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Questions tagged [cubemap]

Cube mapping is an environment mapping method that renders the area of interest onto the six faces of a cube and later uses such textures to render specular highlights, reflections, and skyboxes.

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How to blend local cubemaps?

I have a (GPU) Buffer that contains the World Position and Extents of Local Cubemaps aswell as a TextureArray that contains the textures of the Cubemaps. The Bounds of the Local Cubemaps are Axis ...
Raildex's user avatar
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Make moon using cubemap in shadergraph

I'm trying to make moon with a cubemap texture in shadergraph. I made it, but the texture is incorrect. I'm using a cubemap from NASA as a texture and it works, but it's bigger than moon shape and ...
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Cubemap rotation

I have a skybox with stars cubemap So, how can I rotate stars cubemap on Z axis using "Rotate About Axis"?
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How To Convert World Space Normal To Tangent Space?

This question is a continuation of this post on How To Make Seamless Custom CubeMap? The idea is to create a cube map with procedurally generated noise, extract the noise and a normal map of the noise ...
Miguel Myers's user avatar
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How To Make Seamless Custom CubeMap?

I'm currently working on a Three.js project, and I'm aiming to create a seamless cube map. To achieve this, I created six planes and assembled them into a cube. Then, I utilized a shader to generate ...
Miguel Myers's user avatar
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Cube Mapping vs Spherical Mapping

I am currently researching the difference between Cube Mapping and Spherical Mapping. Wikipedia says the following: In the majority of cases, cube mapping is preferred over the older method of sphere ...
Angry Red Panda's user avatar
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Camera not rendering to rendertexture inside class

I have an issue where I created a class to generate a lightprobe atlas texture for me, but the camera don't seem to render properly into teh rendertexture, I have no idea why... someone can help me ...
user29244's user avatar
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Make the texture array node work with cubemaps?

I am working on a procedural interior mapping shader in Unity's Shader Graph. Ideally, I'd like to feed it a set of cubemaps it can pick from semi-randomly. However, it seems that by default the ...
Weckar E.'s user avatar
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What is the best way to bake my own environment maps?

My engine has support for IBL by using pre-obtained HDRIs. It looks fine, but... I want the environment map to match the scene that is currently being rendered I want the environment map to take the ...
felipeek's user avatar
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Skybox from file at runtime in Unity: Error assigning 2D texture to CUBE texture property '_Tex': Dimensions must match

I'm downloading skyboxes at runtime, and then I'd like to set them as the current scene's Skybox. After I successfully downloaded the desired cubemap into the ApplicationData folder, I'm trying to set ...
Tudvari's user avatar
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Crash when creating RenderTargetViews for Cubemap

I want to create a cubemap and I want to render to it and later sample from it for reflections. However, It crashes when I try to create the faces for the cubemap. Here is my code: ...
Raildex's user avatar
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2 answers

How does cube mapping work?

Based on my reading of cube mapping tutorials so far, my understanding is that you need a direction vector, and from the direction vector we can determine the point of intersection with one of the six ...
BunnyDhaliwal's user avatar
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(While using a cube map) box-like textures appearing around my scene whenever I move the camera

I've been learning about cube map and I implemented one into my program. It seemed to work well until I started moving the camera around the scene and zooming out. As you can see in the attached gif, ...
Julk's user avatar
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samplerCube for point light shadow map has dark corners relative to screen aspect ratio / size?

I almost have point light shadows working but the corner of the samplerCube that I use for the shadow map has corners that get darker depending on the main camera. Is this something to do with a ...
user136756's user avatar
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Spherical harmonics

I'm currently trying to implement a GI system for diffuse lighting and wanted to do so in spherical harmonics. Now i have read what else i could find and i know the general idea of how to get from ...
AverageGatsby's user avatar
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PyOpenGL Cubemap ARB Texture not rotating with gluSphere

I've made a gluSphere render in my display and have given it a cube map texture of the Earth. The texture is visible just fine (see below), but I cannot get it to rotate along with the shape. this ...
njasi's user avatar
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SceneKit - Creating a sense of scale

