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Questions tagged [javascript]

"JavaScript (sometimes abbreviated JS) is a prototype-based scripting language that is dynamic, weakly typed and has first-class functions. It is a multi-paradigm language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles." From Wikipedia.

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How to make objects appear on the map at a certain distance based on scale?

Mode7 - Sprites on Screen / Pseudo 3D Scale x1: Scale x16: I'm trying to recreate this system with JAVASCRIPT: The ...
RpgBoss's user avatar
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Skinned mesh distorts when translating or rotating the body bone

I'm facing a problem in my custom engine with a model exported from blender in glTF format. This model is rendered properly in an engine using Assimp, so I know the model is rigged properly. I want to ...
AdriJoker's user avatar
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How to "cancel" a promise to make my fighting system work

I'm making a very basic clickable combat game with HTML and JavaScript. In the battles, the user starts the round, attacks, and then the enemies attack one by one. On the player's turn, the user has ...
Salvador Di Sabatto Fund's user avatar
1 vote
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2D Square Collision Correction issue detecting which direction

I've just started getting into 2D game development and have been experimenting with some 2D collision and correction logic in canvas. I'm trying to debug this block of code and understand why it is ...
Jacob Goldstein's user avatar
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Using NFC without using NDEFReader

I am trying to build a Amiibo read-only game support for my phone, but the NDEFReaader is only supported in two different browsers that I don't and can't have. MDN Doc page. So my question is how can ...
Alex's user avatar
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Is it still possible to connect my Wii Remotes to my PC via Bluetooth?

I am trying to build a game that supports Wii Remotes like Wii Sports, that comes with the motion support. I know Macs no longer support Wiimote connection via Bluetooth due to security reasons in an ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to add an HTML + CSS overlay to a DirectX app?

I'm looking for a way to render html and css elements within an executable as an overlay. There are programs today made in electron such as Blitz or even the best known Discord. They do overlay within ...
robert's user avatar
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Is there a way to read data from an amiibo?

Just for the fun of it, is there a way I read (not write) data from an amiibo? I think it would be cool if I could make a mini-game that summons Mario if I put a Mario amiibo. Also, I know I shouldn't ...
Alex's user avatar
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Should tiles from a tileset atlas be separated into individual images when the program loads?

I load a large tileset image in at the start of my program. To draw the game world, I loop over a 2D array of tile IDs and based on that ID I cut out a 16x16 portion from the tileset and draw that as ...
ChocolateCyanide's user avatar
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How can I map out multiple decals on a reel?

So I want to map out multiple Decals on this reel. How can I map it out aesthetically and mathematically correct ? Looking for a math god to help me with this calculation. So far I have hardcoded the ...
Ibra's user avatar
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Fixed timestep without cloning game state

I'm doing a JS game with hundreds of moving physical particles. I've read the famous "fix your timestep" article. So far I've implemented basic prototype with janky game loop tied to FPS and ...
Fen1kz's user avatar
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Object created in function triggered by emitter does not run constructor

I'm working on expanding on the tutorial found here I currently am creating two classes based off of menu ...
Legen Diary's user avatar
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Line Of Sight in javascript DOM game

I am creating a 2D game in javascript using pure DOM, on my computer and on my cell phone WebGL or OpenGL do not work. How can I create Lights and shadows effects using Line Of Sight, for example, I ...
Haruki Hotarou's user avatar
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Controlling Input Handling in Turn-Based Game

I've been building a turn-based style RPG in Typescript based upon this ROT-JS Tutorial. For the most part it's fairly clear and I have a handle on everything, except I've begun building out a ...
Joel's user avatar
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`textSubImage2D` inconsistent performance

I have a problem when creating a texture with WebGL. The thing that I do not understand is that the first call with texSubImage2D with a canvas leads to the ...
hoangphatmonter's user avatar
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Object collision and vector reflection for complex polygons?

I am currently creating an environment to train aim-bot AI's for my game. It is a 2d world made of complex polygons, and the goal is to have the AI's shoot ricocheting bullets. Using a ray-casting ...
Beluker's user avatar
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Should I be adding a database functionality for my game rooms?

