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How can I map out multiple decals on a reel?

So I want to map out multiple Decals on this reel. How can I map it out aesthetically and mathematically correct ? Looking for a math god to help me with this calculation. So far I have hardcoded the ...
Ibra's user avatar
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2 answers

How to publish WebXR game on Quest or Steam stores?

I would like to develop a simple and small game for WebXR so that Quest, Index, etc. can play it. I would eventually like to be able to put it on the Quest store and Steam. Is there a way to publish a ...
Imperial A's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Octree build time crashes page for complex mesh

Using the standard three.js FPS example of octree implementation with a more advanced mesh, crashes the page on load. My first idea is to write a few functions to save the octee data to a file, then ...
B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch Hashem's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Multiplayer game - Player position updates transmission pattern

I'm building a very basic 3D multiplayer game using Three.js and where all the player does is move in an environment. Considering there will be ~ 100 players in a single room and all data ...
bhachawl2298's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Creating a Game in Three.js do i share camera, scene objects?

Im creating a game with React and Three.js and vanilla Javascript, i have several clases, representing objects in the game, do i need to create a camera, scene, renderer for each class or i simply ...
Jorge Carretero's user avatar
1 vote
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Aircraft simulation

Trying to get a "semi" realistic aircraft simulator. I'm pulling my hair out because I just can't get the math right. I'm not looking for super realistic but want to at least get some ...
K2xL's user avatar
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0 answers

Three.js Animate Text error geometry.faces

In this three.js Text example they animate text, i am trying to implement it on React/Three.js but i got the error TypeError: can't access property "length", geometry.faces is undefined in ...
Jorge Carretero's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Interpolate colors between vertex in a plane

So I have this plane generated with two different Perlin noises. It has mainly 3 regions, divided by color. I want to smooth out the lines, to create a "gradient" so there are no abrupt ...
alon's user avatar
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1 answer

Assign biomes to areas with a Voronoi noise function

I've created this terrain based on a Voronoi noise function: This is how it looks without the elevation: I want to assign biomes to the polygons following certain rules and use the slope on the ...
alon's user avatar
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0 answers

How should I modify my terrain according to the biome? [duplicate]

I have this terrain I generated using Perlin Noise layers whose colors are applied based on the height of the vertex, just for reference before I am done being clear about how I will implement the ...
alon's user avatar
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1 answer

How to check if a line casted from one point to another point passes through a mesh?

Let's say we have two vectors A and B. Is there a way to use Three.js' Ray or Raycaster classes to cast a line between vector A and vector B and check is it passes through a mesh in the scene? I know ...
Rick Stanley's user avatar
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1 answer

How to import three.module.js

I'm looking at this three.js cubemap example, and it runs fine in my browser when loaded from that page. After much strain to find and download the files - it does not run? What am I doing wrong, with ...
greenthings's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I use canon.js in three.js editor?

I would like to add bullet physics to a scene crated by the three.js editor. Where do I need to put the canon.js file in order to be able to access it's functions from the editor scripts? I ...
John Domboroczki's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

threejs lerp and camera the animation is not smooth

what is the problem with linear interpolation? in update() in case this is animate() and when I call zoomCamera() in update() there is lerp with smooth but when I call here ...
grzesiekmq's user avatar
1 vote
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Camera Sensitivity in PointerLockControls to match actual games

I am creating a FPS game online. I want the user to be able to use a sensitivity they are familiar with from games they've played. In this case, I want them to use their Fortnite sensitivity. I am ...
Ben Stallwood's user avatar
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1 answer

Raycasting in three.js not working properly on ipad and touch devices

I am working on a 3D tool for desktop and iPad. Everything is working fine except for two issues: Issue 1 - When I select a 3D object with the mouse and move it on an iPad (as opposed to on desktop, ...
Nishant9969's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Finding the closest face normal from a given point in space efficiently

I have a large model (roughly 400k faces) and a large number of points on this model (roughly 2000) and I need to calculate a normal per point based on the closest face on the model. Is there a faster ...
Cobertos's user avatar
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Set custom Yaw Pitch and Roll in Three.js

So I have the following struct in C++, it gets updates with the values of an program that uses a camera in spectator mode: ...
Karliky's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Throw ball - distance and force

I have a question, I need a formula to calculate the distance and a force based on the speed that drags the finger up on the phone. And is there any way I can get a look? And also shows the trajectory ...
Lucas's user avatar
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1 answer

How would I process accelerometer data to use it for camera rotation?

I'm using Three.js to make a web-based 3D first-person game. I would like the player to be able to control the camera rotation with their device's accelerometer. The sensor data is received via the <...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Sorting sprites above the surface of 3D mesh?

I'm having trouble getting sprites to display on top of a 3D mesh. My requirements are as follows: Sprite should billboard Sprite should not clip into the mesh Sprite should be hidden when on the ...
Cobertos's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Three.js— how to rotate sphere without moving light (using OrbitControls)?

