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How to import files that are not included in the project by checking that they do not exist?

I want to check whether the files exist, as in the window that opens when importing asset from Package Manager, and copy them into the ...
Atlas's user avatar
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I have imported a FBX model. It has predefined Transform values in Imported Object setting in the Inspector. How can I change those transform values?

what my problem is: I imported FBX models, when I click those objects from Project tab, I see the values of Transform are different and can't be changed (The Transform values under Imported Object ...
sdo's user avatar
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Model is oriented correctly in the Unity asset browser but flips 180 degrees when added to the scene?

I have modeled two pinball flippers in Houdini. I exported them as OBJ files and imported them into Unity 2021.3. They look correct in the asset view: They also look correct when I open them with the ...
Matt's user avatar
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Fitting to camera (perspective) an arbitrary 3D model import

Is there a general method for resizing an arbitrary 3D model imported at runtime to fit the camera boundaries (i.e. fill 80% or so) ? For example, some 3D scanned models often do not have the model ...
ina's user avatar
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Why is Unity applying different settings to an object copied from another?

I am trying to create some turrets, I have my Blender model which I import into Unity just fine. This model is a double turret with identical turret models for top and bottom. I have to apply a -90Z ...
Chris Lowe's user avatar
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Why Generic Rigs won't matching? ( Unity )

1 part - Blender I made a character with animations in Blender. When importing in Unity, I decided to split the Armature and the Model into different FBX files. This is how we get 2 files: ...
White Raven's user avatar
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Humanoid rig breaks my animation

The humanoid rig behaves strangely with my animation from Blender. Here is a demo of the problem - video. Can anyone suggest what the problem might be?
White Raven's user avatar
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"ModelImporterClipAnimation" Settings don't get applied to FBX

I am trying to edit animation file settings in the FBX file. I managed to load the file and extract animation clip names using the code below, however, I am unable to actually edit any of the settings ...
Lemon Sprinkles's user avatar
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Material overridden when importing package between 2 pc

So I work with my colleague A and he has (for example) a basic scene A exports the scene as package to give me. and on my pc with new project I imported the package everything is fine and I make ...
Young Gilgamesh's user avatar
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How to ensure Unity does not rearrange the sub-meshes of a mesh on import?

having a bit of a head scratcher problem here. I have my artist's making multiple unique meshes in Maya that contain 3 materials. Each material is assigned to a sub-mesh in a specific order. This ...
BakaBlue's user avatar
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Is there a way to reimport an asset with new import options?

I'm trying to help out a friend with an Unreal issue. He has a character model that's been imported and used in a map. A bunch of work has already gone into setting up the scene before anyone ...
Mason Wheeler's user avatar
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Blender: Bones get enlarged in export/import process

I have a rig in blender that I want to export into a different blender project. For some reason, when I do that, some of the bones get enlarged. All the scales are applied. Why might this be happening?...
KI.'s user avatar
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Unity, interior poly always missing in clothing

I've modeled interior polygons but for some reason they do not show up in Unity. I've tried changing import settings for normals to both calculate and import... How do you have a tshirt's interior ...
ina's user avatar
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Unity 3D Imported Assets Rotated Backwards in-game

I'm putting together boilerplate for a Unity FPS game, and having an issue with importing an Asset Store model. All of my weapons are asset store prefabs. I'm new to Unity, but this makes me think ...
robobear's user avatar
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How to import Blender mesh+rig separately from animations for generic rigs in Unity?

Currently I'm creating mesh, rig and animations in Blender and export them together as an fbx file. I know that importing animations separately works for humanoid meshes, but how to do this for a ...
Bartimaeus's user avatar
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How can I allow player-created content to add morphs to Daz Genesis 8 characters(UE4)?

We use Daz Genesis 8 characters in our project. Content creators would load their morphs from Daz to our game. We would like to add these morphs to our characters so they can be modded, edited and ...
formatc2013's user avatar
3 votes
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How to support importing .uasset files in game for content creators(UE4)?

