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Questions tagged [steering-behaviors]

A set of strategies used to direct the movement of AI agents - especially flocks and crowds - by combining vectors from one or more local avoidance/approach rules to obtain a net acceleration in each update, "steering" the agent in response to sometimes overlapping environmental considerations.

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How to implement proportional guidance in 2D

I would like to preface this by saying I am not a dedicated game developer. I am trying to implement proportional navigation in order to create a missile class that receives the target location every ...
Stephan's user avatar
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Steering around a track in R3F

I posted this on stackoverflow, then thought it might be better here where the gamedev experts are: I am experimenting with threejs and react three fibre. I have a box which I am sending around a ...
Neil's user avatar
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Context-based Steering

I added context-based steering functionality to my 2d sideview free-roam shoot-'em-up game. Essentially enemy units emit raycasts eventually towards every direction, I determine interest and danger ...
Christian Finke's user avatar
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Steering Behaviors in Discrete Space

I'm interested in Steering Behaviors by Craig W. Reynolds in a project but my agents are in a discrete grid (think Minecraft). Essentially all agents internally have continuous speed, accelerations ...
Consuelo Ugarte's user avatar
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Arrive Steering Behaviour velocity not decreasing properly

I'm trying to implement the Arrive Steering Behaviour with acceleration from AI For Games 3rd edition by Ian Millington (Algorithm on Page 63) ...
Stridd's user avatar
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How to fix flaw with context steering

I have implemented steering behaviours where I get eight cardinal directions and calculate the 'interest' and 'danger' values for each direction and get the average of these for the enemy's output ...
Hasen's user avatar
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Real-life "fighter jet" like movement behavior in a 2D side-view game

I'm looking for a way to implement a fighter-jet like movement behavior for my non-player entities in my 2D side-view shoot-em-up. I.e. enemy entities (say jets or planes) can't suddenly change their ...
Christian Finke's user avatar
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Why does this obstacle avoidance steering behaviour get stuck going left and right?

I am studying obstacle avoidance steering behaviour. So far I got arrive seek flee, and wander behaviours working, so the math should be right. Why doesn't this avoid steer behaviour work, though? It ...
eguneys's user avatar
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Anisotropic steering

I'm trying to create a library for steering AI in games, following the article by Craig Reynolds. In the article, he discusses a "simple vehicle model", wherein every vehicle has some ...
Pasha's user avatar
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2 answers

Grouping Around a Point and Moving Together With Steering Behaviors

I have a group of enemies that move together. I have them grouped around a point by setting their target to be a point at the center of the group. I have combined the "Seek" and "...
GameDungeon's user avatar
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How to create the slow random movement effect you see in shmup enemy idles?

I’ve noticed in a lot 2D shmups, after enemies accelerate onto screen and arrive at their arrival point, they don’t simply sit static at their arrival position, but rather begin to gently move in ...
DyingIsFun's user avatar
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How can I my homing missile avoid walls (2D)? [closed]

Okay, I have the homing missile implemented. It will follow the player, but I want it to avoid the walls. I tried out A* but I want to make my own. I need some help plzz.
RandomGameDev's user avatar
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How should I combine A* with steering?

I want to combine A* pathfinding with evasion, pursuit, and fleeing. For example, if I tell an agent to move to a position and avoid enemy agents on the way, it will create an A* path towards that ...
Ben Rubin's user avatar
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Finding the site of the potential collision between 2 vehicles

I've been trying to implement the unaligned collision avoidance steering behavior. I get what needs to be done on a high level, but struggle with the maths behind it. On Craig Reynolds site, he ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Steering behaviours that gaurentee not to hit something

I'm really struggling how people make steering behaviours that guarantee a given agent will never hit something. I want to have a flocking algorithm that the agents can follow each other and also ...
WDUK's user avatar
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How to Steer a Moving Object Away From Another Object(s)

