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XBIm - boundingbox wrong dimensions with circular buildingelementproxy

I am trying to get the dimensions of the buildingelementproxy in with rectangular form the dimensions are correct but when i have a circular object the values are off by approx. 10mm..... ...
Roy TImmers's user avatar
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Faulty display of IfcBooleanClippingResult

I'm currently working on an IfcViewer application using Xbim, and HelixToolkit. So far i've had no problem with the display if IFC files, and objects. Recently I've introduced objects where the ...
György Müller's user avatar
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XBIM - how to make an IFC file with IfcRevolvedAreaSolid

Is there any sample code for how to write an IfcRevolvedAreaSolid into IFC using XBim SDK?
Sal's user avatar
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How to get oriented bounding box of Element in XBim?

I'm using the XBim library to extract information about IFC Furniture and Sanitary Elements. Part of that information is the (2D) outline of elements in space. Ideally, I'd like to get the convex hull ...
emilaz's user avatar
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XBIM how to calculate boundingbox dimensions (X,Y) flowfitting

I am trying to calculate/get the boundingbox dimensions of a flowfitting/flowterminal, but I can't get further, then the dimensions of 1 off the extruded solids with form the total representation off ...
Roy TImmers's user avatar
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Colorize, Transparent and Move Selected Entities on Xbim Control

I want to Colorize, Transparent and Move selected ifcElements in xbim control. If xbim control does not support move, colorized and transparency, I would be very grateful if you could write a sample ...
Hakan Ornek's user avatar
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XBIM - how to get rotation of an object (flowterminal)

I am trying to get the rotation of an object (flowterminal) from a IFC-file using XBIM enter image description here i can not seem to find a property, so it seems that the rotation needs to be ...
Roy TImmers's user avatar
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How to modify ifc file with xbim explorer

When I add an element to an ifc file, I have always a newer ifcownerhistory, person and organization created. I open my file ifc file with .Net xbim xplorer like this, and I save the default ...
Rachid Benbrik's user avatar
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Can xBim toolkit help me calculate the volume of some objects in an IFC model?

I am new to .NET xBim Toolkit and I wonder if it can help with calculating the volume of some objects in an IFC model. In particular, there is module called XbimGeometry but I am unsure if and how it ...
oli's user avatar
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2 answers

Xbim IFC Viewer ASP.NET

I successfully implemented an IFC viewer in NodeJs and am now trying to implement it in ASP.NET MVC Core 2.1 Here are my codes: <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="
Nzeh's user avatar
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Xbim web viewer

i follow the steps in this page I install the npm package npm install @xbim/viewer And the package installed in: C:\...
seghier's user avatar
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Xbim library does not find all properties

We process ifc IFC2X3 file for retrieving information. With the following code some properties seems not to be found. Its about "Typical-code" in "General" section //...
Meindert's user avatar
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xbim distances between elements in a non axis aligned system

Question on the first answer about collision detection How do I determine whether a 3D coordinate is located within the boundaries of a 3D object in BIM? I'm using Xbim working with IFC-files In ...
Meindert's user avatar
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Ugly shading in Xbim

I'm developing a software that can display 3D IFC building models. I'm using Xbim, and Helix toolkit for that. I managed to display the geometry correctly, but there is something off with the shading ...
György Müller's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to get all the elements from the .ifc file?

I would like to Extract all the elements from the IFC file. here is my code snippet var allElements = model.Instances.OfType<IfcBuildingElement>().ToList(); from the above code, I can extract ...
Vishal Kheni's user avatar
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No IFC projects found in file in IFC file created by xbim toolkit

I've refered a "HelloWall" sample program from XBim samples. The output IFC file seems to be ok. but when I try to open that IFC file in Autodesk Navisworks it gave me following error - ...
Sush's user avatar
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Select IFC Physical Simple Quantity of Wall

I'm using XBim IFC libraries in order to get some info of a Building model elements. Specifically, of IfcWall entities. I have to acces Wall Base Quantities (lenght, height, width, etc.) but I cant ...
Matias Halac's user avatar
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How to stop xBim IfcStore.Open() operation?