I would like to support importing clothes(as SkeletalMeshes) and props(as StaticMeshes) as uasset files into game for content creators, which obviously have not been packaged with the game. Basically ...
formatc2013's user avatar
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How can I tell Unity to use specific frames for animation?

So I have made a set of animations in a one file in Blender. For example, frame 0-20 idle animation, 30-60 walking animation, 70-120 jumping animation. How can I tell the program to separate the ...
lucutes's user avatar
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How to export a terrain from Unity to Blender?

I'm trying to make an environment for my scene that consists animations and other objects such as trees. Making a terrain in Unity seem to be a lot easier than in Blender, so I want to export that ...
lucutes's user avatar
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Exporting models from Crocotile3D to Unreal Engine 4 (.obj). Texures are always blurry. I want crisp, clean textures

Can anyone help me? I am exporting models with textures (.obj) from Crocotile3D to Unreal Engine 4. I want them to be crisp and clear, as in the left image (Crocotile editor), but only get blurry, as ...
Sam Luxton's user avatar
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Godot 3.2 atlasTexture not creating any texture atlas

When I try to use the new feature of godot that lets you import sprites as an atlasTexture, I dont' get any results.
Hamza Memon's user avatar
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Problem when importing fbx in Unity made in Blender

First I will explain how do I make my object in Blender: I want to make an object with a texture that have transparecies (png image). I unwrap my object and then apply the image to it in the UV ...
Llacer's user avatar
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How can I use canon.js in three.js editor?

I would like to add bullet physics to a scene crated by the three.js editor. Where do I need to put the canon.js file in order to be able to access it's functions from the editor scripts? I ...
John Domboroczki's user avatar
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Lightmapper artifacts

I really don't understand why this is creating these kinds of artifacts. I'm starting to think something is wrong with Unity. There are clearly no overlapping faces on the Model. There is enough of a ...
AzulShiva's user avatar
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Character axis gets messed up when I add the armature into it

So basically Ive been working on a walking animation in Blender, but theres a problem when I import it to Unity, the axis get inverted… The only thing that is messing it up is the armature that ...
Hugo Sousa's user avatar
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How to import a texture to be used as occlusion map?

The same way normal maps need to be imported as "Normal map" in the import settings, how should I setup an Ambient Occlusion texture to correctly work? I've been searching around in the manual and ...
40detectives's user avatar
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Cannot import an .svg into a Unity project

I cannot import an .svg into a Unity project. When I just move the .svg file into the Unity project Unity does not work with it ...
iamyourfriend's user avatar
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Unity - export package - but on import, scene and folder structure are different (screenshots)

I export a package and shows me all the files I am exporting. When I go to import this package, one of the files is renamed and placed in a folder that no longer exists. Can anyone explain what is ...
Taylor Brown's user avatar
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I imported both the rig and baked animation seperatly from Maya, but it's not working correctly

I am using the animation controller to bind the "jump" animation I did onto the rig itself. I don't get any errors. The animation plays. Except it seems to only affect the root joint only. Basically ...
john smith's user avatar
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Unity tilemap spacing between imported sprites

What am I missing here? Is Unity's tilemap limited to size 32x32? I am trying to understand why my sprites in my Unity tilemap are spaced apart from one another such that if I paint them into the ...
Tartle Wizard's user avatar
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Exporting a simple mesh from Blender for reading in Assimp

I'm trying to create some simple assets for using in my rendering engine. What I'm trying to do is to generate simple low poly models and then importing them into my application using Assimp. I can ...
Luca's user avatar
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Unity - warning: animations neck and head have scale

I always get this warning if I import my model to unity: ...
Black's user avatar
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Import Unity Package Into Specific Folder

Everytime i do import custom unity package file, I alwasy get Messy Folder and files in root of Asset Folder. Any Idea how to solve this ? Many Thanks in advance.....
questionasker's user avatar
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How to edit WoW models with Blender?