I'm working with C# in Unity, and I'm making a top-down space shooter game in which there are many different AI-controlled ships flying around. The problem is that these ships often fly on top of one ...
Agent Tatsu's user avatar
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Framerate Dependant Steering Behaviour

I've been studying steering and flocking behaviors, if not directly from Craig Reynolds work on Steering Behaviors For Autonomous Characters ( I understand the basic ...
user129620's user avatar
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Dodge different type of obstacles

I'm writing a 2D game where the player has to kill a Ninja. This Ninja is coming closer with a constant speed chasing the player. The Map has some static obstacles like stones no one can pass. The ...
LuaNoob's user avatar
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Controlling a thrustered 2D space ship with angular rotation and max speed

In my game I have a computer controlled ship that is accelerated by a thruster: with a constant force and in the direction of the ship's current orientation/rotation angle. Thrusting My ship has a ...
Eduardo G.R.'s user avatar
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How to implement smooth wandering on an annulus?

I am creating a 2D action platformer and want to create some steering behavior for a mage enemy. Basically, I want the mage to smoothly wander inside an annulus centered on my player. Below is an ...
DyingIsFun's user avatar
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Steering constantly turning in circles

I've been working on a fish system in a compute shader but bugs have been drowning me. The latest bug had me strip almost all the functionality to track down: Fish keep turning in circles. It starts ...
Saevax's user avatar
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Confused about calculation of steering force

I'm reading Programming Game AI by Example, by Mat Buckland. What I don't understand there is why the individual behaviors return a vector representing change in velocity, but the combined result is ...
Azad Salahli's user avatar
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How to implement swooping movement?

I am trying to code some swooping behavior for a flying enemy in my 2D platformer. The ideal behavior has the enemy starting from an arbitrary height above the ground, then accelerating downward and ...
DyingIsFun's user avatar
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How to implement back and forth steering behavior?

I am trying to implement some behavior for a flying enemy in my 2D platformer. The desired behavior is for the enemy to fly back and forth across the player, harrowing him. If the player was ...
DyingIsFun's user avatar
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What does distance divided by acceleration mean?

I'm reading a book named "Programming Game AI by Example". Here's a method to help an autonomous character to slow down when it's getting closer and closer to its target: ...
Lee's user avatar
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Converging at position and angle using motor-based rigidbody movement

I am given a rigidbody positioned in \$\mathbb{R}^2\$. It is a box of length \$l\$ and height \$\epsilon\$. The position of the box's left center is described by \$\vec{p}\$, and its angle from the x-...
ctRy's user avatar
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4 answers

How to combine steering forces?

I am trying to understand how to implement and combine steering vectors for autonomous agents as described by Craig Reynolds. My understanding is that each steering force should be calculated ...
user3105897's user avatar
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Vector field collision avoidance

I'm developing a simple "Geometry Wars" like game: 2D world and multiple enemy spaceships. The enemies should be able to pursue the player and avoid collisions between them at the same time. I've ...
STK Oscar's user avatar
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How would I go about implementing a collision avoidance check, avoiding moving objects from multiple directions?

So I'm making a testbed for an AI actor(ship). It's a simple asteroids game using an AI controlled actor. I'm doing this using VS, monogame. I have implemented a simple steering behaviour using a ...
Simon's user avatar
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How to implement wall-following behavior?

I am working on an action platformer and am trying to implement an enemy with simple wall-following behavior. I want the enemy to follow the boundary of whatever connected constellation of walls it is ...
DyingIsFun's user avatar
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Arrival Steering Behavior stop before reaching evader

Im doing steering behaviors and trying to stop before reaching the evader. Instead of reaching the evader at its center, I need it to stop before. I cant seem to figure this out though. My code is ...
terry's user avatar
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move toward object and transition to circling around it.

While it's easy for me to get a object circle around another and move toward it, i've got a few problems I couldn't find a solution to, yet. Ill go here as follows: I) description of scenario II) ...
MrLowbob's user avatar
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Is PID considered Steering Behavior?