I have a simple question - is it possible to stop/cancel xBim var model = IfcStore.Open(...) method once it has started to create database? I have wrapped it in Task.Run like this to keep my app ...
niks's user avatar
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How to make a simple 3D Ifc Viewer in WPF with Xbim v2

I am trying to make a small 3d viewer in VS2019 - are there any tutorials on XBim I have searched and cant find anything, I have seen this post How to make a simple 3D Ifc Viewer in WPF with Xbim I ...
Oxley Pilot's user avatar
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Get object with the GloabId

Is it possible to find an object in an IFC file using Xbim.Essentials with the GlobalId value? I saw this kind of code supposing I know the type...But I'd like to first find the object without knowing ...
SONA's user avatar
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How to make a simple 3D Ifc Viewer in WPF with Xbim

I’m a C# and a WPF beginner and I’m trying for days to make an Ifc Viewer in my app. I tried many ways to do it but I did not succeed and I turn around. I got inspired by an other topic on the forum : ...
Nzeh's user avatar
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.NET service crashes ONLY on Docker

I have a .NET 6 service that runs fine on my local Windows 10 machine. When I deploy it on Docker with a multi-stage Dockerfile that uses these images:
Stack Stalker 's user avatar
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XBIM Web Viewer - Calculate HTML position from WCS

I'm trying to put an overlay over the top face of the bounding box of selected object. What I'm doing is: 1- Get the vertices of the bounding box top face in WCS, from center point 2- Translate each ...
user3648721's user avatar
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Adding a wall with an opening Xbim

I am looking to adjust the template project to add an opening for the door so the door will be flush with the wall system instead of appearing embedded in the skin of the wall any help would be very ...
JacSmi7937's user avatar
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Get system with elements from a model

How do I get the elements in a HVAC system? I can access the list of the systems in a model with the following code: var systems = model.Instances.OfType<IfcSystem>(); This returns a list of ...
Joni Turunen's user avatar
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Wexbim Files in Razor Pages

I am working on a razor pages project that needs to view IFC files, so I converted the IFC file into Wexbim files to use the XbimWebUi library. My problem is when I use the Wexbim file from wwwroot I ...
Ahmed Mostafa's user avatar
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Get TotalThickness value of IFCWALL element

How can I get the TotalThickness value of IFCWALL element using Xbim.Ifc2x3? As I can see it is contained in wallElement.Material=>ForLayerSet=>TotalThickness or in wallElement.IsTypedBy=>...
Yula k's user avatar
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IfcRoof won't work without own ShapeRepresentation

I've tried to create a flatroof with an IfcSlab. The IfcRoof is supposed to be decomposed by the IfcSlab. I created the slab with a ShapeRepresentation and gave it coordinates. BuidlingSMART is ...
MuLa's user avatar
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Different results for the same code with different Ifc versions

When I run the code below to get ifcWindow Area quantity using Ifc4 file and Xbim.Ifc4 interfaces it works perfectly. But, When I'm trying to run on the same schema as Ifc2x3 file and using Xbim....
Yula k's user avatar
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Get FinishFloorHeight of IfcSpace using Xbim

I'm trying to get the FinishFloorHeight of IfcSpace using Xbim. Any idea of how to do that?
Yula k's user avatar
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How to use Xbim in WPF to visualise an .IFC in 3D

I'm trying to learn how to use Xbim in a WPF app to create a 3D view of a model that the user can spin around and view. I load my ifc file in the C# code as follows: var model = IfcStore.Open("...
Steve Brown's user avatar
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List of all different IfcEntities in IfcFile

Summary i have an ifc file with different IfcEntities like IfcWall, IfcBeam, IfcColumn etc. i'm struggling to find a way to list all different entities in this ifc file the list should contain every ...
Vahdet's user avatar
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How do you get IFCWindow sill height

How to get the sill height (height above the floor) of a Ifcwindow in ifc file
Dror Reuven's user avatar
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How do I create and manipulate a Table property for an IFC object using Xbim?

