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Questions tagged [text]

You're reading text right now. Characters representing primarily letters and numbers, usually arranged to present a message.

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How do browsers render text using any font, any modifier (like bold, italic...) so fast?

Background: I am implementing a 2d renderer using OpenGL and currently working on rendering text. What I have so far: you can generate bitmap fonts from given font files (like .ttf). It works by ...
Eilan Laken's user avatar
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How to display text dialogue in a RPG using GML Code

I’m currently working on my first ever rpg game, and trying to figure out how to use GML code as this is my first time using the software. Anyways, any ideas on how to code in-game dialogue? (e.g. ...
project tamaru's user avatar
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2 answers

Bug with TextMeshPro in InputField

I made my pixel font and imported it into Unity using TextMeshPro. It works perfectly everywhere except InputFields. When I change Font Asset to my font, the input ...
medveed's user avatar
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Fade-in sprite in TextMeshPro

Nader Amir's user avatar
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Add a controls instruction overlay to game HUD

I was wondering how I could make an instruction panel for the users of my game in Unity. I will add a photo to this post that shows an instruction panel. Any explanations would be much appreciated!
Cezar P's user avatar
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Issues with bitmap character spacing

I've been working on a bitmap character renderer for my game engine in C#, however, I've been running into some spacing-related problems. This script parses the font and gets all the relevant data ...
Jessica Jones's user avatar
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Adding text label to sprite

I'm completely new to Unity. I'm trying to create something similar to Scrabble. I've simply got a tile as a sprite (red arrow).Firstly, I don't understand it being so small.. I'm trying to give the ...
Kingsley Obeng's user avatar
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How do I play a video in Unity using input text

I'm trying to play a video when a text command is typed. What I expect to happen is the user inputs "play video 1" in an input text box, and after the command is sent via a button press, the ...
La Brown Bag's user avatar
5 votes
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Web build not respecting Monospace SystemFont for Godot Label

I want a label to use a monospace SystemFont but the Web build is not respecting this setting. Here's steps to reproduce my situation: Create a new Godot 4.0.1 ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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How to get information about hovered inline sprite in a TextMeshPro?

I am new to Unity And C#. Usually I can get answers online when I encountered problems, but this one I couldn't find any clue. I know there's a way to detect text by using ...
Hippo's user avatar
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Blurry text in low resolution game using TMP

This could be a simple solution that my mind cant grab right now. So, I am working on a game with a specific resolution which is 64x64. I using unity latest version. as for my text I am using TMP. My ...
Maiz's user avatar
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In pygame I am trying to add the text as an integer and it keeps crashing, why?

I am trying to convert the string as an integer when I am using the font.render() function but it keeps saying different things like it has to be a unicode or ...
beWiNN's user avatar
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Not being able to display pygame.freetype text

I'm trying to make a game where the player has to dodge asteroids coming, and I'd like to display the lives. I looked up some tutorials and decided to settle on pygame.freetype. When I run the code ...
CodeWizard777's user avatar
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trying for a Typewriter effect on a JTextPane [closed]

i'm pretty new to coding (about 5 months) and i've been trying to make a custom terminal for a text based RPG. so far i have the terminal working the way it should but i'm looking for ways to rewrite ...
Providence's user avatar
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Three.js Animate Text error geometry.faces

In this three.js Text example they animate text, i am trying to implement it on React/Three.js but i got the error TypeError: can't access property "length", geometry.faces is undefined in ...
Jorge Carretero's user avatar
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Applying animation only to part of a text

Using the built-in text UI, is there a way to animate only a selected number of letters? What I want to do is something like the word "you" in this video and "I'd" in this one
Arian_ki's user avatar
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Can I disable auto-correct on text fields in Godot?