I'm experimenting with 3D using SceneKit on iOS. I'm trying to create a galaxy but would appreciate some guidance on the following things: I'm having a hard time working out how to make the galaxy ...
BinaryGuy's user avatar
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DirectX 11 - Skybox Texture messed up

I'm attempting to create a skybox and I'm currently having some issues with the texture where it looks like this: It seems the textures are not really "sticking to their sides" correctly as it looks ...
codelyoko373's user avatar
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Cube map faster than 6 2D textures? - shadow mapping

I've managed to implement shadow mapping to a scene. However, I had problems using a cube map so I eventually gave it up and used 6 2D texture maps instead. To make this work with 6 2D maps, during ...
John Katsantas's user avatar
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How to create a skybox in an infinite world like minecraft?

I'm making a minecraft-clone game in C++ using OpenGL. I created a skybox using OpenGL's cube map but the camera can go outside of the skybox since it's an infinite world. Then I changed it to update ...
shun-sato93's user avatar
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One pass rendering with GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY

I try to rework rendering of point light shadows from "pass per cube face" to "one pass using geometry shader". initialization: ...
Evgeny Bogatyrev's user avatar
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Render to cubemap wrong Y values

I'm currently trying to render to a cubemap in order to blur it. However the top and bottom faces appear much closer than they should be in the blurred version. I thought the problem came from my ...
cppopengl's user avatar
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DDS load texture and cubemaps

I'm trying to render a skybox with a cubemap on it and to do so I'm using DDS Texture Loader from DirectXTex library. I use texassemble to generate the cubemap (texture array of 6 textures) into a DDS ...
Luca's user avatar
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Project 2D texture onto a cubemap

I'm looking to take a 2D texture (previously rendered from the user's perspective), and overlay it overtop of a cubemap. Since a cubemap has 6 textures, I need to run a shader over top of all 6, and ...
Yattabyte's user avatar
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Panorama from cube map without geometry

Is it possible to achieve effect equivalent to looking on the cube textured from cube map from its center, but without creation of its faces (6 quads or 12 triangles)? Say, one needed a skybox, but ...
Tomilov Anatoliy's user avatar
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Dynamic environment mapping in OpenGL

I am trying to implement dynamic environment mapping in my OpengGL rendering engine for the purpose of showing reflections. I am following the tutorial found here. This tutorial (and many others that ...
James's user avatar
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Why rendered objects to cubemap are larger than they should be?

I am trying to render a scene to a cubemap, so I can later use it as environment map for another object. The object I want to use the environment map with is a surface, I am trying to render water. ...
alexX AleX alexge50's user avatar
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Blending between 2 cube maps using the procedural skybox shader

I want to create a day night cycle using the procedural skybox shader. The shader doesn't have options to do any blending between cube maps. I want to be able to set a cloud cube map and a night ...
JacketPotatoeFan's user avatar
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Does cube map texturing works only for objects which vertices are is in [-1,1] range?

Im attempting to texture an .obj file that is not a skybox. So the question is, every tutorial about cubemap creates their hardcoded cubes with vertices ranging from [-1, 1]. Probably not, but is it ...
Pavels's user avatar
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Generating texture coordinates autmatically with Cube Mapping for an object that is not a skybox in OpenGL

I am wondering whether its possible to automatically generate texture coordinates for custom obj models to work with cubemaps. Every tutorial I see online is about environment mapping. Is it possible ...
Pavels's user avatar
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How to map trapezoid image to rectangle cubemap face?

I am writing a 360 video application on oculus mobile SDK. My video frame has a trapezoid region and I need to map it into a rectangle region. In the above figure, trapezoid ...
MayurK's user avatar
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WebGLRenderingContext.texImage2D does not implement interface ArrayBufferViewOrNull

I'm working on a WebGL project and all my textures render fine. When i wanted to implement a cubemap i started getting this type error. ...
Ali Somay's user avatar
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Two reflective surfaces facing each other in openGL

How do I render 2 reflective surfaces, Example a mirror, face each other? To render a single surface I would use a cube map by rendering from the object on six directions. But to render 2 surfaces ...
Yashwanth CB's user avatar
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OpenGL Cubemap skybox edge issue

I implemented a skybox into my program using a tutorial, and using the provided 6 textures from that tutorial to make a cube map texture, my skybox looked fine. However, ever since then every other ...
Rilgon's user avatar
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Is using Spherical Harmonics still viable as a technique nowadays?