I am working off of the basic example for amending data ( The only thing I'm changing is within the code below, where I want to add an IfcPropertyTableValue ...
Oskar Billington's user avatar
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How do I determine whether a 3D coordinate is located within the boundaries of a 3D object in BIM? I'm using Xbim working with IFC-files

I have an IFC file of a 3D building model (BIM) split into constituent physical objects and I have properties that I want to assign to the correct object. The properties come with a location: they are ...
Oskar Billington's user avatar
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How to I extract only the lowest-level objects in Xbim?

I have a BIM model in IFC format and I want to add a new property, say cost, to every object in the model using Xbim. I am building a .NET application. The following code works well, except, the ...
Oskar Billington's user avatar
3 votes
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How to get the material data of specific IfcElement

In the basic operations in the xbim examples, it shows how to retrieve the single value properties of a specific IfcElement. Based on this I'...
Frebeas's user avatar
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Getting all properties of object using Ifc2x3

I am trying to retrieve all the properties in every item stored in an IFC file, similar to what you see when you select an item in xbim explorer and you get all data such as Type, DefiningType, ...
sinsro's user avatar
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create custom polygon wall using xbim library

I try to make ifc wall using some polygon points and save to ifc file. I found some approach and try that, but it does not work. IFC - ...
Baek In Sun's user avatar
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xBim ifc manipulation: Trying to add a property set

I'm trying to manipulate an ifc2x3 file with xBim. It's based on the example: But when it comes to var pSetRel = model.Instances.New<...
Alex's user avatar
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Getting IfcPolyline from ifcSpace

I am quite new to xBim and I am struggeling to find the information I need. I have been able to iterate through all the IFCSpaces for each storey, and I would like to find each space's IfcPolyline so ...
sinsro's user avatar
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How to integrate xBim in Unity?

I have installed xBim using NuGet for unity, and it is working well until I try to use the GeometryEngine to create 3D shapes: using (IfcStore model = IfcStore.Open(filename, null)) { var context =...
sinsro's user avatar
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Getting the wall coordinates from IFC file with XBIM

I need to get the list of vertices of IfcWall object using XBIM. The code i need must look something like: using (model) { List<ItemSet<IfcCartesianPoints>> loppsList = new List<...
Mikewell's user avatar
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How to create a simple IFC file given end points of the beam and a cross section

I want to create an IFC file which represents a beam. The inputs I have is 2 points and a cross section definition. The purpose is to view the shape of the beam. Can someone point me in the right ...
Koshy Koshy's user avatar
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How to get geometry information of a single wall?

I want to retrieve geometry information from a single wall in IFC file. I have tried it using Xbim. I have learned that XbimModel.GetGeometryData Method (IfcProduct, XbimGeometryType) could be used ...
xiaoy's user avatar
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How to create basic IFC File in C#

As per Wiki, The Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) data model is intended to describe architectural, building and construction industry data. The Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) data model is a ...
sudarshan1933's user avatar
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xBIM Viewer: Create a screenshot from canvas

I am using xBim Toolkit ( for 3D object rendering and there was a requirement to create a screenshot of the current scene on button click. xBim is using canvas for graphical ...
zpouip's user avatar
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How to retrieve geometry from IFC file using Xbim ? Or is there anyother alternative to this task?

I want to retrieve data from raw IFC file. I am trying this with Xbim. I am able to retrieve the elements but not able to get geometry specific data.I need location, boundingbox . Is is possible to ...
Pravesh Jamgade's user avatar
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Find Material of IPersistentEntity

I have list of IPersistEntity instances, that can be meshed, it means each of them implements one of these interfaces: IIfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel, IIfcShellBasedSurfaceModel, IIfcConnectedFaceSet, ...
Rodion's user avatar
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How to transparent a single wall in xBim

I have a ifc file with with some walls & furniture. When i am using the IfcSurfaceStyleRendering or IfcSurfaceStyleShading I makes all my walls transparent like this. All the walls are IIfcWall &...
Reza Nourbakhsh's user avatar