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Questions tagged [three.js]

Three.js is a JavaScript 3D Library which makes use of WebGL

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My Collision isn't working the way I want it to

I am trying to make a game slimier to Minecraft, where there is a world of blocks, and a player that can walk, jump, and place blocks. Lately, I've been struggling to get collision detection between ...
Alex's user avatar
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13 votes
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How to play hundreds of explosion sounds

I am developing an RTS game with boats, the boats can shoot very frequently and I am having a hard time dealing with the explosion sounds. I am using three.js and the audio API it has that uses the ...
Gabriel Machado's user avatar
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I need to implement a button which when clicked will switch to a third person camera of the sphere and follow it as it moves

Basically what the title says, I need to implement a button which when clicked will switch to a third person view of the sphere and follow it as it moves, but have no idea how to achieve this. Been ...
Ex_1X19A's user avatar
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Steering around a track in R3F

I posted this on stackoverflow, then thought it might be better here where the gamedev experts are: I am experimenting with threejs and react three fibre. I have a box which I am sending around a ...
Neil's user avatar
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How can I map out multiple decals on a reel?

So I want to map out multiple Decals on this reel. How can I map it out aesthetically and mathematically correct ? Looking for a math god to help me with this calculation. So far I have hardcoded the ...
Ibra's user avatar
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3 votes
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How To Make Seamless Custom CubeMap?

I'm currently working on a Three.js project, and I'm aiming to create a seamless cube map. To achieve this, I created six planes and assembled them into a cube. Then, I utilized a shader to generate ...
Miguel Myers's user avatar
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Discontinuous Normals on a Normalized Cube Mesh with Displacement Texture

In my project, I have created a normalized cube using six plane meshes. To improve its visual quality, I added a displacement texture and calculated the normals for that texture to ensure proper ...
Memory1's user avatar
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2 answers

How to publish WebXR game on Quest or Steam stores?

I would like to develop a simple and small game for WebXR so that Quest, Index, etc. can play it. I would eventually like to be able to put it on the Quest store and Steam. Is there a way to publish a ...
Imperial A's user avatar
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My GLTF models made in Blender are transparent from certain directions

When I rotate the camera some of my blender models become transparent from different angles. They are gltf models Here is the Python to save the gltfs ...
Zack Younger's user avatar
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Octree build time crashes page for complex mesh

Using the standard three.js FPS example of octree implementation with a more advanced mesh, crashes the page on load. My first idea is to write a few functions to save the octee data to a file, then ...
B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch Hashem's user avatar
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1 answer

Multiplayer game - Player position updates transmission pattern

I'm building a very basic 3D multiplayer game using Three.js and where all the player does is move in an environment. Considering there will be ~ 100 players in a single room and all data ...
bhachawl2298's user avatar
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Creating a Game in Three.js do i share camera, scene objects?

Im creating a game with React and Three.js and vanilla Javascript, i have several clases, representing objects in the game, do i need to create a camera, scene, renderer for each class or i simply ...
Jorge Carretero's user avatar
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Aircraft simulation

Trying to get a "semi" realistic aircraft simulator. I'm pulling my hair out because I just can't get the math right. I'm not looking for super realistic but want to at least get some ...
K2xL's user avatar
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Three.js Animate Text error geometry.faces

In this three.js Text example they animate text, i am trying to implement it on React/Three.js but i got the error TypeError: can't access property "length", geometry.faces is undefined in ...
Jorge Carretero's user avatar
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Interpolate colors between vertex in a plane

So I have this plane generated with two different Perlin noises. It has mainly 3 regions, divided by color. I want to smooth out the lines, to create a "gradient" so there are no abrupt ...
alon's user avatar
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Calculate 2d rotation to target (uniformly accelerated rotation, constant speed)

I'm trying to calculate an uniformly accelerated rotation for the autopilot module in my 3d space game shooter. The autopilot should fly the spaceship to any given point in the 3d space on the ...
user2850375's user avatar
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Assign biomes to areas with a Voronoi noise function

