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3D segmentation mask bounding box and removal of unwanted voxels

I have a 3D segmentation mask, and I want to resize it to the dimensions of the ROI and remove the unwanted voxels around it. This is my code for creating the 3D bounding box around the region but it'...
curiousha's user avatar
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How to calculate the "boundingBox" of a glTF object

I know that the concept of "boundingBox" is not present in the glTF specifications, but what is the appropriate way to calculate the boundaries of a glTF object in a manner that can be ...
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3D annotated images to 3D KITTI Format

I annotated 2D images using 3D Bounding boxes. Now, I want to convert this data's format to KITTI dataset's Format. Is there any way to do it?
Aman Kothari's user avatar
2 votes
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Getting collision info between 2 OBB in 3D (not just true or false if they collide)

I am doing some physics and I am trying to find the info between a collision of a 2 oriented boxes in 3D space. I already did it for SphereSphere and SphereBox, but I cannot figure it out for BoxBox. ...
Hrothgor's user avatar
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3D boids escape bounding box

My genetic 3D boids in p5js keep escaping their bounding box. I must not be doing it correctly, and could use some help. Here is a live sketch. Here is the bounding box code: if (this.position.x < ...
saito group's user avatar
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Draw 3d Bounding Box in THREE.js

I was able to use the OBB.js in three.js examples to obtain center, halfSize, and rotation values. How do we calculate 8 corners of bounding box and draw the box around the object if we know the ...
Sam's user avatar
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THREE.js Oriented Bounding Box

How do we find the oriented bounding box in three.js after computing convex hull? In the following image: Green represents convex hull (I am displaying it as mesh for visualization), white is AABB. I ...
Sam's user avatar
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How to get oriented bounding boxes in three.js?

I use setFromObject in three.js to get bounding boxes for each object in 3d mesh. But, I get world axis aligned bounding boxes. How can I obtain oriented bounding boxes for the objects?
Sam's user avatar
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Align mesh and object bounding boxes with helper axes

The bounding box doesn't seem to be aligned with the 3d mesh. This is the reason. Can you please give me some tips on how should I rotate the bounding box so that it's properly aligned with 3d mesh? ...
Sam's user avatar
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Calculation/ Implementation of the real 3D Intersection over Union (IoU) of two Bounding Boxes with 9 Degrees of Freedom

I have two 3D bounding boxes with 9 degrees of freedom (3 translation, 3 dimensions, 3 rotations). Now I want to calculate the Intersection over Union (IoU) also known as Jaccard Index of them: I ...
rayon's user avatar
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Check if non axis-aligned bounding box contains another one

I work with Unity3D and want to check for neighbouring meshes next to a given mesh. The problem is, Unity's bounding boxes are axis-aligned, so after rotation, they look like the first image below ...
BlackPhoenix134's user avatar
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Three.js algorithm for marquee selecting in 3D scene

I'm creating a 3D model editor application using THREE.js where you can load a CAD model and have it display on the screen. You can pan, zoom, rotate the camera anywhere around in the scene to view ...
Marek Krzeminski's user avatar
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How to find out the rotation matrix for the oriented bounding box

So I am using the Matterport 3D dataset for my task and it has described the oriented bounding box using the standard structure with one change as follows: "obb": { "centroid":[3.39208,-1....
bhushan's user avatar
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Get a 2D concave polygon from a 3D object

I am currently running out of time for my 3D project, so I've decided to give all of the physics and collisions to Box2D since my project would only use 2d collisions, but have 3D graphics. The Box2D ...
fordcars's user avatar
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non axis aligned 3d bounding box (shape is a rectangle) collision detection

I am having trouble finding information about non axis aligned 3d bounding box collision detection. I can find information about axis aligned collision detection in a 2d and 3d all day but 3d and non ...
joel1618's user avatar
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Define coordinates of bounding box

I have a 3d scene containing a line with coordinates Xa,Ya,Za for one side and Xb,Yb,Zb for the other side: How to determine the 3d coordinates (Xa1,Ya1,Za1,Xa2,...Zb4) of a bounding box for this ...
Laurent Crivello's user avatar
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Algorithm for a 3d polygon container

I am looking for the algorithm to go from here: To here: It's not really a bounding box, because it has some diagonals, neither voxelization, but any clue on what's the name of this algorithm and ...
Laurent Crivello's user avatar
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Is Libgdx Camera.Frustum.boundsInFrustum accurate with large models?

This image mainly explains my problem: The frustum.boundsInFrustum method detects the floor as inside of it, however neither the box nor the other one that has the bricky texture gets detected, and ...
LosTChG's user avatar
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Raytracing object matrix transformations with bounding volume hierarchies

I've run into an interesting issue in my ray tracer that I am developing. The objects in my scene are stored in a bounding volume hierarchy. Each individual object is encapsulated in a bounding box at ...
user1855952's user avatar
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Screen space bounding box computation in OpenGL

I'm trying to implement tiled deferred rendering method and now I'm stuck. I'm computing min/max depth for each tile (32x32) and storing it in texture. Then I want to compute screen space bounding box ...
mezo's user avatar
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XNA 3D Bounding Box Collision Detection Method

I have successfully created a bounding sphere collision method for my 3D game. It works just fine, but when I want to check collision on a large flat floor, it creates a huge sphere that does not work....
SupremeSteak1's user avatar
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Retrieving 3D cylinder parameters to create a Bounding Box

I'm implementing a Kinect application in XNA. I'm pretty new on 3D programming and I'd like to know how to retrieve parameters such as radius or height from a cylinder model in order to create a ...
Florent Gz's user avatar
5 votes
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Any fast and robust implementation to calculate the minimum bounding box of a 3d point cloud?

I have been looking online but have yet to see a fast and robust implementation, rather than crude implementations on forums. Anyone knows of one?
Joan Venge's user avatar
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3d bounding Box border xna

So, I'm trying to develop a 3d table tennis game, and I'm having problems when it comes to colliding the ball with the table. I have a bounding sphere for the ball and bounding box for the table, but ...
Kurt Ricci's user avatar