black - if Player lands on a white tile, he has ability A, and ...
Petko Slavov's user avatar
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3D Collision detection between two objects in Javascript

I am trying to build a 3d game engine, and with it comes a 3d collision system to check whether an object intersects with another. I've tried implementing a function to check for collision however, ...
Pepwave Dave's user avatar
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Collision not working properly between rects in Pygame [duplicate]

I have a variable, colliding, that should check if two rects are colliding. The collision works fine most of the time, but when trying to check if the rects are NOT colliding, the if statement passes ...
ThisOneRandomGy's user avatar
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Unity Terrain - Checking if Player is touching Terrain?

I'm making a Unity Jump and Run Game and I want to check if player touches the Terrain ground. If so, I want to make something. My Player has a Character Controller. I already tried OnCollisionEnter ...
Angelina's user avatar
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Car collision test per directed graph edge

I am looking to optimize a collision detection algorithm for cars on the road (preventing a car behind another from crashing into it). Without taking into account intersections. Consider a directed ...
tothemoon's user avatar
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Godot collision issue

So, I'm making a slime game in Godot 4.2, and the issue is that the soft body is falling through the floor like a water droplet. You may edit it. Here's the project. (Yes, I did intercept the requests ...
KaiLando's user avatar
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Unity Physics Collisions Happening Despite Being Disabled in Collision Matrix

I've got a weird issue in my game where a collision is happening DESPITE that specific interaction between the two layers being disabled in the Collision Matrix (images attached). The Projectile is ...
Astantos's user avatar
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Godot - how do I create a trigger zone?

For my 3d game on Godot 4.1, I want to create a dialogue and move to the next level when touching the trigger zone. Can you tell me how to do this? The bottom line is that the player approaches the ...
Тимофей Гаврилов's user avatar
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How can i drag all scene in godot engine 3.5.3

I have scene with Paddle, which contains sprite and collisionshape, i need to hold finger on paddle and drag it on y axis in mobile app, what should i do so? extends KinematicBody2D var is_dragging = ...
Максим Фомин's user avatar
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React how to change two states In a way the don't collide?

Explaination of code : I have a two states toggleMenu and currentImageIndex(which changes every 2 second rerendring the image in browser) with images constant. whenever I try to toggle menu if the ...
Santosh Jugjali's user avatar
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How to turn off collision impulse box2D LibGDX

I have an enemy and a bullet objects, when bullet hits an enemy it disappears but is also cause some impulse to an emeny model. This impulse is small but noticeable. I tried to set enemy velocity to ...
Happy Trash Bin's user avatar
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how to perform an object delete when contact happens Box2D LibGDX

I'm trying to process a collision between a projectile and an enemy. When a projectile hits enemy it have to disappear, but instead a game is crushing in the moment of contact. I don't know how to ...
Happy Trash Bin's user avatar
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My player model is clipping through objects in Ursina when using FirstPersonController module

I am experimenting with ursina and am trying to create a player entity with a working collider and model. I have run into a problem, no matter how hard I try, the collider just won't work. I am trying ...
Beckett's user avatar
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Unity 3d weird stretching on collisions

When i collide with a game object (obstacle) with my player, it causes weird stretching and scale changes. Here my obstacle collides with the side railing here my obstacle collides with the player (...
Roshaan Ashraf's user avatar
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How to improve circle collision logic for large clusters and prevent overlapping

I have a simulation that handles collisions of circles in a 2d space, using standard midpoint-axis overlap separation logic for the physics resolution. For collisions involving less than 3 circles, ...
6kenzo's user avatar
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Strange behaviour of GJK collision detection algorithm

In 1 image there is no collision, but in 2 there is I have a bug with GJK algorithm. I am using glm library and I am facing a problem that when I increase the size of the model using matrix, GJK ...
Dimas's user avatar
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Points system in Unity not working. I want to count points but make both objects disappear and it's not working

I'm developing a game, but I have hit a breakpoint and I can't figure a solution for my problem. I want to make a bullet and an object, and when they collide, they both disappear and ads 1 point to a ...
Faiithyl's user avatar
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How to make wall collision with staticbody2d & collisionshape2d ( using an area2D for player with collisionshape2d as a child ) in GODOT?

I wanted to know if I can make a player with area2d with a child collisionshape2d and then make a collision with my walls having a node of staticbody2d which has two childs in it of collisionbody2d ...
Râj Shekhar's user avatar
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How do you get the numerical values in this collision function

so here is some code. basically, the goal here is for the turtle not to be able to pass any of the blue lines, meaning it can't go inside the shape. The code works perfectly but I don't particularly ...
jayash patnaik's user avatar
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Pygame slows down after Collision Handling PacMan [duplicate]

Hey i am trying to write a pacman game, PacMan runs very smooth, but if i add the collison function which checks if theres a collision (it iterates over every block created in the map) and then tells ...
NonoTheGrappler's user avatar
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Problem with a wall collision on a map loaded from a png file (like the raylib maze example)

I'm currently working on a uni project (I'm trying to make game sort of like Wolfenstein3D). I used an raylib example of maze to make a map for my game. But now i have problem with the wall collision ...
Eremitorium's user avatar
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onCollisionEnter is not working in r3f how can i fix it?

I'm creating a map that moves the character with @react-three/fiber and @react-three/rapier. I tried to create a collider on the door and when the player collides there, change isInside to true to ...
dodadodam's user avatar
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How to handle collision after a diagonal movement with rectangles

I'm trying to make a simple platformer but i have a problem with collision solving after a diagonal movement. I have a tile map with which i can iterate every tiles that are around of the player. Here ...
Zecksidd's user avatar
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Inverting a hitbox

I would like a hitbox for a sprite called "ring" to be inverted in "ring" is a thin donut and I would like the hitbox to be inverted so then I can have a different sprite ...
Haso's user avatar
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Gamemaker collisions

i'm making a 1v1 tank game and i'm going crazy with collision this is the code of the tank if keyboard_check(vk_right){ obj_canon.image_angle -= 1.33 } if keyboard_check(vk_left){ ...
Yakken's user avatar
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Python Pygame Platformer [duplicate]

I am just learning OOP with Pygame and have built a platformer where you move around with the arrow keys, up to jump, you can press R to add more blocks for an extra challenge and you can resize the ...
Hayden Hooper's user avatar
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Java Ball Movement: Unexpected Behavior with Boundary Reflections

`Question: I'm working on a Java program where I simulate the movement of a ball within a box. The ball is expected to reflect off the boundaries of the box using the vector reflection formula. ...
Subhraneel's user avatar
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How to make a change on an object using OnCollisionEnter when there are multiple objects that are the same?

so I am practicing Unity's scripting and trying to build a prototype of Pachinko game. What I want to achieve is when the ball hit an obstacle, it would change the color (material) - I have achieve ...
andi arizal's user avatar
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How do I make collisions?

I am making a python curses program and I need to know how to make collisions. It is an open world game. `import curses stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() ...
user23263123's user avatar
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My PNG image is interferring with my collision code and I don't know how to fix it

for (int i = 0; i < asteroidCount; i++) { asteroids[i].move(); if (asteroids[i].getY() <= 0 || asteroids[i].getY() + asteroids[i].getAsteroidHeight() >= getHeight()) { ...
Adam Traboulay's user avatar
-1 votes
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Collision not working with different sprites? [duplicate]

I followed a tutorial for a simple runner game using pygame and got it to work. So I went to try it again with my own characters and obstacles that I made. But for some reason, the sprites seem to ...
Anita Bui's user avatar

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