I've been implementing spherical harmonics in my Engine for learning purpose. I was wondering if Spherical Harmonics are still used in modern engine or if they moved on to the more simple cubemaps or ...
CpCd0y's user avatar
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How to put different textures on different sides of a Cube in DirectX 11?

I have recently learned how to texture a cube in DirectX with a single texture but I am now trying to put multiple textures on a cube. If your confused the photo below should clarify. I am aware of ...
Arjan Singh's user avatar
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Omnidirectional light (point) shadow mapping bug: everything's lit up white

I am facing a really frustrating problem. After looking at a lot of tutorials (probably all existing on net, not kidding), i tried to do the point light shadow mapping using a cube texture. The ...
Dominic's user avatar
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OpenGL cubemap binding

I'm experimenting a strange behaviour of textures inside my shaders. Basically I need and bind two cubemap textures inside my shader but only one gets actually bound. I've tried swapping the two ...
zeb's user avatar
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Environment mapping without cubemap (need coordinates projection)

I'm working on a project with C++ and glsl (4.1). I have implemented a mirror object which is a plane at height 0 that works as follow: I render the scene with a MVP computed such that the camera ...
Zick's user avatar
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How to Load and Apply a Cube Map with DDS Texture Loader?

So I have been spending a lot of time recently implementing a working skybox/skysphere, and have almost completed it. The last thing that I need to do is to load my given texture, a skybox texture ...
Xenonic's user avatar
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Efficiency - Cubemap or Raytraced reflection?

I'm an amateur in 3D game development. The thing I want to know is shading related. For reflection purpose, which will be the efficient way? Either "Realtime render to Cubemap" or "Ray trace based" ...
Abrar Borno's user avatar
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GL_INVALID_OPERATION in glGenerateMipmap(incomplete cube map)

I'm trying to learn OpenGL and i'm using SOIL to load images. I have the following piece of code: ...
Youda008's user avatar
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Cube map or 2D texture map

I'm trying to map quadsphere with COBE spherical cube (CSC) projection in OpenGL (wanna map planets). I managed to create a 2D texture and it works well except seams at edges. Then I learned that ...
Bolsal's user avatar
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How to attach a framebuffer to a whole cube map from a GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY?

I'm trying to make shadow cube maps in an array. I want to draw each shadow map with a single pass using a geometry shader, which I read about here:
Byron's user avatar
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Issue creating a dynamic seemless cube map

I have a function for building a cube map, given a location in space. I also have a system for displaying cubemaps (either loaded from images or given as a texture handle), and they work fine and are ...
Yattabyte's user avatar
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How do I store an FBO'S as a cube map?

As of late I've been trying to implement Cubemaps in my engine, and have managed to get the rendering side of them working. Currently, I'm trying to implement a function for creating them, but I ...
Yattabyte's user avatar
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CubeMap - Why size of skybox cube has no effect?

I have normal skybox via CubeMap, but i noticed that the size of the cube has no effect. I would expect that when i have cube size 20.0, i will see different result than with cube of size 1000.0 (same ...
Krab's user avatar
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Unity - Water Cube (to 2D game)

I wonder if you can create a cube of water within the unity! I'm starting to use the Unity, and took a sought as to whether there was already something like this ... but have not found any tutorial ...
Igor's user avatar
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OpenGL Depth Cubemap with Geometry Shader Not Rendering Correctly

I was having some trouble with cubemaps in OpenGL, and was hoping to get some help. I've been following a tutorial about point light shadow mapping using cubemaps, where a geometry shader is used to ...
kingsapo's user avatar
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Cubemaps turn black OpenGL GLSL Java LWJGL

Recently I tried to add cubemaps to my 3D-rendering engine. The objects with a cubemap now turn completely black. This is how I load my cubemap: ...
l'arbre's user avatar
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