I've created this terrain based on a Voronoi noise function: This is how it looks without the elevation: I want to assign biomes to the polygons following certain rules and use the slope on the ...
alon's user avatar
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How should I modify my terrain according to the biome? [duplicate]

I have this terrain I generated using Perlin Noise layers whose colors are applied based on the height of the vertex, just for reference before I am done being clear about how I will implement the ...
alon's user avatar
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Z-Fighting mitigation performance overhead

Which of following approaches will have less performance overhead(using threejs renderer)? I am currently have an issue with z-fight for distant objects, while my near/far plane is already set to most ...
Dmytro Brazhnyk's user avatar
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How to calculate local orientation of child relative to parent from only global positions?

I am trying visualize a human finger's pose with a 3D model in Three.js. The 3D model is composed of 3 bones that represent the proximal, middle, and distal bones of the human finger, connected in ...
Ietpt123's user avatar
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Shade a box different colors for two ends with one material in Three.js

First, I knew the following basic knowledges, GLSL Language, Learn WebGL2 ​- GLSL ​* GLSL Shaders OpenGL - Coordinate Systems, [OpenGL - Advanced GLSL] 3D Game Shaders For Beginners - GLSL ...
samm's user avatar
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How to check if a line casted from one point to another point passes through a mesh?

Let's say we have two vectors A and B. Is there a way to use Three.js' Ray or Raycaster classes to cast a line between vector A and vector B and check is it passes through a mesh in the scene? I know ...
Rick Stanley's user avatar
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Is there a way where we can verify if certain image is 3D or not [closed]

I wanted to understand - Is there a way where we can verify if certain image is 3D or not So basically I want to automate the process where we can detect if certain given image is of 3D or not Problem:...
Chandler's user avatar
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How to move a player on a sphere surface using Ammo.js and Three,js

I am moving a rigidbody (the character) on the surface of a sphere, like what is described here. I am facing the following issue that I am having hard time to solve: After moving the character, it ...
Eturcim's user avatar
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What is the best rate at which to send updates to clients for a first person shooter NodeJS WebSocket server?

I developed a multiplayer FPS using WebGL, Nodejs and WebSockets. So far it is running great. I am currently using setInterval(sendPlayerPositions, 16); to send updates to WebGL clients. Ideally I ...
Ray Hulha's user avatar
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How to import three.module.js

I'm looking at this three.js cubemap example, and it runs fine in my browser when loaded from that page. After much strain to find and download the files - it does not run? What am I doing wrong, with ...
greenthings's user avatar
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THREE.ShaderMaterial cannot perform antialiasing

I created a ShaderMaterial to draw a box in three.js using the following key code: ...
samm's user avatar
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THREE.JS - How to know the shortest rotation direction an object must do to look at other?

I am trying to understand a way in THREE.JS (and the mathematical foundation) to get the direction an object should rotate to lookAt other but without actually rotate it. I've tried to use ...
Rui d'Orey's user avatar
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How can I use canon.js in three.js editor?

I would like to add bullet physics to a scene crated by the three.js editor. Where do I need to put the canon.js file in order to be able to access it's functions from the editor scripts? I ...
John Domboroczki's user avatar
-1 votes
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threejs lerp and camera the animation is not smooth

what is the problem with linear interpolation? in update() in case this is animate() and when I call zoomCamera() in update() there is lerp with smooth but when I call here ...
grzesiekmq's user avatar
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Center Perspective Camera on Coordinates

I've got a PerspectiveCamera and set of coordinates (x,y,z). How could I pan the camera to make these coordinates at the center of the screen?
Lucien's user avatar
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Three js raycaster WITHOUT camera

I seem to find only examples to use the raycaster with the camera, but none that just have a raycaster from Point A to Point B. I have a working raycaster, it retrieves my Helpers, Lines etc. but it ...
Robin Crama's user avatar
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Drag 3D camera with mouse cursor

I have a camera that is moved by changing its X and Z coordinates. However, the camera is rotated, so when an object moves by 1 unit in the world, the number of pixels it moves by isn't trivial to ...
Lucien's user avatar
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Camera Sensitivity in PointerLockControls to match actual games