I'm a little confused on when it's needed to bring in Mongo or MySQL in a web browser multiplayer card game. Here's my plan so far: I'm using React, Node.js, Express, and I'm having the ...
chung's user avatar
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How to use elapsed time to code a function to manipulate DOM

I'm a new software engineering student. I have a problem that I can't seem to get my head around. I am currently making a basic rhythm game like Guitar Hero using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I managed ...
8bitNostalgia's user avatar
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3 answers

Identifying extreme vertices for shadow effects in 2D game using JavaScript

I'm facing an issue while trying to identify the two most extreme vertices of an object in my 2D game using JavaScript. The goal is to determine where I should create a trapezoid to simulate the ...
Mark Vaaz's user avatar
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Web application for efficient placement of blocks

Task: to develop a function that efficiently places rectangular blocks in rectangular 2D container. The location of the blocks in the container should be as dense as possible in order to rationally ...
Назар Саханда's user avatar
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Help please I have task Web application for efficient placement of blocks [duplicate]

Task: to develop a function that efficiently places rectangular blocks in rectangular 2D container. The location of the blocks in the container should be as dense as possible in order to rationally ...
Назар Саханда's user avatar
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How to draw a small circle 20px in webgl using JavaScript?

I could use triangles (make them using trigonometry). But the circle I want is small, only 20px diameter. I could also load a model but I need a quick solution. Is there an easy method to draw a small ...
Praveen Kumar's user avatar
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Javascript global variable doesn't update

Here is the scenario, I have a GetImageAerial.jslib which has function something like this ...
Suriya Swami's user avatar
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How can I apply blur filter in Phaser 2.7

can somebody please tell me how can I apply filters in general, and specifically blur filters in Phaser 2.7? The approach I found on ChatGPT is: ...
Haider Mansoor's user avatar
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tubular mesh around any y=f(x). issue calculating normals

I used this to help create a 3d cylindrical mesh that wraps around any y = f(x). Each vertex is calculated by a point P: ...
Emre Tekmen's user avatar
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Add a sprite, move with keys, Javascript example?

I have a small image (30x30 px) I want to use as a sprite on a Javascript screen to show students what Javascript can do. (They want to create games.) How do I link the image file to my Javascript ...
Jonathan Titus's user avatar
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Padding in a vec3f array in WebGPU memory layout

I'm trying to write a WGSL structs parser (sort of webgpu-utils thing). In order to better understand the memory layout, I'm using wgsl offset computer as a helper. Having the next struct: ...
Michael Sazonov's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

What is a "normal" in game development

I'm new in Game development and probably this is a silly question. I had a look online but haven't found a clear answer, I did it bit quick but enough to evaluate that this is a confusing topic ...
Federico Baù's user avatar
-4 votes
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Why wont my code work

I have just started on a new short game and i am trying to figure out how to make a reward when i reach a certain value I expect that the counter starts at zero, and each time the button is clicked it ...
David Humphrey's user avatar
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How do I react to a variable having reached a certain value?

I am a new coder and im trying to learn html. i have started working on a clicker game but im trying to figure out how to give a reward when my total clicks var has reached a certain value. the reward ...
David Humphrey's user avatar
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Improve performance of server updating game state

I have a Node.js game that sends update packets to players every 30ms. The code I currently use works this way: Get the entities within each player's vision. Create a temporary object that stores ...
hmmmm's user avatar
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How to set pivot point for rotating a sprite?

Is there a way to set the pivot point for rotating a sprite? The default option seems to be arbitrarily chosen point on the sprite or the mid point. ...
Naveen's user avatar
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Camera movement with player

I'm developing a game using the html5 canvas, but I've never used it before and I'm having difficulty creating a camera. The intention is that it is the same as, where the player is centered ...
Jhon's user avatar
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Is it safe to store the state of a game in Javascripts localStorage?