So I've recently used a PID controller to build a bot for a 2d physics based game. I also did a bit of reading on steering behavior but am still confused over one thing: Is a PID controller considered ...
MarksCode's user avatar
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Approaches on detecting if a car should steer left or right considering a next direction

I'm developing the A.I. of my racing game, and I'm having an unforeseen problem. I manage to get the bot to drive by itself by accelerating in the direction of an angle that is returned using the ...
Ericson Willians's user avatar
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How can I apply steering behaviors to a car controlled with turning and acceleration?

I feel like I've got my head around steering behaviors, but I've having trouble applying them to a car. The steering behaviors return forces that one could apply to an object that can move in any ...
IanLarson's user avatar
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Group path following

A path is defined as a list of positions for units to follow sequentially to navigate terrain. For example, ...
JPtheK9's user avatar
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Steering behaviors: how to flee then go back towards the hunter?

I have implemented a Wander and Flee steering behavior and it works like this: When the entity is not hunted by anything it wanders around. But when it is hunted by the player it will flee away from ...
newguy's user avatar
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Unity2D Having trouble steering gameobject

So I am making a 2d maze game where one of the enemies has to follow the player once it detects the player. I am currently using a steering method to steer the enemy towards the player and also when ...
nz881's user avatar
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starting point for a soccer game AI [closed]

I would like to build a simple but challenging soccer game. I can define simple as not need to be realistic and challenging having a good team sense that could colaborate doing nice plays. I have ...
Notbad's user avatar
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Steering Behavior Pursuit quick question

In the code below, you will see Heading(). Is that just a position that is normalized? If not, then what is the heading? ...
terry's user avatar
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Steering Behavior Seeking

I am trying put a seek feature in my code. Just frame code, not actual code. ...
terry's user avatar
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How to implement Boids steering efficiently? (ie. find nearest neighbours of moving entities)

As I understand it, modern pathfinding uses ideas such as Boids steering on top of traditional A* and Dijkstra's algorithm. It's easy to find recommendations for implementing Dijkstra's algorithm ...
user782220's user avatar
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Reimplemented steering seek behavior from PyGame to LÖVE is much slower than original

I'm learning about steering behaviors and watched this nice explanation tutorial - with the source code available at
Kosmetika's user avatar
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How to create follow leader behavior?

Assume that this behavior has Separation behavior. I tried to implement the FollowLeader behavior from this article. In the code ...
ronscript's user avatar
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Unity3D - Smooth rotation for seek steering behavior

I am trying to implement Reynolds' seek steering behaviour, but I am having problems on the rotation part. This is what I have: ...
JackMini36's user avatar
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Best way to create defence(withdraw) algorthim libgdx?

I have created user body and enemy body. Enemy body uses the steering behavior created by gdx AI. User body have it own control inputprocessor. World doesnt have gravity. Enemy body arrives the user ...
Muhammed Yalçın Kuru's user avatar
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3D collision avoidance: finding the updated velocity vector (outside the "collision-velocities" cones)

I am trying to understand and implement the mechanism of a fully 3D collision avoidance (steering behavior) system for flight movement (six degrees of freedom), currently focusing on circumventing ...
Louis15's user avatar
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Raycasting. Corner trap

In my top-down game character moves to target (pathfinding) also avoiding obstacles with Raycasting(Central ray with whiskers), but situation like on picture causes shiver and unneeded turning (...
Andrei Yusupau's user avatar
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Steering and wall hugging problem

What I'm hoping to achieve is that when the player steers into a wall the movement is smoothed out by hugging along the wall, moving only with the velocity parallel to the wall, zeroing out the normal ...
Nah's user avatar
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FollowPath steering behavior

I'm having a problem with AI movement in my top-down game. AI builds path and than moves using libgdx FollowPath (this problem is still actual) steering behavior. I have some solutions, but can't ...
Andrei Yusupau's user avatar