Background I'm working on a word game and I found it kind of nice to use a hidden LineEdit as my text input. I hide it off screen, force focus on it, and then ...
Zach Thacker's user avatar
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How to achieve something like anti-aliasing on 8x8 pixel font using TextMeshPro

I use TextMeshPro for my UI text. My text is currently very crispy and looks like this I'd prefer if it looked more like text in 90s arcade games, with more "...
DyingIsFun's user avatar
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How to display localized text from the selected language's script file?

I am trying to make a textbox engine for my RPG using Gamemaker Studio 2 as my game engine, and so far I have managed to make a pretty good-looking animation for when the textbox comes in and out. I ...
Sengachu Weekly's user avatar
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Help Me Make Sense of the Canvas and Text-Based Non-UI Objects in Unity

I am trying to wrap my head around the concept of the Canvas in Unity and its many uses especially outside of user interfaces. However, I cannot really find a good tutorial that digs deep enough into ...
Gergely Kovacs's user avatar
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Read actor instance's text variable for widget when triggered on different objects

What I'm trying to do: (a 'long story version' is linked in comment below) (and another user example is hyperlinked in comment below - i couldn't post over 8 images and/or links in this first comment*)...
Stuart's user avatar
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How to integrate images into text lines in Unity?

Here are two screenshots from Stellaris, where images are seamlessly integrated into the text. How can I achieve this in Unity?
Everyone_Else's user avatar
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3 answers

Unity text is very blurry. How can I fix it?

Unity text is very blurry. How can I fix it? To be honest, I have no idea why it behaves this way: Hope that someone faced the same problem and will be able to share how it was tackled.
some1 here's user avatar
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How to justify text that appears character-by-character

I'm currently using the latest version of phaser framework and I have a problem to which I haven't been able to figure out how to approach. I need to have a block of text appear letter by letter and ...
JamesAlex's user avatar
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How to make counter unity? [duplicate]

How do I count how many diamonds my player has collected in my 3d world What I need to do is to make a script which will update my text ui when the player collides with a diamond but I do not know how ...
elliot727's user avatar
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Dialogue System only plays the same words

I'm trying to modify brackeys dialogue system using raycast in an interactableOjects Script so that I can talk with multiple characters, however, when I talk to Character A it appears Characters B ...
Felipe Schluepmann's Films's user avatar
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Calling functions that needs to be on update()

So I have a function DialogueRun() for a Dialogue System that changes the line on the dialogue box whenever you click. Which means it has to be in ...
lover of the feet's user avatar
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Comparing strings doesn't work

I'm making something for a dialogue system that reads "cues" from a textfile to identify which emotion to show in the character's portrait during a conversation. Basically if the current ...
lover of the feet's user avatar
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Hiding text/choosing which text to show in unity

i'm making a dialogue system that reads from a text file with a portrait that changes expressions depending on the context. I'm thinking of putting in a "cue" in the text file to determine ...
lover of the feet's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Change Text - Inside A button, inside a Canvas, inside a GameObject: Access all the texts inside of hierchy?

//.... Gameobject tile; int count = 1f; float posX = 0; float posY = 0; ....// GameObject blueTile = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("block_blue")); tile = (GameObject)Instantiate(blueTile, ...
ejbytes's user avatar
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Text boxes keep on moving in Unity

I have added a few text boxes in my Unity game and they are at the bottom. When I fullscreen the game after building it, the text boxes show up in the right place but if I shrink the tab, the text ...
DragonflyRobotics's user avatar
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Text mesh not visible on a container

I have probably dumb problem with a text-mesh game object. I want to use it as a title on a top of container. I will give you all information that you need to find a problem. I'm using pixel font <...
Robert's user avatar
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What is the Unity 2019.3.5 version of `UnityEngine.UI.Text`?

I was following a tutorial on how to create a dialogue Box in Unity, and in one part of the tutorial the tutor imports UnityEngine.UI and creates an object of type <...
Carolina M's user avatar
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How can I customize/remove the caret from Input Fields in Unity?