I am going to be completely honest, this is not 100% about storing a game state in Javascript's localStorage, it is more to do with a utility program storing statistics. Since it can be related to ...
Rewind's user avatar
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Trying to calculate hitbox vertices for my game and adding SAT collision

I am currently working on a basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript game as a freshman high school summer project. I am currently trying to implement separating axis theorem (I spent a lot of time learning ...
Yash-902's user avatar
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Would it be possible to make a Game Genie like program in Javascript?

Game Genie was a tool for the NES that allowed users to input codes that were able to drastically able to change the mechanics of a game by getting CPU reads and replacing the game's response with its ...
Jake Miahn's user avatar
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Where is the illusion of a moving camera perspective coming from in this rotatable cube model?

Just for fun, I had been attempting to build a model cube in vanilla JS that can be moved and/or rotated. What I was going for was the simplest possible representation (so, no adjusting for ...
Quack E. Duck's user avatar
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Handle roads following in a javascript game

In a browser game made in HTML5/Javascript, I would like to handle the move of units in real-time. But units would have to follow some predefined roads... Canvas seems better than svg to handle ...
Charles Dexter Ward's user avatar
10 votes
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Wondering if there is a more efficient way to store level data in my game?

I am trying to remake Super Mario Bros. in JavaScript and I am trying to figure out if there is a more efficient way to create and store the level data. I have created 1-1 and here's what the code ...
Jake Miahn's user avatar
1 vote
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Do you need to know JavaScript to make games with RPG Maker?

Do I have to know how to code in JavaScript to make good games in RPG Maker MZ? I'm asking cause I know you don't really have to code in RPG Maker. I already tried some programming languages, so I ...
Inerzja's user avatar
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steering behaviors collision avoidance: vehicle shaking before arrive at destination

I have made a test sketch of collision avoidance using javascript, as you can see right here. I want the vehicle to move to the clicked location, avoiding obstacles on the way. It is working, but not ...
Ricardinho's user avatar
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How to draw/calculate a parabolic arch to hit stationary target in Javascript

First off I must admit I'm really not good at math and am trying to learn but have had a hard time finding examples someone like myself can follow. I'm trying to figure out how to draw and calculate ...
cluelessgamedev's user avatar
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How can i rotate an object based on the finger position?

I am using Lens Studio to build an AR effect and trying to use the position of the hand tracker fingertip to make a cube rotate. For example, as I move my finger on the x-axis the cube rotates in the ...
Harry's user avatar
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How to publish WebXR game on Quest or Steam stores?

I would like to develop a simple and small game for WebXR so that Quest, Index, etc. can play it. I would eventually like to be able to put it on the Quest store and Steam. Is there a way to publish a ...
Imperial A's user avatar
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Adding requestAnimationFrame in isometric Tile grid Code is not working

Hi There this is my first Post on gamedev, and i hope everyone understand what i want :) First of all my Code is an very Personal Version from one Github Isometric Map. I Tryd now 2 Days to Add the ...
Tobias B.'s user avatar
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How to instantly break method call?

I'm making 2d Mobile game using JavaScript. I have method that controls every character (Dumb AI) on battleground. It using recursion to call another action. I want to add debuff system and had little ...
Jakub Dobrzeniecki's user avatar
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Why is this code keeping the listener which should be removed instead?

I am having some issues figuring out why this code still lets btn_1 call the function setstate3(). There is a function ...
subtlefly's user avatar
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why does my button lose the changed cursor and mouseover behaviour as soon as I attach a class to my file?

Using adobe animate cc - exporting to HTML5 and coding in JS (or at least trying to) If I just hit cntrl+enter in adobe animate the button works as expected. If I run the app from a web server using ...
subtlefly's user avatar
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How to create global function for all .JSLIB files?

I can't understand how to work with .jslib files. I don't understand the syntax of this type of file. Also I couldn't find any easy explanation of it The problem ...
EzioMercer's user avatar
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How to stop player when they hit an axis aligned bounding box?

I'm in the process of creating a game using electron and HTML5. It's going to be a pretty basic story-based platformer, but I'm ...
Blue Herring's user avatar

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