My situation is following, I am into role play, mostly me and my friends are using World of Warcraft. Since I am a bit into Blender too, I would like to try to edit some models(armor and weapon) for ...
Vadim.K's user avatar
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Import Blender model into Unity with Textures

I tried a very straightforward import of the Monk model from into Unity 5.6.1f1, and ended up with no color/texture on the model. Why?
BlueMonkMN's user avatar
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How to import .obj file from server without using asset bundle in unity3d

I want to import .obj file from a server on run time in unity3D, read lot of questions/answers but not able to find a suitable solution. Using WWW in unity I am able to get .png file and store it in ...
m_kiani's user avatar
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How to import assets to Unity3d Build on runtime

I am trying to import assets- ex:"fbx files"- into my app that is made using unity3d. this works easily inside the unity editor, but i need to do that in the actual build. any idea how to make this ...
jaafar Nasrallah's user avatar
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Importing a File Containing Two Objects from Blender into Unity Leads to a Single GameObject Not Two

I have two separate objects in a Blender file (say a cube and a sphere). Unity import this file (OBJ type) as a single gameObject which is not want I want. I want cube and sphere to be two separate ...
Kamran Bigdely's user avatar
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Import Material from blender into unity Export FBX

There have been several questions like this but nothing that is quite the same. I've noticed when Mixamo can create models with materials attached in their FBX. I'm trying to do the same in blender, ...
johnny 5's user avatar
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Imported model from Blender stops updating after applying scripts

I am new to Unity3D and I am trying to import a model from Blender. I save the .blend file inside the assets folder and everything works well. I drag and drop my model and apply textures, colliders ...
max_tech91's user avatar
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Keep the prefab connection with FBX

The steps I have gone through: Added an FBX in UnityProject. FBX added to scene hierarchy. Made Prefab by dragging the FBX into my assets. Note that now the model became a prefab in my hierarchy. ...
Muhammad Faizan Khan's user avatar
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Rotation in animation not working

I have a model of an SMG with arms exported from Blender and set to generic rig in unity import settings. I was creating an animation for this model in Unity Animation tab, it included changes in ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Bounding box rotated on import

For some reason my bounding box is always tilted when i import to unity. I've checked for loose geometry and everything but there's nothing.
Alex Richard's user avatar
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problems with imported texture

I have done a texture in GIMP and imported it in Unity but for some reason the texture appears to be squashed in the sides. Image done in gimp: And here is what happens in Unity:
John Smith's user avatar
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Importing code from unityscripts

To encourage code reuse- i want to import methods and classes defined in my core unityscripts to be imported into other unityscripts. How do i go about this? Note: An answer here seems too ...
erbdex's user avatar
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3dsMax to Mudbox - Import Warning: UV not a complete set

I'm exporting my 3dsMax model to Mudbox. The import gives me a warning that the UV set is incomplete. First, what does this mean? That I haven't got all the UVs unwrapped? Web searches have brought ...
Pendo826's user avatar
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In HaxeFlixel, how do I avoid hard-coding dialogue?

I'm planning to develop a visual novel in Haxe Flixel and wanted to know if there is a easier way to add dialogue than to hardcode them in every square. I don't know if I can import a txt file with ...
Jallrich's user avatar
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Blender exported model has reduced quality in Unity when normals applied

I know this topic comes up a lot in forums, however I have spent the last 2 hours googling it and can not find a solution for my specific problem... I have exported this model from Blender, but when ...
Bryan's user avatar
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FBX SDK Getting Tangents and Binormals From a Mesh?

How do I import tangent and binormal data per vertex from a FBX Mesh. I already know how to get Vertices, Normals and UVs but how would I get tangents and binormals? For example this is how I would ...
MisterArch's user avatar
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x-inverted obj importer in BulletSharp - what's wrong? [closed]

See [dead link removed] at the repository. Screenshot: [broken image removed] Left: bullet imported version, right: correct 3ds max version. It's somehow inverted. If you think that left part is ...
vbprogr's user avatar
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