Goal Change the caret to a non-blinking asterisk. Description I'm using the TextMeshPro variant of the InputField, and my Unity ver. is 2019.3. Potential Solutions Remove Caret I could remove the ...
verified_tinker's user avatar
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Unable to wire UI Text object to C# Script

I have created UI text object And then created Text field in behavior class: ...
Dims's user avatar
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How can I get what key was pressed in Unity?

Description I'm working on a chat that will immediately record input when any (compatible) key is pressed, so I need to record the keys pressed and turn them into a string. Attempted Solutions 1) ...
verified_tinker's user avatar
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How to create pixel-perfect text in TextMeshPro with a shadow?

Problem Making the font asset of type Raster creates a pixel-perfect font, but it doesn't have the underlay option inside its material to give it a shadow. Making it of type SDF (or one of the ...
verified_tinker's user avatar
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Is my game at risk of fines due to CVAA if I don't support text-to-speech in chat?

Looking at a similar game like Among Us: as far as I know, it only has in text chat as a norm of communication. Shouldn't the game be obligated to have more options for disabilities like text to ...
kadtred's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to store and update presentation strings describing effects with parameters?

Consider this spell: As you can see in my design a Spell is a composition of one or more Effects. An Effect has properties on ...
Josh Sanders's user avatar
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LibGDX Letter spacing is reduced if I use GlyphLayout to draw a bitmap font

I need to use glyphlayout so that I can centre the text, but I found if I do the text gets distorted due to the spacing being incorrect. ...
Hasen's user avatar
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How to spawn one dummy for each "d" in the message string?

Im working on a script building game, I have the executor etc done. However, I have one problem. To spawn a test dummy, you say pse/d You can spawn no more than one dummy, how would I make it so if ...
user140356's user avatar
7 votes
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Completely Pixelated Font in JavaScript Canvas?

I'm making a game with a canvas scaled up such that each pixel is pretty big. I want to display some pixelated text without anti-aliasing but I have idea how I would accomplish this. Is there I way ...
mushrombrother.jpg's user avatar
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Text based cards tracker

I wish to build a card tracker that reads in game text and keeps track on the cards that are out. Like an Overwolf app, but for a card game. I mailed Overwolf and asked what are my options, they ...
Cohensius's user avatar
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Scrollable Text On Object

I want to put Scrollable Text On Object / Mesh. I looked after it on YT but I did not find anything useful. How could I do this?
user138277's user avatar
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Clickable Text Render Actor

So I couldn't find anything online for this, but I want to make my text render actor clickable for my main menu. For example, when "New Game" is clicked it starts a new game. If you have any answers, ...
MmmChezBurgerz's user avatar
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Adding Score to score canvas after collision [duplicate]

Simply a player has to move through pipes falling down, once the player moves through the gap it should add a score and increase the scoring after each pipe the player goes through, pretty basic. I ...
Usmaan Mahmood's user avatar
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How do I render a word in the middle of the screen using FreeType and OpenGL?

I'm following this tutorial series on making a simple 2D clone of the classic Breakout game, but its author doesn't mention how to render a whole word or sentence in the middle of the screen. He ...
Kenny83's user avatar
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Bubble Text appears issue?

I'm trying to make a dialogue between characters using bubbles witth text. But the text appears not clear to player. The Cam is far from the canvas 13.5f. What to do fix it ?
user43474's user avatar
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Making text scroll correctly with a textbox

So let me just get this right out of the way, I'm using SDL1.2 (Lispbuilder-sdl specifically, as I'm using Common Lisp), so on to the problem. I'm trying to make a scrollbar that can scroll text in an ...
Lalzy's user avatar
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Unity "Text Mesh Pro UGUI" component rewrites my text! Make it stop?

I'm having this terribly annoying problem where my text is being overwritten by Unity. This Happens regardless of whether I am using tags or not. Here is what I want to appear (more or less, I don't ...
hatinacat2000's user avatar

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