Okay, I think the problem that I'm having is that when I create my DirectionalLight with three.js, when I then rotate my object with ...
shan's user avatar
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align local Y to be parallel with global Y during or after slerp

I am using the following function to have a globe rotate a point on its surface to face the global Z toward the camera. This works fine, but after each rotation the Y axis seen as a green line is not ...
Neil's user avatar
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3 votes
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My collision detection is not working when I rotate my mesh in three.js

I am trying to move a ball mesh through a maze. The maze belongs to a parent object3d. My issue is that when I move the ball I can't detect collision right well because in the rotation, the axis ...
myhappycoding's user avatar
4 votes
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Timers and performance for mobile JS

I'm using the Three.js JavaScript library to do some things in WebGL, and I wonder how the graphic aspects of timers are done on mobile. I was creating numbers with geometries and just replacing them ...
Kahless's user avatar
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How can I export a model from Unity to three.js?

I want to buy some assets from the Unity asset store and use them in my three.js project, but I am not sure what the best way to go about this is. Some cursory googling got me this, but Collada ...
Josh's user avatar
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three.js objects disappear

I haven't got a lot of experience with 3D Frameworks - but was playing around with three.js and came across something that (to me) is a bit odd and I wondered why this happened. I am rendering the ...
Dylan Meeus's user avatar
-3 votes
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handling wars in multiplayer browser game [closed]

I'm building a browser game about countries, cities, the user control his city, building it upgrading it, can fight other cities in the same country, elections and war between countries, peace, trade ...
Art3mix's user avatar
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How can you merge the geometries of cloned objects in Three.JS?

So I'm testing the best non-voxel way to display a lot of objects at once and so I found how to merge geometries. Now, I can easily merge most geometries, but I can't seem to merge the geometries of ...
Garrett's user avatar
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JavaScript THREE.js webgl spotlight rendering

I'm playing with webgl/JavaScript/THREE and a spotlight. And I see unexpected results. And I don't understand what's going on, and I'm hoping you can point me in the right direction. In my particular ...
user2693072's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to implement 2d collision detection that is immune to low framerate and fast movement? [duplicate]

I am trying to implement my own collision detection for a 2.5d voxel style platformer using Three.js. I have a problem with my implementation - if the framerate is too low or the character is moving ...
Tilen Pogačnik's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Three.js camera turning leftside right

In Three.js I am trying to implement an orbiting camera can be rotated around the x and the y axis. I am using these two functions: ...
Gerharddc's user avatar
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2 answers

what function creates rotation effect in three.js?

which part of the code is responsible for the rotation in this example? Is it the camera or the scene itself?
expiredninja's user avatar
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1 answer

How would one outline an alpha transparency layer in javscript and/or php? [duplicate]

I simply want an outline/edge detection of the character/item/object that is selected or doing something. I'm seeing lots of versions of this question for different languages, but I would appreciate ...
expiredninja's user avatar
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Replace a div (with a ball picture in it) with a 3D canvas ball [closed]

I am trying to make a game where you have to keep the ball on a green platform. At this point the ball is a div with a ball image. You can move the ball over the ...
Maurice's user avatar
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Walking on a sphere

I'm working on a game which involves walking your character on the surface of a sphere. Using the answer to Arbitrary Rotation about a Sphere, I've written my code as: ...
Tom Leese's user avatar
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2 answers

Three.js camera rotation and behavior

I'm just getting into Three.js and the camera is causing some problems. Basically, I want to implement spectator-like movement controls, so that I can move around freely in the scene. The problem is ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How good do I have to be at Math to create a 3D game using three.js? [closed]

A question I've often had, how good at Math do I need to be to create 3 dimensional games? I get along with 2d games just fine. I understand everything I'm doing without problems after practise. ...
jskidd3's user avatar
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Is there an out-of-the-box way to create a custom non-convex polygon in three.js?

Does Three.js offer an out-of-the-box way to create custom non-convex polygon, or do I have to use THREE.Geometry and set faces manually? I'm guessing that ...
23k's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to handle 3D collisions using raycasting (with a reflection vector?)

I'm making a game using THREE.JS, and I want my character to walk on the terrain, and collide with static 3D objects (=AABB boxes) that are on that terrain. The problem is: THREE.JS has only a ...
Nick's user avatar
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Quaternions - how to limit axis?

Is there any possibility to limit quaternions to move only in x & y axis (like in Eulers- yaw and pitch, without rolling)? I's there any equation or something similar to do this? Some example: ...
Bartosz Walicki's user avatar
3 votes
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Translate object in world space usings it's local rotation

I'm using Three.JS to render some objects. I'm struggling with some very simple object rendering and translation. The scenario is that I spawn an object at 0,0,0 in world space with 0,0,0 rotation. <...
Kwaak's user avatar
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