I am creating a FPS game online. I want the user to be able to use a sensitivity they are familiar with from games they've played. In this case, I want them to use their Fortnite sensitivity. I am ...
Ben Stallwood's user avatar
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How to load models with possibility to change textures in Three.js

I'm working on a game in Three.js where I have a few variations of the same model in blender. What I want to achieve is that I'll load the model once with all the material settings, but then I'll ...
Dawid Zbiński's user avatar
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OpenGL seamless repeated texture has artifacts on edges

I'm currently trying to map a seamless texture onto a 3d wall object but when it comes to the edges of the texture there are visible artifacts. closeup: Here is the shader code i use for the texture ...
Tom B.'s user avatar
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How to avoid the cutoff of a Sprite when overlapping in a terrain?

I have a scene where I have a terrain as a PlaneGeometry. And I'm trying to locate a building on it as Sprite. But I'm not able to put that building/sprite centered on the terrain without getting a ...
Enzo's user avatar
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Combine rotation XZ (horizontal) with YZ (vertical). Math formula

I'm trying to make a rotation vertically and horizontally around a point at the same time but I'm not able to combine both. I have this formula for the horizontal rotation: ...
Enzo's user avatar
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How to orient a layer to connect 2 points AND facing the camera

here is my question, which I hope will be in general interest: If you have got 2 Points in 3D space and want a plane to connect those, you can quite easily use a function similar to "lookAt" to ...
ayma's user avatar
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How to make an object which position is not on the world origin rotate around the world orgin in threejs?

I've loaded an object and set its position on vector(5,2,-5) by threejs. And I wanted it to rotate around the origin point in the world coodinate system. I found a method in class Object3D called '...
tedyage's user avatar
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How to move the camera to center an object in screen?

For example, an object is located at (x,y,z) in world space. Now how to calculate the offset translation, I mean no rotation, that will be applied to the camera so as to place the object at the center ...
zwcloud's user avatar
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3rd person camera rotate around player with mouse

I'm trying to make a 3rd person camera for a game with THREE.js and Physijs (if that's important), and so far I have set it up so that the camera follows behind the player using cos and sin etc. but I ...
B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch Hashem's user avatar
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Change shadervalues for different Meshes in Three.js

Hey I am writing a Shader for Three.js. My goal is to have multiple objects with the same shader and each object should have a color set on the object that is then given to the shader. The goal is to ...
TheCell's user avatar
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Raycasting in three.js not working properly on ipad and touch devices

I am working on a 3D tool for desktop and iPad. Everything is working fine except for two issues: Issue 1 - When I select a 3D object with the mouse and move it on an iPad (as opposed to on desktop, ...
Nishant9969's user avatar
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How to position a 3D crosshair on an objects face and set its angles **outward** from objects face?

What I have right now, is a ray tracer for my cursor on my canvas, when I click on the object, it gets the vector of my selection in the 3D space on the object I had my mouse on. The ray tracer ...
James Heald's user avatar
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Finding the closest face normal from a given point in space efficiently

I have a large model (roughly 400k faces) and a large number of points on this model (roughly 2000) and I need to calculate a normal per point based on the closest face on the model. Is there a faster ...
Cobertos's user avatar
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Set custom Yaw Pitch and Roll in Three.js

So I have the following struct in C++, it gets updates with the values of an program that uses a camera in spectator mode: ...
Karliky's user avatar
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Relative quaternion rotation (delta rotation) produces unstable results

Use case: I have a currentRotation quaternion and a targetRotation quaternion and need to calculate the relative rotation ...
AtiX's user avatar
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Three.js recover camera values

When I start the script, camera has starting values. When I will move it and click button to set up startign values it is never same. What values I missed? The best way, I suppose, it is to look at ...
arrowman's user avatar
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Handling different renderers Y axis direction in a single engine

I have an engine that uses either three.js (3D WebGL rendering library) or pixi.js (2D rendering library) depending on the game. ...
nialna2's user avatar
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